Swift : telling callback to run on global queue - swift

I'm running a background upload task but I found it's blocking the main thread. After looking I suspect this happens because 3rd party library (Firebase in this case) must be scheduling its async callback on the main thread.
Is there a way to explicitly make the callback run on the global thread?
Here's how I start the task from the main thread:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
Here's an oversimplified version of the upload task:
class PhotoUploadOperation {
func uploadCameraRoll() {
for element in photos {
self.uploadPhoto(element.image, uid) { url in
// Some work
if let url = url {
let photo = Photo(uid: uid, url: url, creationDate: element.date)
self.sendPhoto(photo: photo) { success in
// Some work

Could you try this solution?
Firebase or other 3party framework use "method swizling" to accomplish some network log or other things. But your scenario is a little bit different.
extension DispatchQueue {
static func background(delay: Double = 0.0, background: (()->Void)? = nil, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
if let completion = completion {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay, execute: {
DispatchQueue.background(delay: 3.0, background: {
// do something in background
}, completion: {
// when background job finishes, wait 3 seconds and do something in main thread
DispatchQueue.background(background: {
// do something in background
}, completion:{
// when background job finished, do something in main thread
DispatchQueue.background(delay: 3.0, completion:{
// do something in main thread after 3 seconds
And you dont forget allow background processing from Signing and Capabilities


DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter hanging on repeat, but does not hang when using sleep

I am trying to create a Robotic Process Automation tool for Macos using Swift. Users create an Automation that is an array of Step objects and then play it. One of the subclasses of Step is Pause which is supposed to pause the execution for a given number of seconds.
For some reason, execution hangs when I use the DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter() method in the Pause class. Usually the first run through the automation is fine, but when it goes to repeat, it eventually hangs for much longer. The error goes away when I use sleep() instead.
The other weird thing about this bug is when I open Xcode to try and see what is happening, the hang resolves and execution continues. I am wondering if the process enters background somehow and then the DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter() doesn't work. I have tried to change the Info.plist "Application does not run in background" to YES, but this doesn't have any effect.
The problem with using sleep() is it blocks the UI thread so users can't stop the automation if they need to. I have tried lots of different variations of threading with DispatchQueue, but it always seems to hang somewhere on repeat execution. I have also tried using a Timer.scheduledTimer() instead of DispatchQueue but that hangs as well. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I can't figure it out.
Creating the Step Array and Starting Automation
class AutomationPlayer {
static let shared = AutomationPlayer()
var automation: Automation?
var stepArray: [Step] = []
func play() {
// Create array of steps
guard let steps = automation?.steps, let array = Array(steps) as? [Step] else {
// If the automation repeats, add more steps to array.
for _ in 0..<(automation?.numberOfRepeats ?? 1) {
for (index, step) in array.enumerated() {
// Add small delay to allow window to close before execution.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.4) { [weak self] in
self?.execute(index: 0)
private func execute(index: Int) {
let step = stepArray[index]
executeStep(step: step) { [weak self] success, error in
guard error == nil else { return }
let newIndex = index + 1
if newIndex < self?.stepArray.count ?? 0 {
//Need a small delay between steps otherwise execution is getting messed up.
self?.execute(index: newIndex)
} else {
self?.stepArray = []
private func executeStep(step: Step?, completionHandler: #escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) -> Void {
step?.execute(completionHandler: { [weak self] success, error in
guard error == nil else {
completionHandler(false, error)
completionHandler(true, nil)
Pause Class
public class Pause: Step {
override func execute(completionHandler: #escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) {
print("Pause for: \(self.time) seconds")
// This will eventually hang when the automation repeats itself
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + Double(self.time)) {
completionHandler(true, nil)
// This will also hang
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: self.time, repeats: false) { timer in
completionHandler(true, nil)
// If I use this instead, the automation repeats just fine
completionHandler(true, nil)
So I think I figured it out. MacOS was putting my app into AppNap after a certain period of time which would cause the DispatchQueue.main.async() to stop working. For some reason, AppNap does not affect delays when you use sleep()
I found an answer here
This answer was a little older. I am using SwiftUI to build my mac app so I added this my #main struct
struct Main_App: App {
#State var activity: NSObjectProtocol?
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup("") {
.onAppear {
activity = ProcessInfo().beginActivity(options: .userInitiated, reason: "Good Reason")
This seems to prevent the app from going into AppNap and the automation continues. It's pretty ugly, but it works.

Sequential upload / serial queue with alamofire

I'm using Alamofire and a serial DispatchQueue to try and upload one image at a time from an array of images. I would like to upload one at a time so I can update a single progress HUD as each upload goes through. My code looks something like this:
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "project.serialQueue")
for image in images {
serialQueue.async {
uploadImage(image: image, progress: { progress in
//update progress HUD
}, completion: { json, error in
//dismiss HUD
The problem is that my uploadImage() calls are all executing at once. I think this is because Alamofire requests are run asynchronously. Any ideas on how to best solve this?
Alamofire runs in his own background queue , so You can try
var counter = 0
func uploadImg(_ img:UIImage) {
uploadImage(image: img, progress: { progress in
//update progress HUD
}, completion: { json, error in
//dismiss HUD
self.counter += 1
if self.counter < images.count {

Correct way to perform async operations sequentially

I need to perform an async operation for each element in an array, one at at time. This operation calls back on the main queue.
func fetchResults(for: array, completion: () -> Void) {
var results: [OtherObject]: []
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Serial Queue")
queue.sync {
let group = DispatchGroup()
for object in array {
WebService().fetch(for: object) { result in
// Calls back on main queue
// Handle result
print(results) // Never reached
The WebService call isn't calling back - which I think is telling me the main queue is blocked, but I can't understand why.
You should use group.notify() rather than group.wait(), since the latter is a synchronous, blocking operation.
I also don't see a point of dispatching to a queue if you only dispatch a single work item once.
func fetchResults(for: array, completion: () -> Void) {
var results: [OtherObject]: []
let group = DispatchGroup()
for object in array {
WebService().fetch(for: object) { result in
// Calls back on main queue
// Handle result
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
Maybe it's just a typo but basically don't run the queue synchronously.
Then instead of wait use notify outside(!) of the loop and print the results within the queue.
queue.async {
let group = DispatchGroup()
for object in array {
WebService().fetch(for: object) { result in
// Calls back on main queue
// Handle result
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
I d'ont think your main queue is locked, otherwise you would probably have an infinite loading on your app, as if it crashed ( in MacOS that's for sure ).
Here is what worked for me, maybe it will help :
class func synchronize(completion: #escaping (_ error: Bool) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
// Background Thread
var error = false
let group = DispatchGroup()
synchronizeObject1(group: group){ error = true }
synchronizeObject2(group: group){ error = true }
synchronizeObject3(group: group){ error = true }
group.wait() // will wait for everyone to sync
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Run UI Updates or call completion block
class func synchronizeObject1(group: DispatchGroup, errorHandler: #escaping () -> Void){
WebservicesController.shared.getAllObjects1() { _ in
// Do My stuff
// Note: if an error occures I call errorHandler()
If I would say, it may come from the queue.sync instead of queue.async. But I'm not an expert on Asynchronous calls.
Hope it helps

Playing audio freezes the main thread

For some reason the following code freezes the main thread when I try playing audio. I've tried everything from dispatching to another thread but that doesn't do much. I even tried running the queue in async, but then I run into problems when the user clicks another audio file before the first one finishes loading. Any tips on which thread to use?
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "queuename")
serialQueue.sync {
if (jukeboxPlayer.jukebox != nil) {
if let playingURL = jukeboxPlayer.jukebox?.currentItem?.URL {
jukeboxPlayer.jukebox?.removeItems(withURL: playingURL)
jukeboxPlayer.jukebox?.append(item: JukeboxItem(URL: url), loadingAssets: true)
} else {
jukeboxPlayer.jukebox = Jukebox(delegate: self, items: [
JukeboxItem(URL: url),
print("==========Started playing===========")
Also tried:
serialQueue.sync {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
And here's the framework I use:

How do I cancel a completion handler?

I want to enhance the code below: when i click the "submitData" button, the added code should cancel the completion handler.
func returnUserData(completion:(result:String)->Void){
for index in 1...10000 {
print("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)")
completion(result: "END");
func test(){
self.returnUserData({(result)->() in
#IBAction func submintData(sender: AnyObject) {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("TestView", sender: self)
Can you tell me how to do this?
You can use NSOperation subclass for this. Put your calculation inside the main method, but periodically check cancelled, and if so, break out of the calculation.
For example:
class TimeConsumingOperation : NSOperation {
var completion: (String) -> ()
init(completion: (String) -> ()) {
self.completion = completion
override func main() {
for index in 1...100_000 {
print("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)")
if cancelled { break }
if cancelled {
} else {
completion("finished successfully")
Then you can add the operation to an operation queue:
let queue = NSOperationQueue()
let operation = TimeConsumingOperation { (result) -> () in
And, you can cancel that whenever you want:
This is, admittedly, a fairly contrived example, but it shows how you can cancel your time consuming calculation.
Many asynchronous patterns have their built-in cancelation logic, eliminating the need for the overhead of an NSOperation subclass. If you are trying to cancel something that already supports cancelation logic (e.g. NSURLSession, CLGeocoder, etc.), you don't have to go through this work. But if you're really trying to cancel your own algorithm, the NSOperation subclass handles this quite gracefully.