Jump box to MongoDB Atlas with VPC Peering - mongodb

I have a Mongodb Atlas database which is set up with VPC peering to a VPC in AWS. This works find and I'm able to access it from inside the VPC. I was, however, hoping to provide a jumpbox so that developers could use an SSH tunnel to connect to the Atlas database from their workstations outside of the VPC.
Developer workstation --> SSH Tunnel to box in VPC --> Atlas
I'm having trouble with that, however because I'm not sure what tunnel I need to set up. It looks to me like Mongo connects by looking up replica information in a DNS seed list (mongodb+srv://). So it isn't as simple as doing
ssh user#jumpbox -L 27017:env.somehost.mongodb.net:27017
Is there a way to enable direct connections on Atlas so that I can enable developers to access this database through an SSH tunnel?

For a replica set connection this isn't going to work with just MongoDB and a driver, but you can try running a proxy like https://github.com/coinbase/mongobetween on the jumpbox.
For standalone deployments you can connect through tunnels since the driver uses the address you supply and that's the end of it. Use directConnection URI option to force a standalone connection to a node of any deployment. While this allows you to connect to any node, you have to connect to the right node for replica sets (you can't write to secondaries) so this approach has limited utility for replica set deployments.
For mongos deployments that are not on Atlas the standalone behavior applies. With Atlas there are SRV records published which the driver follows, therefore for the tunneling purposes an Atlas sharded cluster behaves like a replica set and you can't trivially proxy connections to it. mongobetween may also work in this case.


Google Composer / Airflow - connection to MongoDB Atlas

We have an airflow task that adds data to the mongodb server.
We can connect to the mongodb server only behind IP Access or VPC Peering.
We are having issues with VPC Peering, so we thought we can just enable direct IP access between the airflow workers and the mongodb server
Has anyone done that?
If not, do you have another suggestion?

How to establish peering between MongoDB Atlas and Google App Engine Standard Environment Node App

I've set up the peering connection between MongoDB Atlas and Googles "default" VPC and the connection is labeled as "active" on both ends.
The ip range of the vpc is whitelisted in MongoDB Atlas.
But my node hosted in google-app-engine still gets timed out when accessing the MongoDB.
I use the connection url of mongodb atlas for peered connection in the form of (notice the "-pri"):
Which part am i missing to establich the connection? Do i need a google vpc connector?
Thanks for any help!
First of all, make sure you are running M10-Cluster or above!!! VPC-peering is not available for M0/M2/M5...
And YES you do need that connector! All "Serverless"-Services from Gcloud (like GAE in standard environment) need it.
create a connector in the same region as your GAE-App following these instructions. You can find the current region of your GAE-App with gcloud app describe
your app.yaml has to point to that connector like this
runtime: nodejs10
Go to your Atlas project, navigate to Network Access and whitelist the IP-range you set for the connector in Step 1
You may also need to whitelist the IP-range from Step 1 for the VPC-Network. You can do that in GCP by navigating to VPC-Network -> Firewall
If you have questions about how to setup the VPC-Peering between Atlas and Gcloud try this tutorial. They do it for Kubernetes-Engine (no connector needed). But adding my steps from above will hopefully do the trick.
Try Cannot connect to Mongo Atlas using VPC peering from GCP cluster and MongoDB and Google Cloud Functions VPC Peering?.
First step I suggest identifying whether you have physical connectivity (and so need to fix ip whitelist) or don't have connectivity (and need to fix peering configuration).

Can't connect to mongodb FROM EC2 instance

I have mongodb running on an EC2 instance. After setting mongod.conf to accept traffic from, I am able to connect and send queries from my local machine. This machine is set to accept all traffic on port 27017.
I have an express app running mongoose also deployed to EC2 on a different instance. However, I cannot connect to the mongo instance from the express instance. I checked the outbound traffic rules, port 27017 is enabled explicitly, though all outbound traffic is enabled as well.
I can't figure out why I would be able to connect from my local machine but not my EC2 instance. The only thing I can think of is perhaps some setting in the VPC these instances are in. Both instances share the same VPC. Both instances are running ubuntu. The only other difference between my local environment and deployment environment is I'm running node 11 (macOS) locally and node 8 in deployment. Any ideas?

AWS Lambda To Atlas

I want to connect my Lambda function to Mongo Atlas. It was all working fine but I needed to move my function inside a VPC so I could use redis.
Now I cannot connect to my database.
I looked at the security group on the VPC and added the mongo db port but with no joy
Also - the mongo IP Whitelist is as follows for now (includes your current IP address)
Is there anything else I should try?
Thank you
I needed to move my function inside a VPC so I could use redis.
If you are:
Using dedicated MongoDB Atlas instances (i.e. not shared instances M0, M2 and M5 clusters).
And, the MongoDB Atlas deployment is hosted on AWS
Then, you could follow this instruction to set up VPC peering connection.
Please note that MongoDB Atlas supports VPC peering with other AWS VPCs in the same region. AWS does not support cross-region VPC peering. For multi-region clusters, you must create VPC peering connections per-region.
See also the tutorial shown on: Introducing VPC peering to MongoDB Atlas
struggled for days
using this tutorial
but it work in the end, when i found a missing step in the tutorial; when i used default VPC.
When crating custom VPC, rout table, and subnet; the subnet was what got me... auto assign IP needs to be enabled on the subnet;
PS you need at least two subnets for Lambda, so create one more if you haven't

How do you create a mongodb replica set or shard that is externally available in kubernetes?

I have followed tutorials and set up working mongodb replica sets however when it comes to exposing them as a service I am stuck with using a LoadBalancer which directs to any pod. In most cases this ends up being a secondary database and not terrible helpful. I have also managed to get separate mongodb replicas set up and then tried to connect to those externally however connections fail because internal replicaset ips are all through local google cloud dns.
What I am hoping for is something like this.
Then (potentially) there is a single connection uri that could connect you to your mongodb replicaset without needing individual mongodb connection details.
I'm not sure if this is possible but any help is greatly appreciated!
The loadbalancer type service will route traffic to any one pod matches its selector, which is not how mongodb replica set works. The connection string should contain all instances in the set. You probably need to expose each replica instance with type=loadbalancer. Then you may connect via "mongodb://mongo-0_IP,mongo-1_IP,mongo-2_IP:27017/dbname_?"
If you configure a mongodb replica set with stateful sets, you should
also create a headless service. Then you can connect to the replica set with a url like:
Here mongo-0,mongo-1,mongo-2 are pod names and "mongo" is the headless service name.
If you still want to able to connect to a specific mongo instance, you can create separate service (of type=NodePort) for each of the deployment/replica and then you should be able to connect to a specific mongo instance using <any-node-ip>:<nodeport>
But you'll not be able to leverage the advantages of having a mongo replica set in this case.