Regex for filename match - find

I am struggling to write a regex to use with UNIX find that matches filenames that begin with atdw-AU and then in the rest of the file name have an underscore 7 numerical digits followed by .jpg or .jpeg
Example to match;
and not not match;

This should work
find . -regextype posix-extended -regex '^.*atdw-.+_[0-9]{7}.jpe?g'


Design Powershell script for find the Numbers which contain file

Everyone help to design the script to find the Numbers which contain file..
For example:
I need numbers 12 then write to the txt file
the contain will generated different sequence numbers..
For example: #20200514_EE#998501_123.#
so, I need numbers 123 then write to the txt file
How to write the script in Powershell or bat file ?
Very appreciate!
You can do the following as a start. You have not provided enough information/examples to work through any issues you are experiencing.
'#20200514_EE#998501_123.#' -replace '^.*?(\d+)\D*$','$1'
'#20200514_EE#998501_123' -replace '^.*?(\d+)\D*$','$1'
-replace uses regex matching and then replaces with a string and/or matched substitute. ^ is the start of the string. .*? lazily matches all characters. \d+ matches one or more digits in a capture group due to the encapsulating (). \D* matches zero or more non-digits. $ matches the end of the string. For the replacement, $1 is capture group 1, which is what was captured by (\d+).
You can use the .Split() method also in combination with -replace.
'#20200514_EE#998501_123.#'.Split('_')[-1] -replace '\D+$'

apply "backspace" to the line directly after the matching line perl

I'd like to re-format a text file such that the line immediately bellow the matching string gets cut and appended to the line with the matching string. Here is an example text:
find / -name filename &
find / -name filename
bg find / -name filename
I'm looking for the end result:
Answer: renice
X. find / -name filename &
Y. find / -name filename
Z. bg find / -name filenames
I'm unable to get the following right trim suggestion:
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
To generate the result I need inline. The space is gone, but the string I need is still on the line bellow. The lines to cut and paste only occur directly bellow "Answer:" "X." "Y." or "Z."
It would help to see your full solution, but here's a one-liner that does what you'd like:
perl -pe's/\s*$/ / if /^.+?[:.]/'
This replaces any whitespace, including a newline, at the end of the string with a single space, but only if the pattern matches. The pattern looks for some characters at the beginning of the line followed by a period or colon. Add -i.bak to modify files in-place. Hope this helps!

Text file search for match strings regex

I am trying to understand how regex works and what are the possibilities of working with it.
So I have a txt file and I am trying to search for 8 char long strings containing numbers. for now I use a quite simple option:
Get-ChildItem random.txt | Select-String -Pattern [0-9][a-z] | foreach {$_.line}
It sort of works but I am trying to find a better option. ATM it takes too long to read through the left out text since it writes entire lines and it does not filter them by length.
You can use a lookahead to assert that a string contains at least 1 digit, then specify the length of the match and finally anchor it with ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) if the string is on a line of its own, or \b (word boundary) if it's part of an HTML document as your comments seem to suggest:
Get-ChildItem C:\files\ |Select-String -Pattern '^(?=.*\d)\w{8}$'
Get-ChildItem C:\files\ |Select-String -Pattern '\b(?=.*\d)\w{8}\b'
The pattern [0-9][a-z] matches a digit followed by a letter. If you want to match a sequence of 8 characters use .{8}. The dot in regular expressions matches any character except newlines. A number in curly brackets matches the preceding expression the given number of times.
If you want to match non-whitespace characters use \S instead of .. If you want to match only digits and letters use [0-9a-z] (a character class) instead of ..
For a more thorough introduction please go find a tutorial. The subject is way too complex to be covered by a single answer on SO.
What you're currently searching for is a single number ranging from 0-9 followed by a single lowercase letter ranging from a-z.
this, for example, will match any 8 char long strings containing only alphanumeric characters.
i often forget what some regex classes are, and it may be useful to you as a learning tool, but i use this as a point of reference:
It can also validate what you're typing inline via a text field so you can see if what you're doing works or not.
If you need more of a tutorial than a reference, i found this extremely useful when i learned:

I want to find and replace an ordered list in word from the . to the )

I have tried [0-9] and checked the use wildcard box but it replaces the individual numbers with the literal [0-9] string. How do I replace with the number it found plus a character?
Backreferences. Your unspecified environment may or may not support them, but if it does, you would:
replace \([0-9]*\)
with \1 <then, whatever the character you want is>

Add text to the End of each File with Notepad++ and Regex

I have 100 files and need to append a line in the end of each single file.
Is there a way how I can do this with Notepad++?
The answer of Lickro is great and works with Notepad++.
Here is a screenshot of the settings:
I am adding a linebreak \n and then the text.
You can search for
and replace with
with multiline regular expression option activated. In this case (.*) matches whole text in a file and because of the brackets around you can access the match using \1 and append something after that.
suggest you use a batch file
FOR %%G IN (*) DO echo "myline" >> %%G "C:\myDir"
should append myline to all files in myDir