Incrementing variables in powershell - powershell

I'm new to PowerShell and am trying to create a script that goes through a csv file (simple name,value csv) and loads each new line in it as a variable and then runs a function against that set of variables.
I've had success at getting it to work for 1 variable by using the following code snippet:
Import-Csv -Path C:\something\mylist.csv | ForEach-Object {
New-Variable -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Force
My csv looks like this:
Basically it's a list of registry keys each named as RegKey# and then the path of that reg key is the intended value of the variable.
I'm currently playing around with the "Test-Path" cmdlet that just prints out true/false if the passed reg-key exists and then just prints out some text based on if it found the reg key or not.
That snippet looks like so:
Test-Path $RegKey1
Write-Output "It worked"
else {
Write-Output "It didn't work"
This works fine however what I'm trying to achieve is for powershell to run this cmdlet against each of the lines in the csv file - basically checking each reg key in it and then doing whatever specified to it.
What I'm trying to avoid is declaring hundreds of variables for every regkey I plan on using but instead have this one function that just runs through the csv and every time it runs, it increments the number next to the variable's name - RegKey1,RegKey2,RegKey3 etc.
Let me know if there's a way to do this in powershell or a better way of approaching this altogether. I also apologize in advance if I've not provided enough info, please do let me know.

You need to place your if statement in the Foreach-Object loop. This will also only work, if your variable all get the same name of $RegKey. To incriment, you may use the for loop.
Import-Csv -Path C:\something\mylist.csv | ForEach-Object {
New-Variable -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Force
IF (Test-Path $RegKey1) {
Write-Output "It worked"
else {
Write-Output "It didn't work"
The if statement returns a boolean value of $true, or $false. So theres no need to use $LastExitCode by placing the Test-Path as the condition to evaluate for.
Alternatively, you can use the Foreach loop to accomplish the same thing here:
$CSV = Import-Csv -Path C:\something\mylist.csv
Foreach($Key in $CSV.Value){
$PathTest = Test-Path -Path $Key
if($PathTest) {
Write-Output "It worked"
} else {
Write-Output "It didn't work"
By iterating(reading through the list 1 at a time) through the csv only selecting the value(Reg Path), we can test against that value by assigning its value to the $PathTest Variable, to be evaluated in your if statement just like above; theres also no need to assign it to a variable and we can just use the Test-Path in your if statement like we did above as well for the same results.


PowerShell Test-Path is returning false always

I have two below arrays in powershell
$obj= ('Sales','Finance','config.ini')
$objPath= ('D:\Project','D:\Element','D:\Project')
now $obj can be a folder name or a file name
$objPath is the path where the respective positional $obj will reside
I want to check if that folder or file exist in the respective $objPath
my code:
foreach($element in $obj){
foreach($elementpath in $objPath){
Test-Path $element+'\'+$elementpath
But it is returning false everytime. Can anyone please suggest where I am doing wrong
I think you've written the statement backwards. When you run it'll check for paths like:
That obviously doesn't look right. You can try a minor re-write like:
Along with reversing the variable references you may want to entertain using Join-Path (as a best practice) like below:
foreach($element in $obj){
foreach($elementpath in $objPath){
Test-Path (Join-Path $elementpath $element)
It will work with string concatenation like below:
foreach($element in $obj){
foreach($elementpath in $objPath){
Test-Path ($elementpath + '\' + $element)
Per one of the comments string expansion will also work:
foreach($element in $obj){
foreach($elementpath in $objPath){
Test-Path "$elementpath\$element"

Powershell - Iterate through variables dynamically

I am importing a CSV file with two records per line, "Name" and "Path".
$softwareList = Import-Csv C:\Scripts\NEW_INSTALLER\softwareList.csv
$count = 0..($softwareList.count -1)
foreach($i in $count){
Write-Host $softwareList[$i].Name,$softwareList[$i].Path
What I am trying to do is dynamically assign the Name and Path of each record to a WPFCheckbox variable based on the $i variable. The names for these checkboxes are named something such as WPFCheckbox0, WPFCheckbox1, WPFCheckbox2 and so on. These objects have two properties I planned on using, "Command" to store the $SoftwareList[$i].path and "Content" to store the $SoftwareList[$i].Name
I cannot think of a way to properly loop through these variables and assign the properties from the CSV to the properties on their respective WPFCheckboxes.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
Invoke-Expression is one way, though note Mathias' commented concerns on the overall approach.
Within your foreach loop, you can do something like:
invoke-expression "`$WPFCheckbox$i`.Command = $($SoftwareList[$i].Path)"
invoke-expression "`$WPFCheckbox$i`.Content= $($SoftwareList[$i].Name)"
The back-tick ` just before the $WPFCheckBox prevents what would be an undefined variable from being immediately evaluated (before the expression is invoked), but the $I is. This gives you a string with your $WPFCheckbox1, to which you then append the property names and values. The $SoftwareList values are immediately processed into the raw string.
The Invoke-Expression then evaluates and executes the entire string as if it were a regular statement.
Here's a stand-alone code snippet to play with:
1..3 |% {
invoke-expression "`$MyVariable$_` = New-Object PSObject"
invoke-expression "`$MyVariable$_` | add-member -NotePropertyName Command -NotePropertyValue [String]::Empty"
invoke-expression "`$MyVariable$_`.Command = 'Path #$_'"
$MyVariable1 | Out-String
$MyVariable2 | Out-String
$MyVariable3 | Out-String
As a side note (since I can't comment yet on your original question,) creating an array just to act as iterator through the lines of the file is really inefficient. There are definitely better ways to do that.

Writing $null to Powershell Output Stream

There are powershell cmdlets in our project for finding data in a database. If no data is found, the cmdlets write out a $null to the output stream as follows:
Write-Output $null
Or, more accurately since the cmdlets are implemented in C#:
I have found that this causes some behavior that is very counter to the conventions employed elsewhere, including in the built-in cmdlets.
Are there any guidelines/rules, especially from Microsoft, that talk about this? I need help better explaining why this is a bad idea, or to be convinced that writing $null to the output stream is an okay practice. Here is some detail about the resulting behaviors that I see:
If the results are piped into another cmdlet, that cmdlet executes despite no results being found and the pipeline variable ($_) is $null. This means that I have to add checks for $null.
Find-DbRecord -Id 3 | For-Each { if ($_ -ne $null) { <do something with $_> }}
Similarly, If I want to get the array of records found, ensuring that it is an array, I might do the following:
$recsFound = #(Find-DbRecord -Category XYZ)
foreach ($record in $recsFound)
$record.Name = "Something New"
The convention I have seen, this should work without issue. If no records are found, the foreach loop wouldn't execute. Since the Find cmdlet is writing null to the output, the $recsFound variable is set to an array with one item that is $null. Now I would need to check each item in the array for $null which clutters my code.
$null is not void. If you don't want null values in your pipeline, either don't write null values to the pipeline in the first place, or remove them from the pipeline with a filter like this:
... | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } | ...
Depending on what you want to allow through the filter you could simplify it to this:
... | Where-Object { $_ } | ...
or (using the ? alias for Where-Object) to this:
... | ? { $_ } | ...
which would remove all values that PowerShell interprets as $false ($null, 0, empty string, empty array, etc.).

Powershell assistance

I am currently using the below PS script to check if the currents months MS patches are installed on the system. The script is set to check the $env:COMPUTERNAME.mbsa and the Patch_NA.txt file and send the result to the $env:COMPUTERNAME.csv file.
I now need to modify this script to also pull information from other POS devices in the same location (C:\Users\Cambridge\SecurityScans) and send the results to the $env:COMPUTERNAME.csv file.
The POS devices are listed like this:
and so forth.
The IP range at all our locations (last octet) is 1 - 60. Any ideas on how I can set this up?
$logname = "C:\temp\PatchVerify\$env:COMPUTERNAME.csv"
[xml]$x=type "C:\Users\Cambridge\SecurityScans\$env:COMPUTERNAME.mbsa"
#This list is created based on a text file that is provided.
$montlyPatches = type "C:\Temp\PatchVerify\Patches_NA.txt"|
foreach{if ($_ -mat"-KB(? <KB>\d+)"){$matches.KB}}
$patchesNotInstalled=$x.SecScan.check | where {$ -eq 500} |foreach{`
$_.detail.updatedata|where {$_.isinstalled -eq "false"}}|Select -expandProperty KBID
$patchesInstalled =$x.SecScan.check | where {$ -eq 500} |foreach{`
$_.detail.updatedata|where {$_.isinstalled -eq "true"}}|Select -expandProperty KBID
"Store,Patch,Present"> $logname
$store = "$env:COMPUTERNAME"
foreach ($patch in $montlyPatches)
$result = "Unknown"
if ( $patchesInstalled -contains $patch)
$result = "YES"
if ( $patchesNotInstalled -contains $patch)
$result = "NO"
"$store,KB$($patch),$result" >>$logname
You can find lots of information on creating functions on the web, but a simple example would be:
Function Check-Patches{
$logname = "C:\temp\PatchVerify\$FileName.csv"
[xml]$x=type "C:\Users\Cambridge\SecurityScans\$FileName.mbsa"
The rest of your existing code goes here...
Check-Patches "$env:ComputerName"
For($i=1;$i -le 60;$i++){
Check-Patches "172.26.210.$i"
If you need me to break down anything in that let me know and I'll go into further explanation, but from what you already have it looks like you have a decent grasp on PowerShell theory and just needed to know what resources are available.
Edit: I updated my example to better fit your script, having it accept a file name, and then applying that file name to the $logname and $x variables within the function.
The break down...
First we declare that we are creating a Function using the Function keyword. Following that is the name of the function that you will use later to call it, and an opening curly brace to start the scriptblock that makes up the actual function.
Next is the Param line, which in this case is very simple only declaring one variable as input. This could alternatively be done as Function Check-Patches ($FileName){ but when you start getting into more advanced functions that only gets confusing, so my recommendation is to stick with putting the parameters inside the function's scriptblock. This is the first thing you want inside of your function in most cases, excluding any Help that you would write up for the function.
Then we have updated lines for $logname and [xml]$x that use the $FileName that the function gets as input.
After that comes all of your code that parses the patch logs, and outputs to your CSV, and the closing curly brace that ends the scriptblock, and the function.
Then we call it for the ComputerName, and run a For loop. The For loop runs everything between 1 and 60, and for each loop it uses that number as the last octet of the file name to feed into the function and check those files.
A few comments on the rest of your code. $monthlypatches = could be changed to = type | ?{$_ -match "-KB(? <KB>\d+)"}|%{$matches.KB} so that the results are filtered before the ForEach loop, which could cut down on some time.
On the $patchesInstalled and $patchesNotInstalled lines you don't need the backtick at the end of that line. You can naturally have a linebreak after the beginning of the scriptblock for a ForEach loop. Having it there can be hard to see later if the script breaks, and if there is anything after it (including a space) the script can break and throw errors that are hard to track down.
Lastly, you loop through $x twice, and then $monthlyPatches once, and do a lot of individual writes to the log file. I would suggest creating an array, filling it with custom objects that have 3 properties (Store, Patch, and Present), and then outputting that at the end of the function. That changes things a little bit, but then your function outputs an object, which you could pipe to Export-CSV, or maybe later you could want it to do something else, but at least then you'd have it. To do that I'd run $x through a switch to see if things are installed, then I'd flush out the array by setting all of the monthlypatches that aren't already in that array to Unknown. That would go something like:
Function Check-Patches{
$logname = "C:\temp\PatchVerify\$FileName.csv"
[xml]$x=type "C:\Users\Cambridge\SecurityScans\$FileName.mbsa"
$PatchStatus = #()
#This list is created based on a text file that is provided.
$monthlyPatches = GC "C:\Temp\PatchVerify\Patches_NA.txt"|?{$_ -match "-KB(? <KB>\d+)"} | %{$matches.KB}
#Create objects for all the patches in the updatelog that were in the monthly list.
Switch($x.SecScan.Check|?{$_.KBID -in $monthlyPatches -and $ -eq 500}){
{$_.detail.updatedata.isinstalled -eq "true"}{$PatchStatus+=[PSCustomObject][Ordered]#{Store=$FileName;Patch=$_.KBID;Present="YES"};Continue}
{$_.detail.updatedata.isinstalled -eq "false"}{$PatchStatus+=[PSCustomObject][Ordered]#{Store=$FileName;Patch=$_.KBID;Present="NO"};Continue}
#Populate all of the monthly patches that weren't found on the machine as installed or failed
$monthlyPatches | ?{$_ -notin $PatchStatus.Patch} | %{$PatchStatus += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]#{Store=$FileName;Patch=$_;Present="Unknown"}}
#Output results
#Check patches on current computer
Check-Patches "$env:ComputerName"|Export-Csv "C:\temp\PatchVerify\$env:ComputerName.csv" -NoTypeInformation
#Check patches on POS Devices
For($i=1;$i -le 60;$i++){
Check-Patches "172.26.210.$i"|Export-Csv "C:\temp\PatchVerify\172.26.210.$i.csv" -NoTypeInformation

compile oracle form using powershell script

I have many oracle forms in one folder and I want to compile those forms through frmcmp command in powershell script.
I have written a powershell script which is following
get-childitem "C:\forms\fortest" -recurse |
where { $_.extension -eq ".fmb" } |
foreach {
C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\BIN\frmcmp $module $_.FullName userid=xyz/xyz#xyz Output_File=C:\forms\11\common\fmx\$_.BaseName+'.fmx'
but this one is not working. i am new in powershell.
but when I try to compile a single form through command prompt its working like following.
frmcmp module=C:\forms\src\xyz.fmb userid=xyz/xyz#xyz Output_File=C:\forms\11\common\fmx\xyz.fmx
When you want to use variables inside a string in PowerShell you have different options. To start with, you will always need to use " as opposed to ' to wrap the string, if you want variables in your string.
$myVariable = "MyPropertyValue"
Write-Host "The variable has the value $MyVariable"
The above code would yield the output:
The variable has the value MyPropertyValue
If you want to use a property of a variable (or any expression) and insert it into the string, you need to wrap it in the string with $(expression goes here), e.g.
$MyVariable = New-Object PSObject -Property #{ MyPropertyName = 'MyPropertyValue' }
# The following will fail getting the property since it will only consider
# the variable name as code, not the dot or the property name. It will
# therefore ToString the object and append the literal string .MyPropertyName
Write-Host "Failed property value retrieval: $MyVariable.MyPropertyName"
# This will succeed, since it's wrapped as code.
Write-Host "Successful property value retrieval: $($MyVariable.MyPropertyName)"
# You can have any code in those wrappers, for example math.
Write-Host "Maths calculating: 3 * 27 = $( 3 * 27 )"
The above code would yield the following output:
Failed property value retrieval: #{MyPropertyName=MyPropertyValue}.MyPropertyName
Successful property value retrieval: MyPropertyValue
Maths calculating: 3 * 27 = 81
I generally try to use the Start-Process cmdlet when I start processes in PowerShell, since it gives me the possibility of additional control over the process started. This means that you could use something similar to the following.
Get-ChildItem "C:\forms\fortest" -Filter "*.fmb" -recurse | Foreach {
$FormPath = $_.FullName
$ResultingFileName = $_.BaseName
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\BIN\frmcmp.exe" -ArgumentList "module=$FormPath", "userid=xyz/xyz#xyz", "Output_File=C:\forms\11\common\fmx\$ResultingFileName.fmx"
You could also add the -Wait parameter to the Start-Process command, if you want to wait with compilation of the next item until the current compilation has completed.