How to reset a key sequence with a specific key? - autohotkey

So this sequence resets itself after 1.5 sec (t:=1500) which means if i dont hit the left mouse button for 1.5 sec it always sends A. Otherwise it sends the next letter after each click.
I want to further tweak this code with another function which is to be able to reset the sequence with right mouse button too. So if i hit RButton any time it should reset to A.
global s:=0, c:=0, t:=1500
Send % Seqkeys("A","B","C")
KeyWait, LButton
Send, R
Seqkeys(params*) {
global s, c, t
max := params.MaxIndex()
(A_TickCount-s<=t && (c+=1)<=max) ? c : c:=1
s := A_TickCount
return params[c]

Merely reset the current key index 'c', and the last clicked time 's':
c := 1
s := 0
I think your script would benefit with more meaningful variable names:
global lastClickedTime:=0, currentKeyIndex:=0, clickThreshold:=1500
Send % Seqkeys("A","B","C")
KeyWait, LButton
Send, R
currentKeyIndex := 1
clickThreshold := 0
Seqkeys(params*) {
global lastClickedTime, currentKeyIndex, clickThreshold
max := params.MaxIndex()
currentKeyIndex += 1
if((A_TickCount - lastClickedTime) <= clickThreshold && currentKeyIndex <= max) {
; Do nothing
} else {
currentKeyIndex := 1
lastClickedTime := A_TickCount
return params[currentKeyIndex]


Why won't my script run when attemping to make a toggle on and off key?

Im trying to make an autohotkey script that loops but only when the script is toggled on, how can i pull this off? this one just doesnt run and idk why
Count := 1
Loop {
if (Count = 1){
Send {s down}
Send {a down}
Send {d up}
Count := Count + 1
}else if (Count = 1000){
Send {a up}
Send {d down}
Count := Count + 1
}else if (Count = 2000){
Count := 1
Count := Count + 1
Sleep, 10
First of all, I'm not sure why you're using Suspend. Pause should be sufficient to do what you're looking for. Suspend suspends all hotkeys (except the g hotkey in this case because it's the first line in the hotkey), whereas Pause pauses the current thread. And second of all, you have your loop after the hotkey. The auto-execute section of any autohotkey script is only from the top to the first hotkey, so you need to put the loop first, then the hotkey. Here is the revised code:
Count := 1
Loop {
if (Count = 1){
Send {s down}
Send {a down}
Send {d up}
Count := Count + 1
}else if (Count = 1000){
Send {a up}
Send {d down}
Count := Count + 1
}else if (Count = 2000){
Count := 1
Count := Count + 1
Sleep, 10

Why when I run application it just skip some ifs

As I said text that is bolded doesn't work, it just skip it (it worked without those ifs) could you help me? Please, I'm doing that few hours but it still doesn't work. I tried to add this if not in this loop and it worked, please give me a hand, I spent so much time
on it ;(
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x405 y317 w15 h15 vwyrzucaniediax gZapisz,
Gui, Show, h500 w800, Skrypt Na Kopanie
Gui, Submit , NoHide
WinMove, Minecraft, , , , 1280, 720
sleep 1000
if poziome
if pionowe
x := 503
y := 385
l := 0
i := 0
Send e
loop, 27{
if(i = 9){
i := 0
Sleep 100
MouseMove, x +36*i, y + 36*l
**if wyrzucaniediax // all strong text is just skipped idk why
Send e
Sleep 50
diaxcolor := 0x80ĄFFE
color:= getColor()
if(color == diaxcolor){
Send {LCtrl down}
Send q
Sleep 50
Send {LCtrl up}
Your wyrzucaniediax variable (maybe you could use better variable names when asking for help?) isn't defined in that function's scope.
To tell the function you're using a variable from outside of its scope, you can use the Global keyword.
global wyrzucaniediax
x := 503
y := 385
l := 0

Detect F key press after holding right mouse button

I am trying to write a script that detects Right Mouse Click being held for at least 1.5 seconds and then the F key being pressed down while Right Mouse Click is still being held.
I tried the following:
Send, {F Down}
Sleep 2000
Send, {F Up}
sleep 1500
I realized this is only a timer and does not detect which keys were pressed. How do I write a script that achieves functionality described above?
Key := GetKeyState("rbutton")
while(Key = 0)
Key := GetKeyState("rbutton")
while(Key = 1)
loopnmb := A_Index
if(loopnmb = 8) ;;this number changes the length rbutton has to be pressed before F key activates
Key := GetKeyState("rbutton")
while(Key = 1)
Send, {F Down}
Key := GetKeyState("rbutton")
if(Key = 0)
Send, {F Up}
Timer is a little bit off so play around with it.

Double tap SHIFT key followed by a letter

I would like to be able to double tap a SHIFT key followed by a letter to activate an action. Can anyone help? It would be nice to be able to double tap either SHIFT key.
Something like??
<+<+ or >+>+ then d
do something
~Shift Up::
If (A_ThisHotkey == A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500)
Double_SHIFT := true
Sleep, 2000
Double_SHIFT := false
; Press a key within two seconds after double tapping the Shift key, to activate an action:
#If (Double_SHIFT)
a:: MsgBox, This macro has not yet been enabled. Contact IT for suggestions.
b:: FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,,MM/dd/yy - hh:mmtt
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
c:: MsgBox, This macro has not yet been enabled. Contact IT for suggestions.
~Shift Up::
If (A_ThisHotkey == A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500)
Double_SHIFT := true
ToolTip, Double_SHIFT ; remove this line, if you don't want a tooltip displayed
Sleep, 2000
Double_SHIFT := false
ToolTip ; remove this line, if you don't want a tooltip displayed
; Press a key within two seconds after double tapping the Shift key, to activate an action:
#If (Double_SHIFT)
a:: MsgBox, Double_SHIFT + a
b:: MsgBox, Double_SHIFT + b
Displays message box when shiftshiftd pressed
global t1,t2
t1 := t2
t2 := A_TickCount
global t1,t2
if (A_TickCount < t1 + 1000) && (A_TickCount < t2 + 1000)
MsgBox Shift Shift D Pressed
sendinput d

How to input (Holding LButton)?

I am trying to make (Holding down the left button for 1s) to make it do a right click. Here's what i got:
MouseClick, right, , , 1, 0, D
Sleep 0
MouseClick, right, , , 1, 0, U
How to change the "LButton" input into "Hold LButton for 1 second"?
How about this...
StartTime := A_TickCount ; Set the timer
KeyWait, LButton ; Wait for release of mousebutton
ElapsedTime := A_TickCount - StartTime ; Calculate elapsed time
if (ElapsedTime > 1000)
Click, Right ; when longer than 1000 ms
Click, Left ; when shorter than 1000 ms
The disadvantage is that you can't use the mouse for e.g. highlighting text anymore...
Here you go:
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
global timeDown = 0
SetTimer, checkLeftClick,25
if( GetKeyState("LButton" , "P") )
timeDown += 25
timeDown = 0
if(timeDown > 1000)
MouseClick , left , , , , ,U
timeDown = 0