mongodb pull function why not working in my situation? - mongodb

i make simple board app. but i face scrab problem.
i want to pull data in scrabContent when people unscrab. but it doesnt' work. help me plz..
My Schema looks like this. scrabContent means contents that i scrab. So, when i scrab some contents, they are stored in scrabContent.
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true,
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
name: {
type: String,
unique: true,
follower : [String],
following : [String],
boardBookmark: [],
scrabContent: [],
songs: [],
songsView: {
type: Number,
default :0,
profileImage: {
type: String,
this is schema data example.
follower: [],
following: [],
boardBookmark: [
name: 'asd',
introduction: 'dsadad',
boardId: '603a4e485d99d993e0bfdfee'
scrabContent: [
commentsNum: 3,
likes: [],
image: [Array],
isDeleted: false,
_id: 603b67e1904622ca9ee2cddb,
title: 'ㄴㅁㅇㄹㅁㄴㄹㅁ',
content: 'ㅁㅇㄴㄹㅁㄹㅁㄴㄹㅁㄴㄹ',
postUser: 'umpa',
postUserId: 603751786587acfbf1052d34,
boardId: 603a4e485d99d993e0bfdfee,
time: '2021/02/28 18:52:32',
__v: 0
commentsNum: 5,
likes: [Array],
image: [Array],
isDeleted: false,
_id: 603b09f509dcb8b594c1f015,
title: '테스트',
content: 'ㅋㅋ',
postUser: 'umpa',
postUserId: 603751786587acfbf1052d34,
boardId: 603a4e485d99d993e0bfdfee,
time: '2021/02/28 12:11:47',
__v: 0
songs: [
id: '1469319400',
type: 'songs',
href: '/v1/catalog/kr/songs/1469319400',
attributes: [Object],
name: 'LOVE AGAIN'
id: '1265893529',
type: 'songs',
href: '/v1/catalog/kr/songs/1265893529',
attributes: [Object],
name: 'Get You (feat. Kali Uchis)'
id: '1265893532',
type: 'songs',
href: '/v1/catalog/kr/songs/1265893532',
attributes: [Object],
name: 'Best Part (feat. H.E.R.)'
id: '1356070221',
type: 'songs',
href: '/v1/catalog/kr/songs/1356070221',
attributes: [Object],
name: 'Daniel'
id: '1438474485',
type: 'songs',
href: '/v1/catalog/kr/songs/1438474485',
attributes: [Object],
name: 'Falling'
songsView: 0,
_id: 603a84d9760444a652d2cc72,
email: 'test',
password: '$2b$10$w8b85O6KQwGIZ0D1x0TGle.qofoEC43OKI5cMSf7tfqld12fSUWlu',
name: 'test',
__v: 0
and this is server code to pull. req.user._id means User Schema's _id(in this case: 603a84d9760444a652d2cc72). and means Content _id(in this case: 603b67e1904622ca9ee2cddb) in ScrabContent.
router.delete('/deleteScrabContent/:id', requireAuth, async (req, res) => {
try {
await User.findOneAndUpdate({_id: req.user._id}, {$pull: {scrabContent: {_id:}}}, {new: true});
} catch (err) {
return res.status(422).send(err.message);
i don't know why scrabContent doesn't work.. help me T^T


Array of default values

I have a schema looks like this
const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
id: {
type: String,
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
notes: [
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Note',
folders: [
type: String,
default: ['My notes', 'Todos', 'Projects', 'Journal', 'Reading list'],
here folder is an array, and I want to add some value by default when I create a user. But it doesn't work. It always returns an empty array. I want it to be like this by default,
folders: ['My notes', 'Todos', 'Projects', 'Journal', 'Reading list']
How can I achieve that?
Try this
folders: {
type: [String],
default: ['My notes', 'Todos', 'Projects', 'Journal', 'Reading list']

how to use nested object as a ref in mongoose

I have two schemas user and note-
user schema
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
id: {
type: String,
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
notes: [
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Note',
folders: {
type: [
name: {
type: String,
notes: [
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Note',
default: [
{ name: 'My Notes', notes: [] },
{ name: 'Todos', notes: [] },
{ name: 'Projects', notes: [] },
{ name: 'Journals', notes: [] },
{ name: 'Reading list', notes: [] },
const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
export default User;
note schema
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const noteSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
id: {
type: String,
required: true,
modify_date: {
type: String,
required: true,
modify_time: {
type: String,
required: true,
tags: [
id: {
type: String,
required: true,
text: {
type: String,
required: true,
created_by: {
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: true,
folder: {
type: String, //can I use ref from user?
title: {
type: String,
body: {
type: String,
required: true,
time_stamp: {
type: Date,
required: true,
const Note = mongoose.model('Note', noteSchema);
export default Note;
I have searched but could not find anything. I want to use the nested folder object from user schema as a ref in note schema; so, whenever I change or update a folders name all the notes get the updated value. Is it possible?
If not should I make a separate folder schema and add ref of folder schema in both note and user? How can I achieve that, any suggestion might be very helpful?

populate or aggregator, how?

I want to get only all messages related to the projects posted by user.
I don't think there is a way to do so using populate because we have to get the user id from the other collection and then render messages using his id which is "submittedBy" in the project schema.
I am trying aggregator but it is also not working.
Any help or clue would be appreciated.
message Schema:
const MessageSchema = new Schema({
type: String,
trim: true
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Form'
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Image'
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
}, {timestamps:true});
Project schema:
const FormSchema = new Schema({
submittedBy: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
logoName: {
type: String,
trim: true
industry: [{
type: String,
trim: true
logoType: [{
type: String,
trim: true
colors: [{
type: String,
trim: true
tagline: {
type: String,
trim: true
org: {
type: String,
trim: true
communicate: {
type: String,
trim: true
deadline : {
type: String,
trim: true
services: {
type: String,
trim: true
package: {
type: String,
trim: true
assignedTo: {
type: String,
trim: true
}, {timestamps:true})
I tried population but I don't think it will work or efficient.
So I am using aggregation but it's not working:
var objId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.session.user._id);
results = await Model.aggregate([
from: "forms",
localField: "projectId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "tags"
{ $unwind: "$tags" },
{$match:{ 'tags.submittedBy': userId }},
]).exec(function(err, results) {
Result After Combining two collections:
_id: 609bd3772583c56dd3e302d3,
readBy: [],
content: 'Remove Tagline and align.',
sender: 604db5708cf232652cd4469e,
imageId: 6099964c2583c56dd3e302c3,
projectId: 60968eed2583c56dd3e302ac,
createdAt: 2021-05-12T13:09:11.060Z,
updatedAt: 2021-05-12T13:09:11.060Z,
__v: 0,
tags: {
_id: 60968eed2583c56dd3e302ac,
industry: [Array],
logoType: [Array],
colors: [Array],
logoName: 'global consultancy services',
tagline: 'Follow your dreams',
org: 'We guide students who seeks to study overseas e.g. the UK. We offer consultancy services to students from selecting a university to getting visa and then getting in the country.',
communicate: '3 concepts\r\n' +
'Keep "Indra global " big AND bold\r\n' +
'and "consultancy services" below it.\r\n' +
'In one concept you can use IGCS initials to create icon form'
deadline: '2021-05-12',
services: '',
package: 'undefined',
submittedBy: 60968eed2583c56dd3e302ab,
createdAt: 2021-05-08T13:15:25.661Z,
updatedAt: 2021-05-10T08:28:18.587Z,
__v: 0,
assignedTo: '6050d8485cc8bb6a20ef36fa'

find one with multiple conditions mongoose mongodb

I am trying to obtain data from mongodb. This is the scenario. Each user has a following property(array) that takes an array of users id.
The user model is as below
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
followers: [{ type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: "user" }],
following: [{ type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: "user" }],
in simple terms. I need to use two conditions where postedBy: { $in: req.user.following }, or postedBy:req.user._id
const postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
required: true,
body: {
type: String,
required: true,
photo: {
type: String,
required: true,
likes: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: "user" }],
comments: [
text: String,
postedBy: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "user" },
postedBy: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "user",
I have not figured out the second condition to add in the code below.
router.get("/getSubPost", requireLogin, async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await Post.find({
postedBy: { $in: req.user.following },
.populate("postedBy", "-password")
.populate("comments.postedBy", "_id name");
res.json({ result });
} catch (error) {

How to push an item to a nested array?

I am trying to make an api with express.js and mongoDB (using mongoose) and don't know how to properly add an item to my existing array (nextUp). For example I have an existing User in my database with templates: { issues: { nextUp: [], inProgress: [], completed: [] } } and want to add e.g. {issueName: 'MyName', issueDate: '20/5/2020'} to nextUp field.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
minlength: 3,
sparse: true,
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
minlength: 5,
maxlength: 255,
sparse: true,
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
minlength: 8,
sparse: true,
newsletterSubscribed: {
type: Boolean,
termsAndPolicyAgreement: {
type: Boolean,
required: true,
templates: {
title: {
type: String,
description: {
type: String,
issues: {
nextUp: [
issueName: {
type: String,
issueDate: {
type: String,
inProgress: [
issueName: {
type: String,
issueDate: {
type: String,
completed: [
issueName: {
type: String,
issueDate: {
type: String,
const UserModel = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema);
module.exports = UserModel;
I've tried to do that but my item hasn't added. (username Kacper exists there is no problem with that).
{ username: 'Kacper' },
$push: {
nextUp: [
issueName: 'MY NEW ISSUE',
issueDate: 'MY ISSUE DATE',