Removing Form Feed character from first line - oracle10g

I've got a unix shell that runs a script SQL by using SQLPLUS .
At the top of the SQL I've got some istructions like
set pagesize 1000
set scan off
set feedback off
set linesize 3000
set heading off
set newpage 0
and after my query begins
but in the output at the beginning of the first line I've got Form Feed Character and this is a problem because I'm creating a CSV file
Oracle version 10g
Thanks in advance

Instead of:
set newpage 0
set newpage none
From the documentation, newpage:
Sets the number of blank lines to be printed from the top of each page to the top title. A value of zero places a formfeed at the beginning of each page (including the first page) and clears the screen on most terminals. If you set NEWPAGE to NONE, SQL*Plus does not print a blank line or formfeed between the report pages.


How to remove the empty lines in an html file

In the image below there are empty lines before the head, body and closing /html tags and within the body tag I want to remove. How?
put cursor at end of line with text
press Shift-ArrowRight as many times till cursor at pos 1 selecting all newlines till next text
Ctrl+Shift+L to select all similar parts
Backspace as much times as needed
Esc to leave multi cursor
According to your screenshot, you can try to reduce the line height to reduce the gaps between two successive lines.
Open Settings
Type Line height in the search bar
Specify your desired line height
And done.
Also you could try reducing your font size which would automatically decrease the line height thus reducing gaps in between successive lines.
Use \n\n* in the Find Widget (Ctrl+H) with the regex option (.*) icon enabled, replace with \n. Replace All.
or better change this setting:
// List of tags, comma separated, that should have an extra newline before them. `null` defaults to `"head, body, /html"`.
`HTML > Format: Extra Liners`
In your settings.json:
"html.format.extraLiners": "" // just leave empty
Now when you format the html file those empty lines above head/body/\html should be removed (select all and Command Palette: Format Selection).

Jasper Report: Text field overlapping end of page

Jasper report version 5.6.1 (due to a jdk 1.6 we MUSt use.....)
I have a report with a long text field in the bottom part of the page.
If i set Position type to "Fix Relative to Top" the text field will spread over the end of the page and the start of the next page using space available at the end of the first page (so from my point of view this is a correct behaviour, or may be the behaviour i'm searching for)
If i set position to float, the text (and the caomponent) will be moved directly to next page, so some part of the first page is not used at all, and all the text is printed on next page.
I have the same behaviour with a fixed text and with a text with field (evaluated at runtime).
I have tried to set Strech type to:
1) Relative to tallest object
2) Relative to Band Height
All previous element in the report are set to float (static text and text field)
So i would like to use remaining space on first page to print some line of this text Field , and use second page to print remaining text. Available space on first page is variable due to variable height of previous component on first page, so i cannot use Fixed position for this field.
Any idea will be appreciated

Jasper Hiding Page Break on Specific Pages

Hi I want a page break that goes after each group except for the last group. Currently my page breaks separates all the groups nicely, but I would like the last group to be connected to the last page. The page break separates my last page footer, leaving a huge amount of space on the last page. Is there any way to do this?
I'm thinking of hiding the last page break but I'm unsure of how to do it.
Attempts to do a put into $P{REPORT_PARAMATERS_MAP} within the print when expression band of the summary band have been unsuccessful.
I tried placing the following into the 'print when expression' band of the summary band:
new Boolean($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.put("LastPageNumber",new Integer($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()-1)).equals("dummyPrintWhen"))
And using this on 'print when expression' of the break:
new Boolean(!$V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("LastPageNumber")))
But it's not working the way I want. It still gives me the last page footer all by itself on another page while still leaving a large amount of space on the previous page.
By taking out "!" on the break's 'print when expression', the breaks don't happen and I get my last page footer on a page all by itself as there is no more space on the previous page.
Printing $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("LastPageNumber") for every page
gives me null.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm currently using iReport 3.0.0
What if you use ?
new Boolean(new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("LastPageNumber")))==false)
I think what I'm trying to do might not be possible simply because the last page number can only be compiled at the end of the report, while the page breaks happen as the report is compiled.
I think this can be confirmed by nobody answering the question on this page:

JasperReports: Show line between two enteries, but not after the last record

I an using JasperReports to download some content in pdf format. I fetched some data from the database and add a textField in the Detail band to show the entries of a particular column.
This is what I am getting
and if I add a line than pdf changed to
but my requirement is to show line between two entries.
I want to remove last line and the pdf should looks like
Put the line at the top of the detail band instead of the bottom, then change the printWhenExpression to $V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() != 1.
The line will then be printed before each entry except for the first one, essentially putting a line between each entry.

How to handle variable width FieldObjects in Crystal Reports

I have a Crystal Report which is viewed via a CrystalReportViewer control on an .aspx page (using VS2008).
The report has two data-driven FieldObjects (which can contain a variable number of chars) which I would like to display on the same line beside each other.
Problem is when the text in the first FieldObject is too long it overlaps the text in the second FieldObject.
I have tried setting the 'CanGrow=True' and 'MaxNumberOfLines=1' on the first FieldObject to 'push' the second FieldObject further to the right, but this didn't work.
How do I get the second FieldObject to always display immediately after the first FieldObject regardless of the length of the text in the first?
Cheers in advance of any knowledge you can drop.
you can add a text object to the report. And while editing the text of the text object, drag the field you want to show from the object explorer into the text box. Then hit space, then drag the second field in to the same text box. Your two fields will always be one space a part. You could, of course, add more spaces or any other text you want.
Or you can create a function which returns field1 + " " + field2 and add the function to the report.