how to execute cmd command from unity? - unity3d

I want to write a particular command in script and execute it directly in cmd from unity for example here I am writing a simple change directory command but it is not executing directly rather I have write on my own the sample code is below
string pathToExe = Application.dataPath.Replace(#"/", #"\") + "\\Plugins";
string command = "D:";
Process process = Process.Start("cmd.exe", command);
enter image description here


powershell running the code instead of create a new line

I think that my question is something too easy that you guys will solve in 1 minute.
I'm trying to run a script that have multiple lines of code. But, when I write the first line and hits SHIFT+ENTER it runs the code. I need to write a new line, instead of running what I've wrote.
Anybody knows what should I do (instead killing myself because I'm too dumb) ?
In powershell console there are a few ways to make a new line
A. Shift + Enter : Use this at any point to make a new line
B. The opening of a string " or ' until the closing of the string " or ' : use this when you have a string that you wish to span many lines
C. A pipe | : Use this if you have output that you would like to pass to another command
D. The Back tick (escape char) ` : use this to separate lines for a new command or splitting a command into other lines
If you are new to powershell, I would suggest using Powershell ISE. If its installed you can go to the powershell console and type ISE or go to start and type Powershell ISE. This will be a good place to run scripts and debug as you can add breakpoints to your scripts.
The easiest and best way to do this would be to create the script inside of the PowerSheell ISE program. You can then reference this script and run it in the console by preceding it with a .\script.ps1.
If needed you can create script on the command line by creating and writing to the file from the console.
Open the PowerShell console
Run the following command to create a file New-Item script.ps1
Run the next command as many times as it takes to populate the file Add-Content script.ps1 "My code line here"
Run the code using the script run command .\script.ps1
Now let it be known that the ISE is a much better tool because it allows for debugging of files and testing them on demand. The only downside is it will cache whatever it uses or creates (such as variables or references). If you aren't getting the expected result trying closing and reopening to clear the cache run it from the console in tandem. One last thing to note is that if you use the ISE and it successfully runs there that doesn't mean it will run in the console. Be sure to test thoroughly.

PowerShell execution policy set but not recognized when invoked from .Net program

I have created a small program in Visual Studio - a form with a button to execute the program when clicked - and built the .exe.
This program is supposed to open PowerShell and run a ps1 file.
When I run it from within VS in debug mode, it works as expected running the ps1 script without error.
When I build the project and run the exe as an administrator, it briefly opens PowerShell but closes immediately.
The output file states that the execution of scripts is disabled on this system, although this is incorrect as I can run any number of PowerShell scripts manually by right clicking them and running them with PowerShell.
I have tried changing the execution policy from Signed, to AllSigned, as well as Unrestricted, but it did not help.
Here is my code:
if (File.Exists("LiveSiteTests.ps1"))
string strCmdText = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "LiveSiteTests.ps1");
var process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"&'" + strCmdText + "'\"";
string s = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter("StandardOutput.txt", true))

Running terminal commands from Cocoa App in Swift failing: "command not found" but works using Command Line Tool in swift

I created an App that exports all of my iMessages into an app I use for journaling. It accesses the chat.db file in Libary/Messages/ to do this. This part works great
I was required to use frameworks and Command Line Tools won't allow you to bundle Frameworks in macOS. I would have preferred to for this all to be a script and avoid Cocoa altogether, but was required to use a full Cocoa application because of the need for bundled Frameworks
I can enter commands like pwd and get a response back. However, when I try to run the terminal commands for the journaling app, it fails with "command not found"
If I run the exact same command from within terminal, or from within a Swift Command Line Tool in Xcode, it works. However, now that I'm using an actual Cocoa app it won't work.
Here is an example of my code:
let pipe = Pipe()
let task = Process()
task.launchPath = "/bin/sh"
task.arguments = ["-c", String(format:"%#", "dayone2 new 'Hello'")]
task.standardOutput = pipe
let file = pipe.fileHandleForReading
if let result = NSString(data: file.readDataToEndOfFile(), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) {
return result as String
else {
return "--- Error running command - Unable to initialize string from file data ---"
and the response:
/bin/sh: dayone2: command not found
Add "--login" as the first task argument:
task.arguments = ["--login", "-c", "dayone2 new 'Hello'"]
and that should fix your error.
When you run Terminal the shell starts up as a login shell, from man sh:
When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a
non-inter-active shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable.
Among other things the commands in these files typically set the $PATH environment variable, which defines the search path the shell uses to locate a command.
When you run your command line tool in the Terminal it inherits this environment variable and in turn passes it on to the shell it invokes to run your dayone2 command.
When you run a GUI app there is no underlying shell and the $PATH variable is set to the system default. Your error "command not found" indicates that your dayone2 command is not on the default path.

Executing sbt in command line via python script and outputting to file

I have a set of json files in directory /Desktop/jsons, and I have a Scala script which takes in a json and outputs stuff. I can run it manually in the terminal by cding into the directory of the Scala script (/Me/dev/scalastuff) and running
sbt --error "run /Desktop/jsons/jsonExample.json",
which outputs the stuff I want in the terminal.
I want to write a Python script which does this automatically and additionally outputs a json file with the "stuff" thats outputted by the Scala script.
My issues right now are using subprocessing. When I try to run
BASEDIR = '/Me/dev/scalastuff'
p = subprocess.Popen(['sbt --error "run /Desktop/jsons/jsonExample.json"'], cwd = BASEDIR, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
out =
print out
I get OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory.
I'm completely stumped as to why this is occurring. I'm new to subprocess, so be light on me!
popen in python takes a list of shell arguments. You're passing only one!
So it's trying to execute a file named wholly 'sbt --error "run /Me/Desktop/jsons/jsonExample.json"'.
Obviously, this doesn't work.
If you use popen; only pass a simple array -- you needn't care about escaping:
subprocess.popen(['sbt', '--error', 'run /Me/Desktop/...'], cwd = BASEDIR, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

Visual C++ system command batch file

When I type the name of a batch file on the command line, it executes just fine, but when I run a Vis C++ program which uses the system("gen.bat") command, it doesn't execute it!
Here is how I'm doing it:
int ret = system("gen.bat");
You should specify the full path of the batch file like this:
int ret = system("C:\\folder_name\\gen.bat");