Flutter webview plugin onUrlChanged is not working - flutter

I am trying to use the web view plugin in the flutter with the following code. However, I am only receiving the first 2 debug messages to the console. Does anyone know why this is? Could someone be able to point me in the direction of the answer? I found out about putting the listener to initState but that didn't work either.
Any solutions?
Here is my code for the widget.
(Installing on android btw)
Widget webView() {
flutterWebviewPlugin.onUrlChanged.listen((String url) async {
if (url.contains(instagram.redirectUri)) {
instagram.getTokenAndUserID().then((isDone) {
if (isDone) {
instagram.getLongLivedToken().then((isDone) {
prefs.setString('token', instagram.longLivedAccessToken);
setState(() {
images = instagram.imageUrls;
print("Login successful");
return WebviewScaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true,
url: instagram.url,


Automatically set State of Button WITHOUT pressing it

I have got a State Management Problem I couldn't get rid of and I want to reach out to you.
Basically, I activate with the Buttons a game and I am sending a String to the uC. The uC does its stuff and sends a response to Flutter including gameFinished=true (that works).
Now I want to reset the State of the Button to the init state WITHOUT pressing the Button. Following are some things I tried that didn't work.
void initState() {
setState(() {
gameAktivated = false;
gameStarted = false;
void asyncSetState() async {
setState(() async {
gameAktivated = false;
gameStarted = false;
I am changing the style from "Start" to "Stop" when the Button is pressed and I send Data to the uC. (Works)
Edit: Ofc I have a second button that triggers gameAktivated=true :)
onPressed: () {
if (gameAktivated) {
setState(() {
gameStarted = !gameStarted;
if (gameStarted) {
//Send Data to uC
} else if (!gameStarted) {
//Send Data to uC
!gameStarted ? const Text('Start') : const Text('Stop'),
Button Displays Stop now.
Following I am receiving a String from the uC that I jsonEncode and I receive gameFinished=true. (Works)
child: streamInit
? StreamBuilder<List<int>>(
stream: stream,
builder: (BuildContext context,
AsyncSnapshot<List<int>> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
if (snapshot.connectionState ==ConnectionState.active) {
// getting data from Bluetooth
var currentValue =const BluetoothConnection().dataParser(snapshot.data);
setState(() {
gameAktivated = false;
gameStarted = false;
asyncSetState();//Tested both methods seperate!
return Column(
children: [
} else {
return const Text(
'Check the stream',
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
): const Text("NaN",textAlign: TextAlign.center,),
When I try to reset the state like in the code above this error occures:
Calling setState Async didnt work for me either.
Where and how can I set the state based on the response from the uC?
Is it possible without using Provider Lib?
Thanks in advance Manuel.
Actually this error is not about the changing the state of button. Its a common mistake to update the widget state when its still building the widget tree.
Inside your StreamBuilder, you are trying to update the state before creating the UI which is raising this issue.
setState(() {
gameAktivated = false;
gameStarted = false;
This will interrupt the build process of StreamBuilder as it will start updating the whole page. You need to move it out of the StreamBuilder's builder method.
To do that simply convert your stream to a broadcast, which will allow you to listen your stream multiple time.
var controller = StreamController<String>.broadcast();
Then inside the initState of the page you can setup a listener method to listen the changes like this
stream.listen((val) => setState((){
number = val;
Here you can change the state values because from here it will not interrupt the widget tree building cycle.
For more details see this example I created
If you want to call setState() immediately after the build method was called you should use:
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
// this method gets called once directly after the previous setState() finishes.
Answer to my own Question:
In initState()
added this:
stream.listen((event) {
String valueJSON = const BluetoothConnection().dataParser(event);
if (config.gameFinished) {
setState(() {
gameAktivated = false;
gameStarted = false;
The Code above listens to the stream, UTF-8 Decodes and JSON-Decodes the data. After this you can access the variable to set a state.

Showing dialog when user loses internet connection in flutter

Is it possible to listen to the entire application in flutter and showing the dialog in case of loss of connection?
Yes it is possible. And you will need one package for this to work.
Internet Connection Checker
You can listen to the stream onConnectivityChanged from InternetConnectionChecker.
void initState(){
var isDeviceConnected = false;
var subscription = Connectivity().onConnectivityChanged.listen((ConnectivityResult result) async {
if(result != ConnectivityResult.none) {
isDeviceConnected = await InternetConnectionChecker().hasConnection;
// Your Dialog Here
Some things to consider here.
showDialog() needs a context, so put all of this code on the main
widget with MaterialApp.
You need to dismiss the dialog by yourself. You wont know if there is a dialog up or not at all. So, do it in your own discretion. Try not to pop() the MaterialApp itself.

How to close a screen from PageView class flutter

I have a really specific question to ask. I have to explain it with steps and pictures so there they are.
I have an app with three screens:
Main Feed Screen,
Main Chat and Requests Screen,
Main Profile Screen,
And they are all a part of a PageView. This PageView class is controlled inside of a class called main_tab_controller.dart. In that class, in initState(), I have a Firebase Messaging method that is called every time I get a notification (onMessage). So, every time I get this notification, I show an overlay that looks like this.
And it works perfectly on these three main screen. If it's a chat notification, I will direct the PageView to the second screen i.e MainChatAndRequest Screen, and open the chat screen. If it's a request notification, I will direct the PageView to the second screen i.e MainChatAndRequest Screen, and open the requests screen.
But the issue that I am having is the following. In my MainFeedScreen and MainProfileScreen, I have some other screens that I open. For example in MainFeedScreen, I open UserDetailsScreen or FilterScreen. Or in the MainProfileScreen, I open SettingsScreen or EditUserProfileScreen.
So my question is: For example, if I navigate to MainProfileScreen and in that screen open SettingsScreen, and I get the overlay top message, how do I close the SettingsScreen that is currently open and navigate back to the second screen i.e MainChatsAndRequestsScreen from the Firebase Messaging Function that is in initState() of main_tab_controller.dart that is the parent to all of the other screens.
You have the Image Below:
I have tried everything, Navigator.popUntil(context), Navigator.pushReplacement(context), used Navigator.pushNamed(context) but nothing worked. If someone can help me, it would be much appreciated.
Just to give you the better undertanding of the screens:
The Parent Screen is the PageView with three screens:
Main Feed Screen
Main Chat and Requests Screen
Main Profile Screen
and then in Main Feed Screen you have:
Filters Screen
Profile Details Screen
in Main Chat and Requests Screen you have two TabBar Screens:
Chats Screen
Requests Screen
and in Main Profile Screen you have:
Settings Screen
Edit Profiles Screen
PageView Code Snippet:
void initState() {
pageController = PageController(initialPage: _currentIndex);
chatAndRequestController = TabController(length: 2, vsync: this);
var chatAndRequestProvider =
Provider.of<ChatAndRequestProvider>(context, listen: false);
onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onMessage: $message");
bool isRequest;
var mode = (Platform.isIOS) ? message['mode'] : message['data']['mode'];
var imageUrl = '';
switch (mode) {
case 'chat':
isRequest = false;
imageUrl =
case 'sentRequest':
isRequest = true;
imageUrl = (Platform.isIOS)
? message['profilePictureUrl']
: message['data']['profilePictureUrl'];
case 'acceptRequest':
isRequest = false;
imageUrl = (Platform.isIOS)
? message['profilePictureUrl']
: message['data']['profilePictureUrl'];
isRequest = false;
AudioCache player = new AudioCache();
const alarmAudioPath = "sounds/notification_sound.mp3";
print('Show this ting');
if (_currentIndex != 1) {
if (!isDialogOpen) {
isDialogOpen = true;
? message['aps']['alert']['title']
: message['notification']['title'],
? message['aps']['alert']['body']
: message['notification']['body'],
onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onLaunch: $message");
onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onResume: $message");
analytics: widget.analytics,
observer: widget.observer,
latitude: widget.latitude,
longitude: widget.longitude,
analytics: widget.analytics,
observer: widget.observer,
pageContoller: chatAndRequestController,
MainProfileScreen(analytics: widget.analytics, observer: widget.observer),
Future _showAnimatedBox(context, topText, bottomText, imageUrl, isRequest) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext builderContext) {
_timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 4), () {
isDialogOpen = false;
return Dismissible(
key: Key('dismissible'),
direction: DismissDirection.up,
onDismissed: (_) {
isDialogOpen = false;
child: FunkyNotification(
() {
var chatAndRequestProvider =
Provider.of<ChatAndRequestProvider>(context, listen: false);
// var contextProv =
// Provider.of<ContextProvider>(context, listen: false);
if (isRequest) {
// Navigator.of(contextProv.context).pop();
// SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod('SystemNavigator.pop');
// Navigator.popUntil(
// context,
// ModalRoute.withName('/mainProfileScreen'),
// );
// Navigator.of(context)
// .popUntil(ModalRoute.withName('/mainProfileScreen'));
// Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil(
// context,
// MaterialPageRoute(
// builder: (BuildContext context) => MainTabBarController(
// analytics: null,
// observer: null,
// latitude: 100.23423234,
// longitude: 12.324234234,
// isProfileBlocked: false,
// isVersionGood: true,
// ),
// ),
// (route) => true,
// );
} else {
var chatAndRequestProvider =
listen: false);
builder: (context) => ChatScreen(
peerId: chatAndRequestProvider.chatsList.first[kUserId],
peerAvatar: chatAndRequestProvider
peerName: chatAndRequestProvider
friendshipStatus: chatAndRequestProvider
analytics: widget.analytics,
observer: widget.observer,
}).then((val) {
if (_timer.isActive) {
isDialogOpen = false;
I will try make my answer as general as possible in order to make it easier for others to follow along.
The problem in a nutshell is that you have a nested set of screens distributed between a set of pageviews, and you want to switch between the pageviews from an external event (The overlay in this case).
Below is an example:
I couldn't provide the full code since I don't have your full source code. But here is an example 😉
Note: This example uses Provider.
Sample Event Code
// Remove all the screens in the route
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst); // If the screen is not the first replace the check
// Change the second pageview page
Provider.of<ChatSelectPageView>(context, listen: false).setPage(selectedSecondPageViewPage);
// In case it is required to add intermediate screens between the first and the second pageview it must be added here
// Change the main pageview page
Second PageView
// Reads the page index present in the provider
int selectedPage = Provider.of<ChatSelectPageView>(context, listen: false).page;
// Changes to the cotroller page to the selected page
class ChatSelectPageView extends ChangeNotifier {
int page = 0;
void setPage(int _page) {
page = _page;
// Depending on your implementation it might be better to remove this line to reduce the number of builds
In order to achieve the desired behavior, there is multiple ways to achieve it. If we want to stick to your implementation we will be a bit constrained. But in this case what I would suggest you do is to use some kind of global state management library such as provider, it can be done without any library but the state will get very messy very quickly.
As you mentioned above you tried Navigator.popUntil but it didn't work, I suspect the reason for this is that you are providing the wrong context. Since Navigator.**** relies on the context to work, i.e. to pop a screen you must provide its context. Or the route check is wrong.
This code is to be written in the external event in your case it will be written in the click listener of the overlay.
Use a state management solution such as Provider to pass the state to the descendants of the main Pageview down to the screens. This provider will be of type ChangeNotifierProvider. When the overlay is clicked, a flag will be set to be the desired pageview page index (I am speaking about the 2nd pageview). In your case this flag is used to select chats or requests.
After that is done you call Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst); assuming that the pageview is present on the first page of your app. In the case where it is not on that page, you will have to use Navigator.of(context).popUntil() with a custom logic.
After that we will have to navigate back to the 2nd pageview, or change the first pageview to be the 2nd page in your case. The second pageview will be already switched since we changed the flag in provider before.

Previous screen Bloc call after open new screen in Flutter

I am using Bloc pattern in my project, But my previous screen's Bloc still call in my new screen. I have dispose my Bloc but in screen dispose method is not call. Please help to solve this problem.
Bloc file:
class ForgotPasswordBloc extends Object {
final PublishSubject<ForgotPassState> _passStateSubject = new PublishSubject();
Stream<ForgotPassState> get passStateStream => _passStateSubject.stream;
void changeState({ForgotPassState state}) => _passStateSubject.sink.add(state);
forgotPasswordSubmit(String email) async {
changeState(state: ForgotPassState(status: ForgotPassStatus.CALLING, message: "calling"));
var response = await post(Constant.API_URL+"forgotPassword", body: {
"email": email,
ForgotPasswordModal data = ForgotPasswordModal.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
if (data.status == "success") {
await changeState(state: ForgotPassState(status: ForgotPassStatus.SUCCESS, message: "Success"));
} else {
state: ForgotPassState(
status: ForgotPassStatus.ERROR, message: data.message));
dispose() {
print("dispose called==========>");
Here I call the bloc method:
stream: forgotpass_bloc.passStateStream,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<ForgotPassState> snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.data.status) {
case ForgotPassStatus.SUCCESS:
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => showInformationDialog(context,email_controller.text.trim()));
return Container();
In above code after getting success response my information dialog is open, In dialog I have close button After click on the close button I have open new Screen but in that screen my previous screen dialog is display.
I guess you need to dispose the bloc in the ui widget, where you generate the bloc instance and not in the bloc class itself

Skipped x frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. What does this error signify and how to solve this?

I'm trying to do authentication with firbase in my Flutter app. Once the user is signed in and goes to the Authenticted screen, this error shows up.
I'm using google_signin plugin with simple logics.
bool isAuth = false;
//check if the user is signed in
void initState() {
googleSignIn.onCurrentUserChanged.listen((account) {
}, onError: (err) {
print("Error signing in: $err");
//maintain the signin
googleSignIn.signInSilently(suppressErrors: false).then((account) {
}).catchError((err) {
print("Error signing in: $err");
handleSignIn(GoogleSignInAccount account) {
if (account != null) {
print('User signed in!: $account');
setState(() {
isAuth = true;
} else {
setState(() {
isAuth = false;
//sign in using google
login() {
logout() {
Widget buildAuthScreen() {
return Center(
child: RaisedButton(
child: Text("LogOut"),
onPressed: logout(),
then the unauth screen has basic login layout for signining in...
If you are not doing anything unnecessary in your main, you can just ignore it.
the number of skipped frames is dependent on:
The number of static and top-level variables that need initiation on startup.
Speed of the CPU that will be doing computational work, like parsing JSONs at startup.
Speed of the device storage for initiating databases and shared preferences.
Whether you're using a debug or release build of your app.
The speed of the network connection in case of needing some necessary data before the app starts up.
Whether you're using an emulator or a physical device.
The size of the widget tree in your home page.
This is something you can't control sometimes, I faced this situation where an old android phone showed it skipped 180 frames where as a new phone said it skipped 25.