Sourcetree fatal error during finish release - fatal: could not read Username for '': Device not configured - atlassian-sourcetree

We are using sourcetree and during finish release we are encountering fatal error as below. It is working fine for commits, merges, push. Earlier it was working for 'finish releases' as well.
fatal: could not read Username for '': Device not configured

I have encountered similar issue with Sourcetree version 3.2.1 (225)
Below steps resolved the issue:
Go to 'Preferences'
Select tab 'Git'
In section 'Git version' select 'Use system git'
New window (locate your system git executable) opens. Select 'git' and click open.
This fixed my issue.

For Android Studio,
Go to Android Studio --> Preferences --> Version Control --> Git --> Enable 'Credentials Helper' option.
It works for me!

Update 5-FEB-2022
if someone is still facing this in Android Studio
VCS-> GIT -> Remotes
edit the origin and replace the url with :
This worked for me!!


Using submit50 in VSCode

I'm doing CS50 AI ( a course from harvard on EdX) and as a result been using submit50 (the command we use to submit assignments) in VSCode via the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Until I updated my IDE to the April update, submit50 used to ask my GitHub username and password in the the terminal itself similar to CS50 IDE.
After the April Update, it redirected me to the GitHub website for authentication and ever since then, I've been getting an error and can't figure out how to fix this.
I've tried re-install VSCode and submit50, upgrading submit50 and none of this has helped.
The Error I'm getting
I deleted VSCode and Code from Appdata to try and delete all data but that did not help.
Git Asking for permission
Any help would be appreciated!
This is due to the new automatic GitHub authentication introduced in VSCode version 1.45.
The temporary fix for this is to disable Git: GitHub Authentication in your VSCode settings either via the settings UI, or by adding the following line to your settings.json:
"git.githubAuthentication": false,
When you try to run submit50 again, a popup prompt for your username and password will appear instead!
Alternatively, you can disable Git: Terminal Authentication in your VSCode settings either via the settings UI, or by adding the following line to your settings.json:
"git.terminalAuthentication": false,
Via this method, you'll get the login prompt for submit50 inside the terminal as per usual.

Show git branch in Visual Studio Code

I have a project folder structure like this : Code/Repo/<repo_folder_name>/..subfolders and in the <repo_folder_name> i have the hidden .git folder because i cloned from Sourcetree to this folder .
Eclipse does show the current branch , but when i open this folder in Visual Studio Code , i know it must show the current branch name , in the bottom left side .
Does anybody know how to do this ? To show the branch name in Visual Studio Code ?
Thank you very much.
-- > I added Sourcetree`s bin folder to the PATH and now everything is working ok :D . Sourcetree uses embed git so you have to add it to the window path
Assuming you have git installed all you do is go to View->Show Status Bar (as seen below). It will then show your current branch on the bottom of your current editor window.
For windows:
The easiest thing would be to change your integrated terminal shell from Powershell to Git Bash. You can do that by going to File > Preferences > Setting and changing the integrated terminal shell, as illustrated below:
For mac navigate to:
Code> Preferences> settings> Search for 'terminal'
In the docs it says:
Note: VS Code will leverage your machine's Git installation, so you
need to install Git first before you get these features. Make sure you
install at least version 2.0.0.
So there needs to be a Git on your system to get it working. Using the embedded Git from your Sourcetree installation will probably work, but might not be the cleanest solution. The Git in my Sourcetree installation (on a Mac) is about 3 years old (2.2.1). On a Mac there is also a Git preinstalled though (2.11.0), so here it works out of the box.
It's not clear if you're looking for display on the command-line [prompt] or in the VSCode UI.
There's this alternative view provided by the sidebar plugin that fits the bill when the Source Control Repositories option is checked (right-click on the topmost Source Control header):
UI branch controls!
In year 2022
From top menu, select and check View > Appearance > Status bar
Status bar appears at bottom of VS Code Window
Branch displays in Status bar on left-side
If you would also like to show the working branch in the Visual code Terminal Window, Try installing posh-git from chocolatey, you get all the git summarycolor codings and tab completion with the branch name in highlighted colors. If you are running a Powershell version less than 6, make sure to set execution policies above Restricted.

how to build neovim with visual statio2013

this is the project home
i'm try to use cmake to build it,but failed .
Do you have any success,tell me the detail way.
thank you!
At the moment the master branch of Neovim does not build in Windows.
There is an issue for Windows support#1749 with an open pull request#810. However the terminal support in that branch is currently broken.
In that first link you can find some instructions on how to build, and a list of issues that still need fixing for Windows support.

Android Studio Checkout Github Error "CreateProcess=2" (Windows)

Today I've tried to checkout my Github project using brand new Android Studio and ended up with this nasty error :
Why things just never work out of the box ...?
I've solved the problem , and I will explain how :
Download Github For Windows client and install it.
After The client successfully installed , connect it with your github account.It should be easy , just follow the wizard.
Then you should add git.exe location to your "Path Variable". The location you should add will probably be something like :
Alternatively , if you don't want to add to environment variables. You can open the android studio and go to :
Settings -> Version Control -> Git
In text box next to "Path to Git Executable" you will see "git.exe" , just give it a full path like so :
For latest Github for windows versions some can find the git.exe under "...\cmd\git.exe" rather than "...\bin\git.exe".
I found what I think is a faster solution.
Install Git for Windows from here:
That automatically adds its path to the system variable during installation if you tell the installer to do so (it asks for that). So you don't have to edit anything manually.
Just close and restart Android Studio if it's open and you're ready to go.
I am using Windows 10 OS and GitHub Desktop version 1.0.9.
For the new Github For Windows, git.exe is present in the below location.
If you have downloaded Github Desktop Client 1.0.9 then the path for git.exe will be
I faced same issue in android studio 3.2.1, solved the issue by setting git path in System Environment variable
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\,C:\Program Files\Git\bin\
And I imported the project once again and solved the issue!!!
Note : Check your android studio git settings has properly set the correct path to git.exe
1) Download git for windows
2) Install downloaded git with default setup
3) From Android Studio close if any project is open then Click on Configure -> Settings -> Version Control -> Git
4) Change Path to Git executable : git.exe to C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
5) Apply and Ok
6) Try to clone from Check out project from Version Control
7) Done
for Android Studio 3.0.1, you can config GitHub path for following path:
File > Setting > Version Control
List item
Click "+" on the top-right conor to open "Add VCS Directory Mapping"
Click "Configure VCS" to open "Version Control Configurations"
Click "Git" then you'll see Path to Git executable]
Input : C:\Users[you user name]\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_d7effa1a4a322478cd29c826b52a0c118ad3db11\cmd\git.exe
Test it
enter image description here
I encountered a similar error with RubyMine 2016.3 recently, wherein any attempts at checkout or export to Github were met with "Cannot run program 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe': CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified"
As an alternative solution for this problem, other than editing the Path system variable, you can try searching through the program files of Android Studio for a git.xml file and editing the myPathToGit option to match the actual location of git.exe on your computer. This is how I fixed this similar issue in RubyMine.
Posting this solution here for the sake of posterity.
I had this issue on Mac. I simply quit Android Studio and restarted it, and for some reason had no further issues.

Git clone error after OS X Mountain Lion update

I just updated my MBP to OSX 10.8 and am trying to start a new project with which by default uses coffeescript and I prefer javascript so I need to clone the simple js skeleton. So something like this:
brunch new <someprojectname> --skeleton
Which is what I have used previously and it worked fine. But today I am getting the following error:
error: Git clone error: /bin/sh: git: command not found
I really don't know how to fix this...
You can download Apple's official collection of developer command line utilities (which includes git) by either:
Opening Xcode, going to Preferences > Downloads and clicking the install button next to 'Command Line Utilities'
Going to, and downloading "Xcode 4.4 Command Line Tools for OSX 10.8" from the Xcode 4.4 category
Check your .bashrc or .bash_profile if the appropiate PATH is set. Did you install git via macports? The update probably dropped the /opt/bin or /opt/local/bin from the PATH.
I got everything working again. Apparently the update to Mountain Lion dropped git altogether. Simply downloading the install package from here and running it has everything working again.
YOu have to change your security settings go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Change Allow Applications downloaded from --> Anywhere. There is a chance your security settings would be locked in that case press the lock at the bottom left on the pref pane.
Based on this article:
open your ~/.bash_profile, if you use nano it would be :
$ sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
add this line to the file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/git/bin/
Save & close the file and type on the terminal:
$ source ~/.bash_profile