Flutter Razorpay not displaying image (logo) on checkout options - flutter

I am integrating Razorpay in Flutter, I have done all the things successfully but I am getting problem to show image (logo) on checkout dialog of Razorpay.
What I have done is:
var options = {
"key" : "rzp_test_123123123123",
"amount" : 100,
"name" : "Sample App",
"image" : "assets/logo.png",
"description" : "Payment for the some random product",
"prefill" : {
"contact" : "2323232323",
"email" : "shdjsdh#gmail.com"
"external" : {
"wallets" : ["paytm"]
The output that I am getting is:
Can anyone please tell me what will be the right string to give as a path in the image key?
I have pasted an image in the assets folder directly.

I tried hosting the image and then was able to load it.
"image" : "https://razorpay.com/assets/razorpay-glyph.svg"
I know this is a workaround but again if you wish to pass this image dynamically you won't be having this file saved in your app, rather would need to load it dynamically from a URL.
In case you wish to set up a fixed logo, u can do the same logging into razorpay.com -> setting -> Configurations.


Retrieve child of Parent in firebase database with Swift

I have a firebase database setup and am trying to create a tableview in my Swift application. In the code i've attached, you'll see 'Athens' and it's children.
What I'd like to accomplish is to create a tableView that has the title of the Market(Athens in this case) and the user can click on Athens and it'll display another tableView that has it's children (Beef in this case) and all it's attributes.
I am able to display the children of Athens in a tableView but I can't figure out how to query Athens from the firebase database.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
"Markets" : {
"Athens" : {
"Beef" : {
"name" : "Beef",
"price" : 12,
"salePrice" : 6
databaseRef.child("Markets").observe(.value) { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.hasChild("Athens") {
print("Athens inside")
print("Nothin inside")
Try to use this code if you have additional questions ask me

Fancybox how to open dynamically with a variable

so right now I'm trying to load a fancybox modal with a javascript string I got back from an Ajax call. What ends up happening is the modal opens up with this code inside rather than converting them to the appropriate images/thumbnails.
[{ src : 'e2121a1caf564e92be14cfb38d094901/9234b96c09_640.jpg', opts : { thumb: 'e2121a1caf564e92be14cfb38d094901/9234b96c09_640.jpg' } }]
It is not clear what version are you using, here is an example for v3:
src : 'https://source.unsplash.com/i-FqQIkJMqg/1536x2304',
thumb : 'https://source.unsplash.com/i-FqQIkJMqg/200x200'
src : 'https://source.unsplash.com/z55CR_d0ayg/1279x853',
thumb : 'https://source.unsplash.com/z55CR_d0ayg/200x200'

SAP UI5 Cross Application Navigation without FLP

I have two apps. The first app has a view. There I push a button and then it should change to the second application. I don't want to navigate to the first view, but to the second with a parameter.
I use this:
target : {
semanticObject : "Z_APP2",
action : "onPress"
params : {
param1 : param1
In APP2 I write this in the Component.js:
var oRouter = this.getRouter().initialize();
var oComponentData = this.getComponentData();
if (oComponentData.startupParameters) {
oRouter.navTo("Detail", {
param1 : oComponentData.startupParameters.param1[0],
}, false);
It doesn't switch to the other app. Which action should I write here ?
Do I have to implement something else in App2?
The answer is:
window.location.replace("-- url with parameters here --")
The right system is : window.location.host
I have a same issue.
SAPUI5 provide sap.m.URLHelper which contains redirect method :
sap.m.URLHelper.redirect(sURL, bNewWindow?)
I think SAPUI5 do the same thing than window.location.replace() but more SAPUI5-friendly.

Is it possible to use the created like button on this website (https://likebtn.com/en/) in an app being developed in Smartface App Studio?

Is it possible to use the created like button on this website (https://likebtn.com/en/) in an app being developed in Smartface App Studio?
I've tried adding the like button onto a website and it was very successful.
It is possible with image button.You can create a button like that using following codes:
var myImgBtn = new SMF.UI.ImageButton({
left : '10%',
top : '10%',
width : '20%',
height : '10%',
defaultImage : 'likebutton.png',
highlightedImage : 'buttonhighlighted.png',
inactiveImage : 'buttoninactive.png',
text : 'Like',
onPressed : function(e){

SAPUI5-How to create custom Split Page control

I want to create a custom split -like page control.This page should contain two areas left and right content with different width.How to create this type of page as a custom control?
Please help me with this.
Use a Splitter: https://openui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/#test-resources/sap/ui/commons/demokit/Splitter.html
the relevant parameters for you are:
new sap.ui.commons.Splitter("splitterId", {
splitterOrientation : sap.ui.commons.Orientation.Vertical,
splitterPosition : "50%",
minSizeFirstPane : "0%",
minSizeSecondPane : "0%",
firstPaneContent : yourLeftContents,
secondPaneContent : yourRightContents