I have a Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspberry Pi OS lite and I would like to use the Pi as WLAN hotspot and server with a static IP ( on eth0.
Therefore, I have installed dnsmasq and hostapd and edited following files:
I edited /etc/dnsmasq.conf:
# DHCP-Server aktiv für WLAN-Interface
# DHCP-Server nicht aktiv für bestehendes Netzwerk
# IPv4-Adressbereich und Lease-Time
I added to /etc/dhcpcd.conf
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
I edited /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf:
I am starting WLAN with
> sudo hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
The WLAN is only created if the eth0 is not static, but when the IP is static DHCP fails to start and WLAN does not work.
How can I enable DHCP for WLAN0 even when DHCP is disabled for eth0?
Kind regards,
It's not totally clear to me, but.. What I have with my pi is a wlan hotspot and a static ip address on ethernet interface. Is that what you want ?
In this case I simply edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf adding:
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
nohook wpa_supplicant
Then I installed hostapd and this is my hostapd.conf
I have my dnsmasq.conf like this (but honestly I don't remember to have touched it, maybe it's not necessary or done automatically..)
interface=wlan0 # Listening interface
# Pool of IP addresses served via DHCP
domain=wlan # Local wireless DNS domain
# Alias for this router
I have my wlan hotspot with defined ssid which assign me a dymic ip address and raspberry is on a different LAN with a static IP.
Thank you rok for your answer, but I am failing to configure a static IP with dhcpcd.conf even if I use the predefined values in the file 🙁
Previously I defined the static IP with /etc/network/interfaces file:
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Does it make a difference if the static IP is defined with dhcpcd.conf or with interfaces file? And how has dhcpcd.conf look like to have the same behaviour?
Kind regards,
I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 B with Raspbian Buster. I connected it with Wifi and it is working without any issues. I would like to enable the interface eth0 in order to use my Raspbi with Profinet (an industrial protocol).
So, I modified the file /etc/dhcpcd.conf/:
But the output of "ifconfig" is:
And the output of "route -v" is:
I would like to have the ip address of the interface "eth0" static and appearing and also able to be pinged. I tried a lot of stuffs on other forums like this one: modifying the file /etc/network/interfaces. But this didn't work. I also set the eth0 interface up with "sudo ifconfig eth0 [ipadress] netmask up". Ma wifi crashed after this... Can someone please help me? I'm stuck with this since a couple of weeks already. Thanks a lot. If you have any questions I can provide some screenshots.
The file /etc/dhcpcd.conf is used since Raspbian Stretch instead of instead of /etc/network/interfaces.
Using your editor of choice, edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf, scroll down to the example configuration, like below from mi Pi3B+, uncomment the lines and configure the parameters as per your needs.
# Example static IP configuration:
#interface eth0
#static ip_address=
#static ip6_address=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::ff/64
#static routers=
#static domain_name_servers= xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::1
update /etc/dhcpcd.conf
interface eth0
static ip_address=
restart dhcp service
sudo service dhcpcd restart
and do not forget to inform a dhcp lease to your router if you want that this one does not allocate this ip to another material, that will avoid instability
Also calling ethtool eth0 gives as output:
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Supported FEC modes: Not reported
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
Speed: Unknown!
Duplex: Unknown! (255)
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: Operation not permitted
Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
drv probe link
Link detected: no
Here some more details about my problem. I will be very grateful for help
Using latest Buster release, I can set up my wifi and lan and it works fine. However, if I remove the lan cable, then there is no connectivity through the wifi. The Pi cannot even be pinged. I am using a dhcpcd.conf file that is the same as another Raspberry that works when the lan cable is unplugged. What am I missing?
This is the dhcpcd.conf file
# Allow users of this group to interact with dhcpcd via the control socket.
#controlgroup wheel
# Inform the DHCP server of our hostname for DDNS.
# Use the hardware address of the interface for the Client ID.
# or
# Use the same DUID + IAID as set in DHCPv6 for DHCPv4 ClientID as per RFC4361.
# Some non-RFC compliant DHCP servers do not reply with this set.
# In this case, comment out duid and enable clientid above.
# Persist interface configuration when dhcpcd exits.
# Rapid commit support.
# Safe to enable by default because it requires the equivalent option set
# on the server to actually work.
option rapid_commit
# A list of options to request from the DHCP server.
option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name
option classless_static_routes
# Respect the network MTU. This is applied to DHCP routes.
option interface_mtu
# Most distributions have NTP support.
#option ntp_servers
# A ServerID is required by RFC2131.
require dhcp_server_identifier
# Generate SLAAC address using the Hardware Address of the interface
#slaac hwaddr
# OR generate Stable Private IPv6 Addresses based from the DUID
slaac private
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
static domain_search=
interface wlan0
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
I found a way to make this work but I don't understand why I had to do this. I changed the metric value for each and made the wifi a higher priority, (a lower number). That seems to make it work.
I want to access a server on the Raspberry Pi Zero via WiFi.
YouTube Video describing the Problem
I am following the tutorial on this Blog for the Raspberry Pi .
Accessing the server with another laptop doesn't work. It says that it is not connected.
When I run on the Raspi
sudo cat /var/log/dnsmasq.log
I get at the end this error:
May 9 09:59:28 dnsmasq-dhcp[513]: no address range available for DHCP request via wlan0
But I am not sure if this has to do anything with the problem at all.
How can I make the Raspi Zero W http-Server (the http server is a server on the raspi) connectable over WiFi?
Here are the relevant parts of the files.
File: /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface wlan0 inet static
pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules
File: /etc/dnsmasq.conf
#at the end of the file
File: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;
send host-name = gethostname();
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,
dhcp6.name-servers, dhcp6.domain-search,
netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope, interface-mtu,
rfc3442-classless-static-routes, ntp-servers;
File: /etc/dhcpcd.conf
# Inform the DHCP server of our hostname for DDNS.
# Use the hardware address of the interface for the Client ID.
# Persist interface configuration when dhcpcd exits.
# Rapid commit support.
# Safe to enable by default because it requires the equivalent option set
# on the server to actually work.
option rapid_commit
# A list of options to request from the DHCP server.
option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name
option classless_static_routes
# Most distributions have NTP support.
option ntp_servers
# A ServerID is required by RFC2131.
require dhcp_server_identifier
# Generate Stable Private IPv6 Addresses instead of hardware based ones
slaac private
# A hook script is provided to lookup the hostname if not set by the DHCP
# server, but it should not be run by default.
nohook lookup-hostname
I have read the blog and i successfully implemented the server following all the steps.It is possible that you have misconfigured something. My bets are on the /etc/network/interfaces file or on the /etc/dnsmasq.conf.
Also, check if you don't have another dhcp server on. Maybe the internal /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf is overwritting your ip pool.
Post the relevant part of all those files to see if there is any error.
Simple solution, plug in a HDMI monitor and keyboard and use the desktop network GUI to set up the Wifi (click on the WiFi logo, top right).
A longer winded option would be to use one of the hundreds of how to articles out there, for Raspberry Pis (regardless of Pi zero to Pi3 they are the same).
A quick Google search found this: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-3-network-setup/setting-up-wifi-with-occidentalis
Or even (for those with shorter attention spans): https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=raspberry+pi+configure+wifi&oq=raspberry+pi+configure+wifi&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6863j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=raspberry+pi+configure+wifi&tbm=vid
Good luck and don't be afraid to Google for these things.
If you run ifconfig -a, does your wlan0 interface have the proper IP address, Mine did not. In /etc/network/interfaces I added the line
allow-hotplug wlan0
above the iface wlan0 line. That seemed to fix the address problem and the same error, "no address range available for DHCP request via wlan0" you are getting.
You have a problem with web pages then as nginx looks for pages in /var/www/html.
Use this line ...
sudo echo "<h1>hello<h1>" > /var/www/html/index.html
Note removal of "!" and different destination folder
I had the exact same problems you had and this got mine working for the most part.
does anybody know how to setup XEN to use 2 interfaces? I have a subnet of local IPs on eth0 and subnet of external IPs on eth1. I want containers to be as on a dom0: eth0 and eth1 routed respectivly.
Thanks in advance
I'm currently using two NIC interfaces with Xenserver 6.2. I created them using XenCenter, I'm doing exactly what you're asking, using eth0 on all VMS for local connections and eth1 for internet.
How to do it.
If you have the pool created you need to go to the Networking tab, there you can add a network using the "Add Network" button and then follow the wizard.
If you have any more questions, there is a guide from Citrix. http://support.citrix.com/servlet/KbServlet/download/34969-102-704897/reference.pdf
Good luck.
I found solution by myself. I'll discribe it in case of someone need it
So far I had eth0 interface and br0 configured.
On dom0 I add additinal bridge. I call it br1
addbr addbr br1
Then I bind it to physical interface eth1
addif br1 eth1
Next, I am on Debaian, I configure /etc/network as follows
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
The primary network interface
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0
bridge_stp on
bridge_maxwait 0
bridge_fd 0
auto br1
iface br1 inet static
address 91.135.xxx.xxx
network 91.135.xxx.xxx
broadcast 91.135.xxx.xxx
gateway 91.135.xxx.xxx
bridge_ports eth1
bridge_stp on
bridge_maxwait 0
bridge_fd 0
Then in config file for container add virtual interface as follows
vif = [ 'ip= ,mac=00:16:3E:18:AF:C3,bridge=br0',
'ip=91.135.xxx.xxx ,mac=00:16:3E:DD:2D:00,bridge=br1'
That's it. After reboot both dom0 and domN, you will have container connected to phisical interfaces
I installed Bitnami owncloud virtual appliance stack on Virtual box and within no time, I was able to sync files to and from this box. However, the main problem with Virtual Box is that the IP address keeps changing when the owncloud instance is powered off and then turned back on - which makes sense. Is there any way to keep the server IP static so that we don't need to configure the clients everytime the IP is changed.
You could change the config (from auto to static) in the following way
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces (“vi” or “nano”)
iface eth0 inet static
# your own IP
# network mask
# standard gateway (router)
# DNS (optional)
/etc/init.d/networking restart (restart network)
for the IP addresses check or you “shutdown –h now” (reboot)). Please, keep in mind that multiple copies need multiple IP's. In Virtual Box remember to switch between NAT and Bridge - if required.