Search data field by year in Janusgraph - date

I have a 'Date' property on my 'Patent' node class that is formatted like this:
==>Sun Jan 28 00:08:00 UTC 2007
==>Tue Jan 27 00:10:00 UTC 1987
==>Wed Jan 10 00:04:00 UTC 2001
==>Sun Jan 17 00:08:00 UTC 2010
==>Tue Jan 05 00:10:00 UTC 2010
==>Thu Jan 28 00:09:00 UTC 2010
==>Wed Jan 04 00:09:00 UTC 2012
==>Wed Jan 09 00:12:00 UTC 2008
==>Wed Jan 24 00:04:00 UTC 2018
And is stored as class java.util.Date in the database.
Is there a way to search this field to return all the 'Patents' for a particular year?
I tried variations of g.V().has("Patent", "date", 2000).values(). However, it doesn't return any results or an error message.
Is there a way to search this property field by year or do I need to create a separate property that just contains year?

You do not need to create a separate property for the year. JanusGraph recognizes the Date data type and can filter by date values.
gremlin> dateOfBirth1 = new GregorianCalendar(2000, 5, 6).getTime()
==>Tue Jun 06 00:00:00 MDT 2000
gremlin> g.addV("person").property("name", "Person 1").property("dateOfBirth", dateOfBirth1)
gremlin> dateOfBirth2 = new GregorianCalendar(2001, 5, 6).getTime()
==>Wed Jun 06 00:00:00 MDT 2001
gremlin> g.addV("person").property("name", "Person 2").property("dateOfBirth", dateOfBirth2)
gremlin> dateOfBirthFrom = new GregorianCalendar(2000, 0, 1).getTime()
==>Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 MST 2000
gremlin> dateOfBirthTo = new GregorianCalendar(2001, 0, 1).getTime()
==>Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 MST 2001
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel("person").
......1> has("dateOfBirth", gte(dateOfBirthFrom)).
......2> has("dateOfBirth", lt(dateOfBirthTo)).
......3> values("name")
==>Person 1


Single planning calendar with fullday off

I have a problem with Single planning calendar.
I set fullday to false and set a startHour (8h) and endHour (17h).
But when i want to resize an appointment the startDate is not correct.
handleAppointmentResize: function (oEvent) {
var oAppointment = oEvent.getParameter("appointment"),
oStartDate = oEvent.getParameter("startDate"),
oEndDate = oEvent.getParameter("endDate"),
sAppointmentTitle = oAppointment.getTitle();
For exemple :
I have an appointment :
Wed Apr 06 2022 09:00:00 to Wed Apr 06 2022 13:00:00
I reduce them to 09:00 - 10:00
The result is
Mon Apr 04 2022 19:30:00 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)
Wed Apr 06 2022 09:00:00 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)
If i switch fullday to true, the result is ok !
Thanks for help
Resolve with upgrade of Sapui5 version

Returns the value in the next empty rows

Here is an example of my input.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 1
Motore 2
Motore 3
Motore 4
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 1
Motore 2
Motore 3
Motore 4
Expected Output
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 1
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 2
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 3
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 4
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 1
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 2
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 3
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2021
Motore 4
I tried to use the TmemorizeRows component but without any result, the second line is valorized but the others are not. Could you kindly help me.
You can solve this with a simple tMap with 2 inner variables (using the "var" array in the middle of the tMap)
Create two variables :
currentValue : you put in it the value of your input column date (in my example "").
updateValue : check whether currentValue is null or not : if null then you do not modify updateValue field . If not null then you update the field value. This way "updateValue" always contains not null data.
In output, just use "updateValue" variable.

in RDD how do you get apply function like MIN/MAX for an Iterable class

I would like to find out the efficient way to apply function to an RDD:
Here is what I am trying to do :
I have defined the following class:
case class Type(Key: String, category: String, event: String, date: java.util.Date, value: Double)
case class Type2(Key: String, Mdate: java.util.Date, label: Double)
then a loaded an RDD:
val TypeRDD: RDD[Type] =>s.split(",")).map(s=>Type(s(0), s(1), s(2),dateFormat.parse(s(3).asInstanceOf[String]), s(4).toDouble))
val Type2RDD: RDD[Type2] =>s.split(",")).map(s=>Type2(s(0), dateFormat.parse(s(1).asInstanceOf[String]), s(2).toDouble))
Then I try to create two new RDD - one that has Type.Key = Type2.Key and another one that has Type.Key not in Type2
val grpType = TypeRDD.groupBy(_.Key1)
vl grpType2 = Type2RDD.groupBy(_.Key1)
//get data where they Key1 does not exists in Type2 and return the values in grpType1
val tempresult = grpType fullOuterJoin grpType2
val result = tempresult.filter(_._2._2.isEmpty).map(_._2._1)
//get data where Type.Key == Type2.Key
val result2 =
typeRDD =
(19,EVENT1,TEST1,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT1,TEST1,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT2,TEST2,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(21,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(21,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(24,EVENT2,TEST2,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(24,EVENT2,TEST2,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(40,EVENT1,TEST1,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
type2RDD =
(24,Wed Dec 22 00:00:00 EST 3080,1.0)
(40,Wed Jan 22 00:00:00 EST 3080,1.0)
SO FOR THE RESULT 1 : I would like to get the following
(19,EVENT1,TEST1,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT1,TEST1,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT2,TEST2,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(19,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(21,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(21,EVENT3,TEST3,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(24,EVENT2,TEST2,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(24,EVENT2,TEST2,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
(40,EVENT1,TEST1,Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 EDT 3396,1.0)
19 EVENT1 2
19 EVENT2 1
19 EVENT3 2
21 EVENT3 2
24 EVENT2 2
40 EVENT1 1

Maybe a bug in temporal reasoning on drools?

I want to test a scenario with temporal reasoning on drools. I have a Message class with timestamp field. when each event of this class received by drools, inserted into working memory and called fireAllRules(). in every firing I want to print timestamp of paired message ml and mo, that is ml after[0s,160s] mo. when I write my rule like below every things is Ok.
rule "Rule 1"
ml: Message()
mo: Message(ml after[0s,160s] this)
System.out.println("ml:"+new Date(ml.timestamp));
System.out.println("mo:"+new Date(mo.timestamp));
Message received{"timestamp":"Feb 8 19:39:45", ... }
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:39:45 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:39:45 IRST 1970
Message received{"timestamp":"Feb 8 19:40:04", ... }
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:40:04 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:39:45 IRST 1970
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:40:04 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:40:04 IRST 1970
Message received{"timestamp":"Feb 8 19:40:15", ... }
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:40:15 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:40:04 IRST 1970
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:40:15 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:39:45 IRST 1970
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:40:15 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:40:15 IRST 1970
But when I rewrite rule in this form the output is not good.
rule "Rule 1"
ml: Message()
mo: Message(this before[0s,160s] ml)
System.out.println("ml:"+new Date(ml.timestamp));
System.out.println("mo:"+new Date(mo.timestamp));
Message received{"timestamp":"Feb 8 19:41:40", ... }
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:41:40 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:41:40 IRST 1970
Message received{"timestamp":"Feb 8 19:41:57", ... }
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:41:57 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:41:57 IRST 1970
Message received{"timestamp":"Feb 8 19:42:02", ... }
ml:Sun Feb 08 19:42:02 IRST 1970
mo:Sun Feb 08 19:42:02 IRST 1970
Why in second form the output is not good? this problem observed when I used two parameters for temporal operators and "this" is the first operand.
Is "this before[0s,160s] ml" equals to "ml after[0s,160s] this"?
The second form is a bug?

SBT 0.12.1 downloads wrong SNAPSHOT

I deploy some SNAPSHOT dependencies to Sonatype OSS using mvn. Sonatype stores a number of old snapshots for each coordinate. A directory listing of my deployed SNAPSHOTs is at the bottom of this question.
In my sbt Play! project, I added the Sonatype SNAPSHOT repository as a resolver.
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
// Add your own project settings here
resolvers += "Sonatype snapshots" at ""
However, the wrong SNAPSHOT is downloaded each time. While sbt should download the last deployed SNAPSHOT (20130109.225335-6) but it downloads the first deployed SNAPSHOT (20130109.210948-1).
$ rm -r ~/.ivy2/cache/edu.washington.cs.knowitall.chunkedextractor/
$ sbt clean compile
[info] Loading project definition from /scratch/github/knowitall/documentextractor/project
[info] Set current project to documentextractor (in build file:/scratch/github/knowitall/documentextractor/)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jan 9, 2013 3:06:41 PM
[info] Updating {file:/scratch/github/knowitall/documentextractor/}documentextractor...
[info] downloading ...
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] edu.washington.cs.knowitall.chunkedextractor#chunkedextractor_2.9.2;1.0.1-SNAPSHOT!chunkedextractor_2.9.2.jar (1079ms)
[info] Done updating.
Any idea how I can fix this and make sbt download the most recent SNAPSHOT? Is this an sbt-specific problem or does it have to do with Play!?
Here is the directory listing of my artifact's snapshots on Sonatype.
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1-javadoc.jar Wed Jan 09 15:09:55 CST 2013 361379
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1-javadoc.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 15:09:56 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1-javadoc.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 15:09:56 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1-sources.jar Wed Jan 09 15:09:53 CST 2013 17175
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1-sources.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 15:09:54 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1-sources.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 15:09:53 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1.jar Wed Jan 09 15:09:48 CST 2013 178994
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 15:09:49 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 15:09:49 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1.pom Wed Jan 09 15:09:49 CST 2013 3725
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1.pom.md5 Wed Jan 09 15:09:50 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.210948-1.pom.sha1 Wed Jan 09 15:09:50 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2-javadoc.jar Wed Jan 09 16:21:29 CST 2013 363291
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2-javadoc.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:21:30 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2-javadoc.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:21:30 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2-sources.jar Wed Jan 09 16:21:27 CST 2013 17195
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2-sources.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:21:27 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2-sources.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:21:27 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2.jar Wed Jan 09 16:21:21 CST 2013 177267
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:21:22 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:21:22 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2.pom Wed Jan 09 16:21:23 CST 2013 3725
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2.pom.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:21:23 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.222121-2.pom.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:21:23 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3-javadoc.jar Wed Jan 09 16:30:25 CST 2013 363291
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3-javadoc.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:30:26 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3-javadoc.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:30:25 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3-sources.jar Wed Jan 09 16:30:22 CST 2013 17195
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3-sources.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:30:23 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3-sources.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:30:23 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3.jar Wed Jan 09 16:30:18 CST 2013 177267
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:30:18 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:30:18 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3.pom Wed Jan 09 16:30:19 CST 2013 3725
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3.pom.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:30:19 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.223017-3.pom.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:30:19 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4-javadoc.jar Wed Jan 09 16:47:24 CST 2013 363343
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4-javadoc.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:47:24 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4-javadoc.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:47:24 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4-sources.jar Wed Jan 09 16:47:21 CST 2013 17198
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4-sources.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:47:22 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4-sources.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:47:22 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4.jar Wed Jan 09 16:47:17 CST 2013 177369
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:47:18 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:47:17 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4.pom Wed Jan 09 16:47:18 CST 2013 3725
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4.pom.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:47:19 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.224717-4.pom.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:47:18 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5-javadoc.jar Wed Jan 09 16:52:52 CST 2013 363343
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5-javadoc.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:52:52 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5-javadoc.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:52:52 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5-sources.jar Wed Jan 09 16:52:49 CST 2013 17198
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5-sources.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:52:50 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5-sources.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:52:50 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5.jar Wed Jan 09 16:52:45 CST 2013 177369
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:52:46 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:52:45 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5.pom Wed Jan 09 16:52:46 CST 2013 3725
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5.pom.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:52:47 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225244-5.pom.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:52:46 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6-javadoc.jar Wed Jan 09 16:53:42 CST 2013 363343
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6-javadoc.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:53:43 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6-javadoc.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:53:42 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6-sources.jar Wed Jan 09 16:53:40 CST 2013 17198
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6-sources.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:53:40 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6-sources.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:53:40 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6.jar Wed Jan 09 16:53:35 CST 2013 177369
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6.jar.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:53:36 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6.jar.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:53:36 CST 2013 40
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6.pom Wed Jan 09 16:53:36 CST 2013 3725
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6.pom.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:53:37 CST 2013 32
chunkedextractor_2.9.2-1.0.1-20130109.225335-6.pom.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:53:37 CST 2013 40
maven-metadata.xml Wed Jan 09 16:53:43 CST 2013 1244
maven-metadata.xml.md5 Wed Jan 09 16:53:44 CST 2013 32
maven-metadata.xml.sha1 Wed Jan 09 16:53:43 CST 2013 40
UPDATE: specifies sbt.version=0.11.3. Maybe Play is forcing this older version of sbt.
Try if one of these might help you:
1) run 'update'
2) modify dependency to "groupId" %% "artifactId" % "version" changing() and run 'update'