coinbase FIX api - fix-protocol

I am trying to implement Coinbase's FIX api. I have managed to successful send the Logon Message (A) but I can't mange to successfully send the place order message (D). When I try to place an order I get back an error "CompID problem". I send fix field 49={my api key} and the fix field 56=Coinbase.


Sendgrid single send not triggers

I'm trying to implement a http request to create single-send at Sendgrid which will be sent immediately after creation or scheduled for later time.
The trouble is however much I'm trying the single-send is created with status draft and as a result is not sent/scheduled later.
If smbd encountered the same and can share tips on how to solve it, I'll be really greatful!
The request content
The response

An ideal way to update list item properties in flutter

Right now I am writing a chat application I am having a list of messages initially when the message was sent it had status property sending after getting network confirmation it should update and change to sent after getting confirmation whether the message is received by the recipient it should change to delivered and then to seen what is the ideal approach to do this I thought a way to copy the properties of that message and after changing status insert that particular message at that index since my message class is immutable.
Thank you.
are you using a streambuilder? I think using a streambuilder should get this done, you can give it a try if you are not using it already.

How to send SMS Verification code to user without using Firebase in Flutter

I am trying to send a **SMS verification code to a user in my app but i cant. Can any one help me, i will be very thankful to you kindly help me to resolve this issue **
Well since you not using API then you can either create this by using users sim card to send the verification message, I mean they would send a message like normal message but to their self, use below packages

Facebook Webhook test send not working?

I am creating a Facebook Webhook. The callback link has been verified and so the connection should be okay.
When I further test the Webhook by pressing the test button under feed,
it seems it works.
However, nothing's received in my server, not even an access log in Apache. (I have checked both ssl_access_log and access_log) Any suggestion on what I have possibly missed?
Did you forget to write POST request method ?
Facebook Webhook confirm callback URL in GET request, but they send event in POST request. So you need both GET and POST method in your server.
It turns out to be the problem of using vhosts. The vhosts is set up by my colleague and he decided to save the access log and error log putting in other position than the default location.

Sending data messages without REST Api in Firebase

I was planning to send data messages (I do not mean notification messages!) to specific users via FCM. I tried the REST Api named ARC but since it is still in beta use it seems like there are still some issues that need to be fixed. I get "401 Unauthorized" all the time so I was looking for another way to get these messages to the users. How exactly am I supposed to send the requests to the Firebase-endpoint (
MY Request looks like this:
Thanks alot!