I can't hide the browser bar on TWA - progressive-web-apps

if anyone can help me with my problem thank you, i will explain better.
I am trying to remove the browser bar from the top of my TWA, I have tried several things I read on the internet but so far nothing.
I already created the file "assetlinks.json" with my two fingerprints, both the app signature and the upload signature.
And yet the browser bar appears at the top of my application.
Here is the link to my "assetlinks.json":
Follow my application's link on Google Play:
Here is my TWA-manifest.json file:
"packageId": "app.planetsplay.com.br",
"host": "app.planetspay.com.br",
"name": "PlanetsPay",
"launcherName": "PlanetsPay",
"display": "standalone",
"themeColor": "#16A591",
"navigationColor": "#16A591",
"navigationColorDark": "#16A591",
"navigationDividerColor": "#16A591",
"navigationDividerColorDark": "#16A591",
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"enableNotifications": true,
"startUrl": "/logar?ref=twa",
"iconUrl": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/img/icone-app.png",
"splashScreenFadeOutDuration": 0,
"signingKey": {
"path": "F:\\RubensFlinco-PC\\Documents\\Github\\PlanetsPay-Aplicativo\\android.keystore",
"alias": "android"
"appVersionName": "2",
"appVersionCode": 2,
"shortcuts": [
"name": "Meu QRCode",
"shortName": "QRCode",
"url": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/qrcode?twa=true&utm_source=shortcuts",
"chosenIconUrl": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/img/icons/qrcode.png"
"name": "Emitir cobrança",
"shortName": "Cobrar",
"url": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/pessoal/cobrar?twa=true&utm_source=shortcuts",
"chosenIconUrl": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/img/icons/cobrar.png"
"name": "Transferir dinheiro",
"shortName": "Transferir",
"url": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/pessoal/dinheiro/transferir?twa=true&utm_source=shortcuts",
"chosenIconUrl": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/img/icons/transferir.png"
"name": "Ver meu extrato",
"shortName": "Extrato",
"url": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/pessoal/extrato?twa=true&utm_source=shortcuts",
"chosenIconUrl": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/img/icons/extrato.png"
"generatorApp": "bubblewrap-cli",
"webManifestUrl": "https://app.planetspay.com.br/manifest.json",
"fallbackType": "customtabs",
"features": {},
"alphaDependencies": {
"enabled": false
"enableSiteSettingsShortcut": false,
"isChromeOSOnly": false,
"orientation": "portrait",
"fingerprints": [],
"appVersion": "2"

I discovered that it was my typo in the package name


VSCode Multiple-Folder Workspace Search references

Going through a project that start to be quite huge, we've got a workspace with 10+ folders.
Into those 10+ folders we have 9 folders that have the same code base in Node.js & the 10th one that is a private NPM package that we build and that all 9 others rely on.
We're trying to make things easier for all the devs to find some other usage of a function they want to explore and for that, we wanted to be able to find some function references / implementations across all the folders of the workspace.
For instance, if I go in one of the folder, in one of the source file :
and I right-click on the authorize method that is custom and implemented into the NPM private package. If I look up for References I'll get results like this :
But those are only the result of the reference of this method into this folder and not into others project that also use this express middleware.
You can see that I also get the result of the dist folder of the NPM package which seems logical but also seems to be the problem that I am facing.
I don't really know what can also be useful so feel free to ask me any kind of content and find attached the workspace configuration :
"folders": [
"name": "Docs",
"path": "./repositories/Docs"
"name": "Frontend",
"path": "./repositories/project_pwa"
"name": "Service A",
"path": "./repositories/project_A"
"name": "Service B",
"path": "./repositories/project_B"
"name": "Project C",
"path": "./repositories/project_C"
"name": "Project D",
"path": "./repositories/project_D"
"name": "Project E",
"path": "./repositories/project_E"
"name": "Project F",
"path": "./repositories/project_F"
"name": "Project G",
"path": "./repositories/project_G"
"name": "Project H",
"path": "./repositories/project_H"
"name": "project I",
"path": "./repositories/project_I"
"name": "Project J",
"path": "./repositories/project_J"
"name": "Project K",
"path": "./repositories/project_K"
"path": "./repositories/project_L",
"name": "Project L"
"path": ".",
"name": "Master"
"settings": {
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"git.autofetch": true,
"markdown.extension.print.absoluteImgPath": false,
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"markdown.extension.toc.levels": "2..6",
"vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue",
"files.exclude": {
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"editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint",
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Extensibility point on release results page

I am part of VS performance team, I need to create a new tab for the Release result page.Release result page
Previously it was possible with the target ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.release-details-view but that no longer works on the new experience, do you know how the contribution configuration should look?, this is what I have so far:
"id": "pit-tab",
"type": "ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.release-summary-tab",
"targets": [
"properties": {
"name": "Performance",
"uri": "dist/index.html",
"order": "99",
"icon": "asset://img/icon.png",
"supportsMobile": true
Try with below script:
"id": "release-environments-tab",
"type": "ms.vss-web.tab",
"description": "Adds a 'Merlin Insert' tab to the release environment.",
"targets": [
"properties": {
"name": "Merlin Insert",
"order": "30",
"uri": "index.html"

Azure DevOps API - how to discover link between field and picklist

I'm trying to replicate an Azure DevOps process from one organization to another via the AZDO REST Api. I'm working on replicating the layout and am stuck because I can't discover the relationship between a custom field and a picklist when querying the source AZDO instance.
In my scenario I have a test work item type which I've called Issue. On the Issue interface I've created a custom field which is a picklist. While I can retrieve a list of lists via the Rest API and examine the field as well, I can't figure out how the two are related.
Here is a partial payload from the field:
"count": 39,
"value": [
"referenceName": "Custom.IssueSource",
"name": "Issue Source",
"type": "string",
"description": "Who is this attributed to",
"required": true,
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/MYORG/_apis/work/processes/f390103e-7097-4f19-b5b5-f9dbcf92bb6f/behaviors",
"customization": "custom"
... ]
and here is a partial payload from the lists get query which I used trial and error to determine was the picklist I've assigned:
"count": 10,
"value": [
"id": "2998d4e4-2bec-4935-98a1-b67a0b0b6d5d",
"name": "picklist_e854661e-8620-4ad9-be28-b974c5cb3a5d",
"type": "String",
"isSuggested": false,
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/MYORG/_apis/work/processes/lists/2998d4e4-2bec-4935-98a1-b67a0b0b6d5d"
Here is a partial layout response for the WIT:
"pages": [
"id": "d0171d51-ff84-4038-afc1-8800ab613160.System.WorkItemType.Details",
"inherited": true,
"label": "Details",
"pageType": "custom",
"visible": true,
"isContribution": false,
"sections": [
"id": "Section1",
"groups": [
"id": "bf03e049-5062-4d82-b91d-4396541fbed2",
"label": "Custom",
"isContribution": false,
"visible": true,
"controls": [
"id": "Custom.IssueSource",
"label": "Issue Source",
"controlType": "FieldControl",
"readOnly": false,
"visible": true,
"isContribution": false
... ]
Using fiddler against the AZDO web interface, the only time I see a reference to the picklist is from another non-AZDO API to https://dev.azure.com/MYORG/_apis/Contribution/dataProviders/query
Is there a way to discover the link via the AZDO Rest API? I saw this question which was similar but was about creating the link
Figured it out. Turns out you need to query from a different scope - work item tracking rather than work item tracking process:
"name": "Issue Source",
"referenceName": "Custom.IssueSource",
"description": "Who is this attributed to",
"type": "string",
"usage": "workItem",
"readOnly": false,
"canSortBy": true,
"isQueryable": true,
"isIdentity": false,
--> "isPicklist": true,
"isPicklistSuggested": false,
--> "picklistId": "2998d4e4-2bec-4935-98a1-b67a0b0b6d5d",
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/MYORG/_apis/wit/fields/Custom.IssueSource"

Alexa Presentation Language Document rendering while speaking

I am trying to render an Alexa Presentation Language document while Alexa is speaking her speech. I tried with a pager with several pages and the AutoPager command. The problem I am trying to solve is that the document is rendered when Alexa starts speaking but the command is started when the speech is finished, and I would like to see the three pages moving while speaking.
I am using the RenderDocumet and the executeCommand and the speak directives of responseBuilder.
The Document Template:
PagerDoc —>
"type": "APL",
"version": "1.0",
"theme": "dark",
"import": [],
"resources": [],
"styles": {},
"layouts": {},
"mainTemplate": {
"parameters": [
"item": [{
"type": "Container",
"items": [
"type": "Sequence",
"id": "pagerComponentId",
"scrollDirection": "vertical",
"numbered": true,
"width": "100vw",
"height": "100vh",
"alignItems": "center",
"justifyContent": "center",
"direction": "column",
"items": [
"type": "Image",
"source": "${datasource.app.properties.images.robot1}",
"position": "relative",
"width": "100vw",
"height": "100vh"
"type": "Image",
"source": "${datasource.app.properties.images.robot2}",
"position": "relative",
"width": "100vw",
"height": "100vh"
And the Directives:
var response = handlerInput.responseBuilder;
return response
type : 'Alexa.Presentation.APL.RenderDocument',
token: 'pagerToken',
document : pagerDoc,
datasources : {
"app": {
"properties": {
"images": {
"robot1": "https://xxx/robot1.png",
"robot2": "https://xxx/robot2.png"
type: 'Alexa.Presentation.APL.ExecuteCommands',
token: 'pagerToken',
commands: [
"type": "Parallel",
"commands": [
"type": "Scroll",
"componentId": "pagerComponentId",
"distance": 1
Could somebody tell me what should I do? If this is possible with Alexa?
Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,
It's not posible yet. If you wait until the release of APL 1.1 (coming soon)
APL 1.1 will add onMount to the APL document which should allow for the execution of commands as soon as a document is loaded (eg. before alexa speaks)

How to change HERE maps type in SAP Visual Business GeoMap?

According to this Map Provider Configuration Changes, I use this configuration to add HERE maps in GeoMap:
var oMapConfig = {
"MapProvider": [{
"name": "HEREMAPS",
"type": "HERETerrainMap",
"description": "",
"tileX": "256",
"tileY": "256",
"maxLOD": "20",
"copyright": "Tiles Courtesy of HERE Maps",
"Source": [{
"id": "s1",
"url": "https://1.base.maps.cit.api.here.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/reduced.day/{LOD}/{X}/{Y}/256/png8?app_id=MY_ID&app_code=MY_CODE"
}, {
"id": "s2",
"url": "https://2.base.maps.cit.api.here.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/reduced.day/{LOD}/{X}/{Y}/256/png8?app_id=MY_ID&app_code=MY_CODE"
"MapLayerStacks": [{
"name": "DEFAULT",
"MapLayer": {
"name": "layer1",
"refMapProvider": "HEREMAPS",
"opacity": "1.0",
"colBkgnd": "RGB(255,255,255)"
But my map is in black and white style:
What I want is standard map:
In Configuring HERE (formerly Nokia, NAVTEQ) maps, new server URL is provided, I've tried this, but not working.
"id": "s1",
"url": http://1.maps.nlp.nokia.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/normal.day/{LOD}/{X}/{Y}/256/png?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&app_code=YOUR_APP_CODE"
}, {
"id": "s2",
"url": "http://2.maps.nlp.nokia.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/normal.day/{LOD}/{X}/{Y}/256/png?app_id=MY_APP_ID&app_code=MY_APP_CODE"
And failed to find MapProvider configuration documentation in setMapConfiguration of GeoMap
Just change reduced.day to normal.day in your map URL, and you'll get colored map:)
Please refer to https://developer.here.com/documentation/map-tile/topics/examples.html for detailed APIs