What does _xjal stands for in anylogic generated code? - anylogic

I have inherited an anylogic model at work. It's my first contact with anylogic. There is hardly documentation, so I try to dissect the generated code to understand, what is going on.
There is one thing that appears all the time: _xjal
It appears in variable, member and method names - like _result_xjal, _value_xjal etc...
Usually it is easier to understand code when names make sense. That's why I hope, to easier understand the code, once this strange thing, that google does not know of, is deciphered.
What does it stand for?

"xj" stands for XJ-Tec (the former name of the company that develops AnyLogic).
"al" stands for AnyLogic.
"xjal" flags that this is code developed by the AnyLogic developers, i.e. it is neither standard Java code nor code from your model.
Nothing more and nothing less :)


NUnit Theory replaces Test?

I have seen many theories about Theory but the truth is that none of them is good enough to explain why not always use Theory. I do not see a reason (apart of ... well ... that the words Theory and Test are not the same words) why not always use a Theory.
The funny thing is that in all examples out there you could easily setup your test to be either a Test or a Theory and I am sure I am missing something here but I do not see the need to put myself in a philosophical uncertainty about what type of attribute I should use.
Let's suppose that the difference is only for the sake of self documented code. Then, why you use Datapoint and DatapointSource for Theory and something else for Test?
The truth is that I feel that nobody has come with a simple and clean answer that lights where the difference really is. At least one example where Theory makes absolute no sense and Test nicely fit, or the other way...
As a programmer I am.....If the answer is not simple there is something wrong there so.. help me to see what i am missing.
Since you are referring to NUnit, I'll answer WRT what NUnit means by a theory. Note that this is entirely different from how xUnit.Net uses the term.
I got the idea of theories from JUnit and particularly from the work of David Saff. Here's one paper on the subject: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/pubs/test-theory-demo-oopsla2007.pdf Google "saff theories" and you'll find more.
Basically, when creating a test you sometimes have a theory about how the tested code should work. (In this answer, lower case theory is the English word while Theory is the NUnit thing) This is especially common in mathematical reasoning. For example, consider a program that calculates square roots. I could theorize that the square root of any non-negative number is a value such that it gives the original number when multiplied by itself. That's a completely self-contained statement about the computation.
Using NUnit, I could write a test like this...
public void SqrtTest(double value)
Assume.That(value >=0 );
double answer = SquareRootOf(value);
Assert.That(answer*answer, Is.EqualTo(value));
This test works no matter what number we give it. If the number is negative, the result is inconclusive and doesn't affect the overall outcome. If it is positive, an actual assertion is performed and the test either succeeds or fails.
In the ideal world, the provided values can come from anywhere. In JUnit, they come from Datapoints and I copied that. I also permitted them to be programmer-specified mainly as an interim solution. Ultimately, the idea was that the test framework would support a range of ways to generate data for a Theory, without the intervention of the programmer or tester.
Unfortunately, we are still waiting for that last bit. :-)
Bottom line, I think you should use Theory when you have a theory. Use a test when you just have examples without any logic binding them together. IME that's what happens in most business applications.
One of these days I hope to write a pretty long chapter about Theories.

Railstutorial #5 Section 3.4 Need of full_title helper. Help needed to understand the benefits

in Chapter 5 Section 3.4 of the rails-3-2.railstutorial it says
Of course, this is essentially a duplicate of the helper in Listing 4.2, but having two independent methods allows us to catch any typos in the base title. This is dubious design, though, and a better (slightly more advanced) approach, which tests the original full_title helper directly, appears in the exercises (Section 5.6).
I did as it said, but i do not understand the mentioned benefit
...having two independent methods allows us to catch any typos in the base title.
The "original" method in application_helper.rb and the test method in spec/support/utilities.rb act exactly the same. So from my point of view it´s a disvantage - there are two places to missspell.
I am new to ruby & rails and having a hard time cause the tutorial covers alot of new stuff, so please bear with me. I would be glad if someone could take some time to help me to understand.
Kind regards,
RSpec is a tool for testing.
So it's kind of check list that it "should" be.
If there is a typo one of two methods, the RSpec test will fail, so that you can notice there is something wrong there.
I hope this helps.

Chess programming, Scala, JVM: How costly is dynamic dispatch? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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My aim is to write a basic chess playing AI. It doesn't need to be incredible, but I want it to play with some degree of competence against people with some level of familiarity with the game.
I have a trait called Piece which has abstract methods canMakeMove(m: Move, b: Board) and allMovesFrom(p: Position, b: Board). These methods are important to the program logic for obvious reasons, and are implemented by the concrete classes King, Queen, Pawn, Rook, Bishop, and Knight. Thus in other places, say for example in the code that determines whether or not a particular board has a King in check, these methods are called on values whose type is the abstract type Piece, (piece canMakeMove (..., ...)) so the actual method called is determined at runtime via dynamic dispatch.
I'm wondering if this is too costly for the purposes of a Chess AI program which is going to have to execute this code many times. After looking around online and reading some more about chess programming I've found that the most common representation of a chess board is not like my Vector[Vector[Option[Piece]] but an int matrix ('bit board') that likely uses a switch statement on the values in the board to accomplish the effect that I'm currently relying on dynamic dispatch to achieve. Will this prevent my AI from reaching viable performance level?
I will suggest in this answer that you are subject to a common pitfall in programming.
There is one very important wisdom that I learned from my colleagues, and it has proven its worth to me time and time again:
Only solve problems when they occur, and not any sooner.
Keep in mind that there have been chess programs and chess computers around for a long, long time.
There were even chess programs on the C64, and there were those tiny travel chess computers that were embedded in the chess board, so you could carry them around easily.
Those systems had far less resources than your present day computer by several orders of magnitude.
If you had a similar algorithm as the one that was running on those old systems, and that algorithm was implemented in Scala, with dynamic dispatch, generous vectors instead of bit arrays et cetera, they would still be faster than they were on the older hardware from the past days.
Still, writing even a moderate search heuristic for the chess problem is a colossal task for a single developer.
When faced with a colossal task, one intuitively tends to look for the first bit of the problem that one feels competent in solving, in hopes that this will then naturally lead to the next little problem that you can solve, and so on, eventually leading to a full solution to the colossal problem. Divide and conquer.
However, my personal experience tells me that this is not a good way to tackle bigger programming problems.
Usually, if you follow this path, you end up with a really, really optimized representation of the chess board, consuming only very little memory, and optimized for runtime as much as possible.
And then you're stuck. You have put all your energy into this, you're really proud of your great chessboard class, and somehow it's really dissatisfying that you feel no step closer to actually have a working chess AI.
That's where the rule that I mentioned in the beginning comes in handy.
In short: Don't optimize. Yet. You can still optimize later, if it's necessary.
Instead, do the following:
Make a class or trait that represents a chessboard.
Leave it empty in the beginning - no methods or members.
Do the same with the types representing pieces, board positions, moves etc.
Then, when you start implementing the chess AI, fill in those types with methods. But only add the methods that you really need, and only when you need them, and not any single method more than that.
Prefer to use traits in the beginning, as you can later on produce more optimized versions of a trait, if necessary.
In that way, try to get as soon as you can to the first version of your chess AI that does something interesting.
It's up to you to define what "interesting" means in this context.
It's okay if the first version of the chess AI is crappy, and loses every game because it makes really bad decisions.
It should just have that one single thing: It should do something that you find at least remotely interesting.
Then, identify the top problem that you have with your chess AI.
Think about how to solve it, come up with a plan that solves only that one problem, in the simplest way that you can possibly imagine, even if your programmer instincts tell you to do something more complex.
Resist the urge to delve into complexity fast, because the most complex code that you write will eventually turn out to be your biggest problem, and also the most inflexible part of your code base.
Short, simple, almost stupid steps towards a solution. Prototype a lot, create simple versions in a short time, and only optimize when needed.
As for the optimization - that's really not a problem.
For example, let's say that in the beginning you thought it's a good idea to define a board position like this:
case class Position(x:Int, y:Int)
Later on, you figure that it would have been a better choice to just use a tuple of ints to represent a board position. Simply substitute your previous definition with:
type Position = (Int, Int)
There you go. Do that change, compile the code, and the compile errors will show you all the places in the code that you need to adapt. It's not going to take very long to refactor this.
Even later down the line, you decide that since there are only 64 possible positions on the board, you can easily represent the position with a number in the range from 0 to 64 - reserving the number 64 for "off-board".
Again, that's an easy change:
type Position = Byte
Save, compile, fix the compile errors. Should not take longer than 15 minutes.
With this example, I want to illustrate that you shouldn't be afraid of optimizing later, waiting to solve problems only when they actually occur.
This will always require some refactoring, but the effort is usually not really worth mentioning.
I tend to think of this as "massaging the code".
Of course we know that junior programmers sometimes tend to write "spaghetti code" that is very hard to refactor later.
Maybe that's why there is a certain fear of late optimization that practically every developer knows, and the urge to optimize early.
The only real antidote against such "spaghetti code" is to go through this painful process several times. After a while, you will develop a very good intuition on how to write code that can be optimized and refactored easily.
This will match all the common programming wisdoms, like separation of concerns, short methods, encapsulation and so on.
At this point, I would recommend the book "Clean Code" as an excellent guideline.
Some more tips:
See your program as a bridge. You stand on one side of the bridge, starting off with nothing. On the far end, there is your vision - a decent chess AI. Between the ends, there is a gap. Your program will be the bridge. Don't start by putting all your energy into optimizing the very first brick that you put in your bridge. A bridge with just one perfect brick won't hold. Build a prototype bridge first - crappy, but it connects the two ends. When you have that, it's easier to enhance the crappy bridge step by step.
Abstract all the functionality into traits and classes. Be wary of code repetitions - when you find a bug or need to do a refactoring, repetitious code can be a neck breaker.
Don't be afraid to write code that doesn't look smart, as long as the code is simple and solves the problem. Bonus points for code that reads well and looks almost like an intuitive description of the algorithm.
Keep your methods short. One to six lines.
Make sure that your code doesn't nest too deeply - everyone with a bit of Scala experience should be able to understand what your code is doing.
It can be a good thing to spend some time in order to find good names for your concepts. Maybe there are even some standards of naming certain parts of a chess AI. It's good to do a bit of research first.
While you are researching, see if there are some Scala/Java libraries available that you can use, for important parts of your problem. You can still replace the libraries with your own implementations later, but in the beginning, using the knowledge of other people can give you a jump start into creating your first, prototype version "bridge". Everything that will help you close the "gap" quickly is good.
Don't think of your code as something eternal, perfect, unchangeable. Maybe you have the ambition to write the best representation of a chess board in Scala ever. Don't do that. Eternal, perfect code cannot be refactored or changed easily. Code that can be refactored easily is really good code. Refactoring code is 50% of what a programmer does.
Jump into automated testing. For Scala, using the scalatest library can be a good choice. Use a tool like SBT that will run all the automated tests on every build. If you have certain assumptions about the classes you write, hardcode those assumptions into automated tests. It will feel a little stupid and redundant at first. But the first time that one of your automated tests show you the cause of a bug that would otherwise have been very hard to find, all the time to write those automated tests will have paid out.
An advanced topic about automated testing is code coverage. You can use a tool that will generate a coverage report, how much of your code is covered by automated tests. From my own experience, I would recommend jacoco4sbt.
And finally, the mandatory citation: "Optimization is the root of all evil." - There is a lot of wisdom in this one.
Good luck, and a whole lot of fun!

How do you define 'unwanted code'?

How would you define "unwanted code"?
IMHO, Any code member with 0 active calling members (checked recursively) is unwanted code. (functions, methods, properties, variables are members)
Here's my definition of unwanted code:
A code that does not execute is a dead weight. (Unless it's a [malicious] payload for your actual code, but that's another story :-))
A code that repeats multiple times is increasing the cost of the product.
A code that cannot be regression tested is increasing the cost of the product as well.
You can either remove such code or refactor it, but you don't want to keep it as it is around.
0 active calls and no possibility of use in near future. And I prefer to never comment out anything in case I need for it later since I use SVN (source control).
Like you said in the other thread, code that is not used anywhere at all is pretty much unwanted. As for how to find it I'd suggest FindBugs or CheckStyle if you were using Java, for example, since these tools check to see if a function is used anywhere and marks it as non-used if it isn't. Very nice for getting rid of unnecessary weight.
Well after shortly thinking about it I came up with these three points:
it can be code that should be refactored
it can be code that is not called any more (leftovers from earlier versions)
it can be code that does not apply to your style-guide and way-of-coding
I bet there is a lot more but, that's how I'd define unwanted code.
In java i'd mark the method or class with #Deprecated.
Any PRIVATE code member with no active calling members (checked recursively). Otherwise you do not know if your code is not used out of your scope analysis.
Some things are already posted but here's another:
Functions that almost do the same thing. (only a small variable change and therefore the whole functions is copy pasted and that variable is changed)
Usually I tell my compiler to be as annoyingly noisy as possible, that picks 60% of stuff that I need to examine. Unused functions that are months old (after checking with the VCS) usually get ousted, unless their author tells me when they'll actually be used. Stuff missing prototypes is also instantly suspect.
I think trying to implement automated house cleaning is like trying to make a USB device that guarantees that you 'safely' play Russian Roulette.
The hardest part to check are components added to the build system, few people notice those and unused kludges are left to gather moss.
Beyond that, I typically WANT the code, I just want its author to refactor it a bit and make their style the same as the rest of the project.
Another helpful tool is doxygen, which does help you (visually) see relations in the source tree.. however, if its set at not extracting static symbols / objects, its not going to be very thorough.

Are there any tools to visualize template/class methods and their usage?

I have taken over a large code base and would like to get an overview how and where certain classes and their methods are used.
Is there any good tool that can somehow visualize the dependencies and draw a nice call tree or something similar?
The code is in C++ in Visual Studio if that helps narrow down any selection.
Here are a few options:
The last one, doxygen, is more of an automatic documentation tool, but it is capable of generating dependency graphs and inheritance diagrams. It's also licensed under the GPL, unlike the first two which are not free.
When I have used Doxygen it has produced a full list of callers and callees. I think you have to turn it on.
David, thanks for the suggestions. I spent the weekend trialing the programs.
Doxygen seems to be the most comprehensive of the 3, but it still leaves some things to be desired in regard to callers of methods.
All 3 seem to have problems with C++ templates to varying degrees. CC-Rider simply crashed in the middle of the analysis and CodeDrawer does not show many of the relationships. Doxygen worked pretty well, but it too did not find and show all relations and instead overwhelmed me with lots of macro references until I filtered them out.
So, maybe I should clarify "large codebase" a bit for eventual other suggestions: >100k lines of code overall spread out over more than 100 template files plus several actual class files pulling it all together.
Any other tools out there, that might be up to the task and could do better (more thoroughly)? Oh and specifically: anything that understands IDL and COM interfaces?
When I have used Doxygen it has produced a full list of callers and callees. I think you have to turn it on.
I did that of course, but like I mentioned, doxygen does not consider interfaces between objects as they are defined in the IDL. It "only" shows direct C++ calls.
Don't get me wrong, it is already amazing what it does, but it is still not complete from my high level view trying to get a good understanding of how everything fits together.
In Java I would start with JDepend. In .NET, with NDepend. Don't know about C++.