Why can't I find the vscode live share extension on linux? - visual-studio-code

On the open source vscode for arch linux(code-oss) I can't find the live share extension but on my pc with windows the live share extension is the first search result in the extensions panel.

It seems that the open source version of vscode doesn't have live share but visual-studio-code-bin from the AUR does have it.

You can use the AUR code-marketplace to add Microsoft's VSCode marketplace; then you should be able to find and install Live Share.
This way, you can theoretically use Live Code without using the proprietary visual-studio-code-bin. Note that this probably violates Microsoft's terms of use, though.
Quoting the maintainer:
This package basically installs a hook that will patch /usr/lib/code/product.json to use vscode marketplace every time community/code is updated.
Unfortunately, though installable, LiveShare does not work with code-oss as of writing, because some kind of internal API isn't available.


Can you "fork" a VS Code extension or make extensions work together?

I recently found out that VS Code has a beautiful Hex Editor extension made by Microsoft, but the problem is that it doesn't support adding tags / markers to HEX, which is a pretty common feature for such tools, and my workflow relies on using it. I haven't really found any info on this in the docs, but maybe I am just not that good at searching.
So my question is: is there a way to either make my own "fork" of the Microsoft extension or make a separate extension that adds the aforementioned feature to the editor provided by it?
Here is the Github repository for the extension. You can fork it like any open source project.
To edit the extension, you will need to install Node.js and npm on your computer, then run npm i and npm run watch from the root of the project.
Once you are done, you can do vsce package to package the extension and use it with VSCode.
Note that this extension is open source, meaning you can open a pull-request if you think other people might benefit from them.

VS Code installing extensions from the command line fails on certificate

I'm working on scripting the setup of our dev machines via chocolately, etc. and I've gotten it to install VS Code, but my attempts to script adding extensions end in failure.
ps> cmd /c code --install-extension ms-python.python
Installing extensions...
self signed certificate in certificate chain
Failed Installing Extensions: ms-python.python
I can, however, manage this inside of VSCode without an issue.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
fyi: yes, I'm in a corporate environment. I believe we have a proxy server but that's the extent of my knowledge(I'm an ignorant embedded developer, unwise to the ways of the internet)
also fyi: VSCode was installed via chocolatey, if that matters.
While it doesn't directly answer the question (it appears that the CLI part of vscode does not respect proxy settings), I resolved my specific problem by downloading the .vsix files for the extensions required and put them in my configuration-as-code repo/deliverable.
code --install-extension vscode_extensions\cpptools-win32.vsix
Seems to work fine. It's a mild pain in the butt to go and download each one (there's a link available on the market place for the extension marked: 'Download Extension'), but at least I can get them installed and my users can update to the latest version after the fact.

Where we can get older versions of VSCode (like 1.25) in ZIP format?

First of all, I have to make clear that I need the zip version because I will use it on Win 64 in the business and there we have no admin privileges on notebook.
I looked out over web but I wasn't able to find where I can get the VSCode v1.25(.1). I only found .EXE versions or source code archive.
Why I need this? VSCode 1.26 and greater (and many others electron based applications) are very slow in Win 64. Thank God I use Linux at home! Please, see this issue: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/issues/4609
Ok, after report it as an issue on github vscode repository, somebody gave me the provisory link and previous archives (zip) versions will be put available asap issue come to be solved.
VSCode 1.25.1 archive (zip) Win64 link: https://vscode-update.azurewebsites.net/1.25.1/win32-x64-archive/stable
Go to https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/supporting/faq#_previous-release-versions.
The URLs to each download are provided there.

is possible to link microsoft account with extensions?

every time i download visual studio code i have to re download all my extensions, there is some way for save config and extensions on hotmail account?
Before you update VS code dump your extension list at the command line.
To make it easier to automate and configure VS Code, it is possible to list, install, and uninstall extensions from the command line.
When you download an extension, put the extension on a share. Then always install the extension from that share.
Some users prefer to download an extension once from the Marketplace and then install it multiple times from a local share. This is useful when there are connectivity concerns or if your development team wants to use a fixed set of extensions.
From: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-gallery

How to install extension for Resharper command-line tools

We're currently using the Resharper command-line tool 2016.3 on our CI build server to inspect code for issues at build time. It's working pretty well but I still have an issue and I can't find any proper documentation on that : how do I install and configure an extension using the command line. For example, I want to add the Cyclomatic complexity extension to my analysis. Documentation said to use the -x switch with the name of the extension (PowerToys.CyclomaticComplexity). The code inspection runs but the complexity warning aren't included in my result file, probably because the extension isn't installed on my build server which make sense. I don't have VS installed on my build machine (and I would prefer not to have to) so how can I install the extension "manually" ?
The command line tools in 2016.3 don't currently fully support loading extensions. This comment in the issue tracker has some steps that might be able to support - basically put the .nupkg of the extension in the product folder. YMMV.