Reduce costs in EKS cluster outside working hours - kubernetes

I have an EKS cluster with two worker nodes. I would like to "switch off" the nodes or do something to reduce costs of my cluster outside working hours. Is there any way to turn off the nodes at night and turn on again at morning?
Thanks a lot.

This is a very common concern with anyone using managed K8s cluster. There might be different approaches people might be taking for this. What works best for us is a combination of kube-downscaler and cluster-autoscaler.
kube-downscaler helps you to scale down / "pause" Kubernetes workload (Deployments, StatefulSets, and/or HorizontalPodAutoscalers and CronJobs too !) during non-work hours.
cluster-autoscaler is a tool that automatically:
Scales-down the size of the Kubernetes cluster when there are nodes in the cluster that have been underutilized for an extended period of time and their pods can be placed on other existing nodes.
Scales-up the size of the Kubernetes cluster when there are pods that failed to run in the cluster due to insufficient resources.
So, essentially during night when kube-downscaler scales down the pods and other objects, cluster-autoscaler notices the underutilized nodes and kill them before placing pods on other nodes. And does the opposite in the morning.
Ofcourse, there might be some fine-tuning needed regarding the configuration of the two to make it work best for you.

Unrelated to your specific question but, if you are in "savings" mode you may want to have a look at EC2 Spot Instances for EKS assuming you can operate within their boundaries. See here for the details.


Distributing pods based on Node performance

Kubernetes version: 1.20
Cloud being used: Bare metal
Installation method: Kubeadm
Host OS: Redhat
We have a 7 node cluster and have the following requirements:
Deploy specific application pods to 2 nodes only
Enure the 2 nodes have enough memory/cpu before deploying them.
For #1, we tainted the two nodes, added the tolerations as well as node affinity to our statefulsets/deployments so no other pods are allowed to run besides our application.
For #2, one of the nodes keeps crashing because the scheudler is deploying pods even though memory/cpu is over 80% and the other node is less that 30% memory/cpu.
I don’t understand why this is happening but suspect it’s because for some reason the scheduler is coming up with a score based on the entire cluster and not the two nodes we’re interested in.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to configure a custom kube-scheduler to focus on two nodes only ? I think this is the only way to achieve a balance.
Thanks & Regards,

How to avoid downtime during scheduled maintenance window

I'm experiencing downtimes whenever the GKE cluster gets upgraded during the maintenance window. My services (APIs) become unreachable for like ~5min.
The cluster Location type is set to "Zonal", and all my pods have 2 replicas. The only affected pods seem to be the ones using nginx ingress controller.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I read that using Regional clusters should prevent downtimes in the control plane, but I'm not sure if it's related to my case. Any hints would be appreciated!
You mention "downtime" but is this downtime for you using the control plane (i.e. kubectl stop working) or is it downtime in that the end user who is using the services stops seeing the service working.
A GKE upgrade upgrades two parts of the cluster: the control plane or master nodes, and the worker nodes. These are two separate upgrades although they can happen at the same time depending on your configuration of the cluster.
Regional clusters can help with that, but they will cost more as you are having more nodes, but the upside is that the cluster is more resilient.
Going back to the earlier point about the control plane vs node upgrades. The control plane upgrade does NOT affect the end-user/customer perspective. The services will remaining running.
The node upgrade WILL affect the customer so you should consider various techniques to ensure high availability and resiliency on your services.
A common technique is to increase replicas and also to include pod antiaffinity. This will ensure the pods are scheduled on different nodes, so when the node upgrade comes around, it doesn't take the entire service out because the cluster scheduled all the replicas on the same node.
You mention the nginx ingress controller in your question. If you are using Helm to install that into your cluster, then out of the box, it is not setup to use anti-affinity, so it is liable to be taken out of service if all of its replicas get scheduled onto the same node, and then that node gets marked for upgrade or similar.

Is it possible to schedule a pod to run for say 24 hours and then remove deployment/statefulset? or need to use jobs?

We have a bunch of pods running in dev environment. The pods are auto-provisioned by an application on every business action. The problem is that across various namespaces they are accumulating and eating available resources in EKS.
Is there a way without jenkins/k8s jobs to simply put some parameter on the pod manifest to tell it to self destruct say in 24 hours?
Add to your pod.spec:
activeDeadlineSeconds: 86400
After deadline your Pod will be stopped for good with the status DeadlineExceeded
If I understood your situation properly, you would like to scale your cluster down in order to save resources.
Kubernetes is featured with the ability to autoscale your application in a cluster. Literally, it means that Kubernetes can start additional pods when the load is increasing and terminate excessive pods when the load is decreasing.
It is possible to downscale the application to zero pods, but, in this case, you will have a delay serving the first request while the pod is starting.
This functionality relies on performance metrics. From the practical side, it means that autoscaling doesn't happen instantly, because it takes some time to performance metrics reach the configured threshold.
The mentioned Kubernetes feature called HPA(horizontal pod autoscale) is described in this document.
In case you are running your cluster on GCP or GKE, you are able to go further and automatically start additional nodes for your cluster when you need more computing capacity and shut down nodes when they are not running application pods anymore.
More information about this functionality can be found following the link.
Last, but not least, you can use tool like Ansible to manage all your kubernetes assets (it can create/manage deployments via playbooks).
If you decide to give it a try, you might find this information useful:
Creating a Container cluster in GKE
70% cheaper Kubernetes cluster on AWS
How to build a Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler using custom metrics

In a Kubernetes cluster. Does the Master Node need always to run alone in a cluster node?

I am aware that it is possible to enable the master node to execute pods and that is my concern. Since the default configuration is do not allow the master to run pods. Should I change it? What is the reason for the default configuration as it is?
If the change can be performed in some situations. I would like to ask if my cluster in one of these. It has only three nodes with exactly the same hardware and possibly more nodes are not going to be added in the foreseeable future. In my opinion, as I have three equal nodes, it will be a waste of resources to use 1/3 of my cluster computational power to run the kubernetes master. Am I right?
I have found the following reason in Kubernets documentation.
It is, the security, the only reason?
Technically, it doesn't need to run on a dedicated node. But for your Kubernetes cluster to run, you need your masters to work properly. And one of the ways how to ensure it can be secure, stable and perform well is to use separate node which runs only the master components and not regular pod. If you share the node with different pods, there could be several ways how it can impact the master. For example:
The other pods will impact the perforamnce of the masters (network or disk latencies, CPU cache etc.)
They migth be a security risk (if someone manages to hack from some other pod into the master node)
A badly written application can cause stability issues to the node
While it can be seen as wasting resources, you can also see it as a price to pay for the stability of your master / Kubernetes cluster. However, it doesn't have to be waste of 1/3 of resources. Depending on how you deploy your Kubernetes cluster you can use different hosts for different nodes. So for example you can use small host for the master and bigger nodes for the workers.
No, this is not required, but strongly recommended. Security is one aspect, but performance is another. Etcd is usually run on those control plane nodes and it tends to chug if it runs out of IOPS. So a rogue pod running application code could destabilize the control plane, which then reduces your ability to fix the problem.
When running small clusters for testing purposes, it is common to run everything (control plane and workloads) on a single node specifically to save money/complexity.

GKE Cluster Autoscaler pre creates nodes on time base

I'm running a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud. Master version is 1.8.9-gke.1, nodes versions are the same, cluster autoscaler is enabled.
I started to notice that nodes are being created without any pending pods. Those nodes can then sit without running pods for 20-30 minutes, then workload will be allocated to them. This is usually happening before peak hours and looks like cluster is trying to predict load base on load in the past.
Is it something that Google Cloud Cluster Autoscaler managing or is it Kubernetes feature? Is it configurable? I was trying to find any clue in the documentation, but without luck.
It sounds like something the Cluster Autoscaler would do.
Go to Stackdriver Logging and query with advanced filter:
(The last line alone might suffice). I think this should be the way to get the autoscaler logs. If this does not work, let me know.