Mediawiki: Installing the Popups Extension - popup

Absolutely losing my mind about why this doesn't work. I'm running Mediawiki 1.33.1 with PHP 7.2.34 and MySQL 5.6.51-cll-lve; installed version 1.31 of Popups and its dependencies as the 1.35 and master versions throw up expected incompatibility errors.
All three extensions (PageImages, Popups, and TextExtracts) installed successfully and appear on the Version page. However, absolutely no pop-ups are appearing for either logged-in users or casual visitors. Here's my LocalSettings code:
$wgPopupsOptInDefaultState = '1';
$wgPopupsOptInStateForNewAccounts = '1';
$wgPopupsHideOptInOnPreferencesPage = true;
$wgPopupsReferencePreviewsBetaFeature = false;
With opt-in set to default so that it SHOULD work for all users and visitors, with no option to disable.
I've dug through all the bug reports in the Talk page and spent the morning googling, but it doesn't seem to be a cache issue (tried clearing and testing, nothing) and I'm not getting any messages via debugging. I'm not running any of the other extensions mentioned as potential conflicts - the only other extensions being loaded are CategoryTree, InputBox, and WikiEditor, and disabling them has no effect.


Error when clicking on a link that opens a pop up on moodle 3.5

I have updated my module from moodle 3.2 to moodle 3.5 and receive these errors in the debug web console:
moodle-core-event: Global event published: FORM_ERROR
yui_combo.php?rollup/3.17.2/yui-moodlesimple.js:5828 moodle-core-event:
Global event published: BLOCK_CONTENT_UPDATED
These errors show when opening a pop up with atto editor so notes can be saved. Unfortunately, I can't save the notes and it seems the above errors are causing the issue.
I have tracked down a similar error on the moodle forum site:
However, no solution has been marked. Sadly no apache errors are showing so I can't narrow down the problem.
Can someone shed some light on these errors?
Just checking the obvious, but did you purge the caches? Javascript is cached
Administration > Site administration > Development > Purge all caches
php admin/cli/purge_caches.php
I always turn the cache off in config.php in a development environment $CFG->cachejs = false; but never on production, which has caught me out before.
Also, you might need to run grunt to minify the javascript files, then add the minified files to the git repository
If your javascript is in a folder called amd
grunt amd
If your javascript is in a folder called yui/src/something
grunt shifter
Or just
grunt js

Completely blank TYPO3 login page (after update)

I am starting the process of updating TYPO3 to higher versions (from the base 6.2.X version). The process of updating to version 7.6.X was ok. Being logged in 6.2 version, I switched to version 7.6 and updated elements in InstalTool, plugins etc. The problem appears when I log out. After entering my login address, I have a blank page - white page without any code. I can log into InstallTool but unfortunately not to BE.
The [FE] page works fine after the update. Any ideas what went wrong or where is the problem?
first: blank page normally means: there is an error but all error information was disabled.
If you just changed the source it might be a mismatch between cache and source: clear all caches in Install Tool.
Also your first step should be look into the server log.
If that does not give enough hints enable all debugging and error information in the Install Tool.
If that still gives no clue: disable all extensions (remove from PackageStates.php and don't forget to clear caches afterwards, maybe manually too)

Typo3 broken: Frontend / Backend blank pages and no errors even after restoring backup

I was fixing things on a not well-maintained typo3 installation and it resulted in blank pages of frontend, backend and install tool.
I wanted to fix extensions because the powermail-extension was not working anymore even after updating to latest compatible version (tried emptying cache and database compare).
I deactivated an extension "compatibility6" to see if it was interfering and since then all pages have been blank including Install Manager. I reactivated the extension via PackageStates.php, emptied the cache but it did not change anything. I was not able to see any error messages even though I set the parameter in LocalConfiguration.php which made it hard to try to find out what is wrong. Then I restored a backup using vmware. Still, backend and frontend are blank.
I am using Apache and Typo3 7.6.23.
I do not know what might be causing the problem and would like to know what else to look for?
It means you have a PHP error there. The first thing would be to examine logs. If you see anything like "class not found", then your next action would be composer dumpautoload --no-dev.
Long time ago I had an article about blank pages in TYPO3 FE. Not up to date but still can be helpful:
Dmitry already wrote it: you have an error.
In production environment nothing is shown for not revealing any information about your system.
So the only information about the error can be found in the error log of your webserver.
What can you do to get more information about your error?
Enter the install tool and switch to develop mode. This will also enable deprecation logging into a file. Try to avoid filling your system with deprecation warnings by disabling deprecation logging.
Disable the default exceptionhandler by adding this to your typoscript setup:
config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
Now you should see a call stack instead of blank screens.
Be aware that this might reveal confidential information from your system.
because of this you should use a copy of the live-system.

Is there a way to retrieve user settings from a corrupt VS Code?

I have Visual Studio Code 1.27.2 on Windows 10.
Recently there was an issue in the system not related to VS, and I had to run system repair which seems to have messed up with the settings of various programs, including VS.
Current situation:
Now when I open VS I get this:
title bar of VS with 'Unsupported' at the end
warning: "Your Code installation appears to be corrupt. Please reinstall."
According to the official FAQ, this can be due to fishy extensions. But this seems unlikely given that the last extension I installed was more than a week before this incident, and more importantly because of the system-wide settings shake-up.
Main issue:
When I try to access settings directly, I get another strange error:
warning: "Unable to open 'User Settings': e.replace is not a function (2 errors in total)."
This function didn't look familiar so I looked it up and it was in the doxygen code, which has not changed for weeks, so also don't think this is the real issue.
I tried the suggestions here but there was nothing found in my folders.
I plan on re-installing in all cases. It's not the end of the world if the settings are gone, but it would be great to ensure they are saved because I spent a lot of trial and error customizing them.

Coda 2.2 Plugins don't stay installed

I am having a small problem with plugins not staying installed with Coda 2.2 for Mac on OSX 10.6. Every time I close Coda and open it back up and then click on plugins half of them are gone even though the are in the plugins folder for the application. I have to close Coda and uninstall and reinstall the plugin then open it back up. That is only good until I close it then it starts all over again. Is there anything I can do or is there something I am overlooking that is causing this to happen?
I've been working with Panic support and we've discovered there's an issue with certain plugins. Most likely, it's only one that's problematic. For me, it was WVCPs plugin. Removing that from the plugin folder allows all other plugins to work fine.
I found it helpful looking at the Console app for messages from Coda and one by one dropped the plugins back into the plugins folder until I found the one that caused an error about incompatible architecture.
You can ignore the error about two plugins implementing the same class, that seems to be a mutual exclusion sort of warning but still allows the other plugins to work.
One other plugin had a different error but again, appears to work fine so probably it was just a warning.
This is probably your best solution until Panic push out an update, which I am assured is on the way.
Hope that helps!