Swift 5 Segmented Control Truncates the Titles - swift

I am using dynamic segmented control. Whenever user adds new decks, the title is showing up in the segmented control.
However, I need a horizontally scrollable segmented controller that might have different title width depending on the text (title) size.

this helped me to achieve it. iOS 13 Segmented Control: Remove swipe gesture to select segment
I added my segmented controller inside of scroll view.
Then changed my segmented controller class to the following;
class NoSwipeSegmentedControl: UISegmentedControl {
override func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
return true


How to hide input accessory view?

I have a segmented control in my application where one of the tabs is a chat controller.
I'm using the input accessory view for the toolbar that has the send button and the textfield.
The problem is i can't hide the input accessory view while switching tabs
I tried hiding it, removing it and adjusting the collection view bottom constraint accordingly when it's hidden or not but that didn't work
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView
return inputContainerView
override func canBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return true

Cannot modify NSTabViewItem

I may be getting lost in a glass of water as I am not an experienced developer but I cannot seem to be able to implement a simple override to modify the size of an NSTabView item.
I have a Tab View Controller (Style = toolbar)
I have a Tabless Tab View
I have 3 Tab Items. For testing I have only subclassed one of them to the subclass below
I have created a new subclass of NSTabViewItem: MyTabViewItem and subclassed one of the 3 tab Items. The code is:
import Cocoa
class MyTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem {
override func drawLabel(_ shouldTruncateLabel: Bool, in labelRect: NSRect) {
var size = self.sizeOfLabel(false)
size.width = 180
override func sizeOfLabel(_ computeMin: Bool) -> NSSize {
var size = super.sizeOfLabel(false)
size.width = 180
return size
Everything works, except the subclassing. The Tabs appear, they do operate by switching the views and the program runs as it should. Except that it does not resize the Tab Item. The code in the subclass MyTabViewItem is never reached (it never prints Draw!! as it should.
I cannot understand what I am missing here. I have not read of any IB connection to make (and I cannot seem to be able to connect the Tab Items anyways). Please apologise if it isa trivial question but I have searched everywhere and not found anything to help me.
Thank you
You said:
I have a Tabless Tab View
This is your problem. An NSTabView only asks an NSTabViewItem to drawLabel if the NSTabView itself is responsible for drawing the tab bar, but you have a “Tabless” tab view. (“Tabless” is the default style when you drag an NSTabViewController into a storyboard.)
You also said:
I have a Tab View Controller (Style = toolbar)
So you don't even want the tab view to draw a tab bar; you want items in the window toolbar to select tabs (like in Xcode's preference window).
Your ability to customize the toolbar items created for your tabs is limited. You can subclass NSTabViewController and override toolbar:itemForItemIdentifier:willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:, like this:
override func toolbar(_ toolbar: NSToolbar, itemForItemIdentifier itemIdentifier: NSToolbarItem.Identifier, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar flag: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem? {
let toolbarItem = super.toolbar(toolbar, itemForItemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: flag)
let toolbarItem = toolbarItem,
let tabViewItem = tabViewItems.first(where: { ($0.identifier as? String) == itemIdentifier.rawValue })
toolbarItem.label = "\(tabViewItem.label) 😀"
return toolbarItem
But I found that making other changes didn't work well:
Setting toolbarItem.image didn't work well for me.
Setting toolbarItem.view made the item stop receiving clicks.
Note that the minSize and maxSize properties are only used if toolbarItem.view is set.
Your best bet is probably to manage the toolbar yourself, without trying to use NSTabViewController's support.
I have also subclassed the NSTabViewController as follows:
import Cocoa
class MyTabViewController: NSTabViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var TradingTabItem: MyTabViewItem!
override func viewDidLoad() {
print("Loaded Tab View")
TradingTabItem.label = "New"
// Do view setup here.
What happens now is that the tab item in my subclass (the only one of the 3 I subclassed) does change its label string to New. However, even if I have added the item as an IBOutlet here, it still does not change seize (and the overridden sizeOfLabel function is not reached).

how to hide textfield and auto layout the constraint in swift

so i have a segmented control in my project.I want to hide and auto layout my button.But the problem if i just hide the textfields and labels the button under my segmented control still not moving.So there is a space between my segmented control and next button.I want to move my next button up if i click no on my segmented control.
-if i click yes on segmented control
The next button under my segmented control will constraint my textfield and show all textfields and labels under my segmented control
-if i click no on segmented control
The next button under my segmented control will constraint to my segmented control and hide all textfields and labels under my segmented control
thanks for all the answers
the image
A quick example of how you could change the position of the button depending on the segment switch.
Below image shows dragging the auto layout height between Segment switch and button
Below Image shows using outlet and type needs to be NSLayoutConstraint
In your ViewController.Swift the code should look something like below.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var switchControl: UISegmentedControl!
#IBOutlet weak var heighConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
#IBAction func switchPressed(_ sender: Any) {
switch switchControl.selectedSegmentIndex
case 0:
// here you can see the constant is being set, this will determine the
// position of your button. You will need to set the correct position.
heighConstraint.constant = 150
case 1:
heighConstraint.constant = 200
Hope this answer helps.

NSSearchField and NSSegmentedControl inside an NSToolbar

The setup:
I'm writing an document-based app targeting OS X 10.11 using storyboards. The main window has an NSToolbar with a 3-segment NSSegmentedControl. When the segmented control is clicked, it should toggle the collapsed state of an NSSplitViewItem in a horizontal or vertical NSSplitView. The behavior I'm trying to achieve is the same as in Xcode 7 where a segmented control in the toolbar shows/hides the Navigator/Debug Area/Utilities views.
Currently the segmented control sends an action to the first responder. The action method is implemented by an NSSplitViewController subclass, that then toggles it's NSSplitViewItem's collapsed state.
The problem:
The issue is that the toolbar also contains an NSSearchField. If the NSSearchField has focus, or even if the segmented control itself has focus, clicking on the NSSegmentedControl with the cursor does not result in the action method correctly making it's way up the responder chain to the NSSplitViewController subclass.
Attempted solutions:
Previously I worked around this issue using notifications instead of target/action, but it ended up being too convoluted in the end. Another idea is to send the message to the window controller, which would then pass it to it's content view controller, which would pass it to the vertical split view controller that would then send the message (if needed) to the horizontal split view controller. While I know this would work, it also seemed like an ugly solution having to add code to 2 additional files that simply passed a message along, I thought this was what using the responder chain avoided.
Any insights would be grealy appreciated.
Final solution:
I realized that wiring the segmented control's action up to the first responder only makes sense if the key view context is important. In this case the segmented control should toggle the collapsed state of split view items in multiple nested split views, regardless of what the key view is.
Define an enumeration to represent areas of the split view:
enum SplitViewArea : Int {
// The raw values must match the order of the segmented control
case left, top, right
Define a protocol to communicate that a split view area should be toggled:
protocol SplitViewTogglable {
func toggleSplitViewItem(matching area: SplitViewArea)
Implement the segmented control action method in the window controller:
#IBAction func segmentedControlSelectionStateDidChange(_ sender: Any) {
guard let segmentedControl = sender as? NSSegmentedControl else { return }
guard let area = SplitViewArea(rawValue: segmentedControl.selectedSegment) else { return }
guard let togglable = contentViewController as? SplitViewTogglable else { return }
togglable.toggleSplitViewItem(matching: area)
Implement the SplitViewTogglable protocol's method in the NSSplitViewController subclass:
func toggleSplitViewItem(matching area: SplitViewArea) {
switch area {
case .left:
leftSplitViewItem.isCollapsed = !leftSplitViewItem.isCollapsed
case .top:
// Nested NSSplitViewController that adopts SplitViewTogglable
if let togglable = centerSplitViewItem.viewController as? SplitViewTogglable {
togglable.toggleSplitViewItem(matching: area)
case .right:
rightSplitViewItem.isCollapsed = !rightSplitViewItem.isCollapsed
Is the NSSplitViewController set as the contentViewController of the window?
As part of the responder chain search for an action target, the window will consider its contentViewController as a supplemental target if it responds to the action selector.
When the search field has key focus the responder chain does not go through the normal content area, and instead goes through the toolbar to the window. So the only way the NSSplitViewController could be a part of that search is to be the contentViewController.

iPhone popup menu like iPad popover?

How can i implement this popup menu in iphone app like a popover in ipad?
EDIT: This is the best at moment: https://github.com/runway20/PopoverView
iOS 8 and later
Beginning with iOS 8, you can use UIPopoverPresentationController for iPhones in addition to iPads.
Add a UIBarButtonItem to your main View Controller.
Add another View Controller to the storyboard. Change it to the size that you want the popover to be and add any content that you want it to have. For my example I just added a UILabel. If you want a whole menu, then just add a table view or list of buttons.
Add a segue from the bar button item to the view controller that you will use as the popover. Rather than show, choose Present as Popover.
Select the segue in the storyboard and set the identifier to popoverSegue (or whatever string you called it in the code).
In the Attributes inspector for the popover view controller, check Use Preferred Explicit Size and confirm that it is the size you want it to be.
This is the code for the main view controller that has the bar button item in it.
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate {
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "popoverSegue" {
let popoverViewController = segue.destinationViewController
popoverViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Popover
popoverViewController.popoverPresentationController!.delegate = self
// MARK: - UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate method
func adaptivePresentationStyleForPresentationController(controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
// Force popover style
return UIModalPresentationStyle.None
Popover at an arbitrary anchor point
If you want to set the popover to appear somewhere besides a bar button item (on a UIButton for example) then you need to set the sourceView and sourceRect. See this answer for details.
Further reading
The above example comes mostly from the first link.
iPad Style Popovers on the iPhone with Swift
iOS 8 Popover Presentations
UIPopoverPresentationController on iOS 8 iPhone
General overview of popup options in iOS
Have a look at the iPhone UIPopoverController implementation: WEPopover
On iPhone you would generally use a UIActionSheet for a stack of buttons like that. It slides up from the bottom, rather than popping up next to the button, but that's the standard behavior on iPhone.
There is one that is even better than WEPopover. Developed by a company called 50pixels, it is called FPPopover.
You can download FPPopover at https://github.com/50pixels/FPPopover
You would have to manually instantiate a UIView using a custom background image or drawing with transparency, add some UIButtons (or other type of custom view) on top, and also somehow handle all touches outside that view.
Note that is is non-standard UI. An actionsheet would be more HIG compliant.
To get a popover from a right side bar button item on a navigation controller that is part of a tableview controller, the following worked for me for Swift 4 and Xcode 9.
Follow the steps in Suragch answer above (as edited by the Community.)
Do not implement the Segue as shown in the answer above. For some reason, the segue causes the popover to go full screen despite setting the explicit size.
Give your popover view controller a title in Attributes Inspector
Add the following code in the TableView controller where the popup will show.
Modify the string identifier (the one here is referencing a Constant.swift file)
Modify "as! FilterVC" to use the title of the your popover view controller.
/// Shows a filter popover view
#IBAction func filterBtnPressed(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
let popover = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: FILTER_VC) as! FilterVC
popover.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.popover
popover.popoverPresentationController?.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
popover.popoverPresentationController?.delegate = self
popover.popoverPresentationController?.backgroundColor = ColorPalette.Blue.Medium
popover.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.view
popover.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = CGRect(x: self.view!.bounds.width, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0)
popover.popoverPresentationController?.permittedArrowDirections = .up
self.present(popover, animated: true)
} }
func adaptivePresentationStyle(for controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
return UIModalPresentationStyle.none
You can check WYPopoverController: https://github.com/sammcewan/WYPopoverController
The screenshot above is not a UIActionSheet. It looks like a simple UIView subclass with custom UIButtons on top of it. So go ahead and create the subclass according to your needs and then add it as a subview to your view every time you need it.