MongoDB delete specific nested element in object array - mongodb

I want to remove this
"lightControl" : 75
from this
"_id" : "dfdfwef-fdfd-fd94284o-aafg",
"name" : "Testing",
"serialNumber" : "fhidfhd8ghfd",
"description" : "",
"point" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"ancestors" : [ ],
"metadata" : {
"measurement" : {
"high" : "40000.0",
"medium" : "25000.0"
"digitalTwin" : {
"emails" : [
"lastMeasurementDate" : "2010-03-04T11:32:06.691Z",
"lightControl" : 75
"tags" : [ ],
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-12-07T15:22:10.988Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-03-08T15:38:21.736Z"),
"_class" : "com.test.demo.api.model.Device"
All I want is for this specific id, to completely delete the lightControl element from metadata. I have tried $pull, but I am probably missing something. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

Your lightControl is not in array, for nested property, use the dot wrapped in doublequotes:
MongoDB shell:
In case you have a list of objects with _id(s) instead of updating directly, assume Node.js client for MongoDB is used:
// import mongodb from "mongodb"; // ES6
const mongodb = require("mongodb");
var client = MongoClient(...);
var coll = client["yourDbName"]["yourCollectionName"];
var objs = []; // <-- The array with _id(s)
for (let i=0; i<objs.length; i++){
let id = mongodb.ObjectID(objs[i]["_id"]);
coll.update({ _id:id },{$unset:{ "metadata.lightControl":"" }});


Add field to every document with existing data (move fields data to new field)

I have almost no experience in SQL or noSQL.
I need to update every document so that my fields "Log*" are under the new field "Log"
I found some help from this StackOverflow, but I am still wondering how to move the data.
Thank you very much
Original document
// collection: Services
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccb4f99f4953d4894acbe79"),
"Name" : "WebAPI",
"LogPath" : "Product\\APIService\\",
"LogTypeList" : [
"Name" : "ApiComCounter",
"FileName" : "ApiComCounter.log"
"Name" : "ApiService",
"FileName" : "ApiService.log"
Final Document
// collection: Services
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccb6fa2ae8f8a5d7037a5dd"),
"Name" : "InvoicingService",
"Log" : {
"LogPath" : "Product\\APIService\\",
"LogTypeList" : [
"Name" : "ApiComCounter",
"FileName" : "ApiComCounter.log"
"Name" : "ApiService",
"FileName" : "ApiService.log"
This requires MongoDB 4.2 or higher:
db.<collection>.updateMany({}, [
{$set: {"Log.LogPath": "$LogPath", "Log.LogTypeList": "$LogTypeList"}},
{$unset: ["LogPath", "LogTypeList"]}

Mongodb update and delete operations in a single query

I have documents in which I would like to update the hostUser with one of the members of the document,also have to delete the record from the member document and add the chips of the deleted member in the club chips.
Here is the sample document.
"_id" : "1002",
"hostUser" : "1111111111",
"clubChips" : 10000,
"requests" : {},
"profile" : {
"clubname" : "AAAAA",
"image" : "0"
"tables" : [
"isDeleted" : false,
"members" : {
"1111111111" : {
"chips" : 0,
"id" : "1111111111"
"2222222222" : {
"chips" : 0,
"id" : "2222222222"
This is what I have tried.
This is how you would handle unset and set in a single call to updateMany. Can you please clarify what you meant by "check if the values exist in the member field"?
'$set': {"hostUser":"2222222222"} ,
'$unset': {"members.1111111111":""}

Mongodb put Documents array as the same level

I have this array of documents, I would like to put "table" on the same level like mastil_antenas and other variables. how Can I do that with aggregate?
I'm trying with the aggregate $project but I can't get the result.
Example of Data
[ {
"mastil_antena" : "1",
"nro_platf" : "1",
"antmarcmast" : "ANDREW",
"antmodelmast" : "HWXXX6516DSA3M",
"retmarcmast" : "Ericsson",
"retmodelmast" : "ATM200-A20",
"distmast" : "1.50",
"altncramast" : "41.30",
"ORIENTMAG" : "73.00",
"incelecmast" : "RET",
"incmecmast" : "1.00",
"Feedertypemast" : "Fibra Optica",
"longjumpmast" : "5.00",
"longfo" : "100",
"calibrecablefuerza" : "10 mm",
"longcablefuerza" : "65.00",
"modelorruantena" : "32B66A",
"tiltmecfoto" : "",
"tiltmecfoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:51:22Z",
"az0foto" : "",
"az0foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:21Z",
"azneg60foto" : "",
"azneg60foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:36Z",
"azpos60foto" : "",
"azpos60foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:49Z",
"etiqantenafoto" : "",
"etiqantenafoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:01Z",
"tiltelectfoto" : "",
"tiltelectfoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:13Z",
"idcablefoto" : "",
"idcablefoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:38Z",
"rrutmafoto" : "",
"rrutmafoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:49Z",
"etiquetarrufoto" : "",
"etiquetarrufoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:02Z",
"rrutmafoto1" : "",
"rrutmafoto1_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:12Z",
"etiquetarrufoto1" : "",
"etiquetarrufoto1_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:27Z",
"botontorre4" : "sstelcel3",
"table" : { /* put all varibles one level up*/
"tecmast" : "LTE",
"frecmast" : "2100",
"secmast" : "1",
"untitled440" : "Salir"
"comentmast" : "",
"longfeedmast" : "",
"numtmasmast" : "",
"otra_marca_antena" : "",
"otro_modelo_antena" : ""
Starting from MongoDB version 3.4 you could use $addFields to do this.
//replace products with what makes sense in your database
{ //1 add the properties from subdocument table to documents
$addFields: {
"documents.tecmast" : "documents.0.table.tecmast",
"documents.frecmast" : "documents.0.table.frecmast",
"documents.secmast" : "documents.0.table.secmast",
"documents.untitled440" : "documents.0.table.untitled440"
//(optional) 2 remove the table property from the documents
$project: {"documents.table" : 0}
Step 1: use $addFields to grab properties from table inside documents.table and put them on documents
Step 2: (optional) remove property "table" from documents.
I hope this helps!!!

Fetching one element of array with sibling items (Without using aggregation or putting other sibling's value 1)

"translation" : [
"language" : "english",
"name" : "shahid Afridi",
"desc" : "batsmen",
"player" : "capten"
"language" : "spanish",
"name" : "shhid Ofridi",
"desc" : "batsmeen",
"player" : "capteen"
"language" : "french",
"name" : "hhid afrede is best",
"desc" : "batsmin",
"player" : "captn"
"auto-publish" : "publish",
"color" : "red",
"boolean" : "true"
I have this document in mongodb
In return
i want translation[0] with auto-publish, color and boolean.
Note: Without using aggregation or putting other sibling's value 1
You can use forEach on your cursor:
if (doc.hasOwnProperty('translation')){
var newdoc = {};
newdoc = doc.translation[0];
newdoc['auto-publish'] = doc['auto-publish'];
newdoc['color'] = doc['color'];
newdoc['boolean'] = doc['boolean'];
I don't think there's any other way to re-organize document as you need without using aggregation.

How to update particular array element in MongoDB

I am newbie in MongoDB. I have stored data inside mongoDB in below format
"_id" : ObjectId("51d5725c7be2c20819ac8a22"),
"chrom" : "chr22",
"pos" : 17060409,
"information" : [
"name" : "Category",
"value" : "3"
"name" : "INDEL",
"value" : "INDEL"
"name" : "DP",
"value" : "31"
"name" : "FORMAT",
"value" : "GT:PL:GQ"
"name" : "PV4",
"value" : "1,0.21,0.00096,1"
"sampleID" : "Job1373964150558382243283"
I want to update the value to 11 which has the name as Category.
I have tried below query:
db.VariantEntries.update({$and:[ { "pos" : 117199533} , { "sampleID" : "Job1373964150558382243283"},{"":"Category"}]},{$set:{'information.value':'11'}})
but Mongo replies
can't append to array using string field name [value]
How one can form a query which will update the particular value?
You can use the $ positional operator to identify the first array element to match the query in the update like this:
"pos": 17060409,
"sampleID": "Job1373964150558382243283",
In MongoDB you can't adress array values this way. So you should change your schema design to:
"information" : {
'category' : 3,
Then you can adress the single fields in your query:
{"pos" : 117199533} ,
{"sampleID" : "Job1373964150558382243283"},