Flutter: Ultimate responsive Layout for mobile devices - flutter

since I am learning Flutter now for about a year, I am using several responsive layout functions to be sure that my app looks fine on each device. Normally, I am using MediaQuery with a factor for Containers and Cards and if I have Text inside, I use FittedBox with BoxFit.contain. So far, it works well, but from time to time I get an overflow, e.g. when my colleague opens the app on his IPhone 12 Emulator. Yesterday, he had an overflow inside the bottom nav bar. It was because of the icons and I do not know why this appears. I gave the bottom bar a defined height with MediaQuery and wrapped the icons inside fitted boxes. After that, I defined the icon size with Media Query as well, still no real improvment. The title, or the label is not displayed.
Well my question would be a general one: Since I have no real experience with other languages, I am not able to compare the effort which is neccessary to have a responsive layout to other languages, but maybe an experienced developer can give me some tips how to improve the workflow of having a responsive layout. We want to launch in the app stores in August and the fear of having overflows on several devices drives me crazy. In this case, it is more a responsiveness to many mobile devices rather than having a good layout on mobile, desktop, tablet. So please, tell me about your approaches. It would really help me!

See for responsive design, try to use the Padding and the Expanded Widgets the Most.
They are most useful when designing responsive screens.
Also, you can see other layout widgets here.
Dont use specific pixels (numbers) to limit the size of anything, try making it dynamic based on screen size.
Between phone and desktop, make 2 layouts and switch them as needed.
Between different sized phones, padding should do the work.


Flutter screen "magnification" for tablet as a blanket operation over already established mobile screen layout

Wondering if there is a way to blanket "magnify" an entire screen layout including all widgets & properties such as text scaling etc.
I have discovered there are a few screens which can do best as a simple magnification instead of a completely different layout when going from mobile to tablet sizes. Is there a way to shortcut this as opposed to totally different layouts?
The end goal would be nearly exact same layout but every element on tablet is larger.

Developing for different screen sizes using flutter?

I have an app that I am going to upload to the appstore and playstore pretty soon but I am worried that it might look funny on different phone screens that vary in sizes (The app is for mobile phones only no tablets) what's the best way to code for different screen sizes using flutter?
Try using LayoutBuilder for different layout size and OrientationBuilder for different orientation.
Check this: https://medium.com/flutter-community/developing-for-multiple-screen-sizes-and-orientations-in-flutter-fragments-in-flutter-a4c51b849434
You use MediaQuery for size determination.
And OrientationBuilder for orientation of the device.
Here is a nice article you might want to read.

Confusing about Resolution and Screen size in MobileDevice, can we design mobile Website that has Gui enlarged according to screen size?obile

Ok, now most mordern smartphone has 720p or 1080p resolution. That mean even screen size is small like 4 in, we still can see all text, gui (such as email textbox) of the whole website when first time opening it in Galaxy s3.
However, though we can see the very little email textbox in mobile browser, it is too small for us to enter data. So we need to magnify the page and that is very time consuming.
My question is, can we make the gui of GWT app automatically enlarges itself so that mobile users do not need to enlarge it?
Also the gwt could shpw the gui in Portrait direction.
you need to follow responsive web design principles to achieve your objective. Also have a look here bootstrap provides widgets that are flexible

How to make Adobe AIR application for iOS supporting both new and old screen size

I've been a Flash animator for a few years and recently tried my hand at developing a simple iOS application using Flash CS6 and AS3.
When I began development I was creating for the iPhone 4S' screen size, however now with the release of the iPhone 5 the new screen size obviously doesn't fill the screen, resulting in the black-bar letterboxing at the top and bottom of the screen.
I have three questions to ask:
Is it possible to release two different versions of the app onto the App Store for separate devices or does it have to be universal? (I believe the answer is the latter but I can't find a definitive answer)
Is it possible to have a stage size that matches the iPhone 5's larger display but cut off the bottom (for example) for the previous iPhone sizes, in effect just adding some information to the bottom of the screen exclusively for iPhone 5 users?
If (2) is not possible, is there coding examples available change positions of items on the screen? For example, I have a title and taskbar as well as a background, could I code it to stretch to the size of the device screen rather than the stage? And would I need to alter the stage size or is there code available to do that for me?
I'm quite new to the programming aspect of AS3 and I'm sorry if there are answers that you feel that I should know, but I'm really thankful for your time to read and answer and I thank you in advance for your replies!
Ben Kahan
While all of your options are possible, you'll want to make sure your program dynamically lays itself out and resizes visual assets depending on screen size, pixel density and orientation.
More here:
One Application, Five Screens (Including the iPad)
Writing Multiscreen AIR Apps
You should look into doing number 3! 1 will be a hell to maintain, 2 will piss off users with smaller screen. If you design your application a bit more flexible, that would also mean you have an app that works on android ;)
I don't have any particular code for handling different screen sizes, but I remember reading about it back when Adobe introduced FP for mobile. This article gives a lot of good advice for delveloping for mobile (even though it is a bit old) -- maybe you can find something that is more up to date though google :)

need help with iphone layout with fixed tabs and scrolling content

I am looking to develop a webpage specifically for viewing on an iPhone/mobile browsers. The layout would be something like this:
I would like the two tabs at the top to be fixed, i.e. they would always appear at the top of the viewport/screen, and the content in each tab to scroll (the height of the content in each tab would exceed the remaining available height, and so I would want this to scroll).
Ideally there would also be a transition on switching tabs (perhaps a simple fade would work best with the graphics capability of the iPhone), though this is not essential.
I would be grateful for any advice in getting this set up,
Look into JQTouch it's a library that does nice animations similar to iPhone native OS.