How to add attribute to client in keycloak - keycloak

I want to store a string in the client context (same like user attribute) so that I can retrieve it using client REST API but i want to store it via console. How can i add this new field in client?

By customizing the client-detail.html template


Moodle Data Request

I want to pass the user id (100) to moodle and then get a JSON string about the stored data of the user with the id (100). Is there a way or a web service for this?
First of all, you need to enable Moodle web services, you can follow this link, then add the "core_user_get_users" function to your external web service, then you can create criteria to search and get user data.
webservice endpoint: https://<MOODLE_URL>/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=<YOUR_TOKEN>&wsfunction=core_user_get_users&moodlewsrestformat=json&criteria[0][key]=username&criteria[0][value]=<USERNAME>
webservice endpoint: https://<MOODLE_URL>/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=<YOUR_TOKEN>&wsfunction=core_user_get_users&moodlewsrestformat=json&criteria[0][key]=id&criteria[0][value]=<ID>
For other response formats change "moodlewsrestformat" in the request.

Is it possible to write a public api with Parse SDK?

I am currently writing a web shop application, whose backend will be host at Parse SDK.
I want to add a funcitonality to my app, that if i get an API request to the server to create a new listing.
The API will be called from other apps(I want them to inttegrate it in their system, so if they make a new listing on their personal site, than it will create a new listing on my site too by calling that api).
I want to know if this is possible, I need authentication too, and I want to know if it is possible without providing them my DB application id and rest api key.

DocuSign API SOAP API Documents without fields

I'm having issue using DocuSign API. when I send a PDF via SOAP API. (I am using the method CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates, the templates are on your server) When the user received the envelope (PDF) the fields are not there. But when I send via the WEB they do have the fields.
I was not adding the Role to the API, now I'm but still not showing the fields.
Should I use the method CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms instead the other one?
I believe you're using the right method (CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates). The most likely reason that the fields (tabs) are not being displayed when you create the Envelope via the API is that the recipient Role Name(s) being specified by the API request does not exactly match the Role Name(s) specified by the Template itself (with which the tabs are associated). Make sure spelling, spacing, and case of Role Name(s) specified by your API request matches exactly with what's specified by the Template.

REST API - How should I store a record of an user accessing/viewing a resource?

Say I have two resources, users and items, for example,
I want to store a record of when an user access an item (which items has access each user). What would be the correct way to do this in a REST way.
I could do something like this
{an userId}
instead of GET request and retrieve the item and create the view record. Or using a GET request on api/items/1 and then relying on the client to call another api method to add a view record. But those ways just don't feel right.
Is it a recommended way to do something like this in a REST way?
I'm curious as to why you want an auditing function like storing who viewed the record to be an external REST API call...
I would think the simplest REST API would be to make the access a GET request like https://{url}/api/items/{id}?token={something_from_authentication_call} assuming that you've authenticated the user and provided them a token to use with all calls.
Then, since you're internally maintaining a token-to-user association somewhere, have the backend service either write the auditing data directly to a database, or call some other internal service not exposed to the outside world to create the auditing data.
Don't you use authentication before calling your REST? Usually user authenticates before and when the REST is called you know who is calling.
If you don't have authentication you can use any method of passing user as body parameter or as request header.

What is the best way of passing user info/profile/context via web API service

I am a newbie who is writting ASP.Net web API service for the very first time. The issue I am having is how to pass user information or different contexts via service request. For example I want to pass user context (i.e username, user preferences etc.) and lets say security context (i.e. api key, secret etc.) thru each service call. The options I found
1. using Query string
2. custom HTTP headers
3. overload authorization header to pass Jason object
4. cookie
I ditch the idea of using query string as it has 2k limitation, custom header could be ripped by proxy services, dont want to use cookie,creating a jason object of all the context and send it via auth header can work but seems like not a smart way. Any idea? what is the best way of passing those extra information.
I really appreciate if someone help me with some examples.