Brute forcing http digest with Hydra - brute-force

I am having some trouble brute forcing a HTTP digest form with Hydra. I am using the following command however when proxied through burp suite hydra I can see hydra is using basic auth and not digest.
How do I get hydra to use the proper auth type?
hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -vV http-get /digest
Request as seen in proxy:
GET /digest HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46aWxvdmV5b3U=
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)

I have studied this case, if the digest method is implemented on Nginx or apache servers level, hydra might work. But if the authentication is implemented on the application server like Flask, Expressjs, Django, it will not work at all
You can create a bash script for password spraying
cat $1 | while read USER; do
cat $2 | while read PASSWORD; do
if curl -s $3 -c /tmp/cookie --digest -u $USER:$PASSWORD | grep -qi "unauth"
echo [+] Found $USER:$PASSWORD
exit 0
Save this file as
$ chmod +x
$ ./ /path/to/users.txt /path/to/passwords.txt

Since no Hydra version was specified, I assume the latest one: 9.2.
#tbhaxor is correct:
Against a server like Apache or nginx Hydra works. Flask using digest authentication as recommended in the standard documentation does not work (details later). You could add the used web server so somebody can verify this.
Hydra does not provide explicit parameters to distinguish between basic and digest authentication.
Technically, it first sends a request that attempts to authenticate itself via basic authentication. After that it evaluates the corresponding response.
The specification of digest authentication states that the web application has to send a header WWW-Authenticate : Digest ... in the response if the requested documented is protected using the scheme.
So Hydra now can distinguish between the two forms of authentication.
If it receives this response (cf. code), it sends a second attempt using digest authentication.
The reason why you only can see basic auth and not digest requests is due to the default setting of what Hydra calls "tasks". This is set to 16 by default, which means it initially creates 16 threads.
Thus, if you go to the 17th request in your proxy you will find a request using digest auth. You can also see the difference if you set the number of tasks to 1 with the parameter -t 1.
Following 3 Docker setups where you can test the differences in basic auth (nginx), digest auth(nginx) and digest auth(Flask) using "admin/password" credentials based upon your example:
basic auth:
cat Dockerfile.http_basic_auth
FROM nginx:1.21.3
LABEL maintainer="secf00tprint"
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apache2-utils
RUN touch /usr/share/nginx/html/.htpasswd
RUN htpasswd -db /usr/share/nginx/html/.htpasswd admin password
RUN sed -i '/^ location \/ {/a \ auth_basic "Administrator\x27s Area";\n\ auth_basic_user_file /usr/share/nginx/html/.htpasswd;' /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.http_basic_auth -t http-server-basic-auth .
sudo docker run -ti -p http-server-basic-auth
hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -s 8888 http-get /
digest auth (nginx):
cat Dockerfile.http_digest
FROM ubuntu:20.10
LABEL maintainer="secf00tprint"
RUN apt-get update && \
# For digest module
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y curl unzip \
# For nginx
build-essential libpcre3 libpcre3-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libgd-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev uuid-dev make apache2-utils expect
RUN curl -O
RUN curl -OL
RUN tar -xvzf nginx-1.21.3.tar.gz
RUN unzip
RUN cd nginx-1.21.3 && \
./configure --prefix=/usr/share/nginx --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --lock-path=/var/lock/ nginx.lock --pid-path=/run/ --modules-path=/etc/nginx/modules --add-module=../nginx-http-auth-digest-1.0.0/ && \
make && make install
COPY generate.exp /usr/share/nginx/html/
RUN chmod u+x /usr/share/nginx/html/generate.exp && \
cd /usr/share/nginx/html/ && \
expect -d generate.exp
RUN sed -i '/^ location \/ {/a \ auth_digest "this is not for you";' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
RUN sed -i '/^ location \/ {/i \ auth_digest_user_file /usr/share/nginx/html/passwd.digest;' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
CMD nginx && tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
cat generate.exp
set timeout 70
spawn "/usr/bin/htdigest" "-c" "passwd.digest" "this is not for you" "admin"
expect "New password: " {send "password\r"}
expect "Re-type new password: " {send "password\r"}
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.http_digest -t http_digest .
sudo docker run -ti -p http_digest
hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -s 8888 http-get /
digest auth (Flask):
cat Dockerfile.http_digest_fask
FROM ubuntu:20.10
LABEL maintainer="secf00tprint"
RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev
# We copy just the requirements.txt first to leverage Docker cache
COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
COPY ./ /app/
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host="]
cat requirements.txt
from flask import Flask
from flask_httpauth import HTTPDigestAuth
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'super secret key'
auth = HTTPDigestAuth()
users = {
"admin" : "password",
"john" : "hello",
"susan" : "bye"
def get_pw(username):
if username in users:
return users.get(username)
return None
def hello_world():
return "<p>Flask Digest Demo</p>"
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.http_digest_flask -t digest_flask .
sudo docker run -ti -p digest_flask
hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -s 5000 http-get /
If you want to see more information I wrote about it in more detail here.


Scaleway scw init Inside Docker Container

I am trying to make the Scaleway CLI installed as part of a docker image I'm building to run Azure Pipelines.
My Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# To make it easier for build and release pipelines to run apt-get,
# configure apt to not require confirmation (assume the -y argument by default)
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN echo "APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90assumeyes
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
ca-certificates \
curl \
jq \
git \
iputils-ping \
libcurl4 \
libicu60 \
libunwind8 \
netcat\ \
# Install Scaleway CLI
RUN curl -o /usr/local/bin/scw -L ""
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/scw
# Add config for Scaleway CLI
RUN mkdir -p ./config
RUN mkdir -p ./config/scw
COPY ./config/config.yaml $HOME/.config/scw/config.yaml
RUN scw init
# Add private key for SSH connections
COPY ./config/id_rsa $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
# Config s3cmd
COPY ./config/.s3cfg $HOME/.s3cfg
COPY ./ .
RUN chmod +x
CMD ["./"]
The key section being:
# Install Scaleway CLI
RUN curl -o /usr/local/bin/scw -L ""
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/scw
# Add config for Scaleway CLI
RUN mkdir -p ./config
RUN mkdir -p ./config/scw
COPY ./config/config.yaml $HOME/.config/scw/config.yaml
RUN scw init
The config.yaml file referenced above looks like the following (minus the real values of course):
access_key: <key>
secret_key: <secret>
default_organization_id: <orgId>
default_project_id: <projectId>
default_region: nl-ams
default_zone: nl-ams-1
However, when it executes RUN scw init, the output is Invalid email or secret-key: ''
I have tried without running scw init at all, but then calls to scw fail, saying
Access key is required
Details: Access_key can be initialised using the command "scw init".
After initialisation, there are three ways to provide access_key:
with the Scaleway config file, in the access_key key: /root/.config/scw/config.yaml;
with the SCW_ACCESS_KEY environement variable;
Note that the last method has the highest priority.
More info:
Hint: You can get your credentials here:
Which admittedly is one of the better error messages I've seen, but nonetheless has not helped me. I am going to try the Environment Variable approach, which I suspect may do the trick, but I'd still like to know what I'm doing wrong with this config.yaml file.
Lastly... someone with more rep than me needs to create the tag "scaleway". Hard to reference the actual technology in question when the tag doesn't exist.

Cloud confluent kafka installation failed in ubuntu 18

Instruction page says as:-
Install the Confluent Cloud CLI
Run this command to install the Confluent Cloud CLI.
curl -L --http1.1 | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
it failed for permission
"install: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/bin/ccloud':
Permission denied"
Even if I tried
sudo curl -L --http1.1 | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
Same error. How do I install it?
Well, I installed it as:-
curl -L --http1.1 | sh -s -- -b ~/Downloads/
After the above command
sudo mv ~/Downloads/ccloud /usr/local/bin/
Everything is fine now.

How to create docker image for postgis that will enable extension at build time or before container fully running?

What I mean is that I want to create a docker image for postgis that will be completely usable right after build. So that if user runs
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=user somepostgis
the user database would be created and extensions already installed?
The official postgres image can't be used for that AFAIK.
Basically need to write script and tell that it would be entrypoint. This script should create database and create extensions with porstgres server running on different port and then restart it on port 5432.
But I don't know sh enough and docker to do that. Right now it's saying that there is no pg_ctl command
If you want to help you can fork
FROM ubuntu:15.04
#ENV RELEASE_NAME lsb_release -sc
#RUN apt-get update && apt-get install wget
#RUN echo "deb ${RELEASE_NAME}-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
#RUN cat /etc/apt/sources.list
#RUN wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 \
curl \
&& curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu -SL "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" \
&& curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc -SL "$(dpkg --print-architecture).asc" \
&& gpg --verify /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc \
&& rm /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu \
&& apt-get purge -y --auto-remove curl
RUN mkdir /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
RUN chmod +x /
RUN ls -l /
CMD ["postgres"]
So I'm trying to do somethink like that, but it doesn't work.
gosu postgres pg_ctl start -w -D ${PGDATA} -0 "-p 5433"
gosu postgres createuser ${POSTGRES_USER}
gosu postgres createdb ${POSTGRES_DB} -s -E UTF8
gosu postgres psql -d ${POSTGRES_DB} -c "create extension if not exists postgis;"
gosu postgres psql -d ${POSTGRES_DB} -c "create extension if not exists postgis_topology;"
pg_ctl -w restart

Couchbase running in a container not accessible

So I've created this Dockerfile:
FROM centos
EXPOSE 7081 8092 11210
RUN yum install -y \
hostname \
initscripts \
openssl098e \
pkgconfig \
sudo \
tar \
wget \
&& wget \
&& yum install -y couchbase-server-enterprise-3.0.2-centos6.x86_64.rpm \
&& rm -f ./couchbase-server-enterprise-3.0.2-centos6.x86_64.rpm \
CMD /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server start -- -noinput
And that seems to be working (running the couchbase server) and to build and run it I do:
docker build -t="my/couchbase" .
docker run -itd --name=couchbase -p 11210:11210 -p 8091:7081 -p 8092:8092 my/couchbase
Now for some reason I can't connect to it via http. I tried to get ip address of the container with docker inspect couchbase | grep IP
and then going to http://containters_ip:7081
It's trying to get there for a very long time, but eventually times out.
What am I doing wrong?
You need EXPOSE 8091 8092 11210 (think of this as "the container listens on these ports") and -p 7081:8091 to get the mapping you seek. In -p it's hostport:containerport order.

How to set up cron using curl command?

After apache rebuilt my cron jobs stopped working.
I used the following command:
wget -O - -q -t 1
Now my DC support suggests me to change the wget method to curl. What would be the correct value in this case?
-O - is equivalent to curl's default behavior, so that's easy.
-q is curl's -s (or --silent)
--retry N will substitute for wget's -t N
All in all:
curl -s --retry 1
try run change with the full path of wget
/usr/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1
you can find the full path with:
which wget
and more, check if you can reach the destination domain with ping or other methods:
based on the comments, seems to be caused by the line in /etc/hosts: #change to the real domain
It seems that you have restricted options in terms that on the server where the cron should run you have the domain pinned to but the virtual host configuration does not work with that.
What you can do is to let wget connect by IP but send the Host header so that the virtual host matching would work:
wget -O - -q -t 1 --header 'Host:' http://xx.xx.35.162/cgi-bin/loki/
Also probably you don't need to run this over the web server, so why not just run:
perl /path/to/your/script/