Calculating the timezone offset of a future date knowing only the current offset - timezone-offset

So 3rd March 2021 in US Eastern timezone it is 5 hours from UTC, and the offset is 300 minutes.
For a future date, 01-Apr-2021 the clocks will change and the offset will be different.
But if the code only knows the offset and doesnt know which timezone the original offset came from, am I correct that it would be impossible to determine the future dates timezone offset.

Yes, you are correct. There are many other time zones that also use the UTC-5 offset. Some of them do not switch for DST at all. Some of them switch for DST at a later or earlier date. Some of them, UTC-5 is the DST offset and thus they switch back to UTC-6 instead of to UTC-4.
To have any understanding of how an offset will change over time, you need to identify the time zone, not just the offset. Preferably, you would use an IANA time zone identifiers, such as "America/New_York".
See the timezone tag wiki, in particular the section titled "Time Zone != Offset".
Additionally, note that even with a time zone identified, future offsets are always just an estimate. If a government changes their mind about what the time zone or DST rules are between the date your time zone data was last updated and the date such a change goes into effect, then the offset you determined might be incorrect under the new rules. There's not much you can do about that, other than to not speculate too far into the future, and to urge governments not to make short-notice changes.


How to get Azure Data Factory Tumbling Window Trigger to work with Daylight Savings Time

I have some tumbling window triggers that are set to run at specific intervals 6 hours apart. They need to run at a designated time (think 5am and 11am, and so on) I have them set up so that they are self-dependent and dependent on a connection check trigger.
The problem arises when daylight savings comes around. Tumbling window triggers only work in UTC and when the clock changes in our time zone, the times they are triggered change by an hour (forward or back depending on the time of year). This causes data to be late to its destination and I am forced to manually deploy new triggers around daylight savings time.
I am wondering if there is a better way to work around daylight savings time as Tumbling Window Triggers do not support any time zone other than UTC and deploying new triggers every time is not an effective solution.
Not sure if I understand your requirement, it is actually different between 6 hours apart and setting scheduled triggers for 2 designated times which are 6 hours apart.
If you want to schedule the job for every 6 hours, the timezone should have no impact since the trigger should always trigger every 6 hours. This is the correct use case for tumbling window trigger.
If you want to schedule for designated times, you should go for scheduled trigger, which supports for timezones. For catering daylight saving time, you can simply select the timezone you want, ADF will auto adjust according to daylight saving time as specified in the UI.

When using wall clock time, is the timestamp passed to a punctuator milliseconds since UNIX epoch? (Kafka)

I'm using wall clock time and want to compare the timestamp passed to a punctuator's punctuate method to a UNIX timestamp stored in a record field.
Will the timestamp passed to the punctuator always represent milliseconds since UNIX epoch? It'd be helpful to know what Java code is being used to get wall clock time?
Yes, for WALL_CLOCK_TIME punctuation the passed timestamp will be the system timestamp, i.e., UNIX epoch ms timestamp, returned by System.currentTimeMillis().

Graphite group timestamp events by week

TLDR: How can I group a graphite timestamp metric by week/month instead of having it appear day by day for a given time period?
Detail: I have an anomaly I'm interested in investigating but because my report is for a 60 day time period, I'm seeing too many spikes. I'd like to see a 60 day report but aggregate the metrics per week or month. How can I do that?
I've tried the Graphite documentation but cannot seem to find what I'm looking for
The summarize function allows you to choose an aggregation method over a specified time period (day, week, etc). This should be helpful to you here.

How to detect which event fired applicationSignificantTimeChange

How to detect which event (arrival of midnight or an update of the time by a carrier or the change to daylight savings time) has fired the applicationSignificantTimeChange method ?
You can cheat in this case:
check hour and minute in applicationSignificantTimeChange, if hour and minute is zero, it mean midnight or using a server time for validate

Scheduled Recurring Crystal Reports runs with delay

Suddenly all the scheduled reports runs with a delay of one hour.
Does this have anything to do with daylight savings?
The environment is: Crystal Report Server 2008, Tomcat and Business Objects Enterprise 12.0
Detail: This started to happen last weekend,when the Brazilian daylight saving was supposed to end. The server wrongly adjusted the time to end of the daylight saving.
(Here the dates of daylight savings are not default (E.g: Starts third Saturday of October, ends second Saturday of February). Due to politics reason this changes every year).
Anyway, we set the timezone again to daylight saving (which actually is going to end February 17 - this weekend). Restarted the server, but on Crystal Management Console all the reports are wrongly scheduled with +1hour. (E.g: If the report is supposed to be delivered at 12:00 PM, it's doing on 1:00 PM)
Has anyone came across this issue? I did not find anything relevant to my problem on web researches; is there a workaround for this issue? Any time zone configuration that should be made (where?) ?
Any help would be appreciated.
After the timezone ended, the schedulling reports runned on the right time again. Crystal Server had a delay in adjusting the time,because it does only when the server is idle.