PySpark: Group by two columns, count the pairs, and divide the average of two different columns - pyspark

I have a dataframe with several columns, some of which are labeled PULocationID, DOLocationID, total_amount, and trip_distance. I'm trying to group by both PULocationID and DOLocationID, then count the combination each into a column called "count". I also need to take the average of total_amount and trip_distance and divide them into a column called "trip_rate". The end DF should be:
Where (123,422) are paired together once for a trip rate of $5.24 and (3, 27) are paired together 4 times where the trip rate is $6.61.
Through reading some other threads, I'm able to group by the locations and count them using the below:
df.groupBy("PULocationID", 'DOLocationID').agg(count(lit(1)).alias("count")).show()
OR I can group by the locations and get the averages of the two columns I need using the below:
df.groupBy("PULocationID", 'DOLocationID').agg({'total_amount':'avg', 'trip_distance':'avg'}).show()
I tried a couple of things to get the trip_rate, but neither worked:
df.withColumn("trip_rate", (pyspark.sql.functions.col("total_amount") / pyspark.sql.functions.col("trip_distance")))
df.withColumn("trip_rate", df.total_amount/sum(df.trip_distance))
I also can't figure out how to combine the two queries that work (i.e. count of locations + averages).

Using this as an example input DataFrame:
| 123| 422| 10.487| 2|
| 3| 27| 19.8363| 3|
| 3| 27| 13.2242| 2|
| 3| 27| 6.6121| 1|
| 3| 27| 26.4484| 4|
You can chain together the groupBy, agg, and select (you could also use withColumn and drop if you only need the 4 columns).
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
new_df = df.groupBy(
(F.col("avg_amt") / F.col("avg_distance")).alias("trip_rate")
|PULocationID|DOLocationID|count| trip_rate|
| 123| 422| 1| 5.2435|
| 3| 27| 4|6.612100000000001|


Spark Scala - Bitwise operation in filter

I have a source dataset aggregated with columns col1, and col2. Col2 values are aggregated by bitwise OR operation. I need to apply filter on the Col2 values to select records whose bits are on for 8,4,2
initial source raw data
val SourceRawData = Seq(("Flag1", 2),
("Flag1", 4),("Flag1", 8), ("Flag2", 8), ("Flag2", 16),("Flag2", 32)
,("Flag3", 2),("Flag4", 32),
("Flag5", 2), ("Flag5", 8)).toDF("col1", "col2")
| col1|col2|
|Flag1| 2|
|Flag1| 4|
|Flag1| 8|
|Flag2| 8|
|Flag2| 16|
|Flag2| 32|
|Flag3| 2|
|Flag4| 32|
|Flag5| 2|
|Flag5| 8|
Aggregated source data based on 'SourceRawData above' after collapsing Col1 values to single row per Col1 value and this is provided other team and Col2 values are aggregated by Bitwise OR operation. Note I here i am providing the output not the actual aggregation logic
val AggregatedSourceData = Seq(("Flag1", 14L),
("Flag2", 56L),("Flag3", 2L), ("Flag4", 32L), ("Flag5", 10L)).toDF("col1", "col2")
| col1|col2|
|Flag1| 14|
|Flag2| 56|
|Flag3| 2|
|Flag4| 32|
|Flag5| 10|
Now I need to apply filter on the aggregated dataset above to get the rows whose col2 values meeting any of the (8,4,2) col2 bits are on as per the original source raw data values
expected output
|Col1 |Col2|
|Flag1|14 |
|Flag2|56 |
|Flag3|2 |
|Flag5|10 |
I tried something like below and seems to be getting hte expected output but unable to understand how its working. Is this the correct approach?? if so ,how its working ( I am not that knowledgeable in bitwise operations so looking for expert help to understand please)
var myfilter:Long = 2 | 4| 8
AggregatedSourceData.filter($"col2".bitwiseAND(myfilter) =!= 0).show()
| col1|col2|
|Flag1| 14|
|Flag2| 56|
|Flag3| 2|
|Flag5| 10|
I think you do not need to use bitWiseAnd to filter, instead, just use contains/in “A set of decimal representation of the bit numbers you want” or == to “a decimal representation of a bit number you want”
Also if you try your existing calculations without Scala or spark, you will see where you understood things wrong, eg use here :
you will find you defined you filter “wrong”.
18&18 is 18
18|2 is 18
Your dataset the flag column each row will only be one value, so just filter the flag column , whose values are in the set of numbers you want .
$"flag == 18 or
(18,2,20) contains $"flag for example

How to convert numerical values to a categorical variable using pyspark

pyspark dataframe which have a range of numerical variables.
for eg
my dataframe have a column value from 1 to 100.
1-10 - group1<== the column value for 1 to 10 should contain group1 as value
11-20 - group2
91-100 group10
how can i achieve this using pyspark dataframe
# Creating an arbitrary DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,54),(2,7),(3,72),(4,99)], ['ID','Var'])
| ID|Var|
| 1| 54|
| 2| 7|
| 3| 72|
| 4| 99|
Once the DataFrame has been created, we use floor() function to find the integral part of a number. For eg; floor(15.5) will be 15. We need to find the integral part of the Var/10 and add 1 to it, because the indexing starts from 1, as opposed to 0. Finally, we have need to prepend group to the value. Concatenation can be achieved with concat() function, but keep in mind that since the prepended word group is not a column, so we need to put it inside lit() which creates a column of a literal value.
# Requisite packages needed
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, floor, lit, concat
df = df.withColumn('Var',concat(lit('group'),(1+floor(col('Var')/10))))
| ID| Var|
| 1| group6|
| 2| group1|
| 3| group8|
| 4|group10|

Spark: Flatten simple multi-column DataFrame

How to flatten a simple (i.e. no nested structures) dataframe into a list?
My problem set is detecting all the node pairs that have been changed/added/removed from a table of node pairs.
This means I have a "before" and "after" table to compare. Combining the before and after dataframe yields rows that describe where a pair appears in one dataframe but not the other.
|before.id1 |before.id2 |after.id1 |after.id2 |
| null| null| E2| E3|
| B3| B1| null| null|
| I1| I2| null| null|
| A2| A3| null| null|
| null| null| G3| G4|
The goal is to get a list of all the (distinct) nodes in the entire dataframe which would look like:
Potential approaches:
Union all the columns separately and distinct
flatMap and distinct
map and flatten
Since the structure is well known and simple it seems like there should be an equally straightforward solution. Which approach, or others, would be the simplest approach?
Other notes
Order of id1-id2 pair is only important to for change detection
Order in the resulting list is not important
DataFrame is between 10k and 100k rows
distinct in the resulting list is nice to have, but not required; assuming is trivial with the distinct operation
Try following, converting all rows into seqs and then collect all rows and then flatten the data and remove null value:
val df = Seq(("A","B"),(null,"A")).toDF
val result =
.collect().toList.flatten.toSet - null

Get Unique records in Spark [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to select the first row of each group?
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a dataframe df as mentioned below:
**customers** **product** **val_id** **rule_name** **rule_id** **priority**
1 A 1 ABC 123 1
3 Z r ERF 789 2
2 B X ABC 123 2
2 B X DEF 456 3
1 A 1 DEF 456 2
I want to create a new dataframe df2, which will have only unique customer ids, but as rule_name and rule_id columns are different for same customer in data, so I want to pick those records which has highest priority for the same customer, so my final outcome should be:
**customers** **product** **val_id** **rule_name** **rule_id** **priority**
1 A 1 ABC 123 1
3 Z r ERF 789 2
2 B X ABC 123 2
Can anyone please help me to achieve it using Spark scala. Any help will be appericiated.
You basically want to select rows with extreme values in a column. This is a really common issue, so there's even a whole tag greatest-n-per-group. Also see this question SQL Select only rows with Max Value on a Column which has a nice answer.
Here's an example for your specific case.
Note that this could select multiple rows for a customer, if there are multiple rows for that customer with the same (minimum) priority value.
This example is in pyspark, but it should be straightforward to translate to Scala
# find best priority for each customer. this DF has only two columns.
cusPriDF = df.groupBy("customers").agg( F.min(df["priority"]).alias("priority") )
# now join back to choose only those rows and get all columns back
bestRowsDF = df.join(cusPriDF, on=["customers","priority"], how="inner")
To create df2 you have to first order df by priority and then find unique customers by id. Like this:
val columns = == "customers").map(col => first(col).as(col))
val df2 = df.orderBy("priority").groupBy("customers").agg(columns.head, columns.tail:_*).show
It would give you expected output:
| customers| product| val_id| rule_name| rule_id| priority|
| 1| A| 1| ABC| 123| 1|
| 3| Z| r| ERF| 789| 2|
| 2| B| X| ABC| 123| 2|
Corey beat me to it, but here's the Scala version:
val df = Seq(
val priorities = df.groupBy("customers").agg( min(df.col("priority")).alias("priority"))
val top_rows = df.join(priorities, Seq("customers","priority"), "inner")
| 1| 1| A| 1| ABC| 123|
| 3| 2| Z| r| ERF| 789|
| 2| 2| B| X| ABC| 123|
You will have to use min aggregation on priority column grouping the dataframe by customers and then inner join the original dataframe with the aggregated dataframe and select the required columns.
val aggregatedDF = dataframe.groupBy("customers").agg(max("priority").as("priority_1"))
.withColumnRenamed("customers", "customers_1")
val finalDF = dataframe.join(aggregatedDF, dataframe("customers") === aggregatedDF("customers_1") && dataframe("priority") === aggregatedDF("priority_1"))"customers", "product", "val_id", "rule_name", "rule_id", "priority").show
you should have the desired result

How to merge duplicate rows using expressions in Spark Dataframes

How can I merge 2 data frames by removing duplicates by comparing columns.
I have two dataframes with same column names
| name| date|duration|
| bob|2015-01-13| 4|
|alice|2015-04-23| 10|
| name| date|duration|
| bob|2015-01-12| 3|
|alice2|2015-04-13| 10|
What I am trying to do is merging of 2 dataframes to display only unique rows by applying two conditions
1.For same name duration will be sum of durations.
2.For same name,the final date will be latest date.
Final output will be
| name | date|duration|
+----- +----------+--------+
| bob |2015-01-13| 7|
|alice |2015-04-23| 10|
|alice2 |2015-04-13| 10|
I followed the following method.
//Take union of 2 dataframe
val df =a.unionAll(b)
//group and take sum
val grouped =df.groupBy("name").agg($"name",sum("duration"))
val j=df.join(grouped,"name").drop("duration").withColumnRenamed("sum(duration)", "duration")
and I got
| name| date|duration|
| bob|2015-01-13| 7|
| alice|2015-04-23| 10|
| bob|2015-01-12| 7|
|alice2|2015-04-23| 10|
How can I now remove duplicates by comparing dates.
Will it be possible by running sql queries after registering it as table.
I am a beginner in SparkSQL and I feel like my way of approaching this problem is weird. Is there any better way to do this kind of data processing.
you can do max(date) in groupBy(). No need to do join the grouped with df.
// In 1.3.x, in order for the grouping column "name" to show up,
val grouped = df.groupBy("name").agg($"name",sum("duration"), max("date"))
// In 1.4+, grouping column "name" is included automatically.
val grouped = df.groupBy("name").agg(sum("duration"), max("date"))