Why is there an error while starting pgAdmin 4 for postgreSQL? - postgresql

When I am trying to start pgAdmin 4 tool, it is showing:
Fatal error.
An error occured initialising the pgAdmin 4 server:
Failed to launch the application server, server thread exiting.
I am an absolute beginner. So please answer in details.

It seems something wrong with pgAdmin 4,but the pg server works ok,you can try to use the SQL shell under PostGreSQL, or try another version of pgAdmin.


In pgAdmin issue with upgrading postgresql 11 to 13

ERROR: column relhasoids does not exist
Try to connect with pgadmin PostgreSQL server which I upgrade from 11 to 13. through psql I'm able to connect even with pgbouncer I'm able to connect but in pgadmin connection happens but query execution is not happening. above mentioned error, I'm getting.

Why i am getting error code failed with exit code 1 when restoring my db

When i try to restore my postgress db , it failed with exit code 1. What is the reason. I created the backup using postgress 11 and restoring it to postgress 12.
Appreciate your help.
Sounds like you are using PgAdmin4. You should upgrade it to the latest version (4.30) where they fixed the bug that caused it to hide the real error messages from you. Then you can try again and show us the real errors.
Better yet, use command line tools to do it in the first place.
I you don't want to try again, you can instead look in the database servers log file to find the error messages.

Issues connecting to an Oracle Database 19c

I am attempting to create and use an oracle DB.
Was able to create the DB using sql plus however when I attempt to connect to it via sqldeveloper I get the following error
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
When I check that all services are running I notice OracleVssWriterORCL is not running.
However upon attempting to start it I get the following error:
Windows could not start OracleVssWriterORCL service on local machine Error 0x80070005: Access is Denied
This is my first time using Oracle for DB so any help is greatly appreciated.
I should also note this is on a windows 10 VM
As stated above my listener was not running and going into cmd using the lsnrctrl start command fixed that issue but now I get a ORA-12505 error. Oh the fun of learning new things

pgAdmin 4 error in creating a new server. (could not connect to server: connection refused)

I have downloaded postgreSQL version 11.1 on my MacBook version 10.14.2, while installing I got an error says the following:
" Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly The database cluster initialization failed." and then clicked on next. (Mentioned this, just in case if it is related to my problem)
The problem I have now is, I can't view anything under servers, and whenever I try to create a new server it shows me this message.
screenshot of error message
I'm new to this and don't know what to do, any idea what should be done?

Codeigniter connection to remote PostgreSql database

I hope someone can help. I am running codeigniter 3.05 and trying to connect to a remote PostgreSql database. If I set session to database, I get include(.../views/errors/html/error_php.php) failed to open stream error message.
No other session configuration setting generates the error. If I run a method on a model, I get the same error along with: Fatal error: Call to a member function from() on null in /opt/share/php/ci/application/libraries/ActiveRecord.php on line 295.
I run the PostgreSql client from command line and I can connect to the database ok. I am running Ubuntu 15.04 and I have checked permissions and ownership settings for Codeigniter. I had a similar problem loading the model, but, when I changed the first letter of the name of the file to uppercase, the message disappeared.
Is there a database driver that I need to change the first letter so Ubuntu can find it? Or, what else could it be?