How to read JSON with unknown key in ReasonML? - reason

I am writing a simple application that display dog images from Dog API. I used bs-json to make it a record and use it later. The list of breeds can be obtained by the API. The response looks like this.
"message": {
"breed": ["array of sub-breeds"],
"breed without subbreed": [],
"status": "success"
So the key is not known at the compile time. If I add it one by one, it would be some kind of hardcode. I only want breeds not sub-breeds. If possible, I would like an array of them.
[| "chihuahua", "golden retreiver", ... |] // Something like this so I can make a select input

I think you could just decode into a Js.Dict.t and then take its keys.
Something like:
let decodeBreeds: Js.Json.t => array(string) =
Json.Decode.(dict(id) |> map(Js.Dict.keys))


How to edit a value (list of entries) from an api response to use in a request body in Gatling/Scala

I have an issue that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm pretty new to coding and Gatling, so I'm not sure how to proceed.
I'm using Gatling (with Scala) to create a performance test scenario that contains two API-calls.
I'm storing some of the values from the GetInformation response so I can use it in the body for the SendInformation request. The problem is that some information from the GetInformation response needs to be edited/removed before it is included in the body for SendInformation.
Extract of the GetInformation response:
"parameter": [
"name": "ResponseFromGetInfo",
"type": "document",
"total": 3,
"entry": [
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:4ea859d0-daa4-4d2a-8fbc-1571cd7dfdb0",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Composition"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:1b10ed79-333b-4838-93a5-a40d22508f0a",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Practitioner"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:650b8e7a-2cfc-4b0b-a23b-a85d1bf782de",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Dispense"
What I want is to store the list in "entry" and remove the entries with resourceType = "Dispense" so I can use it in the body for SendInformation.
It would have been ok if the entry list always had the same number of entries and order, but that is not the case. The number of entries can be several hundred and the order of entries varies. The number of entries are equal to the "total" value that is included in the GetInformation response.
I've thought about a few ways to solve it, but now I'm stuck. Some alternatives:
Extract the entire "entry" list using .check(jsonPath("$.parameter[0].entry").saveAs("entryList")) and then iterate through the list to remove the entries with resourceTypes = "Dispense".
But I don't know how to iterate over a value of type io.gatling.core.session.SessionAttribute, or if this is possible. It would have been nice if I could iterate over the entry list and check if parameter[0].entry[0].resourceType = "Dispense", and remove the entry if the statement is true.
I'm also considering If I can use StringBuilder in some way. Maybe if I check one entry at the time using .check(parameter[0].entry[X].resourceType != dispense, and if true then append it to a stringBuilder.
Does someone know how I can do this? Either by one of the alternatives that I listed, or in a different way? All help is appreciated :)
So maybe in the end it will look something like this:
val scn = scenario("getAndSendInformation")
// I can save total, så I know the total number of entries in the entry list
//Store entire entry list
//Or store all entries separatly and check afterwards who have resourceType = "dispense"? Not sure how to do this..
//Alternativ 1
.repeat("${total}", "counter") {
exec(session => {
//Do some magic here
//Check if session("parameter[0]_entry[counter].resourceType") = "Dispense" {
// if yes, remove entry from entry list}
//Alternativ 2
val entryString = new StringBuilder("")
.repeat("${total}", "counter") {
exec(session => {
//Do some magic here
//Check if session("parameter[0]_entry[counter].resourceType") != "Dispense" {
// if yes, add to StringBuilder}
// entryString.append(session("parameter[0]_entry[counter]").as[String] + ", ")
I'm pretty new to coding
I'm using Gatling (with Scala)
Gatling with Java would probably be an easier solution for you.
This is going to capture a String, not a list. In order to be able to iterate, you have to use ofXXX/ofType[], see
Then, in order to generate the next request's body, you could consider a templating engine such as PebbleBody ( or indeed use StringBody with a function with a StringBuilder.

Custom filters that accept objects - lighthouse-php

I am using lighthouse-php as Api Gateway in a micro services architecture.
So for all my types I make a request internally through Guzzle.
But I am needing to implement filters that are suitable for any type and that give flexibility when making queries.
I need to implement a query like this:
query news (
order_by: {publication_date: desc}
where: {
_or: {categories_id: { _eq: 1 }, title: { _ilike: "news" } }
limit: 10
offset: 20
) {
category_name: name
But I have no idea how to implement this "where" filter that receives a composite object as in this example.
Remember that this query will not use any model within lumen, since it will be a custom query that will make a request to the microservice of news.
What I need is the way that my query receives whatever comes in where, limit and order, to send it on request. But I have no idea how to build something like this in the scheme.
Anyone have any idea how to do it?
Thanks friends.
Yes, you can.
Just now I'm making an component that will receive criterias to filter in graphql query so I need to fill filter's where params with those criterias.
Imagine the following schema:
type News{
id: ID!
title: String!
views: Int!
type Query{
getNews(where: _ #whereConditions(columns:["title", "views"])) : [News!] #all
We can make a query and fill where variables later
query GetNews($whereNews: [GetNewsWhereWhereConditions!]){
getNews(where: {OR: $whereNews}){
When querying we can fill the variables sending an object like
{"column": "TITLE", "operator": "LIKE", "value": "Amazing title"},
{"column": "VIEWS", "operator": "GTE", "value": 10,

How to use subcriteria in populate (for example : .populate('something',{select:[]})) in sails js

.populate('something',{select:[]})) in sails js . for me its an ambiguous usage. Is there any alternate solution for the problem
I used select inside populate ... but it shows sub-criteria doesn't work in this version of sails
return res.json({
error : err
return res.notFound();
return res.json({
'responseMessage':"Banktransaction details founded successfully",
'result': banktrans
"error": {
"name": "UsageError",
"details": "Could not populate `project_id` because of ambiguous usage. This is a singular (\"model\") association, which means it never refers to more than _one_ associated record. So passing in subcriteria (i.e. as the second argument to `.populate()`) is not supported for this association, since it generally wouldn't make any sense. But that's the trouble-- it looks like some sort of a subcriteria (or something) _was_ provided!\n(Note that subcriterias consisting ONLY of `omit` or `select` are a special case that _does_ make sense. This usage will be supported in a future version of Waterline.)\n\nHere's what was passed in:\n{ select: [ 'project_name' ] }"
You've probably figured it out by now, but .populate() is limited, and sometimes the documentation for sails is wrong. I wrote a helper specifically to populate based on 3rd-normal O2M/M2M association tables. My method also required model methods giving the basic config of each association's field name and a reference to its model class. It's NOT graceful, it's a separate query for each record, but perhaps some of the details of my approach may interest you:
My populate helper.
Example usage.

RESTful master/detail

Having 3 dropdown pickers in a web application. The web application uses a Restful service to populate pickers data.
The two first pickers get their values from something like /years and /colors. The third one should get its values depending on the settings of the two.
So it could be something like /models?year=1&color=red.
The question is, how to make this HATEOAS-compliant (so that the dev does not have to know the way he should create an url to get the models).
The root / gets me a number of links, such as:
"_links": {
"colors": "/colors",
"years": "/years",
"models": "???" }
What should be instead of ???? If there was some kind of template /models?color={color}&year={year}, the dev would have to create the url. Is this OK?
Or there could be a link to list of years on each color got from /colors and then a link to list of models on each year got from /years?color=red, but i'd have to first choose color, then populate years and then populate models. Any idea if i want to have the model dependent on both color and year, not just the year populated from color?
Is it even possible in this situation to make it hateoas-compliant?
I have not heard of HATEOAS before, but based on what I just read about it, it seems that it supposed to return links to where the consumer of the service can go forward in the "state machine".
In your case that would translate to the links being "function calls". The first two (/colors and /years) are functions that take no parameters (and return "something" at this point), while the third is a function call that takes two parameters: one that is a representation of a color, the other a year. For the first two having a simple URL will suffice for the link, but for the third, you need to include the parameter name/type information as well. Something like:
"_links": {
"colors": "/colors",
"years": "/years",
"models": {
"url": "/models",
"param1": {"color"}
"param2": {"year"}
Note: you can use the same layout as "models" for "colors" and "years" as well.
At this point the client knows what the URL to access the functions are and what the parameter (if any) names are to be passed to the function.
One more thing is missing: types. Although you could just use "string", it will not be obvious that the "color" parameter is actually a value from what "/colors" returns. You can be introducing a "type" Color that describes a color (and any functions that operate on a color: give a displayable name, HTML color code, etc.)
The "beefed up" signature becomes:
"_links": {
"colors": {
"url": "/colors",
"return": "/type/List?type=/type/Color"
"years": {
"url": "/years",
"return": "/type/List?type=/type/Integer"
"models": {
"url": "/models",
"param1": {
"name": "color",
"type": "/type/Color"
"param2": {
"name": "year",
"type": "/type/Integer"
"return": "/type/List?type=/type/Model"
Note: the path "/type" is used just to separate the types from functions, but is not necessary.
This will interchangeably and discoverably describe the functions, what parameters they take, and what values they are returning, so you can use the right value at the right place.
Of course implementing this on the service end will not be easy (especially with parameterized types, like "/type/List" -- think Generics in Java or templates in C++), but this is the most "safe" and "portable" way you can describe your interface to your clients.

Using ObjectMarshaller to return a RESTful paginated list

I'd like to use a customized DomainClassMarshaller/ObjectMarshaller class in grails to get a nice paginated list.
I'd like the full like to appear something like this:
> GET /api/company/1/bookings
< 200 OK
"url": "/api/company/1/bookings",
"size": 42,
"pageSize": 10,
"nextPage": "/api/company/1/bookings/?page=2,
"prevPage": null,
"items": [
{ ... // booking 1
{ ... // booking 10
Whereas if there's has_a relationship between domain objects, and you get the parent object you'll just get the URL, which you can then dive into if necessary.
> GET /api/company/1
< 200 OK
"url": "/api/company/1"
"bookings": "/api/company/1/bookings"
However, if you're faced with a list of simple types, just go ahead and output them:
> GET /api/user/1
< 200 OK
"url": "/api/user/1",
"name" "Bob,
"favoriteThings": [
"Raindrops on roses",
"Whiskers on kittens",
"Bright copper kettles",
"Warm woolen mittens"
DomainClassMarshaller has a very nice little method called asShortObject which seems like it would do the trick.
My first thought would be to register a DomainClassMarshaller that only accepts Lists of domain classes, and another one that accepts simple lists. Is that the best approach?
Are there any resources out there on doing something similar to this? I can't believe I'm the first one to have this requirement.
Thanks for all your help,