Copy a folder and create a new folder for each month - copy

I have very little experience programming, so I'm not not sure if the following can be done.
I need to copy files from a folder and put them into another location for backup. I would like to copy the folder once a month and put the files into a backup folder labeled for that month and year.
My source folder is C:\Users\Company Name\Documents\Global S Programs
My destination folder is I:\Quality\CMM Global S programs\

I found this simple code to copy the files, create a new folder, label it with the current date and year and then paste the files into it.
Than I just set up the task scheduler to run it once a month.
I ended up changing the order of the date to MMDDYYYY.
To get MMDDYYYY change line 6 to this "ds=%%B_%%C_%%A"( %%A=Year %%B=Month %%C=Day)
#Echo Off
Set "sd=C:\Users\Company Name\Documents\Global S Programs"
Set "dd=I:\Quality\CMM Global S programs"
If Not Exist "%sd%\" Exit /B
For /F "Tokens=1-3Delims=/ " %%A In ('RoboCopy/NJH /L "\|" Null'
M D Year
) Do If Not Defined ds Set "ds=%%A_%%B_%%C"
If Not Defined ds Exit /B
RoboCopy "%sd%" "%dd%\%ds%" /E


Batch File to copy files to new directory while renaming, skipping existing files, and without confirmation

I am creating a batch file to be run later which will be used to copy files from one location to another while renaming the files, skipping any existing files, and without prompting the user. Examples of files to be copied:
Copied files will have the names:
Things I have tried:
xcopy C:\Testing\1000012\21\00021*.* C:\Testing\1000013\22\00022*.* /D
This almost does it. It copies all the files starting with "00021" in the first location into the second location while properly renaming them to start with "00022". It skips all the files with the same name and date stamp, but ends up prompting to copy any files from the source which are newer than the target.
robocopy C:\Testing\1000012\21\ C:\Testing\1000013\22\ 00021*.* /xo /xn /xc
I was hoping that by excluding older, newer, and same date files it would work (even if it doesn't rename - I would just do that in a separate step.) Unfortunately, this just ends up overwriting newer source files over existing target files if they are a different filesize.
I have even tried the Copy-Item command in PowerShell. But it doesn't do the renaming like Xcopy, and it doesn't skip existing files (although I can get it to confirm and say "No to All".)
Copy-Item -Path "C:\CWUImageCompare\Testing\1000012\CWU\chemistry\129\21\00021*.*" -Destination "C:\CWUImageCompare\Testing\1000013\CWU\chemistry\129\20\" -Confirm
If xcopy had the "Skip if existing" flag I'd be all set, but it doesn't.
rem The following settings for the source directory & destination directory are names
rem that I use for testing and deliberately includes spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
SET "destdir=u:\your results"
FOR /f "skip=1delims=" %%b IN ('xcopy /L /Y "%sourcedir%\00021*.*" "%destdir%\00022*.*" ^|sort') DO (
SET "oname=%%~nxb"
IF EXIST "%destdir%\00022!oname:~5!" (ECHO "%%b" skipped) ELSE (ECHO COPY /y "%%b" "%destdir%\00022!oname:~5!")
Always verify against a test directory before applying to real data.
Seems a little complicated, but essentially, execute the xcopy (I omitted the /D for testing) with /L /Y to simply produce a list.
Since the list has a last line that begins with a numeric, whereas the other lines start with a drive-letter, sort the list and skip the first line.
This would implement the date-requirement.
Then grab the part after the first 5 characters of the name+extension, test whether the new name exists and either report or copy as appropriate (The copy command is disarmed for testing)

How to archive files older than 7 days with creating one archive for all files with same date?

I am looking for someone who can help me make a scheduled task to automatically move log files into RAR archives.
It does not have to be a batch file solution, if you have other ideas please share.
I got the basic code for it. This is the batch file code I have so far:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -ag -ms "D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\LogsBackup\" #backup.txt
That line in the batch file runs RAR to create an archive with all files in the folder specified in list file backup.txt containing:
The RAR archive is created in D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\LogsBackup\ with yyyy-mm-dd.rar as file name.
I need help with:
The RAR archives should have date in format dd-mm-yyyy in name instead of yyyy-mm-dd.
Only log files should be archived which are older than 7 days according to last modification date in comparison to current date whereby time does not matter, just date. All files with a date and time before 27-07-2014 00:00:00 should be added to the RAR archives if current date and time is 02-08-2014 12:30:00.
Each RAR archive to create should contain only files with same last modification date.
All archived log files should be deleted once the RAR compression is completed without errors.
The reason for being a batch file is the requirement of being executable as scheduled task.
An example for third requirement:
The folder contains 5 log files with following last modification dates:
Oldest.log 23-07-2014 02:20:54
AlsoOld.log 23-07-2014 23:52:26
Sample1.log 25-07-2014 09:08:46
Sample2.log 25-07-2014 12:59:02
Newest.log 26-07-2014 18:32:48
The scheduled task needs to create 3 archives with following names and files:
23-07-2014_Logs.rar with Oldest.log and AlsoOld.log.
25-07-2014_Logs.rar with Sample1.log and Sample2.log.
26-07-2014_Logs.rar with just Newest.log.
No log file was created on 24-07-2014 and therefore also no RAR archive to create for this day.
I suggest to use in the batch file:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" mf -ac -ao -agDD-MM-YYYY-NN -ep1 -idq -m5 -to7d -y "D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\LogsBackup\Logs_" #backup.txt
Above command moves all files older than 7 days according to last modification date into a RAR archive with name starting with Logs_ and current date in requested format and an additional incrementing number starting with number 1 after a hyphen in case of running this command line several times on one day.
Only files with archive attribute are moved into an archive. The archive attribute is cleared after archiving a file even if deletion is not possible for example when another application has opened the file with a write lock. RAR does not delete files on which reading and compressing the data failed at all (read lock).
See text file Rar.txt in program files folder of WinRAR for a description of all the switches used in this command line.
After some requirements have been explained better, here is a batch file to create the archive files as finally requested.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Define the directories to use for backup task.
set "LogDirectory=D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\log"
set "BakDirectory=D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\LogsBackup"
rem Get all file names in log directory into a list file sorted by last
rem modification date with oldest file at top and newest at bottom.
rem Note: /S is important to get the file names with complete path.
dir "%LogDirectory%\*" /A-D /B /OD /S /TW 1>"%BakDirectory%\LogFiles.lst" 2>nul
rem Jump to clean up stage if no file found in the log directory.
if errorlevel 1 goto :CleanUp
rem Delete list file for all files with same day if file exists
rem for example from a previous execution of this batch file
rem which was terminated manually by a user during execution.
if exist "%BakDirectory%\DayFiles.lst" del "%BakDirectory%\DayFiles.lst"
set LastDate=none
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%F in ( "%BakDirectory%\LogFiles.lst" ) do (
set FileTime=%%~tF
rem Get just file date from file time in format DD-MM-YYYY.
rem The file time string format depends on date and time
rem format definition in Windows language settings.
rem Therefore the line below must be adapted if date format
rem is whether DD.MM.YYYY nor DD-MM-YYYY nor DD/MM/YYYY.
set FileDate=!FileTime:~0,2!-!FileTime:~3,2!-!FileTime:~6,4!
rem Is the last modification date of this file different
rem to last modification date of the previous file?
if not "!FileDate!"=="!LastDate!" (
rem Nothing to archive on first difference.
if not "!LastDate!"=="none" call :ArchiveLogs
rem Exit loop if RAR has not archived any file which means
rem all other files are modified within the last 7 days.
if "!LastDate!"=="ExitLoop" goto CleanUp
rem Start creating a new list.
set LastDate=!FileDate!
rem Append name of this file with path to current day list.
echo %%F>>"%BakDirectory%\DayFiles.lst"
rem Jump to clean up stage if no list file with files to archive.
if not exist "%BakDirectory%\DayFiles.lst" goto CleanUp
rem Otherwise with no log file created or modified within
rem the last 7 days, but at least one older file exists
rem nevertheless, archive all those files in list file.
call :ArchiveLogs
del "%BakDirectory%\LogFiles.lst"
goto :EOF
rem Move all files in the list file older than 7 days without
rem path using best compression into a RAR archive with last
rem modification date of archived file(s) in RAR file name.
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" mf -ep1 -idq -m5 -to7d -y "%BakDirectory%\!LastDate!_Logs.rar" "#%BakDirectory%\DayFiles.lst"
rem Exit FOR loop above if no file archived because
rem no file in the list file is older than 7 days.
if errorlevel 10 set LastDate=ExitLoop
del "%BakDirectory%\DayFiles.lst"
I first thought, it is not possible to do this without coding a small console application to create the file lists per date and ignore files not modified within the last 7 days. But then I had an idea on how to solve this main problem using just a batch file and RAR as it can be seen above.
It is best to run this batch file with a scheduled task short after midnight as RAR takes also current time into account for "older than 7 days" and not just the date.
But it would be no problem if batch file is executed for example at 18:00 and there are log files created respectively modified at 23:00. In this case log files with last modification date before 18:00 and with a date exactly before 7 days in comparison to current date are moved first into a RAR archive, and on next day the other log files last modified after 18:00 from same date are moved also to the RAR archive for this date.
Example with batch task executed always at 18:00 and what happens.
There are the log files
FirstSundayAugust2014_1.log 03/08/2014 15:23
FirstSundayAugust2014_2.log 03/08/2014 23:48
and the scheduled task runs on Sunday, 10th August 2014 at 18:00.
The batch file moves FirstSundayAugust2014_1.log into RAR archive 03-08-2014_Logs.rar, but the other log file FirstSundayAugust2014_2.log also from last Sunday remains in the directory.
On Monday, 11th August 2014 at 18:00 the batch file moves also FirstSundayAugust2014_2.log into the RAR archive 03-08-2014_Logs.rar and this archive contains now both log files created respectively last modified on first Sunday in August 2014.
One more note:
RAR file names with date in format DD-MM-YYYY are not really good in my point of view. Better would be YYYY-MM-DD as this results in *.rar files where those RAR files listed alphabetically according to file name in Windows Explorer would result in same list as when those RAR files are listed according to file date/time in Windows Explorer.
To get RAR files with format YYYY-MM-DD for the date in file name the line
set FileDate=!FileTime:~0,2!-!FileTime:~3,2!-!FileTime:~6,4!
needs to be modified to
set FileDate=!FileTime:~6,4!-!FileTime:~3,2!-!FileTime:~0,2!

How to Copy files that are in a directory to another directory recursively in Windows?

I have to create an script to copy files from a folder structure to other.
My source folder structure is similar to this:
/*Here are the files to copy*/
/*Here are the files to copy*/
I want to copy the files that are in the "ToCopy" folders, into another folder, with this structure:
Destination folder structure:
//Here the files that were in the ToCopy folder inside the SubParentsFolder1
//Here the files that were in the ToCopy folder inside the OtherSubParentFolder
Notice that I use the name of the "ToCopy" parent folder in the destination subfolders.
I know how I would do this with code (like C#), but I am at a lost on how to achieve it with a Batch file. Is it even possible? Or I would need to use something like powershell?
How can I copy my files following the structure I described?
I think, this should work...
$Folder= gci -path "d:\pstest" -recurse -Filter "ToCopy" | where { $_.psiscontainer }
Foreach ($Foldername in $Folder) {
copy-item $Foldername.fullname -Destination "d:\Outputfolder\$Destinationfolder" -recurse
Hi to follow is a script I hacked away (via help from stack overflow), that reads the files from a txt document, then requests destination folder input and also src folder name it then just goes and recursively copies all the files to the new folder without keeping the old subfolder structure.
I will update this in future with the link to the person that I got the base template from for the admin area, but to keep in mind once you click that Batch can run as though it was a php script then everything makes sense. Took me whole day to research every command and alternative on
Major thing to note is the pushd "%~dp0" this I use to make sure batch always uses my current directory as root.
As said I will do a proper write up on this and further stream lining since I am using it actively for moving files during a woocommerce shop update. P.S. the text file name should be entered without the .txt extention and every file name should start on a new line. Also if the destination directory does not exist it will create it. Use excel maybe to list the names then for renaming could output to new column and compile the batch rename command copy to new batch run first batch to fetch files and second batch to rename to preferred title, I do it in steps to keep my sanity.
Sorry was just a example of how I use it, but yes go ahead and enjoy hope this works for you.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Changes root path to relative of current bat folder
pushd "%~dp0"
REM finds files in provided .txt file and copies them to destination directory
COPY /b/y NUL %WINDIR%\06CF2EB6-94E6-4a60-91D8-AB945AE8CF38 >NUL 2>&1
DEL %WINDIR%\06CF2EB6-94E6-4a60-91D8-AB945AE8CF38 >NUL 2>&1
ECHO Please wait...
set /p DEST_DIR="Copy files to:"%=%
set /p SEARCH_DIR="Copy files from:"%=%
#echo Please check folder name for accuracy.
#echo Copy files to: %DEST_DIR%
#echo Copy files from: %SEARCH_DIR%
set /p CORRECT_FOLDERS="Are these correct? (please check spelling) y/n:"
#echo you answered yes
if not exist %DEST_DIR% md %DEST_DIR%&GOTO:READ_DATA
#echo you answered no
set /p TRY_AGAIN="Try again? y/n:"
#echo "So Sorry"
set /p GET_FILENAMES="What is the name of the text file your filenames are stored in?"%=%
if exist %GET_FILENAMES%.txt #echo We will now read and copy the files for you, have some coffee might take awhile & GOTO:WRITE_DATA
if not exist %GET_FILENAMES%.txt #echo Filename does not match, please type only the name without .txt extention & GOTO:READ_DATA
#echo reading file name...
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%GET_FILENAMES%.txt") do (
for /r "%SEARCH_DIR%" %%b in ("%%a*") do (
#echo Copy Started...
copy "%%b" "%DEST_DIR%\%%~nxb"
#echo Copy finished, please review actions. Lekker Man.

Copy Files Created Today from Multiple Directories into a Single Folder

I'm trying to copy files from multiple subfolders into a single folder without re-creating the subfolders in the destination folder. I have a command that will do this, however, the problem that I have is this is something that I need to run daily as new files are created. So I don't want to re-copy the files from the previous day. I only need to copy files that are created on the current day. The command that I am using is:
for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /b /s /a-d "e:\testfrom" ') do #copy "%a" "e:\testto"
This does copy everything that is in the testfrom folder and puts it into the testto folder.
How can I get this to copy files in the testfrom folder that are created on the current day?

how to find the last time stamp of the particular TYPE file in that directory?

how get the date and time of the last modified particular TYPE file in that directory
let me explain with an example
if i use the command dir *.reo /o:d
i get the all *.reo files in that directory sorted according to the date ..
this is the the last line of the output
29-03-2010 11.31 arun.reo
now i just want to copy the date and time of the last created file in variable or file .is it possible ?
You can do this using a batch file like this:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir *.reo /o:-d /b') do (
set dt=%%~tf
goto endloop
: endloop
echo %dt%
A little explanation:
dir *.reo /o:-d /b produces a list of all .reo files in the current directory, sorted by date in descending order (so that the last modified file comes first).
%%~tf expands to the date of the file specified by the %f variable.
It depends on what os your using. If you want just the last file
command one pipes the complete directory into a temp file
dir *.reo /o:d > temp.txt;
command two gets the last line of the temp file. Only works if you have the windowserver 2003 install which the link is provided below.
tail - 1 temp.txt;
Go to the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 download section at
downloads/tools/default.mspx. Or, if that link does not work, visit and search for "Windows 2003". Once there, choose the "Downloads -> Tools" link.