Flutter StreamBuilder with initialData and null-awareness - flutter

I have some problems understanding the StreamBuilder using the new null-aware operators.
As a learning project I am implementing a sign-in flow with the BloC pattern. For my email sign-in form I have created a model class which I access through a StreamBuilder. Without the use of initialData it makes complete sense that snapshot.data can be null. However, setting the initialData to a predefined empty model, snapshot.data could never be null right? Here is my code snippet:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<EmailSignInModel>(
stream: widget.bloc.modelStream,
initialData: EmailSignInModel(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
final EmailSignInModel model = snapshot.data;
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: _buildChildren(),
The compiler warns me that snapshot.data is of type <EmailSignModel?> which is not equal to . I could fix this with snapshot.data ?? EmailSignModel() but this would be redundant with initialData right?
What is the proper way of handling this situation and taken care of the null-awareness of Dart?

Diving into the source code, I found the following:
/// The latest data received by the asynchronous computation.
/// If this is non-null, [hasData] will be true.
/// If [error] is not null, this will be null. See [hasError].
/// If the asynchronous computation has never returned a value, this may be
/// set to an initial data value specified by the relevant widget. See
/// [FutureBuilder.initialData] and [StreamBuilder.initialData].
final T? data;
/// Returns latest data received, failing if there is no data.
/// Throws [error], if [hasError]. Throws [StateError], if neither [hasData]
/// nor [hasError].
T get requireData {
if (hasData)
return data!;
if (hasError)
throw error!;
throw StateError('Snapshot has neither data nor error');
AsyncSnapshot actually has a requireData getter, which will ensure non-null or will throw an error. So just replace snapshot.data with snapshot.requireData
This still requires some manual work where the use of initialData and requireData need to be kept in sync. You could also just use snapshot.data! which basically does the same.

I just replace the snapshot.data! with snapshot.requireData


Generic filter Flutter

I'm developing an app with flutter but I'm facing some problems with Provider (I think something miss in my knowledge).
My app fetch data from my API and displays them in listview.
In whole app I have different screen which displays different data type in listview and now I want to create filtering logic.
To avoid rewrite same code multiple times I thought to create one screen to reuse for filtering purposes but I'm facing problems with state management.
What I did:
create base model for filter information
enum FilterWidget { TEXT_FIELD, DROPDOWN } //to resolve necessary Widget with getWidget() (to implement)
class FilterBaseModel with ChangeNotifier {
String? value= 'Hello';
FilterWidget? widgetType;
FilterBaseModel(this.value, this.widgetType);
onChange() {
value= value== 'Hello' ? 'HelloChange' : 'Hello';
One screen for display filters depending on request
List<FilterBaseModel> filters = [];
FilterScreen() {
//Provided from caller. Now here for test purposes
filters.add(FilterBaseModel('Filter1', FilterWidget.TEXT_FIELD));
filters.add(FilterBaseModel('Filter2', FilterWidget.TEXT_FIELD));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
body: SafeArea(
minimum: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 15, horizontal: 15),
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Container(
height: 400,
child: Column(
children: filters
(e) => Consumer<FilterBaseModel>(
builder: (_, filter, child) =>
value: filter,
child: CustomTextField(
`your text` initialText: e.value,
onTap: () {
The problem is in Consumer and ChangeNotifier.value.
Screen works quite well: widget are displayed and callback are called, what is wrong? I need to use onChange method of both instance to update UI otherwhise method was called but widget is not rebuilt.
I know that probably putting consumer there is not right way but I tried also to put outside but doesn't work.
I expect to have one filter screen which receives in input filters list information, display them, handle their state managment and return their value.
P.S: this code now works, but I know is not the right way
Thank you for help!
Have same behaviour without ChangeNotifierProvider.value. Therefore I'm more confused than before because still persist the double call to onChange for correct rebuilding.
More bit confused about ChangeNotifierProvider.value using...

Getx Controllers null values at first

i am working on flutter project Apply Getx and MVC Arcitecture but when i am getting stream from firestore first it got null values but when hot reload on that page values will goes in to place how to remove this Error, Almost in All type of modules I have to face this Error.
I am trying init State but Ui build first than function in Init State.
It is quite normal for StreamBuilders or FutureBuilders to call their builder function with null values.
The reason is that the build function may be called at any time, irrespective of the stream or future's state.
You should use the hasData property of the snapshot to check for valid data, and handle the case of null data, e.g. by returning a SizedBox widget.
stream: yourStream,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return yourWidget();
} else {
return const SizedBox();

How to change displayed data the best way in Flutter

i want to change displayed data in Flutter? I wrote a function changeDataForTest (only a function for testing the event), which should change the data displayed in Text.
But if I click on this, it isn't changed. The value of the displayed string only changes, if i add (context as Element).reassemble(); after calling the method. Is this the normal way to go, or is there a smoother way to solve my problem?
dynamic changeDataForTest(neuerWert) {
this.data = neuerWert;
children: [
child: Text(
this.data + this.wiegehts,
textColor: Color(0xFF6200EE),
onPressed: () {
(context as Element).reassemble();
If you're using only a small widget, you could use a StatefulWidget using the method:
setState(() {
// change your variable
If your widget is complex and has lots of different possible variables, I'll not recommend using setState as this method calls the build method every time is being used.
One simple and fast option, is to use ValueNotifier:
final myVariable = ValueNotifier(false); // where you can replace 'false' with any Object
and then, using it this way:
valueListenable: myVariable,
builder: (context, value, child) {
return Text(value); // or any other use of Widgets
myVariable.value = true; // if you're looking for to change the current value
finally, if you logic is truly complex and you need to scale, I'll recommend to use a StateManagement library like:
You can find those libraries and examples over: https://pub.dev

Function invoke in Flutter to get attributes from Firebase

I want to define and invoke a function in Flutter to get required values from Firebase.
In the below code I have defined getCourseDetails() function and invoking it in the container by passing a parameter to get the value.
The Course_Details collection has many documents with course_id's which has attribute with name (course_name, subtitle). I use these values to build a listview cards in next steps.
I am able to get the values from the function using async await, but for some reason the values keeps on updating and never stops. It kind of goes to loop and keeps on running. I added print statements to check and it keeps on running and printing.
Please let me know what wrong I am doing here or how to define function here to avoid the issue. Thanks
class _CourseProgressListState extends State<CourseProgressList> {
String course_name, subtitle;
getCourseDetails(course_id_pass) async {
DocumentSnapshot document = await Firestore.instance.collection('Course_Details').document(course_id_pass).get();
setState(() {
course_name = document.data['course_name'];
subtitle = document.data['subtitle'];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('Enrolling_Courses').where('student_id', isEqualTo: widget.id).snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.data == null) return Text('no data');
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: snapshot.data.documents.length,
itemBuilder: (_, int index) {
var course_details = snapshot.data.documents[index];
Application Flow
On first build of CourseProgressList the Widget State _CourseProgressListState is loaded. This State in the build method uses a StreamBuilder to retrieve all documents from the firestore. As soon as the documents are received the StreamBuilder attempts to build the ListView using the ListViewBuilder.
In the ListViewBuilder you make the async call to getCourseDetails(course_details['course_id']); which when complete populates two attributes String course_name, subtitle;
The problem starts here
When you call
setState(() {
course_name = document.data['course_name'];
subtitle = document.data['subtitle'];
you trigger a Widget rebuild and so the process starts over again to rebuild the entire widget.
NB. refreshing state of a stateful widget will trigger a widget rebuild
NB. Firestore.instance.collection('Enrolling_Courses').where('student_id', isEqualTo: widget.id).snapshots() returns a stream of realtime changes implying that your List will also refresh each time there is a change to this collection
If you do not need to call the setState try not to call the setState.
You could let getCourseDetails(course_id_pass) return a Future/Stream with the values desired and use another FutureBuilder/StreamBuilder in your ListViewBuilder to return each ListViewItem. Your user may appreciate seeing some items instead of waiting for all the course details to be available
Abstract your request to firestore in a repository/provider or another function/class which will do the entire workload, i.e retrieving course ids then subsequently the course details and returning a Future<List<Course>> / Stream<List<Course>> for your main StreamBuilder in this widget (see reference snippet below as a guide and requires testing)
Reference Snippet
Your abstraction could look something like this but this decision is up to you. There are many software design patterns to consider or you could just start by getting it working.
//let's say we had a class Course
class Course {
String courseId;
String courseName;
String subTitle;
Stream<List<Course>> getStudentCourses(int studentId){
return Firestore.instance
.where('student_id', isEqualTo: studentId)
//extract documents from snapshot
.map(snapshot => snapshot?.data ?? [])
//we will then request details for each document
.map(documents =>
/*because this is an asynchronous request for several
items which we are all interested in at the same time, we can wrap
this in
a Future.wait and retrieve the results of all as a list
documents.map(document =>
//making a request to firestore for each document
/* making a final transformation turning
each document into a Course item which we can easily pass to our
.then(courseItem => Course(
FutureBuilder - https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/FutureBuilder-class.html
StreamBuilder - https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/StreamBuilder-class.html
Future.wait - https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/dart-async/Future/wait.html

next Page stream is not update on Flutter

I used two pages. and I added StreamBuilder in my first page and I passed snapshot.data to next Page. but when value change in 2nd-page value is not changing. How to fix it? I can't call streamBuilder in both pages because it's meaning two read in firebase. Is there any way to create singleton for services and access anywhere?
stream: db.getData(),
builder: (context,snapshot){
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
onTap: ()=> Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/nextPage',arguments: Arguments(
data: snapshot.data
onTap: ()=> Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/nextPage',arguments: Arguments(
data: snapshot.data
When using the above code, a data snapshot is only sent when you Tap on the InkWell. Meaning unless tapped on the inkwell it will not provide new data to nextPage.
To resolve this issue, I would suggest the following:
In First page
Create ValueNotifier instance to observe changes in the common reference:
// change Cast to type that you receive from firebase, or you can omit the cast
final ValueNotifier<snapshot_data_type> firebaseDataNotifier = ValueNotifier<snapshot_data_type>();
Update the value of firebaseDataNotifier when you receive data from firebase:
stream: db.getData(),
builder: (context,snapshot){
firebaseDataNotifier.value = snapshot.data;
Pass the firebaseDataNotifier as data for the nextPage
In the next Page
Wrap the Next page widgets with ValueListenable
valueListenable: valueNotifier,
builder: (context, firebaseData, child) {
// return your next page widget here and use firebaseData instead of snapshot.data
Note: Make sure you keep the ValueNotifier instance outside of both widgets so that they can access it without any dependency.