Structuring an experiment with psychtoolbox - matlab

I have a design for an experiment that I would like to code in psychtoolbox using MATLAB. I understand the basics of how to use this toolbox however it would be extremely helpful if someone has designed a similar experiment before and could provide me with some code that could help me to carry out the following:
The experimental procedure will be composed of 80 trials divided into 5 blocks with 16 trials in each block. The experiment consists of the participant selecting a number from the screen. There is a desirable number (target number) and an associated less desirable number (lure number). I won't go into further detail about the reasoning behind this experiment as it is not relevant to my question.
I have attached an image that shows 1 block of trials (16 trials). The other 4 blocks are the same as this block.
Target and lure numbers will be presented on the screen to choose from (an example can be seen in image below).
In some of the trials as can be seen from the trials table only one target number and one lure number are presented for the participant to choose from (instead of two targets and two lures).
The lure(s) that appears with each target(s) should not always be the same. I want the lure that is shown with the target to be randomly selected in each trial (as can be seen in the trials image there is more than one possible lure). In the trials image I have attached the trial numbers are presented just for clarity, in each block the presentation of the targets needs to be randomized.

You can use the BalanceTrials function that comes with psychtoolbox. You use all the possible lures and targets as inputs and it returns a random order of all possible combinations. You can also specify a minimum length of the list it returns, but if there are more combinations it will make the list longer to make it balanced. Here is an example:
numberOfTrials = 80;
targetNumbers = {'3','4','5','6','7','4 5','4 6','4 7'};
lureNumbers = {'3','4','5','6','7','4 7'};
[targets, lures] = BalanceTrials(numberOfTrials, 1, targetNumbers, lureNumbers);
You can split this up into 5 blocks or you do it each time for each block.


Why does every simulation I perform in Arena Simulation give the same results?

Every time I run a simulation with the same parameters in the Run window I get exactly the same results. The results are different if a different number of replications is set each time the run is started
These are my settings in the run window:
enter image description here
I have a lot of Process blocks. Most of them have a normal distribution in duration. Why are the results not different?
If it helps in any way, her is a photo of the constructed model:
enter image description here
Arena uses the same random nr stream for your run unless you tell it to use another - so your first rep will look the same every time. The answer depends on the distributions you sample from. If you change the logic and sample at other times, the answer will change. Each following rep will have a unique answer based on the random nr streams you are sampling from. It makes it easier/possible to find errors if you can execute exactly the same run.
Arena provides (by default) ten different "streams" of (pseudo) random numbers. If you don't ask the system to use a particular stream, it will use stream 10. For example NORM(10,2) will use stream 10 to calculate a random normally distributed number (mean 10, standard deviation 2); NORM(10,2,4) will use stream 4 to calculate a similarly distributed number.
By default, the 10 random number generators for the streams are initialised at the beginning of each run to 14561, 25971, 31131, 22553, 12121, 32323, 19991, 18765, 14327, and 32535 (from Arena help). At the end of one replication, the generators will not be re-initialised, so they will start the next replication with a new value.
You can control the random number generator initialisation with the SEEDS element.
As #Marlize says, this helps to ensure that you can reproduce a simulation result if you need to.

FastText window size

I'm currently working on fastText unsuperived learning. I wanted clarify something of context window present in fastText documentation.
In the description of the fasttext library for python for training a fastText model there are different arguments, one of the arguments is,
ws: size of the context window
My input file contains lines with 2 - 3 tokens.
Senior Database Administrator
Senior DotNet programmer
Network administrator
Head Programmer (Mainframe)
The default window size 5. Here, in the above example, I have lines with token count less than the window size. What will happen if the window size is bigger than the document length?
FastText (& related algorithms like word2vec) will simply use as much of the context window as is possible.
For example, assume a window-size of 5 and the input tokens:
['Senior', 'Database', 'Administrator']
When training with the 'center' word 'Senior', the algorithm would be ready to consult up-to-5 words in either direction.
But, there are 0 words preceding 'Senior', and only 2 words succeeding 'Senior', so only those 2 following words will be considered as neighbors.
(No 'plug values' will be used as if they were blank-neighbors, nor will any 'bleed-through' to beighboring texts occur.)
Two other related notes to keep in mind:
These algorithms do need neighboring words for any training to occur, so any texts with just a single word are essentially no-ops. (If there happens to be a word that only ever appears alone, you might still see a vector for it at the end of training, but in the implementations with which I am familiar, that will just be a randomly-initialized starting vector, completely untrained by real usage examples.)
Most implementations will simulate a weighting-of-neighboring-words by not *always using exactly your declared window-size, but rather, for each pass over a specific target center word, choosing a random window-size, from 1 to your chosen window-size. In this way, immediate-neighbors are always part of training, while words further away are more-often skipped.

I cannot reproduce the results with kmeans in Orange

I've tried to repeat the same results with the same flow, and I don't understand the results are different in each situation.
I describe the situation I have a file with 192 instances and 37 features, y select in all cases the same columns and preprocess by Median and StdDev. It computes the PCA with 7 principal components. The following step is to run the k-means algorithm (k is between 2 and 8) from this 'new' dataset. The scatter plot shows the results for k=5.
I attached different images with my flows.
Image1: original flow
The first one is the original flow (it is painted of yellow color), which I would like to repeat without the rest of the options (the second image).
Image2: flows repeated
However, when I tried to do it, I saw that the results are different (the third image) Of course the colors don't determine the differences, however the clusters are different. In addition the Slhouette Scores are different too for the different flows.
Image3: results of the different flows
K-means initializes with the kmean++ and I have the question if I can "control" this, or if the way to initialize k-means is always randomly. I saw in other programmes that there is an option called seed which is used to control that an experiment can be repeated but I didn't see this option here or something similar.
I wonder if it is possible to obtain always the same results with the same flow (using k-means).
It seems that the issue happens because no random seed is set in the k-means widget. So initialization is different each time you repeat an experiment and because of nature of your data, the method converges differently. Can you please report your issue to Orange3 issue tracker.

MATLAB: Using CONVN for moving average on Matrix

I'm looking for a bit of guidance on using CONVN to calculate moving averages in one dimension on a 3d matrix. I'm getting a little caught up on the flipping of the kernel under the hood and am hoping someone might be able to clarify the behaviour for me.
A similar post that still has me a bit confused is here:
CONVN example about flipping
The Problem:
I have daily river and weather flow data for a watershed at different source locations.
So the matrix is as so,
dim 1 (the rows) represent each site
dim 2 (the columns) represent the date
dim 3 (the pages) represent the different type of measurement (river height, flow, rainfall, etc.)
The goal is to try and use CONVN to take a 21 day moving average at each site, for each observation point for each variable.
As I understand it, I should just be able to use a a kernel such as:
ker = ones(1,21) ./ 21.;
mat = randn(150,365*10,4);
avgmat = convn(mat,ker,'valid');
I tried playing around and created another kernel which should also work (I think) and set ker2 as:
ker2 = [zeros(1,21); ker; zeros(1,21)];
avgmat2 = convn(mat,ker2,'valid');
The question:
The results don't quite match and I'm wondering if I have the dimensions incorrect here for the kernel. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Judging from the context of your question, you have a 3D matrix and you want to find the moving average of each row independently over all 3D slices. The code above should work (the first case). However, the valid flag returns a matrix whose size is valid in terms of the boundaries of the convolution. Take a look at the first point of the post that you linked to for more details.
Specifically, the first 21 entries for each row will be missing due to the valid flag. It's only when you get to the 22nd entry of each row does the convolution kernel become completely contained inside a row of the matrix and it's from that point where you get valid results (no pun intended). If you'd like to see these entries at the boundaries, then you'll need to use the 'same' flag if you want to maintain the same size matrix as the input or the 'full' flag (which is default) which gives you the size of the output starting from the most extreme outer edges, but bear in mind that the moving average will be done with a bunch of zeroes and so the first 21 entries wouldn't be what you expect anyway.
However, if I'm interpreting what you are asking, then the valid flag is what you want, but bear in mind that you will have 21 entries missing to accommodate for the edge cases. All in all, your code should work, but be careful on how you interpret the results.
BTW, you have a symmetric kernel, and so flipping should have no effect on the convolution output. What you have specified is a standard moving averaging kernel, and so convolution should work in finding the moving average as you expect.
Good luck!

running NN software with my own data

New with Matlab.
When I try to load my own date using the NN pattern recognition app window, I can load the source data, but not the target (it is never on the drop down list). Both source and target are in the same directory. Source is 5000 observations with 400 vars per observation and target can take on 10 different values (recognizing digits). Any Ideas?
Before you do anything with your own data you might want to try out the example data sets available in the toolbox. That should make many problems easier to find later on because they definitely work, so you can see what's wrong with your code.
Regarding your actual question: Without more details, e.g. what your matrices contain and what their dimensions are, it's hard to help you. In your case some of the problems mentioned here might be similar to yours:
From what I understand about nprtool your targets have to consist of a matrix with only one 1 (for the correct class) in either row or column (depending on the input matrix), so make sure that's the case.