Swift Generics and Protocols - swift

Given the below, this will throw a compile time error about the protocol not being able to adhere to itself and only struct/enum can adhere to the protocol. This seems to defeat the purpose of being able to use protocols in generics. I'm trying to understand why this doesn't work, but if I remove the generic and just put the protocol where 'Z' is everything is fine. It seems antithetical to what protocols and generics should be allowed for.
**Edit for question clarity: I need to take a type of Any that can be cast to a dictionary of [String:MyProtocol] and pass it into the method printEm. printEm must use the generic as it will be instantiating instances of the class Z.
protocol MyProtocol {
var whoAmI:String { get }
func genericPassing(unknownThing:Any) {
let knownThing = unknownThing as? [String:MyProtocol]
if(knownThing != nil){
func printEm<Z:MyProtocol>(theThings:[String:Z]) {
let zCollection:[Z] = []
for thing in theThings {
**Edited printEm to illustrate why generic is needed.
** Edit for more complex code. The two primary requirements are the use of a generic to call Z() and the ability to take an Any and somehow type check it and/or cast it so that it can be used in a genericized method.
private func mergeUpdates<Z:RemoteDataSyncable>(source:inout Z, updates:[WritableKeyPath<Z, Any>:Any]) throws {
for key in updates.keys {
let value = updates[key]!
let valueDict = value as? [String:[WritableKeyPath<RemoteDataSyncable, Any>:Any]]
if(valueDict != nil) {
var currentValueArray = source[keyPath: key] as? [RemoteDataSyncable]
if(currentValueArray != nil) {
self.mergeUpdates(source: &currentValueArray!, updates: valueDict!)
else {
throw SyncError.TypeError
else {
source[keyPath: key] = value
private func mergeUpdates<Z:RemoteDataSyncable>(source:inout [Z], updates:[String:[WritableKeyPath<Z,Any>:Any]]) {
for key in updates.keys {
var currentObject = source.first { syncable -> Bool in
return syncable.identifier == key
if(currentObject != nil) {
try! self.mergeUpdates(source: &currentObject!, updates: updates[key]!)
else {
var newSyncable = Z()
try! self.mergeUpdates(source: &newSyncable, updates: updates[key]!)

This is a perfect example of why protocols do not conform to themselves. In your code Z is MyProtocol, so Z() is MyProtocol(). How would that work? What type is it? How big is it? You then can't put them into a [Z], since they might be different types.
You mean to pass arbitrary MyProtocols and call init on the type of each element:
func printEm(theThings:[String: MyProtocol]) {
var zCollection:[MyProtocol] = []
for thing in theThings.values {
zCollection.append(type(of: thing).init())
When I suggested using closures, this is the kind of thing I mean. This Updater can accept arbitrary ReferenceWritableKeyPaths, and when you pass it Any update value, it'll assign it to every key path that can accept it. That's kind of useless, but shows the technique. (Keep in mind that the updater is retaining the object, so that may be a problem that you need to address.)
class Updater {
private(set) var updaters: [(Any) -> ()] = []
func add<Root, Value>(keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Value>, on root: Root) {
updaters.append { value in
if let value = value as? Value {
root[keyPath: keyPath] = value
func updateAll(with value: Any) {
for updater in updaters {
class Client {
var updateMe: Int = 0
let client = Client()
let updater = Updater()
updater.add(keyPath: \.updateMe, on: client)
updater.updateAll(with: 3)
client.updateMe // 3
The key lesson in this code is that the generic types on the add are erased (hidden) by the (Any) -> () closure at compile-time. And the runtime as? check is done inside that closure, where the types are all known.


Is there a way to compile with a generic type?

This is something that has vexed a number of developers including myself. Let say we have a protocol that defines a subscript which we apply to a simple class.
protocol Cache {
subscript<Value>(_: String) -> Value? { get set }
class InMemoryCache: Cache {
private var cache: [String: Any] = [:]
subscript<Value>(key: String) -> Value? {
get {
cache[key] as? Value
set {
if let value = newValue {
cache[key] = value
} else {
This works fine as long as we know the types:
cache["abc"] = 5
let x: Int? = cache["abc"]
but the developers want to do this:
cache["abc"] = nil
Which won't compile because the compiler cannot determine the Value generic type. This works however
cache["abc"] = nil as String?
I've tried a number of things but they all have drawbacks. Things like adding a second subscript with the Any type. Nothing seems to work well even though it would seem like a simple problem.
Has anyone found a solution that handles cache["abc"] = nil?
You can do this by changing your protocol requirements somewhat.
Have the protocol require a subscript that does not use generics, and returns an Any?.
protocol Cache {
subscript(key: String) -> Any? { get set }
This subscript will let you do the following:
cache["abc"] = 5
cache["abc"] = nil
let value = cache["abc"] // value is an `Any?`
but it will not let you do this:
let number: Int? = cache["abc"] // error
So, let's fix that by adding another subscript to Cache. This subscript is equivalent to your original subscript requirement, except it doesn't need a setter and will call the other subscript (the one required by the protocol):
extension Cache {
subscript<Value>(key: String) -> Value? {
self[key] as? Value
(If you're worried that this subscript calls itself, don't be. self[key] here actually calls the other subscript, not this one. You can confirm this in Xcode by command-clicking on the [ or the ] in self[key] to jump to the definition of the other subscript.)
Then, implement the required subscript in your class:
class InMemoryCache: Cache {
private var cache: [String: Any] = [:]
subscript(key: String) -> Any? {
get { cache[key] }
set { cache[key] = newValue }
This will allow all of the following to compile:
let cache = InMemoryCache()
cache["abc"] = 5
let x: Int? = cache["abc"]
cache["abc"] = nil
There is a workaround to have your desire output.
Because this is a dictionary so you get assign nil directly in your InMemoryCache
class InMemoryCache: Cache {
private var cache: [String: Any] = [:]
subscript<Value>(key: String) -> Value? {
get {
cache[key] as? Value
set {
if let value = newValue {
cache[key] = value
} else {
cache[key] = nil // make nil directly here
In here because of Value is a generic type. So you can not assign nil directly. It must have a specific type.
Instead you can do like this
let nilValue : Int? = nil // any type nil you want
cache["abc"] = nilValue
or directly cast it to nil of any tupe before assign to dictionary
cache["abc"] = (nil as String?)
It will refresh anything value is store in the key.
// value
let nilValue : Int? = nil
var number : Int? = nil
var string : String? = nil
cache["abc"] = 5
number = cache["abc"] // Optional.some(5)
cache["abc"] = "abc"
number = cache["abc"] // nil
string = cache["abc"] // Optional.some("abc")
cache["abc"] = nilValue
number = cache["abc"] // nil
string = cache["abc"] // nil
The reason why you are having a hard time with this is because
cache["abc"] = nil
cannot be compiled. There is not enough information to infer the generic type of the subscript - or of the optional value. The compiler sees something like
cache<?>["abc"] = Optional<?>.none
How is it supposed to figure out what to put in place of the question marks?
There's another ambiguity. Your cache can contain any type, even Optional. When you are assigning nil to the subscript, how does anybody know if you want to remove the element or store an instance of Optional<Something>.none at the subscript?
When I find myself fighting the language in this way, I usually try to take a step back and ask if I am perhaps doing something fundamentally bad. I think, in this case, the answer is yes. You are trying to pretend something is more strictly typed than it really is.
I think your getter/setter should explicitly take a value that is of type Any. It works better and it has the advantage that it explicitly documents for the user that a Cache conforming type can store anything in it.
For this reason, I would say TylerP's solution is the best. However, I would not create a subscript in the extension, I would define a function
extension Cache
func value<Value>(at key: String) -> Value?
self[key] as? Value
The reason for this is that the compiler can get confused when you have multiple subscripts with similar signatures. With the extension above, I can conform Dictionary<String, Any> to the protocol and not need a new class.
extension Dictionary: Cache where Key == String, Value == Any {}
var dict: [String : Any] = [:]
dict["abc"] = 5
let y: Int? = dict.value(at: "abc")
dict["abc"] = nil
Obviously, the above won't be useful to you if you need reference semantics for your cache.
TylerP's solution was pretty much bang on the money. For completeness though, here's what the code now looks like:
protocol Cache {
/// Handles when we need a value of a specific type.
subscript<Value>(_: String) -> Value? { get }
/// Handles getting and setting any value.
/// The getter is rarely used because the generic getter above
/// is used. Setting a value compiles because we don't care what
/// type is it. Setting a `nil` also compiles for the same reason.
subscript(_: String) -> Any? { get set }
class InMemoryCache: Cache {
private var cache: [String: Any] = [:]
subscript(key: String) -> Any? {
get { cache[key] }
set {
if let value = newValue {
cache[key] = value
} else {
subscript<Value>(key: String) -> Value? {
cache[key] as? Value

Swift 4 way to fake existentials with protocols and `Self`

There are hundreds of solutions to fake existentials in Swift with protocols and Self, but they mostly refer to Swift 2 and the bright future that Swift 3 might bring...
Now Swift 4 is out, with nice additions for Generics. But I couldn't find any suggestions how to fit that into the missing existentials problem.
Any Ideas how to solve this the Swift 4 way?
import UIKit
protocol Bla {
func compare(other: Self)
extension CGFloat : Bla {
func compare(other: CGFloat) {
print("Extended CGFloat")
extension UIEdgeInsets : Bla {
func compare(other: UIEdgeInsets) {
print("Extended UIEdgeInsets")
/* Possible, but what if we want to CGFloat _and_ UIEdgeInsets inside here?
Well, that would _not_ work! */
class Possible<T: Bla> {
var array: [T]!
/* This is open to everything...
And therefore fails to compile, no dynamic type info at runtime I guess. */
class Fail {
var array: [Bla]!
// Works, but I don't need that.
let list = Possible<CGFloat>()
// I need that:
let list = Fail()
let f: CGFloat = 1.23
let edge = UIEdgeInsets()
Fundamentally, it can't be done. If you could have:
class Fail {
var array: [Bla]!
You could then try to write code like this:
func compareAll(foo: Fail)
for x in foo.array
x.compare(other: y)
What type is y? The protocol says it has to be the same type as the object adopting the protocol but you don't know the type of x until runtime. There is no way to write that code with y being both a UIEdgeInsets and a CGFloat at the same time.
I think you could make it work by removing the dependency on Self by making compare generic. Your protocol would look like this:
protocol Bla {
func compare<T: Bla>(other: T)
Implementations of compare would have to test the type of other and cast to the right type.
extension CGFloat: Bla
func compare<T: Bla>(other: T)
if let casted = other as? CGFloat
// do whatever
I think this approach is better than using type erasure (see Daniel Hall's answer) for a couple of reasons:
There's no overhead of having to wrap everything in a wrapper object or the indirection of compare.
The compare function can work when other is an arbitrary type, not just the same type of self if it makes sense e.g.
func compare<T: Bla>(other: T)
if let casted = other as? CGFloat
// do whatever
else if let casted = other as? UIEdgeInsets
// Do something else
Of course, if you are simply given the protocol and you can't change it, type erasure is your only option.
This is typically handled with a type eraser, for example:
struct AnyBla: Bla {
private let compareClosure: (Any) -> ()
func compare(other: AnyBla) {
init<T: Bla>(_ bla: T) {
compareClosure = {
if let other = $0 as? T {
bla.compare(other: other)
} else {
print("Can't compare type \(type(of: bla)) with \(type(of: $0))")
Then you would change your array to any array of the type eraser, i.e.
class Fail {
var array: [AnyBla]!
Then you can accomplish what you want to do like this:
let list = Fail()
let f: CGFloat = 1.23
let edge = UIEdgeInsets()
Swift 4 didn't make any generics changes that address this issue. For the full roadmap, see the Generics Manifesto. That said, the protocol you're describing is equivalent to Equatable, and so would have all the same problems. There is no current roadmap to create what you're describing. The closest is discussed at the very end of the Manifesto, in the section called "Opening existentials."
As you've described the problem, it isn't clear how it would be useful, so I suspect your actual problem is different. You should go back to your actual program and consider what its real requirements are. For example, if your real requirement is "an array of CGFloat or UIEdgeInsets" that is absolutely buildable in Swift. "An array" translates to [T], and "OR" translates to enum (Swift's "sum type" in type theory parlance). So what you mean is:
enum Element {
case scalar(CGFloat)
case insets(UIEdgeInsets)
let list: [Element]
That is completely different than "an array of things that can be compared to themselves." If, on the other hand, you really mean "an array of value-like things," then that also is pretty easy to build in Swift with NSValue (and its subclass, NSNumber):
class Things {
var array: [NSValue] = []
func append(_ value: CGFloat) {
array.append(NSNumber(value: Double(value)))
func append(_ insets: UIEdgeInsets) {
array.append(NSValue(uiEdgeInsets: insets))
let list = Things()
let f: CGFloat = 1.23
let edge = UIEdgeInsets()
list.array[0] == list.array[0] // true
list.array[0] == list.array[1] // false

Complex Swift closure with generic argument

I have a scenario where I need to call a method with an optional closure argument where the closure receives a generic argument. Here's my simplified code:
class FooModel
class FooSubClass1 : FooModel
class FooSubClass2 : FooModel
class Client
func httpGet<T:FooModel>(closure:((T) -> Void)? = nil)
// Doing some network request stuff here and call onHTTPRequestComplete() when done!
onHTTPRequestComplete(data: result, closure: closure)
func onHTTPRequestComplete<T:FooModel>(data:[String:Any], closure:((T) -> Void)? = nil)
if let c = closure
case is FooSubClass1:
var foo = FooSubClass1()
// Process data into new FooSubClass1 object here!
case is FooSubClass2:
var foo = FooSubClass2()
// Process data into new FooSubClass2 object here!
class App
func someFunc()
response in
What I'm trying to do here:
I have a data model with a super class and several subclasses. In Client I do http requests to retrieve data and want to populate model objects with the data retrieved. The calling method in App should be able to provide a closure that is called after the asynchronous network request is done and in which I get back the correct data model object.
There are several issues with my code:
switch(T): Error: expected member name or constructor call after type name
c(foo): Error: '(FooSubClass1) -> Void' is not convertible to '(T) -> Void'
Not sure my closure definition makes sense for what I'm trying to do.
Updated code:
protocol FooModel
class FooModelBase : FooModel
class FooSubClass1 : FooModelBase
class FooSubClass2 : FooModelBase
class Client
func httpGet<T:FooModel>(closure:((T) -> Void)? = nil)
// Doing some network request stuff here and call onHTTPRequestComplete() when done!
onHTTPRequestComplete(data: result, closure: closure)
func onHTTPRequestComplete<T:FooModel>(data:[String:Any], closure:((T) -> Void)? = nil)
if let c = closure
switch T.self
case is FooSubClass1.Type:
var foo = FooSubClass1()
// Assign retrieved values to model!
case is FooSubClass2.Type:
var foo = FooSubClass2()
// Assign retrieved values to model!
class App
func someFunc()
response in
print("\(response)") // Should output FooSubClass1 instance with assigned values!
Almost works but I get the following compile error:
'closure(foo): Error: '(#lvalue FooSubClass1) -> Void' is not convertible to '(T) -> Void'
for the switch(T) error of course you get this error. Because you're trying to switch a type but you should be switching a value. For your second error it makes perfect sense because then what would closure be expecting then because T is generic.
For more info on generics in closures have a look at this stackoverflow thread
generics as parameters to a closure in swift
All in all what you're trying to do there just isn't possible and at first glance I believe this isn't the correct direction to go in (Although I could be wrong without seeing the whole context). One thing you can do instead maybe is have your closure be ((Any) -> Void)? but then unfortunately the type would be of Any and you would have to do a switch inside of the closure.
The value of T in the closure will be passed to the closure itself. You can't switch on it. But what I think you want is to switch on the type. You could do something like this:
let type = String(reflecting: T.self)
switch (type) {
case "Module.FooSubClass1":
var foo = FooSubClass1()
Or you could say:
if FooSubClass1.self == T.self {
var foo = FooSubClass1();
} else if FooSubClass2.self == T.self {
var foo = FooSubClass2();
However, this code smells. You seem to want to use generics but then have a hardcoded set of classes inside your generic method, which half-defeats the entire purpose of generics. Why not just define FooModel as
protocol FooModel {
Then instead of your switch statement, just create one and pass it to your closure.
func onHTTPRequestComplete<T: FooModel>(data: [String: Any], closure: ((T) -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let closure = closure else { return }
Or why not create T outside of onHTTPRequestComplete and pass it?
onHTTPRequestComplete(data: data: model: FooSubClass1()) { model in
// Do something awesome with `model` right here.
However, what I'd probably do is this:
func httpGet(callback: (([String: Any]) -> Void)? = nil) {
// Do some network stuff and get the data
Then inside of callback, just create whatever type you want:
httpGet { data in
let foo = FooSubClass1(data: data)
// foo on you

Using a Type Variable in a Generic

I have this question except for Swift. How do I use a Type variable in a generic?
I tried this:
func intType() -> Int.Type {
return Int.self
func test() {
var t = self.intType()
var arr = Array<t>() // Error: "'t' is not a type". Uh... yeah, it is.
This didn't work either:
var arr = Array<t.Type>() // Error: "'t' is not a type"
var arr = Array<t.self>() // Swift doesn't seem to even understand this syntax at all.
Is there a way to do this? I get the feeling that Swift just doesn't support it and is giving me somewhat ambiguous error messages.
Edit: Here's a more complex example where the problem can't be circumvented using a generic function header. Of course it doesn't make sense, but I have a sensible use for this kind of functionality somewhere in my code and would rather post a clean example instead of my actual code:
func someTypes() -> [Any.Type] {
var ret = [Any.Type]()
for (var i = 0; i<rand()%10; i++) {
if (rand()%2 == 0){ ret.append(Int.self) }
else {ret.append(String.self) }
return ret
func test() {
var ts = self.someTypes()
for t in ts {
var arr = Array<t>()
Swift's static typing means the type of a variable must be known at compile time.
In the context of a generic function func foo<T>() { ... }, T looks like a variable, but its type is actually known at compile time based on where the function is called from. The behavior of Array<T>() depends on T, but this information is known at compile time.
When using protocols, Swift employs dynamic dispatch, so you can write Array<MyProtocol>(), and the array simply stores references to things which implement MyProtocol — so when you get something out of the array, you have access to all functions/variables/typealiases required by MyProtocol.
But if t is actually a variable of kind Any.Type, Array<t>() is meaningless since its type is actually not known at compile time. (Since Array is a generic struct, the compiler needs know which type to use as the generic parameter, but this is not possible.)
I would recommend watching some videos from WWDC this year:
Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift
I found this slide particularly helpful for understanding protocols and dynamic dispatch:
There is a way and it's called generics. You could do something like that.
class func foo() {
class func test<T>(t: T.Type) {
var arr = Array<T>()
You will need to hint the compiler at the type you want to specialize the function with, one way or another. Another way is with return param (discarded in that case):
class func foo() {
let _:Int = test()
class func test<T>() -> T {
var arr = Array<T>()
And using generics on a class (or struct) you don't need the extra param:
class Whatever<T> {
var array = [T]() // another way to init the array.
let we = Whatever<Int>()
jtbandes' answer - that you can't use your current approach because Swift is statically typed - is correct.
However, if you're willing to create a whitelist of allowable types in your array, for example in an enum, you can dynamically initialize different types at runtime.
First, create an enum of allowable types:
enum Types {
case Int
case String
Create an Example class. Implement your someTypes() function to use these enum values. (You could easily transform a JSON array of strings into an array of this enum.)
class Example {
func someTypes() -> [Types] {
var ret = [Types]()
for _ in 1...rand()%10 {
if (rand()%2 == 0){ ret.append(.Int) }
else {ret.append(.String) }
return ret
Now implement your test function, using switch to scope arr for each allowable type:
func test() {
let types = self.someTypes()
for type in types {
switch type {
case .Int:
var arr = [Int]()
arr += [4]
case .String:
var arr = [String]()
arr += ["hi"]
As you may know, you could alternatively declare arr as [Any] to mix types (the "heterogenous" case in jtbandes' answer):
var arr = [Any]()
for type in types {
switch type {
case .Int:
arr += [4]
case .String:
arr += ["hi"]
I would break it down with the things you already learned from the first answer. I took the liberty to refactor some code. Here it is:
func someTypes<T>(t: T.Type) -> [Any.Type] {
var ret = [Any.Type]()
for _ in 0..<rand()%10 {
if (rand()%2 == 0){ ret.append(T.self) }
else {
return ret
func makeArray<T>(t: T) -> [T] {
return [T]()
func test() {
let ts = someTypes(Int.self)
for t in ts {
This is somewhat working but I believe the way of doing this is very unorthodox. Could you use reflection (mirroring) instead?
Its possible so long as you can provide "a hint" to the compiler about the type of... T. So in the example below one must use : String?.
func cast<T>(_ value: Any) -> T? {
return value as? T
let inputValue: Any = "this is a test"
let casted: String? = cast(inputValue)
print(casted) // Optional("this is a test")
print(type(of: casted)) // Optional<String>
Why Swift doesn't just allow us to let casted = cast<String>(inputValue) I'll never know.
One annoying scenerio is when your func has no return value. Then its not always straightford to provide the necessary "hint". Lets look at this example...
func asyncCast<T>(_ value: Any, completion: (T?) -> Void) {
completion(value as? T)
The following client code DOES NOT COMPILE. It gives a "Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred" error.
let inputValue: Any = "this is a test"
asyncCast(inputValue) { casted in
print(type(of: casted))
But you can solve this by providing a "hint" to compiler as follows:
asyncCast(inputValue) { (casted: String?) in
print(casted) // Optional("this is a test")
print(type(of: casted)) // Optional<String>

testing protocol conformance with associated types

I have a protocol that uses an associated type, as such:
protocol Populatable {
typealias T
func populateWith(object: T)
and classes that implement the protocol:
class DateRowType: Populatable {
func populateWith(object: NSDate) {
class StringRowType : Populatable {
func populateWith(object: String) {
but when I try to cast or test for conformance, like this:
let drt = DateRowType()
let srt = StringRowType()
let rowTypes = [drt, srt]
let data = [NSDate(), "foo"]
for (i, p: Populatable) in enumerate(rowTypes) {
I get the error:
Protocol 'Populatable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
What's the correct way to test if the object conforms to the Populatable protocol?
Note: all the code required to try this out is contained in the question, just copy the code blocks into a playground.
As the error says, you cannot cast it to Populatable here. I think the correct way is to cast it to EventRowType.
if let rowController = self.table.rowControllerAtIndex(i) as? EventRowType {
And you already tested that 'EventRowType' class conforms 'Populatable' protocol. Because if the EventRowType doesn't have function named 'populate', swift compiler says,
Type 'EventRowType' does not conform to protocol 'Populatable'
I don't think you will be able to go generic the whole way, unless possibly by using AnyObject and testing the class of the parameter in each populateWith function.
But this will work:
for (i, p) in enumerate(rowTypes) {
if let dateRow = p as? DateRowType {
dateRow.populateWith(data[i] as! NSDate)
else if let stringRow = p as? StringRowType {
stringRow.populateWith(data[i] as! String)
You will just need to expand this for every Populatable class you add.