Is it possible to type string template? - purescript

So that it would be able to assign a string value that only composed of a typed template values.
tStr = "2000:80" -- "Int:Int"
tStr = "2000:AAA" -- "Int:String" - that would be an error
For example typescript support this:
type TemplateS = `${number}:{number}`
const tStr: TemplateS = "2000:80"

I think it is possible but it would not be practical and may significantly increase compilation time. You would have to make use of Symbol, RowList, Append, and type classes.
TypeScript wants to retrofit types to stringly-typed JavaScript APIs because it is a JavaScript superlanguage. PureScript is different. It prefers the creation of new APIs with a strong type design from conception.
If you want a pair of types use Tuple. For example: Tuple 1 2 :: Tuple Int Int or Tuple 1 "2" :: Tuple Int String.


how can i do dynamic casting of a variable from one type to another in Scala

I would like to do dynamic casting for a scala variable, the casting type is stored in a different variable or in the database or provided by the user.
I am new to Scala and have mainly done coding on python. Here we are trying to take Any type input and query the type of the variable as per the type saved in DB eg.: "String/Int" and user-defined classes and cast them before any future processing.
in python:
in scala I have tried
var a = 123.05
gives me error
error: identifier expected but string literal found.
And I want the code to be something as follows:
var a = 123.05
var b = "Int"
gives me error
error: not found: type b
Ok so I have to be fairly exhaustive here because the stuff you're trying to do is tricky due to the static vs dynamic typing difference of scala and python.
First what you're doing in Python is not type casting but rather a conversion.
in python takes the integer value 12 and converts it to a (UTF-8 ? dunno in python) string. The same thing in scala would be
typecasting in the meantime is basically a pinky promise to the compilers typechecker that you know more than it and it should just believe you. It also should be avoided like the pest because you basically drop all the safety that static typechecking gives you. However there are certain cases where it is unavoidable
in a bit more fundamental terms. lets say you have the following scala snippet
sealed trait Foo
final case class Bar(i:Int) extends Foo
final case class Baz(s:String) extends Foo
val f:Foo = Bar(2)
//won't work because the compiler thinks f is of type Foo due to the type ascription bove
//will work
the Type Foo can be either Bar or Baz (because of the sealed and final, this is called an ADT) but we specifically told the compiler to treat f as a Foo which means we forgot which specific type it was. this is the case where you could use typecasting, note that we don't convert but rather tell the compiler that it is actually a Bar
Now this all happens during compile time which means you can't cast according to a runtime value like this
var a = 123.05
var b = "Int"
Now as I understand you have some sort of stringly typed input and need to convert it according to some schema. The scalafiddle below has an example how you could do this:
However note that this makes use of some fairly advanced concepts in scala to ensure the types line up.
This will also work but note that we lose all the type information requiring us to do a typecast if we want to do anything meaningful with out
EDIT/ADDENDUM: I thought I should also do an example on how to consume such values and make the schema dynamic.
As a final note be warned that this is getting close to the limits what the compiler can do and necessitates a lot of boxing and unboxing to carry along the type information (in SchemaValue) also it's not stacksafe and has lackluster errorhandling. this solution would require some serious engineering to make viable but it should get the idea across
If you have a String value, then you can use toInt or toDouble to parse that string:
val s = "123.05"
val i = s.toInt
val d = s.toDouble
If you have an Any value then it is best to use match to convert it:
val a: Any = ...
a match {
case i: Int => // It is an Int
case d: Double => // It is a Double
case _ => // It is a different type
If all else fails you can explicitly pick a type, but this is not good practice:
val i = a.asInstanceOf[Int]
Any decent database framework will give you the ability to read and write values of specific types, so this should not be a problem with the right library.

How to define a union type that works at runtime?

Following on form this excellent set of answers on how to define union types in Scala. I've been using the Miles Sabin definition of Union types, but one questions remains.
How do you work with these if the type isn't know until Runtime? For example:
trait inv[-A] {}
type Or[A,B] = {
type check[X] = (inv[A] with inv[B]) <:< inv[X]
case class Foo[A : (Int Or String)#check](a: A)
Foo(1) // Foo[Int] = Foo(1)
Foo("hi") // Foo[String] = Foo(hi)
Foo(2.0) // Error!
This example works since the parameter A is know at compile time, and calling Foo(1) is really calling Foo[Int](1). However, what do you do if parameter A isn't known until runtime? Maybe you're paring a file that contains the data for Foo's, in which case the type parameter of Foo isn't know until you read the data. There's no easy way to set parameter A in this case.
The best solutions I've been able to come up with are:
Pattern Match on the data you've read and then create different Foo's based that type. In my case this isn't feasible because my case-class actually contains dozens of union types, so there'd be hundreds of combinations of types to pattern match.
Cast the type you've just read to be (String or Int), so you have a single type to pass around, that passes the Type Class constraint when you create Foo with it. Then return Foo[_] instead. This puts the onus back on the Foo user to work out the type of each field (since they'll appear to be type Any), but at least it defers having to know the type until the field is actually used, in which case a pattern match seems more tractable.
The second solution looks like this:
def parseLine: Any // Parses data point, but can be either a String or
// Int, so returns Any.
def mkFoo: Foo[_] = {
val a = parseLine.asInstanceOf[Int with String]
Foo(a) // Passes type constraint now
In practice I've ended up using the second solution, but I'm wondering if there's something better I can do?
Another way to state the problem is: What does it mean to return a Union Type? Functions can only return a single type, and the trickery we use with Miles Sabin union types is only useful for the types you pass in, not for the types you return.
PS. For context, why this is a problem in my case is that I'm generating a set of case-classes from a Json schema file. Json naturally supports union types, so I would like to make my case classes reflect that too. This works great in one direction: users creating case-classes to be serialized out to Json. But gets sticky in the other direction: user's parsing Json files to have a set of populated case classes returned to them.
The "standard" Scala solution to this problem is to use an ordinary discriminated-union type (ie, to forego true union types altogether):
sealed trait Foo
case class IntFoo(x: Int) extends Foo
case class StringFoo(x: String) extends Foo
This reflects the fact that, as you observe, the particular type of the member is a runtime value; the JVM type-tag of the Foo instance provides this runtime value.
Miles Sabin's implementation of union types is very clever, but I'm not sure if it provides any practical benefit, because it only restricts the type of thing that can go into a Foo, but provides the user of a Foo with no computable version of that restriction, in the way a match provides you with a computable version of the sealed trait. In general, for a restriction to be useful, it needs two sides: a check that only the right things are put in, and an extractor (aka an eliminator) that allows the same right things to come out the other end.
Perhaps if you gave some explanation of why you're looking for a purer union type it would illuminate whether regular discriminated unions are sufficient or if you really need something more.
There's a reason every JSON parser for Scala requires well defined types into which the JSON will be converted, even if some fields have to be dropped: you cannot work with something you don't know the type of.
To given an example, say you have a, and maybe a is a String, maybe it's an Int, but you don't know what it is. Why computation could you possibly make with a, not knowing its type? Why would your code compute the sum of all a's, for instance, if you didn't know in advance it was a number?
Generally, the answer to that is to perform user-provided data manipulation at runtime over data with unknown characteristics, as the user itself sees that it's a number and decides they want to know what the sum of that field is. Fine, but you are going the wrong way about it if so.
There is a well defined way to represent JSON data in Scala (and, for that matter, any data that has the same characteristics as JSON. Which is using a hierarchy of classes. A json value may be a json object, array or one of a number of primitives. A json object contains a list of key/value pairs, whose keys are json strings and values are json values. And so on. This is easy to represent, and there are many library doing so already. In fact, there are so many that there's a project called Json4s which presents a unified API which can be used and is implemented by many of the aforementioned libraries.
Things like the records which Miles Sabin's Shapeless library provide are intended to be used when the input doesn't have a well defined schema, but the program knows what it needs from that input. And, yes, the program might know what to do with a if it is an Int or a String, but not every possible value.
The next Scala 3 (mid 2020) based on Dotty will implement the proposal for Union Type from last Sept. 2018
You see it in "a tour of Scala 3" (June 2019)
Union Types Provide ad-hoc combinations of types
Subsetting = Subtyping
No boxing overhead
case class UserName(name: String)
case class Password(hash: Hash)
def help(id: UserName | Password) = {
val user = id match {
case UserName(name) => lookupName(name)
case Password(hash) => lookupPassword(hash)
Union Types Work also with singleton types
Great for JS interop
type Command = "Click" | "Drag" | "KeyPressed"
def handleEvent(kind: Command) = kind match {
case "Click" => MouseClick()
case "Drag" => MoveTo()
case "KeyPressed" => KeyPressed()

Working with opaque types (Char and Long)

I'm trying to export a Scala implementation of an algorithm for use in JavaScript. I'm using #JSExport. The algorithm works with Scala Char and Long values which are marked as opaque in the interoperability guide.
I'd like to know (a) what this means; and (b) what the recommendation is for dealing with this.
I presume it means I should avoid Char and Long and work with String plus a run-time check on length (or perhaps use a shapeless Sized collection) and Int instead.
But other ideas welcome.
More detail...
The kind of code I'm looking at is:
class Foo(val x: Int) {
def add(n: Int): Int = x+n
...which works just as expected: new Foo(1).add(2) produces 3.
Replacing the types with Long the same call reports:
java.lang.ClassCastException: 1 is not an instance of scala.scalajs.runtime.RuntimeLong (and something similar with methods that take and return Char).
Being opaque means that
There is no corresponding JavaScript type
There is no way to create a value of that type from JavaScript (except if there is an #JSExported constructor)
There is no way of manipulating a value of that type (other than calling #JSExported methods and fields)
It is still possible to receive a value of that type from Scala.js code, pass it around, and give it back to Scala.js code. It is also always possible to call .toString(), because java.lang.Object.toString() is #JSExported. Besides toString(), neither Char nor Long export anything, so you can't do anything else with them.
Hence, as you have experienced, a JavaScript 1 cannot be used as a Scala.js Long, because it's not of the right type. Neither is 'a' a valid Char (but it's a valid String).
Therefore, as you have inferred yourself, you must indeed avoid opaque types, and use other types instead if you need to create/manipulate them from JavaScript. The Scala.js side can convert back and forth using the standard tools in the language, such as someChar.toInt and someInt.toChar.
The choice of which type is best depends on your application. For Char, it could be Int or String. For Long, it could be String, a pair of Ints, or possibly even Double if the possible values never use more than 52 bits of precision.

The purpose of type classes in Haskell vs the purpose of traits in Scala

I am trying to understand how to think about type classes in Haskell versus traits in Scala.
My understanding is that type classes are primarily important at compile time in Haskell and not at runtime anymore, on the other hand traits in Scala are important both at compile time and run time. I want to illustrate this idea with a simple example, and I want to know if this viewpoint of mine is correct or not.
First, let us consider type classes in Haskell:
Let's take a simple example. The type class Eq.
For example, Int and Char are both instances of Eq. So it is possible to create a polymorphic List that is also an instance of Eq and can either contain Ints or Chars but not both in the same List.
My question is : is this the only reason why type classes exist in Haskell?
The same question in other words:
Type classes enable to create polymorphic types ( in this example a polymorphic List) that support operations that are defined in a given type class ( in this example the operation == defined in the type class Eq) but that is their only reason for existence, according to my understanding. Is this understanding of mine correct?
Is there any other reason why type classes exist in ( standard ) Haskell?
Is there any other use case in which type classes are useful in standard Haskell ? I cannot seem to find any.
Since Haskell's Lists are homogeneous, it is not possible to put Char and Int into the same list. So the usefulness of type classes, according to my understanding, is exhausted at compile time. Is this understanding of mine correct?
Now, let's consider the analogous List example in Scala:
Lets define a trait Eq with an equals method on it.
Now let's make Char and Int implement the trait Eq.
Now it is possible to create a List[Eq] in Scala that accepts both Chars and Ints into the same List ( Note that this - putting different type of elements into the same List - is not possible Haskell, at least not in standard Haskell 98 without extensions)!
In the case of the Haskell's List, the existence of type classes is important/useful only for type checking at compile time, according to my understanding.
In contrast, the existence of traits in Scala is important both at compile time for type checking and at run type for polymorphic dispatch on the actual runtime type of the object in the List when comparing two Lists for equality.
So, based on this simple example, I came to the conclusion that in Haskell type classes are primarily important/used at compilation time, in contrast, Scala's traits are important/used both at compile time and run time.
Is this conclusion of mine correct?
If not, why not ?
Scala code in response to n.m.'s comments:
case class MyInt(i:Int) {
override def equals(b:Any)= i == b.asInstanceOf[MyInt].i
case class MyChar(c:Char) {
override def equals(a:Any)= c==a.asInstanceOf[MyChar].c
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val l1 = List(MyInt(1), MyInt(2), MyChar('a'), MyChar('b'))
val l2 = List(MyInt(1), MyInt(2), MyChar('a'), MyChar('b'))
val l3 = List(MyInt(1), MyInt(2), MyChar('a'), MyChar('c'))
This prints:
I will comment on the Haskell side.
Type classes bring restricted polymorphism in Haskell, wherein a type variable a can still be quantified universally, but ranges over only a subset of all the types -- namely, the types for which an instance of the type class is available.
Why restricted polymorphism is useful? A nice example would be the equality operator
(==) :: ?????
What its type should be? Intuitively, it takes two values of the same type and returns a boolean, so:
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool -- (1)
But the typing above is not entirely honest, since it allows one to apply == to any type a, including function types!
(\x :: Integer -> x + x) == (\x :: Integer -> 2*x)
The above would pass type checking if (1) were the typing for (==), since both arguments are of the same type a = (Integer -> Integer). However, we can not effectively compare two functions: well-known Computability results tell us that there is no algorithm to do that in general.
So, what we could do to implement (==)?
Option 1: at run time, if a function (or any other value involving functions -- such as a list of functions) is found to be passed to (==), raise an exception. This is what e.g. ML does. Typed programs can now "go wrong", despite checking types at compile time.
Option 2: introduce a new kind of polymorphism, restricting a to the function-free types. For instance, ww could have (==) :: forall-non-fun a. a -> a -> Bool so that comparing functions yields to a type error. Haskell exploits type classes to obtain exactly that.
So, Haskell type classes allow one to type (==) "honestly", ensuring no error at run time, and without being overly restrictive. Of course, the power of type classes goes far beyond of that but, at least in my own view, they primary purpose is to allow restricted polymorphism, in a very general and flexible way. Indeed, with type classes the programmer can define their own restrictions on the universal type quantifications.

Why does Scala choose to have the types after the variable names?

In Scala variables are declared like:
var stockPrice: Double = 100.
Where the type (Double) follows the identifier (stockPrice). Traditionally in imperative languages such as C, Java, C#, the type name precedes the identifier.
double stock_price = 100.0;
Is it purely a matter of taste, or does having the type name in the end help the compiler in any way? Go also has the same style.
Kevin's got it right. The main observation is that the "type name" syntax works great as long as types are short keywords such as int or float:
int x = 1
float d = 0.0
For the price of one you get two pieces of information: "A new definition starts here", and "here's the (result) type of the definition". But we are way past the area of simple primitive types nowadays. If you write
HashMap<Shape, Pair<String, String>> shapeInfo = makeInfo()
the most important part of what you define (the name) is buried behind the type expression. Compare with
val shapeInfo: HashMap[Shape, (String, String)] = makeInfo()
It says clearly
We define a value here, not a variable or method (val)
The name of the thing we define is shapeInfo
If you care about it, here's the type (HashMap[...])
As well as supporting type inference, this has an ergonomic benefit too.
For any given variable name + type, chances are that the name is the more important piece of information. Moving it to the left makes it more prominent, and the code more readable once you're accustomed to the style.
Other ergonomic benefits:
With val, var or def before member names, instead of their type, they all neatly line up in a column.
If you change just the type of a member, or drop it entirely in favour of inference, then a fine-grained diff tool will clearly show that the name is unaltered
Likewise, changing between a val/var/def is very clear in diffs
inference should be considered default behaviour in Scala, you only need type specifications in certain specific scenarios, even then it's mostly done for the compiler. So putting them at the very start of a declaration emphasises the wrong thing.
"name: Type" instead of "Type name" more closely matches the way most programmers will actually think about a declaration, it's more natural.
The differing C/C++ and Java conventions for pointers and arrays (i.e * being a prefix on the following name and not a suffix on the preceeding type in C/C++, or [] being a valid suffix on both names and types in Java) are still confusing to newcomers or language converts, and cause some very real errors when declaring multiple variables on a single line. Scala leaves no room for doubt and confusion here.
It's afterwards so that it can be removed for type inference:
var stockPrice: Double = 100.0
var stockPrice = 100.0
However, it is not true that imperative languages traditionally have types first. For example, Pascal doesn't.
Now, C does it, and C++, Java and C# are based on C's syntax, so naturally they do it that way too, but that has absolutely nothing to do with imperative languages.
It should be noted that even C doesn't "traditionally" define the type before the variable name, but indeed allows the declarations to be interleaved.
int foo[];
where the type for foo is declared both before and after it, lexically.
Beyond that, I'm guessing this is a distinction without a difference. The compiler developers certainly couldn't care one way or another.