How do I resolve a Future<File>, transform it to File, and ensure it's available before runApp starts? - flutter

My apologies for what I assume is rather basic question, but I'm struggling to understand this. I'm aware of What is a Future and how do I use it? but I don't think that applies in this case, or if it does I'm even more confused than I thought!
I'm attempting to use FileOutput in the Logger package to log to device storage. This requires a File object as a parameter.
To obtain the correct path I'm using getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() from the path_provider package. This returns a Future which I can manipulate to a Future in an async function with await.
I'm unclear though how to extract a File from this and how to make sure that these objects are available to the logger before they are needed. Does this need to be done before I call runApp()? I assume I don't need to and shouldn't push async up to the main()?
This is where I am. x2() is a test function I can call successfully out of main() after invoking runApp() and gives me the correct results.
Future<String> get _localPath async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
print("directory: $directory");
return directory.path;
Future<File> get _localFile async {
final path = await _localPath;
print("path: $path");
return File('$path/logger.out');
var logger2 = Logger(
output: MultiOutput([
file: _localFile,
overrideExisting: true,
printer: PrettyPrinter(
printBox: false,
printTime: true,
filter: ProductionFilter(),
void x2() async {
var f = await _localFile;
print("_localFile: $f");

You should be able to set the Logger before the runApp but you don't need to await for it you can create a logger then access with a provider or a singleton instance and you can simple have a getLogger method that checks if the instance is available and if not calls the await overthere
this way you only call the future once and cache the instance in the class.

You may initialise your variable in x2() function.
Also, don't forget to await x2() as it will assure you that your instance has been created.
class Logger{
Logger({required this.number});
int number;
Future<int> get someNumber => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:1),()=>5);
var logger;
Future<void> x2() async {
logger=Logger(number: await someNumber);
void main()async{
await x2();
print("main :: "+ logger.number.toString());
Also as #ahmetakil suggested, use provider or inherited widget if you need this instance down the widget tree


Flutter Riverpod Future provider - requires async and await?

I've been reviewing the RiverPod 2 tutorial at
In the section dealing with Future providers there is a code snippet as shown below...
final weatherFutureProvider = FutureProvider.autoDispose<Weather>((ref) {
// get repository from the provider below
final weatherRepository =;
// call method that returns a Future<Weather>
return weatherRepository.getWeather(city: 'London');
I can't understand why this code snippet is missing the 'async' and 'await' syntax as shown below...
final weatherFutureProvider = FutureProvider.autoDispose<Weather>((ref) async {
// get repository from the provider below
final weatherRepository =;
// call method that returns a Future<Weather>
return await weatherRepository.getWeather(city: 'London');
Is my version correct or what?
Think of it as doing:
Future<int> example() {
return Future.value(42);
instead of:
Future<int> example() async {
return await Future.value(42);
Sure, you can use async/await. But it is technically optional here.
Doing return future vs return await future doesn't change anything. In fact, there's a lint for removing the unnecessary await: unnecessary_await_in_return
The async keyword is generally helpful. It catches exceptions in the function and converts them into a Future.error.
But FutureProvider already takes care of that. So async could also be omitted

Most elegant way to wait for async initialization in Dart

I have a class that is responsible for all my API/Database queries. All the calls as well as the initialization of the class are async methods.
The contract I'd like to offer is that the caller has to call [initialize] as early as possible, but they don't have to await for it, and then they can call any of the API methods whenever they need later.
What I have looks roughly like this:
class MyApi {
late final ApiConnection _connection;
late final Future<void> _initialized;
void initialize(...) async {
_initialized = Future<void>(() async {
// expensive initialization that sets _connection
await _initialized;
Future<bool> someQuery(...) async {
await _initialized;
// expensive async query that uses _connection
Future<int> someOtherQuery(...) async {
await _initialized;
// expensive async query that uses _connection
This satisfies the nice contract I want for the caller, but in the implementation having those repeated await _initialized; lines at the start of every method feel very boilerplate-y. Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same result?
Short of using code-generation, I don't think there's a good way to automatically add boilerplate to all of your methods.
However, depending on how _connection is initialized, you perhaps instead could change:
late final ApiConnection _connection;
late final Future<void> _initialized;
to something like:
late final Future<ApiConnection> _connection = _initializeConnection(...);
and get rid of the _initialized flag. That way, your boilerplate would change from:
Future<bool> someQuery(...) async {
await _initialized;
// expensive async query that uses `_connection`
Future<bool> someQuery(...) async {
var connection = await _connection;
// expensive async query that uses `connection`
This might not look like much of an improvement, but it is significantly less error-prone. With your current approach of using await _initialized;, any method that accidentally omits that could fail at runtime with a LateInitializationError when accessing _connection prematurely. Such a failure also could easily go unnoticed since the failure would depend on the order in which your methods are called. For example, if you had:
Future<bool> goodQuery() async {
await _initialized;
return _connection.doSomething();
Future<bool> badQuery() async {
// Oops, forgot `await _initialized;`.
return _connection.doSomething();
then calling
var result1 = await goodQuery();
var result2 = await badQuery();
would succeed, but
var result2 = await badQuery();
var result1 = await goodQuery();
would fail.
In contrast, if you can use var connection = await _connection; instead, then callers would be naturally forced to include that boilerplate. Any caller that accidentally omits the boilerplate and attempts to use _connection directly would fail at compilation time by trying to use a Future<ApiConnection> as an ApiConnection.

Flutter - How to add and retrieve data to/from hive?

I know it sounds simple and I went through the example given in the documentation. Yet somehow I am unable to get it right.
This is what I have:
void main() async {
await Hive.initFlutter();
runApp(const MyApp());
Next Screen:
var box;
Trying to add to the box
Future<void> _save() async{
// save doc id somewhere
final Id =;
//box = await Hive.openBox('workoutBox');
box.put("Id", Id);
Trying to retrieve in another function:
var someId = box.get("Id");
Current error: get was called on null
My confusion is, where/how do you declare, open and retrieve from the box in this situation?
It seems you are forgetting to initialize a Box param and assign the value returned by the openBox function to it.
After Hive initialization you should have something like this:
Box<myValue> boxValue = await Hive.openBox("myKey");
Important: the retrieval method will dependend based on what you need to do and, more importantly, how you saved your data in the first place.
Let's say you saved data like this:
await boxValue.add(value);
By adding data like this, the key assigned to the value will be an auto-incremented one, so that trying to retrieve it with a specific key that never was assigned in the first place will fail.
If you did add the data like this:
await boxValue.put("myKey", value);
then you will be able to successfully fetch it using the intended key.
You can do the following:
void main() async {
await Hive.initFlutter();
await Hive.openBox('workoutBox'); //<- make sure you await this
runApp(const MyApp());
_save() { // <- can be a synchronous function
final box ='workoutBox'); //<- get an already opened box, no await necessary here
// save doc id somewhere
final Id =;
box.put("Id", Id);
I have written an example app and a Flutter Cubits + Hooks + Hive DB tutorial. I have the following AppDatabase class there:
const String _bookBox = 'book';
class AppDatabase {
static final AppDatabase _instance = AppDatabase._constructor();
factory AppDatabase() => _instance;
late Box<BookDb> _booksBox;
Future<void> initialize() async {
await Hive.initFlutter();
_booksBox = await Hive.openBox<BookDb>(_bookBox);
Future<void> saveBook(Book book) async {
await _booksBox.put(,
Future<void> deleteBook(int id) async {
await _booksBox.delete(id);

How to convert Future List instance to List String in flutter

I am saving strings list in shared procedure and fetching that like below
Future<List<String>> getList() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
return prefs.getStringList("key");
Issue is that I need to send that list to server but facing issue as I need to convert that future list to simple List
How can I do that? or is there any other way as I need to send list of ids save by user to server.
When you mark a function as async it will return a future.
If you dont wait for the future you will get 'Future instance' this means your future(data) is not available yet.
If you want to wait for the future(data) to be resolved you need to use the await keyword.
So in your case you can create a List<String> myList; then create a function to wait for the future and assign the data to the previous List.
List<String> myList;
void getStringList() async {
var tempList = await getList();
// Or use setState to assign the tempList to myList
myList = tempList;
Or use Then:
getList().then(List<String> myList {
// TODO: Send myList to server.
Hope this helpe!!
When you work with async data you should "wait" while data will not completely loaded. You can use await word in async methods like that:
foo() async {
final Future<List<dynamic>> futureList = fetchSomeFutureList();
final list = await futureList;
or use Future's then() method to delegate some work.
You also can wait for futures in widget tree using FutureBuilder.
Check Dart Docs page for see details.

Box not found. Did you forget to call Hive.openBox()?

When working with HIVE database in flutter. If you ever get error like this:
"Box not found. Did you forget to call Hive.openBox()?"
It means you haven't opened your box to
To resolve this issue call
await Hive.openBox("boxname");
before using the box
It means you haven't opened your box. To resolve this issue call
await Hive.openBox("boxname");
before using the box.
The box needs to be open either at the beginning, after database initialization or right before doing the operation on the box.
For example in my AppDatabase class I have only one box ('book') and I open it up in the initialize() method, like below:
The whole application and tutorial is here.
const String _bookBox = 'book';
class AppDatabase {
static final AppDatabase _instance = AppDatabase._constructor();
factory AppDatabase() => _instance;
late Box<BookDb> _booksBox;
Future<void> initialize() async {
await Hive.initFlutter();
_booksBox = await Hive.openBox<BookDb>(_bookBox);
Future<void> saveBook(Book book) async {
await _booksBox.put(,
Future<void> deleteBook(int id) async {
await _booksBox.delete(id);
Future<void> deleteAllBooks() async {
await _booksBox.clear();
You have to open the box you want to use and make sure to use await while using the openBox() function.
await Hive.openBox("boxname");