Mongoose lookup across 3 collections using foreign key - mongodb

I have found a few questions that relate to this (here and here) but I have been unable to interpret the answers in a way that I can understand how to do what I need.
I have 3 collections: Organisations, Users, and Projects. Every project belongs to one user, and every user belongs to one organisation. From the user's id, I need to return all the projects that belong to the organisation that the logged-in user belongs to.
Returning the projects from the collection that belong to the user is easy, with this query:
const projects = await Project.find({ user: }).sort({ createdAt: -1 })
Each user has an organisation id as a foreign key, and I think I need to do something with $lookup and perhaps $unwind mongo commands, but unlike with SQL queries I really struggle to understand what's going on so I can construct queries correctly.
EDIT: Using this query
const orgProjects = User.aggregate(
$match: { _id: }
$project: { _id: 0, org_id: 1 }
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "organisation",
foreignField: Organisation._id,
as: "users_of_org"
$lookup: {
from: "projects",
localField: "users_of_org._id",
foreignField: "user",
as: "projects"
$unset: ["organisation", "users_of_org"]
$unwind: "$projects"
$replaceWith: "$projects"
Seems to almost work, returning the following:
Aggregate {
_pipeline: [
{ '$match': [Object] },
{ '$project': [Object] },
{ '$lookup': [Object] },
{ '$lookup': [Object] },
{ '$unset': [Array] },
{ '$unwind': '$projects' },
{ '$replaceWith': '$projects' }
_model: Model { User },
options: {}

assuming your documents have a schema like this, you could do an aggregation pipeline like below with 2 $lookup stages.
$match: { _id: "user1" }
$project: { _id: 0, org_id: 1 }
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "org_id",
foreignField: "org_id",
as: "users_of_org"
$lookup: {
from: "projects",
localField: "users_of_org._id",
foreignField: "user_id",
as: "projects"
$unset: ["org_id", "users_of_org"]
$unwind: "$projects"
$replaceWith: "$projects"


mongo join two collections and use aggregation

im trying to get only those products for whom no order exists, so each product has an order id, these audit tables were linked to orders, but those orders are now deleted, i need to locate those products with no orders.
I know when doing aggregates if the joining collection has no records its not returning anything as "docs", but how can i get it to return me docs == empty or null only..
$match: {
$and: [
{ "docs": { $exists: false } }
$lookup: {
from: "orders",
localField: "orderId",
foreignField: "orderId",
as: "docs"
path: "$docs",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
{ $limit: 10 }
$lookup: {
from: "orders",
localField: "orderId",
foreignField: "orderId",
as: "docs"
{ $match: { docs: [] },
{ $limit: 10 }

Operation timeout for a MongoDB aggregation pipeline

I have a MongodDB database on MongoDB Atlas.
It has an "orders", "products", "itemTypes" and "brands".
"orders" only keep track of product id ordered.
"products" only keep track of brand id and itemType id
"itemTypes" keep track of item type name
"brands" keep track of brand name.
If I aggregate orders + products + itemTypes it is ok:
$unwind: {
path: '$orders'
}, {
$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: 'orders.productId',
foreignField: 'productId',
as: 'products'
}, {
$lookup: {
from: 'itemTypes',
localField: 'products.typeId',
foreignField: 'typeId',
as: 'itemTypes'
}, {
$set: {
'orders.price': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$products.price', 0]
'orders.brandId': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$products.brandId', 0]
'orders.typeId': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$products.typeId', 0]
'orders.typeName': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$', 0]
}, {
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
createdAt: {
$first: '$createdAt'
status: {
$first: '$status'
retailerId: {
$first: '$retailerId'
retailerName: {
$first: '$retailerName'
orderId: {
$first: '$orderId'
orders: {
$push: '$orders'
If I aggregate orders + products + itemTypes + brands, either Mongo Compass or the web UI of Mongo Atlas aggregation builder will give operation timeout error.
$unwind: {
path: '$orders'
}, {
$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: 'orders.productId',
foreignField: 'productId',
as: 'products'
}, {
$lookup: {
from: 'itemTypes',
localField: 'products.typeId',
foreignField: 'typeId',
as: 'itemTypes'
}, {
$lookup: {
from: 'brands',
localField: 'products.brandId',
foreignField: 'brandId',
as: 'brands'
}, {
$set: {
'orders.price': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$products.price', 0]
'orders.brandId': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$products.brandId', 0]
'orders.typeId': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$products.typeId', 0]
'orders.typeName': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$', 0]
'orders.brandName': {
$arrayElemAt: ['$', 0]
}, {
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
createdAt: {
$first: '$createdAt'
status: {
$first: '$status'
retailerId: {
$first: '$retailerId'
retailerName: {
$first: '$retailerName'
orderId: {
$first: '$orderId'
orders: {
$push: '$orders'
This is a demo of the aggregation that timed out:
We have approximately 50k orders, 14k products, 200 brands, 89 item types.
Is there anyway to optimise this aggregation so that it won't timeout?
P/s: My ultimate goal is to visualise popular brands and item types ordered using beautiful chart in the Mongodb Charts function.
If you are on Mongo Atlas, you can use Triggers to run the aggregation query in the background - either when the database is updated or as a scheduled trigger (
When the trigger runs, you can save the result of the aggregation pipeline in a new collection using the "$merge" operation.
exports = function() {
const mongodb =;
const orders = mongodb.db(DATABASE_NAME).collection("orders");
const ordersSummary = mongodb.db(DATABASE_NAME).collection("orders.summary");
const pipeline = [
{ $merge: { into: "orders.summary", on: "_id", whenMatched: "replace", whenNotMatched: "insert" } }
This way, your charts will be very fast, since they only have to do a simple query from the new collection.
Do you have index on the collections you $lookup from:
products (productId) + itemTypes (typeId) + brands (brandId).
Otherwise, the lookups can take a long time to complete.

How to achieve MongoDB nested lookup inside array?

I am doing an aggregation in Paper collection like below
const papers = await Paper.aggregate([
"$lookup": {
"from": "reviews",
"localField": "reviewId",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "review"
{ $unwind: '$review' }
It returns the result that contains review object which has a reviews array like:
review: {
_id: 5f1638770f3a8d20f8c1beeb,
reviews: [Array],
If I make the review more clear, it is like below:
_id: 5f1638770f3a8d20f8c1beeb
reviews: [
_id: 5f164395857bcdd1d8674b69,
reviewerId: 5f15b28d534b5886c0d9eb8a
_id: 5f164395857bcdd1d8674b6a,
reviewerId: 5f1358c523dc2367c43a6311
In above, reviewerId inside reviews array refers to user id from "users" collection. I want to get users name, email, and address in reviews array like below:
reviews: [
_id: 5f164395857bcdd1d8674b69,
reviewerId: 5f15b28d534b5886c0d9eb8a
reviewer : {
_id: 5f164395857bcdd1d8674b6a,
reviewerId: 5f1358c523dc2367c43a6311
reviewer : {
How can I achieve it?
Hopefully, the structure of your collection almost similar as I mention below in the Mongo playground.[
$unwind: {
path: "$reviews",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
$lookup: {
from: "user",
localField: "reviews.reviewerId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "reviews.reviewer"
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
question: {
$first: "$question"
reviews: {
$addToSet: "$reviews"
Working Mongo playground

mongodb 2 level aggregate lookup

I have those collection schemas
Schema.users = {
name : "string",
username : "string",
Schema.rooms = {
name : "string",
hidden: "boolean",
user: "string",
sqmt: "number",
service: "string"
Schema.room_price = {
morning : "string",
afternoon: "string",
day: "string",
I need to aggregate the users with the rooms and foreach room the specific room prices.
the expected result would be
_id: 1111,
sqmt: '123x',
room_prices: [{morning: 123, afternoon: 321}]
The first part of the aggregate could be
{$match: cond},
{$lookup: {
from: 'rooms',
let: {"user_id", "$_id"},
pipeline: [{$match:{expr: {$eq: ["$user", "$$user_id"]}}}],
as: "rooms"
but I can't figure out how to get the room prices within the same aggregate
Presuming that room from the room_prices collection has the matching data from the name of the rooms collection, then that would the expression to match on for the "inner" pipeline of the $lookup expression with yet another $lookup:
{ $match: cond },
{ $lookup: {
from: 'rooms',
let: { "user_id": "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{ $match:{ $expr: { $eq: ["$user", "$$user_id"] } } },
{ $lookup: {
from: 'room_prices',
let: { 'name': '$name' },
pipeline: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $eq: [ '$room', '$$name'] } } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, morning: 1, afternoon: 1 } }
as: 'room_prices'
as: "rooms"
That's also adding a $project in there to select only the fields you want from the prices. When using the expressive form of $lookup you actually do get to express a "pipeline", which can be any aggregation pipeline combination. This allows for complex manipulation and such "nested lookups".
Note that using mongoose you can also get the collection name from the model object using something like:
This is generally future proofing against possible model configuration changes which might possibly change the name of the underlying collection.
You can also do pretty much the same with the "legacy" form of $lookup prior to the sub-pipeline syntax available from MongoDB 3.6 and upwards. It's just a bit more processing and reconstruction:
{ $match: cond },
// in legacy form
{ $lookup: {
from: 'rooms',
localField: 'user_id',
foreignField: 'user',
as: 'rooms'
// unwind the output array
{ $unwind: '$rooms' },
// lookup for the second collection
{ $lookup: {
from: 'room_prices',
localField: 'name',
foreignField: 'room',
as: 'rooms.room_prices'
// Select array fields with $map
{ $addFields: {
'rooms': {
'room_prices': {
$map: {
input: '$rooms.room_prices',
in: {
morning: '$this.morning',
afternoon: '$this.afternoon'
// now group back to 'users' data
{ $group: {
_id: '$_id',
name: { $first: '$name' },
username: { $first: '$username' },
// same for any other fields, then $push 'rooms'
rooms: { $push: '$rooms' }
That's a bit more overhead mostly from usage of $unwind and also noting that the "field selection" does actually mean you did return the "whole documents" from room_prices "first", and only after that was complete can you select the fields.
So there are advantages to the newer syntax, but it still could be done with earlier versions if you wanted to.

Meteor Mongo Aggregate $lookup specify output field

I have two collections: Products and Stocks.
The relation between these two collections is one to one.
Products structure:
Stocks structure :
availability: []
My query:
$match: cAux
}, {
$lookup: {
from: "Stocks",
localField: "sku",
foreignField: "sku",
as: "availability"
}, {
The result from this "join" is
availability: {_id:, sku:, **availabity**: []}
The join is okay, but I would like to only have the availability array field being joined and not the whole Stock document. Whats the best way to accomplish this? Any help would be appreciated.
$match: cAux
}, {
$lookup: {
from: "Stocks",
localField: "sku",
foreignField: "sku",
as: "availability"
}, {
$project: {
availability: {
$arrayElemAt: ['$availability.availability', 0]
}, {