xcode12 ViewController.swift window not full displayer - swift

I've tried to refactor > rename an IBOutlet in xcode version 12.4 (12D4e), but the popup window seem to be not full displayed(like this attached). This thing made in quite not easy to see.
How to make the window full display like this, can anybody help me please, thank you so much.

You can change it to Full Screen from a storyboard like this:
or by programming:
self.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen


Cannot connect UIImageView with ViewController. Did they change that?

This is my first time being on this forum. It's nice to be here and i really want to thank you all for the educational lessons you are giving!
So i am suffering from this issue :
i am using Xcode 7 and i did try with the latest Xcode of yosemite(6.4 version) and it seems i cannot establish an outlet connection via the old ctrl and drag method to connect a UIImageView with the ViewController. i did search the net a bit and i found some "solutions" of doing a reference to the header file but it didn't work. Did this method got removed and if yes how are we connecting now an element with the ViewController? is something wrong with my Xcode and if yes how can i fix it?
really appreciate your help!
First of all create outlet object
than go to storyboard or xib.
right click on file's owner (yellow box on top of xib).
you get all the outlet than click on circle right side of your outlet and map with UI by dragging the line.
hope this help you.
in this method you have to create outlet manually.
So yeah i did manage to fix the issue. It appears there is a bug with swift and Xcode and i can tell it happens in all Xcode version 6 and up including Xcode 7. I don't know what exactly occurs this bug and i can't really link an element from scoreboard with ViewController via the simple ctrl drag and drop method but in order to fix i had to reimplent the tableView and reconfigure my elements. this did the trick and i was able to just ctrl drag and drop. if someone knows what occurs this issue please comment!!

How to get UIWebView to work properly?

I have been searching around the web for a couple of days to find a tutorial on how to get UiWebView to work with the latest version of xcode.
So far all the newest tutorias tells me to control drag my UiWebView into the .h file, but it wont let me do that.
(First Picture) Showing the problem with control dragging.
Then I tried to manually write the code as seen in the tutorials.
(Second picture) Showing the manually written code.
But it still does not load, just just shows a blank white screen???
Many interwebs to the one that can help me! :)
What you need to do is have them both..
So follow these steps ..
Add a UIWebView to the view in Interface builder
Click and drag from the WebView to the #interface class and you will see a small pop up saying add Outlet
Now release the click ..and it will ask you to name the Outlet
After you have named it(let say mywebView ) ..change
[webView loadrequest:];
[mywebView loadrequest:];

Make Popups With Cocoa Touch

I'm trying to make a popup like in "Camera+" or "Tweetbot" (like this one : Tweetbot or this one Camera+). How can I do this ?
That component is generally called a Popover or a Callout. Apple provides you with an Implementation on the iPad (UIPopover) but not on the iPhone.
There are a few Libraries which attempts to solve this and creates similar popovers like the ones you've shown. With a bit of customisation you can get it to look like this ones you've linked. Below is a list of the ones i've found so far:
There's similar question here: iPhone popup menu like iPad popover?.
There is a solution. It's called WEPopover and you can download it from github.
For ipad use the popover control:

App crashes when trying to use UITableView

When launching my tab-based app, it crash when I'm trying to navigate to a tab with a UITableView in it, probably due to Interface Builder wrong connection I've made.
I have absolutely no idea why... I'm getting crazy over here!
I've simplified my code so now it contains 2 tabs; when trying to navigate to the non-active tab, the app crashes with no further explanation.
I've posted the simplified source here: source download.
Any help will b appreciated.
Load the name of the UIViewController in tab. VideosGalleryViewController was not mentioned in the class. Check the screen shot attached.

SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone

I want to create an iPhone app that uses a navigation scene similar to the one pictured in the link
Please note I do not want this to only work for iPad, I want it to work for iPhone exactly as pictured, when you click on a tableview item it hides the tableview and makes that view full screen. I want ideas on how to do this because I cannot figure it out myself.
Facebook guys have done brilliant job in the new version of the app. The similar open source code can be found from here - JTRevealSidebarDemo. Please note that as of June 2014, this project has been discontinued, so you'll probably have better luck with a project from the list below.
It reveals technique behind doing split view for iPhone.
Some other open source code:
How about projects with storyboard compatibility?
I found 1 more slide menu which is compatible with storyboards:
Another storyboard-compatible menu is
from Sagar's answer. They both have storyboard examples (for the last one link is ViewDeckStoryboardExample)
For anyone else looking for an Android version, take a look at:
android fb like slideout navigation
emerging ui pattern side navigation
I realize you asked about facebook, but now that ios7 is out, and this is the defacto thread i thought id post here.
For an effect similar to the kindle app on ios7 you can use:
If anyone else is looking for a way to implement this in MonoTouch now known as Xamarin.ios, take a look at this article I just found. monotouch slide out navigation
I just found that they have a free component for this!
I noticed no one listed this wonderful class... SWRevealController.
I use it with my project apps all the time. It's Easy to use and heavily documented... There are also a few examples John gives to the user to understand how it works or if you'd like to derive your project from... Hope this helps
SHSidebarControllerwith filder effect.
This might be helpful to you.. try this :)
This looks to be the best match for me.
It has nice scroll effect with finger and moves back on partial drag.
MMDrawerController is very good option.
You can configure many things. try it once
I've been working on a floating-style navigation drawer that I hope people will like. It's on GitHub, take a look.