I'm trying to create a simple BMI calculator in racket, but I can't find a way to use the conditionals it just don't work. (I'm new in racket)
(define (BMI weight height)
(/ weight (* height height))
[cond ((and (<= 25)(< 30))(error "Normal"))]
[cond ((< 20)(error "Underweight"))])
Use let for creating new local variable.
Use only one cond with different clauses.
Don't use error for output. You can use any other output function (print, write, display...) or just return string from function.
(define (BMI weight height)
(let ((value (/ weight (* height height))))
(cond ((> 18.5 value) "Underweight")
((and (> value 18.5)
(> 25 value)) "Normal")
(#true "Obese"))))
(BMI 62 1.85) -> "Underweight"
(BMI 85 1.85) -> "Normal"
(BMI 120 1.85) -> "Obese"
I must say that I don't know really know how to call what I'm looking for, so perhaps the title isn't that accurate.
I have a program that plots some points. The generate-list function produces a list of n (x,y) coordinates and get-points produces another list that has every x (from (x,y)) divisible by n.
I can definitely call points how many times I need, but I'm trying to reduce the process by writing the points function only once).
#lang racket
(require plot)
(define (generate-list n)
(if (= n 0)
(cons (list (random 0 100) (random 0 100))
(generate-list (- n 1)))))
(define (get-points lst n)
(if (empty? lst)
(if (= (remainder (caar lst) n) 0)
(cons (car lst) (get-points (cdr lst) n))
(get-points (cdr lst) n))))
(plot (list
(axes 0 0)
(points (get-points (generate-list 1000) 2)
#:color 2)
(points (get-points (generate-list 1000) 3)
#:color 3)
(points (get-points (generate-list 1000) 4)
#:color 4)
(points (get-points (generate-list 1000) 5)
#:color 5)))
Bellow is an example that doesn't produce anything useful, but I'm looking for something that simplifies the code in a similar manner.
(plot (list
(axes 0 0)
(for ([i (in-range 2 5)])
(points (get-points (generate-list 1000) i)
#:color i))))
Of course any alternative that only writes the points function once would help a lot.
Try for/list instead of for there:
(plot (list
(axes 0 0)
(for/list ([i (in-range 2 5)])
(points (get-points (generate-list 1000) i)
#:color i))))
A for loop throws away the values the body-expression produces on each iteration, while the for/list loop puts them into a list, and returns the list so that all the points are included in the input to plot.
(By the way, this nested list is okay because plot allows a renderer-tree as input.)
Hi I'm a beginner in Common Lisp. I want to check if two variables are integers. If both n and m are integers I want to it to return - if it is negative, 0 if it is zero, + if it is positive and NIL if it is not an integer for both n and m. I figured out how to do this with one variable but I can't seem to figure out how to do it with two variables. Thanks.
This is the code that takes a numeric argument and returns - if it is negative, 0 if it is zero, + if it is positive and NIL if its not an integer:
(defun sign (n)
(if(typep n 'integer)
(cond ((< n 0) '-)
((= n 0) 0)
((> n 0) '+))))
The output for each case is:
CL-USER> (sign 3)
CL-USER> (sign -3)
CL-USER> (sign 0)
CL-USER> (sign 3.3)
This is the code I have for checking two variables which I want it to check if n and m are integers and if n and m are positive, negative or a zero:
(defun sign (n m)
(if (and (typep n 'integer) (typep m 'integer))
(cond (and ((< n 0) '-) ((< m 0) '-))
(and ((= n 0) 0) ((= m 0) 0))
(and ((> n 0) '+) ((> m 0) '+)) ))))
Remember basic Lisp syntax. Function calls and some basic expressions are written as
(operator argument-0 argument-1 ... argument-n)
open parenthesis, operator, argument-0 argument-1 ... argument-n, closing parenthesis.
Now if we have (< n 0) and (< m 0) how would an AND expressions look like?
(and (< n 0) (< m 0))
But you write:
and ((< n 0) '-) ((< m 0) '-)
You have these mistakes:
no parentheses around the AND expression.
extra parenthesis around the argument expressions.
'- mixed into the argument expressions.
Now COND expects:
(COND (testa1 forma0 forma1 ... forman)
(testb1 formb1 formb1 ... formbn)
(testm1 formm0 formm1 ... formmn))
So instead of
(defun sign (n m)
(if (and (typep n 'integer) (typep m 'integer))
(cond (and ((< n 0) '-) ((< m 0) '-))
(and ((= n 0) 0) ((= m 0) 0))
(and ((> n 0) '+) ((> m 0) '+)))))
Btw, there was an extra parenthesis at the end.
We write:
(defun sign (n m)
(if (and (typep n 'integer) (typep m 'integer))
(cond ((and (< n 0) (< m 0)) '-)
.... )))
It's also possible to use predicates like integerp, minusp, zerop and plusp.
You can use the already functioning and tested sign definition - which is typical for the way, lispers program. The first naive solution would be:
(defun sign-for-two (n m)
(when (eql (sign n) (sign m))
(sign n))
;; (if (condition) return-value NIL)
;; is equivalent to
;; (when (condition) return-value)
Note, in common lisp it is important,
which equality test you choose:
;; only symbols - for object identity eq
;; symbols or numbers - for object identity eql
;; (in most tests the default)
;; eql for each component? also in lists equal
;; equal not only lists but also
;; arrays (vectors, strings), structures, hash-tables
;; however case-insensitive in case of strings
;; equalp
;; mathematical number equality =
;; specifically characters char=
;; case-sensitive string equality string=
In our case, eql is sufficient.
;; to avoid `(sign n)` to be evaluated twice,
;; you could store it using `let`
;; and call from then on the stored value
;; (which is less costly).
(defun sign-for-two (n m)
(let ((x (sign n)))
(when (eql x (sign m))
Or create an equality tester (default test function: #'eql)
which returns the equally tested value
and if not equal, NIL:
(defun equality-value (x y &key (test #'eql))
(when (funcall test z y) z)))
;; and apply this general solution to our case:
(defun sign-for-two (n m)
(equality-value (sign n) (sign m)))
and you can apply the equality-value function
in future for functions where you want to
return the value when tested as "equal"
and you can give the function via :test whatever equality
function other than eql is suitable for that case, like
(equality-value string1 string2 :test #'string=)
It looks like you have the right approach and just got lost in the parentheses. Each of your cond cases looks like
(and ((< n 0) '-) ((< m 0) '-))
I think you meant
((and (< n 0) (< m 0)) '-)
and the same thing for the other two cases.
Another compact way to write sign is to use the standard function signum which
returns one of -1, 0, or 1 according to whether number is negative,
zero, or positive
The code could look like:
(defun sign (n)
(when (integerp n)
(case (signum n)
(-1 '-)
(0 0)
(1 '+))))
I need a function that will check if all digits in some number on even positions are even. The least significant digit is on position 1, starting from right to left. The function need to be written in lisp.
245 -> true, since 4 is even
238456 -> false, since 5 is odd and 8 and 2 are even
and so on...
Here`s what I got:
(defun check(number fac)
((= (/ number fac) 0) t)
((= (mod (/ number fac) 2 ) 0) (check number (* 100 fac) ) )
The initial value for fac is 10, we divide the number with 10, extract the second digit, check if it is even, if so proceed and divide number with 1000 to extract the 4-th digit and so on until we get over all digits, than the function returns true, meanwhile if some digit is odd the function should return nil.
But something is wrong and the function return nil all the time , when I call it like (check 22 10) for example.
Any thoughts?
Here is a non recursive solution that checks for the correctness of the parameter:
(defun check(num)
(assert (integerp num))
(loop for i = (truncate num 10) then (truncate i 100) until (zerop i)
always (evenp i)))
Just another variant. Basicly I'm converting number to list (through string though, maybe not the best way), then reverse it, select every second element and check it all for being even.
;; Helper for getting every
(defun get-all-nth (list period)
"Get all NTH element in the list"
(let ((iterator 0))
(lambda (x)
(declare (ignore x))
(= 0 (mod (incf iterator) period)))) list))
(defun check-evens (num)
"Checks if all digits in some number on even positions are even.
Goes Rigth-to-left."
(assert (integerp num))
(every #'evenp
(map 'list #'digit-char-p
(prin1-to-string num))) 2)))
Some test cases:
CL-USER> (check-evens 123)
CL-USER> (check-evens 238456)
CL-USER> (check-evens 238446)
CL-USER> (check-evens 23844681)
i have a problem that i just cant work out,
the user enters a list ie
'((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51)))
i need to add the number on the end together and then return the result
my current code returns the code after each addition. and also throws a error about unexpected type
(defun total-cost (list)
(loop with sum = 0
for x in list
collect (setf sum (+ sum (last x)))
Error: (0.01)' is not of the expected typeNUMBER'
Any help is appreciated
Thanks Dale
Using LOOP:
CL-USER 19 > (loop for (nil nil number) in '((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51))
sum number)
REDUCE is another option:
CL-USER 20 > (reduce '+
'((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51))
:key 'third)
Loop has a keyword sum for summing so you don't have to have an explicit variable nor use setf:
(defun total-cost (list)
(loop for x in list sum (third x)))
As Chris said, use (car (last x)) if the number you're looking for is always the last one. Or you can use (third x) as in my example if it's always the third one.
Also, note that the use of collectis wrong if your aim is to return the sum only; your example (corrected) returns
(0.01 0.11 4.21 6.7200003)
whereas mine returns
Note that if you want so escape the rounding errors as much as possible you need to use an exponent marker to make them double-floats for example:
(total-cost '((anItem 2 0.01D0)
(item 3 0.10D0)
(anotherItem 4 4.10D0)
(item 5 2.51D0)))
=> 6.72D0
last returns the last cons cell in the list, not its value. You need to use (car (last x)) instead.
Just in case you want the code to give you a precise result rather then being short:
(defun kahan-sum (floats)
:with sum := 0.0 :and error := 0.0
:for float :in floats
:for epsilon := (- float error)
:for corrected-sum := (+ sum epsilon) :do
(setf error (- corrected-sum sum epsilon) sum corrected-sum)
:finally (return sum)))
(defun naive-sum (floats) (loop :for float :in floats :sum float))
(let ((floats (loop :repeat 1000 :collect (- (random 1000000.0) 1000000.0))))
(format t "~&naive sum: ~f, kahan sum: ~f" (naive-sum floats) (kahan-sum floats)))
;; naive sum: -498127420.0, kahan sum: -498127600.0
Read more about why it works like this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm
Coming late to the party... How about a little lisping instead of looping? ;-)
(defun sum-3rd (xs)
(let ((sum 0))
(dolist (x xs sum)
(incf sum (nth 2 x)))))
It seems that I have to make it in detail; it's my homework. I don't
want to copy the code written by you. I'm a newbie; what I'm trying
to learn is how to decompose a subject to single pieces, and then
focus on what function should I use to solve the problem. It's a
little hard to finish these problems by my own, because I'm completely
a newbie in Lisp, actually in how to program. I hope you can help me
Here is the problem: there is a given constant
(defconstant *storms* '((bob 65)
(chary 150)
(jenny 145)
(ivan 165)
(james 120)))
Each storm is represented by a list of its name and its wind speed.
The wind speeds are to be categorized as follows:
39–74 → tropical
75–95 → cat-1
96–110 → cat-2
111–130 → cat-3
131–155 → cat-4
156 or more → cat-5
Now I have to write two functions:
storm-categories should generate category names, like this: (bob
tropical), (chary cat-1), …
and storm-distribution should generate the number of storms in
each category, like this: (cat-1 1), (cat-2 0), …
The way I try to solve this problem is:
Use if statements to judge the type of windspeed:
(if (and (> x 39) (< x 73)) (print 'tropical))
(if (and (> x 74) (< x 95)) (print 'cat-1))
(if (and (> x 96) (< x 110)) (print 'cat-2))
(if (and (> x 111) (< x 130)) (print'cat-3))
(if (and (> x 131) (< x 155)) (print'cat-4))
(if (and (> x 156)) (print 'cat-5))
Replace the windspeed (like 65) with windtype (like cat-1)
(loop for x in storms
do (rplacd x ‘windtype)
I just have a simple idea of the first function, but still don't know
how to implement it. I haven't touched the distribution function,
because I am still stuck on the first one.
DEFCONSTANT is wrong. It makes no sense to make your input a constant. A variable defined with DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER is fine.
Instead of IF use COND. COND allows the testing of several conditions.
You don't want to use PRINT. Why print something. You want to compute a value.
RPLACA is also wrong. That's used for destructive modification. You don't want that. You want to create a new value. Something like RPLACA might be used in the function DISTRIBUTION (see below).
Use functional abstraction. Which functions are useful?
BETWEEN-P, is a value X between a and b ?
STORM-CATEGORY, for a given wind speed return the category
STORM-CATEGORIES, for a list of items (storm wind-speed) return a list of items (storm category). Map over the input list to create the result list.
DISTRIBUTION, for a list of items (tag category) return a list with items (category number-of-tags-in-this-category).
STORM-DISTRIBUTION, for a list of items (storm category) return a list with items (category number-of-storms-in-this-category). This basically calls DISTRIBUTION with the right parameters.
The function DISTRIBUTION is the most complicated of the above. Typically one would use a hashtable or a assoc list as an intermediate help to keep a count of the occurrences. Map over the input list and update the corresponding count.
Also: a good introduction into basic Lisp is the book Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation - it is freely available as a PDF for download. A more fun and also basic introduction to Lisp is the book Land of Lisp.
Okay roccia, you have posted your answer. Here comes mine hacked in a few minutes, but it should give you some ideas:
First let's start with the data:
(defparameter *storms2004*
'((BONNIE 65)
(IVAN 165)
(JEANNE 120)))
(defparameter *storm-categories*
'((39 73 tropical-storm)
(74 95 hurricane-cat-1)
(96 110 hurricane-cat-2)
(111 130 hurricane-cat-3)
(131 155 hurricane-cat-4)
(156 nil hurricane-cat-5)))
A function that checks if a value is between two bounds. If the right bound can also be missing (NIL).
(defun between (value a b)
(<= a value (if b b value)))
Note that Lisp allows the comparison predicate with more than two arguments.
Let's find the category of a storm. The Lisp functions FIND and FIND-IF find things in lists.
(defun storm-category (storm-speed)
(third (find-if (lambda (storm)
(between storm-speed (first storm) (second storm)))
Let's compute the category for each storm. Since we get a list of (storm wind-speed), we just map over the function which computes the category over the list. We need to return a list of storms and category.
(defun storm-categories (list)
(mapcar (lambda (storm)
(list (first storm)
(storm-category (second storm))))
Now we take the the same list of storms, but use a hash table to keep track of how many storms there were in each category. MAPC is like MAPCAR, but only for the side effect of updating the hash table. ÌNCF increments the count. When we have filled the hash table, we need to map over it with MAPHASH. For each pair of key and value in the table, we just push the pair onto a result list and then we are returning that result.
(defun storm-distribution (storms)
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(mapc (lambda (storm)
(incf (gethash (second storm) table 0)))
(storm-categories storms))
(let ((result nil))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(push (list key value) result))
CL-USER 33 > (storm-category 100)
CL-USER 34 > (storm-categories *storms2004*)
CL-USER 35 > (storm-distribution *storms2004*)
Looks fine to me.
Finally finished this problem. the second part is really makes me crazy. I cant't figure out how to use hashtable or assoc list to slove it. Anyway the assignment is done, but I want to know how can I simplify it... Hope u guys can help me . Thanks for your help Joswing, your idea really helps me a lot...
(defconstant *storms2004* '((BONNIE 65)(CHARLEY 150)(FRANCES 145)(IVAN 165)(JEANNE 120)))
(defun storm-category (x) ; for given windspeed return the category
((and (> x 39) (< x 73) 'tropical-storm))
((and (> x 74) (< x 95) 'hurricane-cat-1))
((and (> x 96) (< x 110) 'hurricane-cat-2))
((and (> x 111) (< x 130) 'hurricane-cat-3))
((and (> x 131) (< x 155) 'hurricane-cat-4))
( t 'hurricane-cat-5)
);end storm-category
(defun storm-categories (lst) ;for a list of storm and windspeed return storm's name and wind type
(let ((result nil))
(dolist (x lst (reverse result)) ;
(list (first x) (storm-category (second x)) ) result)
);end storm-categories
(defun storm-distribution (lst)
(setq stormcategories '(tropical-storm hurricane-cat-1 hurricane-cat-2 hurricane-cat-3 hurricane-cat-4 hurricane-cat-5))
(setq stormlist (storm-categories lst))
(let( (tropicalcount 0)
(hurricane-cat-1count 0)
(hurricane-cat-2count 0)
(hurricane-cat-3count 0)
(hurricane-cat-4count 0)
(hurricane-cat-5count 0)
(result nil)
(dolist (y stormlist )
((eql (second y) 'tropical-storm) (setq tropicalcount (+ tropicalcount 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-1) (setq hurricane-cat-1count (+ hurricane-cat-1count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-2) (setq hurricane-cat-2count (+ hurricane-cat-2count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-3) (setq hurricane-cat-3count (+ hurricane-cat-3count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-4) (setq hurricane-cat-4count (+ hurricane-cat-4count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-5)(setq hurricane-cat-5count (+ hurricane-cat-5count 1)))
);ebd dolist
(list (list 'tropicalstorm tropicalcount )
(list 'hurricane-cat-1 hurricane-cat-1count)
(list 'hurricane-cat-2 hurricane-cat-2count )
(list 'hurricane-cat-3 hurricane-cat-3count )
(list 'hurricane-cat-4 hurricane-cat-4count )
(list 'hurricane-cat-5 hurricane-cat-5count )
) ;end list
result) ;end push
);end let
);end distribution