Why i am getting authentication error in MATLAB while i try to use HTTP - matlab

I am trying to query SiriDB via Matlab. I am getting the positive response from my log-in attemps. However when i try to query, i get the error: "not authenticated".
Please see my code below:
import matlab.net.http.*
import matlab.net.http.field.*
import matlab.net.URI
import matlab.net.http.Credentials
strct1 = jsondecode('{"username": "my_user_name", "password": "my_password"}');
strct2 = jsondecode('{"query": "select last() from ''example_query''"}');
uri = 'http://example_adress/auth/login';
request = RequestMessage( 'POST',ContentTypeField( 'application/json'),strct1);
response = send(request,uri);
uri = 'http://example_api';
request = RequestMessage( 'POST',ContentTypeField( 'application/json'),strct2 );
response = request.send( 'http://example_api' );


python 3.10 soap.find(id='productTitle').get_text(strip=True) NoneType Error

Output: 'NoneType' Object has no attribute 'get_text'.
There's not a lot to go off since you didn't provide a lot of information, but from the information I got, you've put soap.find instead of soup.find
You could try something like this to fix it:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = "Your url"
headers = {
"User-Agent": '(search My user agent)'}
def product_title():
req = requests.Session()
page = req.get(URL, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
productTitle = soup.find(id='productTitle').get_text(strip=True)

Linkedin API request dateRange end today or now

I'm using Python 3 to request share statistics from Linkedin API for the last 14 months.
It works fine, when I hardcoded the epoch values in the request link:
Obviously I don't want to be changing the end values each time I make a request, so I thought I'd declare a variable:
from datetime import datetime
epochcdt = datetime.now().timestamp()
And then just use it in the link instead of the hardcoded value:
But, that doesn't work:
{'message': 'Internal Server Error', 'status': 500}
Can you please help me with this hopefully, easy to solve problem?
Whole code:
import requests
import json
from liapiauth import auth, headers
from datetime import datetime
epochcdt = (datetime.now().timestamp())*1000
def organization_info(headers):
response = requests.get('https://api.linkedin.com/v2/organizationalEntityShareStatistics?q=organizationalEntity&organizationalEntity=urn%3Ali%3Aorganization%3AXXXXX&timeIntervals=(timeRange:(start:1596206929000,end:{epochcdt}),timeGranularityType:DAY)', headers = headers)
organization_info = response.json()
return organization_info
if __name__ == '__main__':
credentials = 'credentials.json'
access_token = auth(credentials)
headers = headers(access_token)
organization_info = organization_info(headers)
with open('lishare14m.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(organization_info, outfile)

Text to Speech enableTimePointing not working in Python

Using texttospeech_v1beta1 to get ssml_mark but getting
"TypeError: synthesize_speech() got an unexpected keyword argument
'enableTimePointing'" error.
from google.cloud import texttospeech_v1beta1
client = texttospeech_v1beta1.TextToSpeechClient()synthesis_input = texttospeech_v1beta1.SynthesisInput(ssml=text)
voice = texttospeech_v1beta1.VoiceSelectionParams(language_code='tr-TR',name='tr-TR-Wavenet-E')
audio_config = texttospeech_v1beta1.AudioConfig(
response = client.synthesize_speech(input=synthesis_input, voice=voice, audio_config=audio_config, enableTimePointing = 'SSML_MARK')
You need to create a SynthesizeSpeechRequest Object instead of passing the arguments individually into client.synthesize_speech
request = texttospeech_v1beta1.SynthesizeSpeechRequest(
response = client.synthesize_speech(request)
Full example
from google.cloud.texttospeech_v1beta1 import VoiceSelectionParams, AudioConfig, AudioEncoding, SynthesizeSpeechRequest, SynthesisInput, TextToSpeechClient
client = TextToSpeechClient()
synthesis_input = SynthesisInput(ssml="<speak><mark name=\"1st\"/>Hello <mark name=\"2nd\"/>world</speak>")
voice = VoiceSelectionParams(language_code='en-US', name='en-US-Wavenet-D', ssml_gender='MALE')
audio_config = AudioConfig(audio_encoding=AudioEncoding.MP3)
request = SynthesizeSpeechRequest(input=synthesis_input, voice=voice, audio_config=audio_config, enable_time_pointing=[SynthesizeSpeechRequest.TimepointType.SSML_MARK])
response = client.synthesize_speech(request=request)
timepoints = list(response.timepoints)
# do something with timepoints

Matlab urlread2 - HTTP response code: 415 for URL

I am attempting to access the betfair API using Matlab and the urlread2 function available here.
EDIT: I have posted this problem on Freelancer if anyone can help with it: tinyurl.../pa7sblb
The documentation for the betfair API I am following is this getting started guide. I have successfully logged in and kept the session open using these codes: (I am getting a success response)
%% Login and get Token
url = 'https://identitysso.betfair.com/api/login';
params = {'username' '******' 'password' '******'};
header1 = http_createHeader('X-Application','*****');
header2 = http_createHeader('Accept','application/json');
header = [header1, header2];
[paramString] = http_paramsToString(params)
[login,extras] = urlread2(url,'POST',paramString,header)
login = loadjson(login)
token = login.token
%% Keep Alive
disp('Keep Session Alive')
url_alive = 'https://identitysso.betfair.com/api/keepAlive';
header1 = http_createHeader('X-Application','******');
header2 = http_createHeader('Accept','application/json');
header3 = http_createHeader('X-Authentication',token');
header_alive = [header1, header2, header3];
[keep_alive,extras] = urlread2(url_alive,'POST',[],header_alive);
keep_alive = loadjson(keep_alive);
keep_alive_status = keep_alive.status
My trouble starts when I am attempting to do the next step and load all available markets. I am trying to replicate this example code which is designed for Python
import requests
import json
endpoint = "https://api.betfair.com/exchange/betting/rest/v1.0/"
header = { 'X-Application' : 'APP_KEY_HERE', 'X-Authentication' : 'SESSION_TOKEN_HERE' ,'content-type' : 'application/json' }
json_req='{"filter":{ }}'
url = endpoint + "listEventTypes/"
response = requests.post(url, data=json_req, headers=header)
The code I am using for Matlab is below.
%% Get Markets
url = 'https://api.betfair.com/exchange/betting/rest/v1.0/listEventTypes/';
header_application = http_createHeader('X-Application','******');
header_authentication = http_createHeader('X-Authentication',token');
header_content = http_createHeader('content_type','application/json');
header_list = [header_application, header_authentication, header_content];
json_body = savejson('','filter: {}');
[list,extras] = urlread2(url_list,'POST',json_body,header_list)
I am having trouble with a http response code 415. I believe that the server cannot understand my parameter since the headings I have used with success previously.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
This is the error:
Response stream is undefined
below is a Java Error dump (truncated):
Error using urlread2 (line 217)
Java exception occurred:
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 415 for URL....
I looked at your problem and it seems to be caused by two things:
1) The content type should be expressed as 'content-type' and not 'content_type'
2) The savejson-function doesn't create an adequate json-string. If you use the json-request from the Python-script it works.
This code work for me:
%% Get Markets
url = 'https://api.betfair.com/exchange/betting/rest/v1.0/listEventTypes/';
header_application = http_createHeader('X-Application','*********');
header_authentication = http_createHeader('X-Authentication',token');
header_content = http_createHeader('content-type','application/json');
header_list = [header_application, header_authentication, header_content];
json_body = '{"filter":{ }}';
[list,extras] = urlread2(url,'POST',json_body,header_list)

How to log in to a website with urllib?

I am trying to log on this website: http://www.broadinstitute.org/cmap/index.jsp. I am using python 3.3 on Windows. I followed this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/2910487/651779. My code:
import http.cookiejar
import urllib
url = 'http://www.broadinstitute.org/cmap/index.jsp'
values = {'j_username' : 'username',
'j_password' : 'password'}
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)
binary_data = data.encode('ascii')
cookies = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
response = opener.open(url, binary_data)
the_page = response.read()
http_headers = response.info()
It runs without erros, however the html in the_page is just the log in page. How can I log onto this page?
The site is using a JSESSIONID cookie to create session since HTTP requests are stateless. When you're making your request, you're not getting that session id first.
I sniffed a session to log into that site using Fiddler and found that the POST is made to a different URL, but it has that JSESSIONID cookie set. So you need to make a get to the URL first, capture that cookie using the cookiehandler, then POST to this URL:
post_url = 'http://www.broadinstitute.org/cmap/j_security_check'
You don't need to save the HTTP GET request at all, you can simply call opener.open(url), then in your code change the response line to this:
response = opener.open(post_url, binary_data)
Also the payload was missing the submit method. Here's the whole thing with the changes I suggest:
import http.cookiejar
import urllib
get_url = 'http://www.broadinstitute.org/cmap/index.jsp'
post_url = 'http://www.broadinstitute.org/cmap/j_security_check'
values = urllib.parse.urlencode({'j_username': <MYCOOLUSERNAME>,
'j_password': <MYCOOLPASSSWORD>,
'submit': 'sign in'})
payload = bytes(values, 'ascii')
cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
opener.open(get_url) #First call to capture the JSESSIONID
resp = opener.open(post_url, payload)
resp_html = resp.read()
resp_headers = resp.info()
Any other requests using the opener you created will re-use that cookie and you should be able to freely navigate the site.