IMAGEMAGICK - proof sheet, reverse date order (recent first), labeled with date of image - annotations

I have about 3 dozen images that I'd like to put on a set of proof sheets, in reverse chronological order, labeled (under each image) with the date of the image.
Does anyone know how to do this in imagemagick?


How to add the values of a binary dimension type column in a bar chart in SAP Analytics Cloud

I'm trying to put together a story and I'm starting to create the first pages with graphics. The graphs are based on tables that are in S4/HANA and have the format as shown in the first image but with more fields, in each line there are weeks (repeated, although they do not appear like that in the photo) and that week will have a condition; "SI" or "no".
When creating a graph I can represent the amount (y-axis) against the condition and the week (x-axis) and it would look like this (2nd photo). In addition to this, I would like to add another bar per week that represents the TOTAL, the sum of condition = "SI" and condition = "NO". Is it possible to do this from SAP Analytics Cloud or do I have to rack my brain changing the lines of the source table adding a total there?
As a clarification, I do not need to add 2 different numerical fields or anything, I would simply like to add the SIand NO of the condition column, if on the y-axis I put volume that represents volume and if I put amount that represents amount, but I am looking for a third bar With the total, I don't know if I explained myself well.
Thank you very much in advance, if you help me solve this I would be very grateful, greetings

Highlighting box for provisional data on Viz

I would like to create a box(shaded with a different color to the background) to show the fact that the last 3 days are provisional data. I want to do this on a line chart that has date on the x-axis and a value on the y-axis. If there is a filter on the dates displayed the box should only show up on the last three days relative to the current date(which is the last date in the date field).
I wrote about this use case in a recent blog post showing how to shade a Tableau chart. The same solution should apply here. Create a calculated field based on the dates you want to mark as provisional. Something like:
Use that and format the shading. The article has the full explanation with images - it's a bit long to post in this response.

Tableau Public, Box Plots: combine 4 rows into 1 with 4 plots per month

I have a Tableau Public sheet with 4 years of data.
Each day has a value, and I am showing those daily values as a box plot - one for each month of each year.
Currently it is set up as 4 rows (1 for each year), and 12 columns.
See here:
What I want to do is drop to a single row, and show all 4 box plots side by side within each month, colored by year.
I can't elaborate what exactly I have tried, as I am new to Tableau, and have done a lot of clicking around looking for options, and have tried searching various sites and Google, to no avail.
Is there a simple trick to this, or is it something complex I have to do to?
I have figured out how to get them lined up correctly, by dragging the year dimension to the columns section, which I had tried, but then I had to reset the other dimensions, and it took.
What I still can't figure out is the coloring.
By dragging the year to the color property, it colors the outliers, which are separate marks, but the box plots are not affected.
When you pull the year field to color it will color the marks (all of them, including the outliers). If you want to change the color of the box plot container you need to select it and right click.
I made some edits, let me know if this is what you were trying to accomplish:

Special kind of bar chart

So, I have a kind of "customized bar chart" here. Forgive my lack of drawing skills, I just slapped this together in MS Paint.
The idea is that we have a patient who is on a certain medication. The chart has the following attributes:
Each black line represents a visit date (so, the horizontal axis is a date series).
The chart should have a unique indicator for start date, end date, and when the patient paused and resumed taking the medication.
Each visit date (black line) should have a dosage amount attached to it. This does not have to be a symbol, it can be a value (e.g., 2400mg, 4800, etc).
It's sort of a cross between a Gantt chart and a bar chart, but is neither of the two specifically. There are start and end dates, with a bar-like representation across a time period, but there could be potential gaps between pause and resume dates as well.
Is a chart like this even possible in BIRT, or does it require advanced customization?
Let me know if you need anything clarified.
What you should be able to do is build a table for each medication, where the columns are the doses, and dynamically change the width of the columns. Some quick research indicates adjusting the column width in a table can be challenging but here is question about doing it to a crosstab
The easiest way might be to leave the column widths floating, and add characters (same color as background so they don't display). The characters are added based on time between visits and will cause the column widths to change accordingly. You can use highlights to change the background code based on JavaScript.
You may want to have a look at d3. It enables highly customizable chart.
For example,
BIRT 4.3 has support for D3.

Tableau - Multiple Line Graphs Day by Day

I would like to create a dashboard showing Level Funnel for the users with respect to their register date on the same chart.
My data is like the following:
And from that data, I would like to create the graph like below:
But in tableau I couldn't manage to combine those graphs below, which are separated day by day:
I tried to follow this steps, however I couldn't find 'Customize Marks' button in the menu.
That would be great if you can help me on how to combine these graphs into one graph.
Drag the DAY(Date) field from the row shelf to the color shelf
One way to think about it: When you have the DAY(DATE) field on the row shelf, and you've configured it to present as a discrete field, you are telling Tableau to "make a row for each day". When you move that field to the color shelf, you are instead telling Tableau to make a color for each day. The same mental substitution works for discrete fields on most of the other shelves, like columns, shapes, pages -- i.e. make a page for each day.