Self property in parent class not working - swift

I have a parent class with a method signature like this:
class MyParent {
func doStuff(property: Self) {
fatalError("Not Implemented")
I then inherit form it like so:
final class MyInherited: MyParent {
var arbitraryVal:String = "Hello"
override func doStuff(property: MyInherited) {
self.arbitraryVal = property.arbitraryVal
However, it says that doStuff doesn't override any method from its superclass. Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do here and have a parent class required a method property be of type Self?

This violates LSP. Anything the superclass can do, the subclass must also be able to do. If MyParent.doStuff can accept a MyParent, then MyInherited.doStuff must also be able to accept a MyParent. Otherwise, if you passed this object to a function that accepted a MyParent, how would it type-check a later call to doStuff?
A subclass can restrict what it returns, but it cannot restrict what it accepts. So it's ok for the output of doStuff to be Self, but it's not possible for the input to be Self. The input has to be at least as permissive as its parent.
I would expect that you're receiving an error in MyParent, not just MyInherited. It should say:
Covariant 'Self' can only appear as the type of a property, subscript or method result; did you mean 'MyParent'?
And this is correct. It's not possible to restrict a parameter to a smaller set of values. This isn't a Swift limitation. This is a limitation of any sound type system that includes inheritance.

You can use a protocol instead of a superclass
protocol MyParent {
var arbitraryVal: String { get set }
func doStuff(property: MyParent)


Is there an equivalent to NS_REQUIRES_SUPER in Swift? [duplicate]

Is there a Swift equivalent to
which gives a warning if a method doesn't call it's super method?
Basically, I want to warn (or even better, throw a compiler error) if an overridden method doesn't call its super method.
No, there is no Swift equivalent to __attribute((objc_requires_super)).
The equivalent feature, Swift Attributes, contains no such attribute.
The section of the Swift inheritance documentation where such a feature would be mentioned says only:
When you provide a method, property, or subscript override for a subclass, it is sometimes useful to use the existing superclass implementation as part of your override.
Note that you can prevent overriding functions using final, so you could effectively accomplish what you want by providing empty overridable methods that are called by non-overridable methods:
class AbstractStarship {
var tractorBeamOn = false
final func enableTractorBeam() {
tractorBeamOn = true
println("tractor beam successfully enabled")
func tractorBeamDidEnable() {
// Empty default implementation
class FancyStarship : AbstractStarship {
var enableDiscoBall = false
override func tractorBeamDidEnable() {
super.tractorBeamDidEnable() // this line is irrelevant
enableDiscoBall = true
Subclasses would then override the overridable methods, and it wouldn't matter whether they called super or not since the superclass's implementation is empty.
As Bryan Chen notes in the comments, this breaks down if the subclass is subclassed.
I make no claims to whether this approach is stylistically good, but it is certainly possible.

Conforming to Protocols in Swift Using Extensions

I have a Swift protocol defined as follows:
protocol SmartContract {
func apply(transaction :Transaction)
func addBrokenRule(_ brokenRule: BrokenRule)
var brokenRules :[BrokenRule] { get set }
I have an extension on SmartContract defined as follows:
extension SmartContract {
mutating func addBrokenRule(_ brokenRule :BrokenRule) {
if self.brokenRules == nil {
self.brokenRules = [BrokenRule]()
I also have a class MoneyTransferContract which conforms to the protocol but does not define brokenRules. This is because I have defined the brokenRules inside the extension.
class MoneyTransferContract : SmartContract {
func apply(transaction :Transaction) { // do something here }
My question is how can I make sure that MoneyTransformContract conforms to the SmartContract protocol. Is there anyway to have BrokenRule available to MoneyTransformContract without defining it again and again in different SmartContracts.
john doe wrote:
Is there anyway to have BrokenRule available to MoneyTransformContract without defining it again and again in different SmartContracts.
What you want is a superclass/subclass relationship for that behavior.
class SmartContract {
func apply(transaction :Transaction) {
var brokenRules: [BrokenRule] = []
func addBrokenRule(_ brokenRule :BrokenRule) {
class MoneyTransferContract : SmartContract {
// Gets `brokenRules` for free from superclass.
class BitCoinTransferContract : SmartContract {
// Gets `brokenRules` for free from superclass.
If I'm understanding correctly, there is no way to do what you want. (EDIT: as Jeff notes, if you want to use inheritance as opposed to a protocol, this is possible. See his answer for how). Protocols in Swift are just lists of requirements that it is up to implementing types to properly define. Protocols generally don't have any say over the actual behavior or implementation of implementing types, and only guarantees that the properties and functions exist. Your SmartContract protocol says that every SmartContract must have a function apply(transaction:), a function addBrokenRule(_:), and a property brokenRules which can be accessed and modified.
When a type implements SmartContract it has to define each one of these. Just as you have to write out the signature to tell the compiler that you are implementing apply(transaction:), you also have to tell the compiler how the property brokenRules will be implemented. You could obtain this functionality in a somewhat useless way, by defining an extension which has brokenRules as a computed property which is essentially a no-op:
extension SmartContract {
var brokenRules: [BrokenRule] {
get { return [] }
set(newRules) { }
But this means that any implementing type which forgets to specify their own implementation for brokenRules will have a brokenRules property which always resolves to an empty array.
One reason for this is Swift's computed properties. For some implementing type, it might not make sense for brokenRules to be stored as an array--and a protocol can't force that. That's an implementation detail that a protocol author can't (and shouldn't) worry about. For instance, if BrokenRules were easily convertible to and from strings, you could imagine some class which implemented SmartContract like so:
class StringContract: SmartContract {
var ruleString: String
var brokenRules: [BrokenRule] {
get {
let stringArray = ruleString.split(separator: ",")
return { BrokenRule(string:String($0)) }
set(newRules) {
let stringArray = { $0.stringValue }
ruleString = stringArray.joined(separator: ",")
func apply(transaction: Transaction) {
// do something here...
init() {
ruleString = ""
Note that we don't have to specify an implementation for addBrokenRule(_:). That's what your protocol extension gets you. By providing an implementation in the extension, you ensure that all implementing types have a default implementation of the function, and so they can choose to forego defining their own.

Why use required Initializers in Swift classes?

I am trying to understand the use of the required keyword in Swift classes.
class SomeClass
required init() {
// initializer implementation goes here
required doesn't force me to implement the method in my child-class. If I want to override the required designated initializer of my parent class I need to write required and not override. I know how it works but can not understand why I should do this.
What is the benefit of required?
As far as I can tell, languages like C# don't have something like this and work just fine with override.
It's actually just a way of satisfying the compiler to assure it that if this class were to have any subclasses, they would inherit or implement this same initializer. There is doubt on this point, because of the rule that if a subclass has a designated initializer of its own, no initializers from the superclass are inherited. Thus it is possible for a superclass to have an initializer and the subclass not to have it. required overcomes that possibility.
One situation where the compiler needs to be satisfied in this way involves protocols, and works like this:
protocol Flier {
class Bird: Flier {
init() {} // compile error
The problem is that if Bird had a subclass, that subclass would have to implement or inherit init, and you have not guaranteed that. Marking Bird's init as required does guarantee it.
Alternatively, you could mark Bird as final, thus guaranteeing the converse, namely that it will never have a subclass.
Another situation is where you have a factory method that can make a class or its subclass by calling the same initializer:
class Dog {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
class NoisyDog: Dog {
func dogMakerAndNamer(whattype: Dog.Type) -> Dog {
let d = whattype.init(name: "Fido") // compile error
return d
dogMakerAndNamer is calling the init(name:) initializer on Dog or a Dog subclass. But how can the compiler be sure that a subclass will have an init(name:) initializer? The required designation calms the compiler's fears.
According to the documentation:
Write the required modifier before the definition of a class initializer to
indicate that every subclass of the class must implement that initializer
So yes, required does force all child classes to implement this constructor. However, this is not needed
if you can satisfy the requirement with an inherited initializer.
So if you have created more complex classes that cannot be fully initialized with a parent constructor, you must implement the require constructor.
Example from documentation (with some added stuff):
class SomeClass {
required init() {
// initializer implementation goes here
class SomeSubclass: SomeClass {
let thisNeedsToBeInitialized: String
required init() {
// subclass implementation of the required initializer goes here
self.thisNeedsToBeInitialized = "default value"
I want to draw an attention on another solution provided by Required, apart from Matt has given above.
class superClass{
var name: String
required init(){
// initializer implementation goes here = "Untitled"
class subClass: superClass {
var neakName: String = "Subclass Untitled"
let instanceSubClass = subClass() //output: "Untitled"
instanceSubClass.neakName //output: "Subclass Untitled"
As you can check in above example, I've declared required init() on superClass, init() initializer of superClass has inherited by default on subClass, So you able to create an instance of subClass let instanceSubClass = subClass().
But, suppose you want to to add one designated initializer on subClass to assign run time value to stored property neakName. Of course you can add it, but that will result to no initializers from the superClass will be inherited to subClass, So if you will create an instance of subClass you will create through its own designated initializer as below.
class superClass{
var name: String
// initializer implementation goes here = "Untitled"
class subClass: superClass {
var neakName: String = "Subclass Untitled"
init(neakName: String) {
self.neakName = neakName
let instanceSubClass = subClass(neakName: "Bobby") //output: "Untitled"
instanceSubClass.neakName //output: "Bobby"
Here above, you won't be able to create an instance of subClass by just subClass(), But if you want that every subclasses of superClass must have their own init() initializer to create direct instance by subClass(). Just place required keyword before init() on superClass, it will force you to add init() initializer on subClass too - as below.
class superClass{
var name: String
required init(){
// initializer implementation goes here = "Untitled"
class subClass: superClass {
var neakName: String = "Subclass Untitled"
init(neakName: String) {
self.neakName = neakName
} // Compiler error <------------ required `init()` must be provided by subClass.
let instanceSubClass = subClass(neakName: "Bobby") //output: "Untitled"
instanceSubClass.neakName //output: "Bobby"
SO, use required keyword before initializer on superclass, when you want all subclasses must have been implemented required initializer of superclass.
If you are trying to add you own initialiser in the sub class, then you have to follow certain things those were declared in super class. So it make sure that you will not forget to implement that required method. If you forget compiler will give you error // fatal error, we've not included the required init()
. Another reason is it creates a set of conditions that ever sub class should follow it the sub class is defining its own initialiser.

Can I specialize a generic function on a type passed as a parameter?

I want to be able to specialize a generic function by passing a type as an argument, instead of having to declare a variable having the desired type and writing an assignment to that variable.
In my use case, I'm walking up the responder chain looking for an object that conforms to a certain protocol. If found, I'd like to call a method on that object.
I'm trying to do it in a "swift-y" (i.e. type safe) way.
The code I'm currently using looks like this:
if let r:UndoManager = self.findResponder() {
but that makes it hard to chain in a statement.
I want to do something more succinct, like the following, passing the desired protocol as an argument to my function.
self.findResponder( UndoManager )?.undo(...)
In this example, say I have protocol UndoManager, defined as
protocol UndoManager {
func undo(...)
Also, my declaration of findResponder() currently looks like
public extension NSReponder {
public func findResponder<T>() -> T? {
If you want to do self.findResponder( UndoManager )?.undo(...) instead of (findResponder() as Undo?)?.undo(...), the method signature would be:
public func findResponder<T>(_: T.Type) -> T? {
// ...

Why is `required` not a valid keyword on class functions in Swift?

It seems that there are a few situations in which a required keyword on Swift class functions would be extremely beneficial, particularly due to the ability of class functions to return Self.
When returning Self from a class func, there are unfortunately two restrictions that make implementing said function very difficult/inhibitive:
You cannot use Self as a type check inside the function implementation, ie:
class Donut {
class func gimmeOne() -> Self {
// Compiler error, 'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a class method
return Donut() as Self
You cannot return the actual type of the class itself, ie:
class Donut {
class func gimmeOne() -> Self {
// Compiler error, 'Donut' is not convertible to 'Self'
return Donut()
The reason for these compiler errors is valid. If you have a GlazedDonut subclass that does not override this class function, it is possible that calling GlazedDonut.gimmeOne() will give you back a Donut, which is not a Self.
It seems this situation could be alleviated by allowing classes to specify these functions with required. This would ensure that any subclasses override the method and encur their own round of type checking, making sure that a GlazedDonut returns itself in all cases, eliminating the possibility for a Donut to come back.
Is there a technical, authoritative reason why this has not been added? I'd like to suggest it as an improvement to the Swift team, but want to ensure there isn't an obvious reason why it has been omitted, or cannot be accomplished.
The idea for this question originates here:
required is generally only used on initializers, because initializers are not always inherited in Swift. Therefore, to allow you to call an initializer on a variable class (i.e. a value of metaclass type, say Foo.Type), you need to know that that class Foo, and all possible subclasses, have this initializer.
However, methods (both instance methods and class methods) are always inherited. Therefore, required is not necessary.
By the way, your assertion that "You cannot return the actual type of the class itself" is not true. (In fact, the error "'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a class method" itself says you can return the type of the class itself.) Similar to in Objective-C, you can do:
class Donut {
required init() { }
class func gimmeOne() -> Self {
return self()
You could use a protocol to make the method 'required'
protocol IDonut{
class func gimmeOne()->Donut;
class Donut:IDonut {
class func gimmeOne() -> Donut {
return Donut();
class GlazedDonut: Donut, IDonut{
override class func gimmeOne()->Donut{
return GlazedDonut();