Disable PageView scrolling in Card widget - flutter

Imagine, that you have two pages - pages A and B.
Of course, you can switch between pages by clicking on the tab bar or swipe (left to right or right to left).
On page A, there are multiple Card widgets, one of them contains charts.TimeSeriesChart.
Chart contains behaviour: charts.SlidingViewport(), charts.PanAndZoomBehavior(), nevertheless it doesn't work.
When I put physics:NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(), into PageView, charts getting scrollable feature.
I would like to allow swipe between tabs, but how to disable swipe between tabs only in this Card widget (with chart), and make sliding working in Chart?
I'm using this package: https://pub.dev/packages/charts_flutter


Material UI Tabs scrollable don't have option to configure that how many tabs will scroll at arrow(left/right) click

I am using material UI v4 tabs with scrollable feature. but when I click on the arrow it scroll all visible tabs .
I want only one tab scroll at once.

Flutter Not able to achieve PageView like Swipeable Tabs inside Parent ListView

This is a Flutter Specific Query.
I Want to achieve the Layout Referenced in the Image above. Two Tabs
Below a Container.
The Tabs can be switched using Swipe Animation like that in a
Page View.
The Tabs Contain Dynamically Generated Widgets from Provider.
The Entire Page along with the Fixed Container must be
When Switching between the Tabs the fixed container should stay
in place and only tab Content(Column of Widgets) should swipe
left and right.
What I've Tried :
Using a Parent List View and Nesting the Fixed Container Child
and Using Tab Bar to switch the Widget using Animated Switcher and
Slide Animation. Here the Problem is i cannot swipe left and right
and create the Page View like Effect. I also tried Nesting Page-View
inside List-View but since the Page-View does not have a fixed height
( because the tab contents are dynamically generated ).
A few many more concepts i tried to tackle but the issue every time was
that the tab contents are not having a fixed height.
I really want to achieve this Layout and i want to know if there's any way.

Use Flutter Swiper to fade-out text in different area

How can I combine a swiper action with a fade-in/fade-out action in another area of the screen?
My screen is divided into two halves: The Top is a text widget and the bottom is a swiper widget with two pages. My goal is to fade-out the text in the top half when I swipe to the second page in the bottom half.
I'm using this dependency for the swiper widget in the bottom half: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_swiper
I solved it by using GestureDetector widget and updated the opacity via the state.
The GestureDetector needed two functions: onDragUpdate and onDragEnd. Both changed the state of the progress which is also used to update the opacity in the other half.
Quite some work for such a small interaction, however, it works.

How to route to page, without removing BottomNavigationBar in flutter?

I'm creating my first app in flutter, and i'm having issues with state management. I have a MainPage.dart with BottomNavigationBar, and body: with tabPages[MainTab, ...]. In the MainTab i have a ListView, and when i click ListView item, it should open details, however BottomNavigationBar shouldn't be removed.
Below i have a design.(I'm using Scoped Model).
I tried these solutions
https://gist.github.com/HansMuller/0e76c54b1f2d4423efbdc2c185e761ef and How to route to page, without removing BottomNavigationBar in flutter?
But in those cases, i can't route to page without bottom navigation. When i click on FLoatingActionButton: it should open new page without bottom navigation (BottomNavigationBar stay always at the bottom, even if i don't want it)
here is the working example...

ExpansionTile - how to collapse other tiles, hide keyboard on press

I'm new to Flutter, trying to build my first app.
my main app body contains a one level ExpansionTile list, which can be filterable by a searchbar.
I'm trying to implement the following behavior -
after a user press a tile to reveal the expanded info
1. the keyboard, if present, should hide
2. previously open tile if expanded should collapse
I have tried using GestureDetector on the root widget with on tap function taking focus, but it does not detect tapping on tiles.
using expansionList onExpansionChanged seems logical but i don't understand how to use it
advice will be greatly appreciated..