How do I run a Twincat program without PLC? - plc

I am a beginner in Twincat and have been playing around with it. I watched this playlist where this guy explain structured text and successfully runs a program on his system. However when I try to run on my system, I get error 0x1028. Then I read that I have to configure parallel port as IO port in Twincat - got no idea how to do this. Help please!

You don't need to configure any parallell ports in TwinCAT 3 to run TwinCAT 3 software on your machine.
Not sure what 0x1028 means, but if you're running a 64-bit machine (which you these days most likely are doing) you need to enable Virtualization Technology Extensions (VT-x) in the BIOS of your computer. You also need to run the command C:\TwinCAT\3.1\System\win8settick.bat (as administrator from the CMD)
You could alternatively run TwinCAT in a virtual machine. How you achieve this is described here:


How can I use a local TwinCat 3 runtime with Hyper-V enabled?

I'm trying to run TwinCat 3 XAR in a PC where I need to have hyper-V ON to run Azure IoT Edge (which uses hyper-V). Is there a way to run XAR with hyper-V turned on? Is there any way to isolate the cores from hyper-v or something else?
Edit 22 April 2022
For a complete tutorial on this see my blog post.
There is a way to accomplish this. You can do this by instead of having a local runtime, you can run the code on a runtime in a virtual machine. I got the idea from this reddit post.
To make it work I did the following:
Download and install VMware Player. Its free for non-commercial use. You can also use the paid Pro (Workstation) version. I'm not sure if this also works with Virtual Box.
Install TwinCAT BSD on the virtual machine as described in this excellent YouTube video by Jakob
If you're using VMware Player and need to enable UEFI you need to do the following as noted by YouTube user Eivind Hilde:
Follow the guide in the video, but skip the step where the firmware type is set.
Try to boot the VM. it will fail.
Open the .vmx file in the VM directory with notepad .
Find "firmware = "bios" and replace with "firmware ="efi"" and save. If this line doesn't exist, just add it somewhere.
It will now boot, and you can follow the guide in the video for the rest.
Run your TwinCAT project on the virtual machine, without the need to disable Hyper-V. 🎉
Previous answer
I don't think so. InfoSys mentions:
Hyper-V environment:
The runtime environment cannot be started inside a Hyper-V environment. This refers in particular to virtual Hyper-V machines, which are run in a privileged Hyper-V machine. As soon as a component of the computer uses Hyper-V, only the engineering environment (XAE) can be used on this computer, not the runtime environment (XAR).
But they also mention that:
TwinCAT attempts to detect these Hyper-V environments; however, it is in the nature of virtualization approaches that they do not wish to be detected and TwinCAT therefore cannot carry out any 100% detection.
So maybe there is some way you can prevent TwinCAT from detecting a Hyper-V environment. However, that is something I can't answer.

Write Raspberry Pi program, without a Raspberry Pi

Im soon gonna buy a Raspberry Pi, but I dont want to wait until I get it to start writing my program.
My PI is gonna be connected to the TV, and have a GUI.
Im gonna write my program in Python
Can I just start writing a GUI application on my computer, and just push it over, or is is something that I need to think about.
Sure, you can setup a virtual machine with linux on it. This way you can test the compatibility of your code. If it runs on linux, it will most surely will run on the raspberry (which also runs linux).
In the case of Python, it should even run fine when tested on windows, unless you use OS specific features.
Well when you want program in python is simple on windows but you have to choose version (raspberry pi has both) Python In this gui you can program what you want and after raspi comes only transfer program :) have good fun :)

Intellij IDEA: Run Scala REPL Console on a remote machine.

I am wondering if it is possible to run Intellij's scala console process on a remote machine.
The Problem
I am developing a scala application on my local machine, but it needs to run on a remote machine.
What I am hoping for, is to launch the console process (that executes code) remotely and connect the console view/editor in IntelliJ to it - naturally with access to the local classes I am developing. I.e., this is a setup that is a little similar to launch an process remotely and then connecting the debugger.
A little background
The application (which builds on Spark) needs to talk a lot with servers that are on the same network as the remote machine. Running the console process on the remote machine will help a lot with port/hostname/proxy configurations. It will also improve performance, but that is secondary in this problem.
I have ssh access to the remote machine, so it is easy to setup proxies/ssh-tunnels.
Hope you can help :)
Why not just use the Terminal tab in IntelliJ, SSH to the machine, and use SBT from there? I do this all the time.

Newbie Hypervisor Questions

If I install a bare-metal hypervisor (say, ESXi), would it allow me to run Windows 7 concurrently with Linux?
Would it allow me to run multiple instances of Windows 7?
When I'm sitting at the PC that's running Win7 and Linux on a hypervisor, which OS do I see when I look at the screen? (I'm suspecting that the only way to access either OS is to do a remote login.)
Assuming the answer to #2 is yes, how do you manage multiple installs of Win7 on the same hard drive?
Thanks in advance!
If you simply want to run Linux and Windows in parallel you may of course do this on e.g. ESXi. Still, the OSes would run with virtualized (or emulated) hardware available to them, i.e. you would not be able to easily access all the hardware directly and the hypervisor itself not only introduces an overhead but this overhead is not deterministic.
If you want to run an RTOS (like Real-Time Linux) or any other RTOS, then you need a "real-time hypervisor".
You can google for such hypervisors - there are a few out there.
(I dont want to recommend one here as we are a vendor of such a solution our selves)

OSGi headless deployment on Linux

I've developed a OSGi application on my windows machine that is just lovely. How ever I need it to run on my Linux server and this is where I run into problems.
My application has no GUI. It simple works with a console and is command line driven.
My first attempt at deployment I built a product based on my existing run target. It exported fine to a Windows .exe so I added the required delta packs for Linux. The problem with this is it has only two options Linux (GTK) and Linux (MOTIF). My linux server runs on CentOS with no GUI as it is a hosted machine so when I try and deploy it I get a segmentation fault.
I have been searching around as to what to do but I'm not coming up with any answers.
Any help would be much appreciated. I have been banging my head on this one for over a week
The google keyword you need is 'xvfb' - it acts like an X server, but ignores everything sent to it, so you don't need any graphics hardware. Try firing that up (make sure you set DISPLAY appropriately).
A cleaner solution would be to figure out why the library is demanding an X server if it works without - perhaps you could update the question with more details.