MongoDb - meaning of pipeline aggregation 100mb limit? - mongodb

New to Mongodb I am trying understand the 100mb limit MongoDb for aggregate pipelines. Trying to find out what this actually means? Does it apply to the size of the database collection we are performing the aggregate on?
Bit of background we have the following query on an inventory ledger where we are taking a data set, running a group sum to find out which products are still in-stock (ie amount sum is greater than 0). Based on the result where the product is in stock we return those records by running a lookup in the original collection. The query is provided below.
Assume the inventory objects contains about 10 sub fields/record pair. And assume for 1000records/1mb.
My question is if the inventory collection size reaches 100mb as a JSON object array does this mean the call with fail? ie the max we can run the aggregate on is 100mb x 1000 records = 100,000 records?
BTW we are on a server that does not support writing to disk hence the question.
$group: {
_id: {
"group_id": "$product"
"quantity": {
$sum: "$quantity"
"$match": {
"quantity": {
$gt: 0
$lookup: {
from: "inventory",
localField: "_id.group_id",
foreignField: "$product",
as: "records"

The 100MB limit is a restriction on the amount of memory used by an aggregation stage.
The pipeline in your question first needs to read every document from the collection. It does this by requesting the documents from the storage engine, which will read each document from the disk and store it in the in-memory cache. The cache does not count against the 100MB limit.
The aggregation process will receive documents individually from the storage engine, and pass it through the pipeline to the first blocking stage (group is a blocking stage).
The group stage will examine the input document, update the fields in matching group, and then discard the input document.
This means the memory required by the group stage will be the sum of:
the size of 1-2 documents
total storage size for each result group
any scratch space needed for the operations to build each result
The specific group stage in the question is return a product identifier and an integer.
Using the Object.bsonsize funtion in the mongo shell, we can see that a null product ID produces a 43-byte object:
> Object.bsonsize({_id:{group_id:null},quantity:0})
So the total memory required will be
<number of distinct `product` values> x (<size of a product value> + 43)
Note that the values will be stored in BSON, so a string will be length+5, a UUID would be 21 bytes, etc.


Efficient way to delete multiple documents in MongoDB

In my PostgresDB, I'm performing a deletion operation using another table as below.
DELETE FROM user_records
USING to_delete_records
WHERE user_records.record_id = to_delete_records.record_id
user_records table contains around 200 million records while to_delete_records table contains around 5-10 million records. Everyday the to_delete_records table is updated with a new set of records, and have to perform the above deletion operation. (similar to deletion, insertion operations (around 5-10 million records) take place as well, hence the total dataset of user_records remains around 200 million)
Now I'm replacing the PostgresDB with a MongoDB, and following is the script I'm using for deleting records in user_records collection:
db.to_delete_records.find({}, {_id: 0}).forEach(function(doc){
As this is a loop running, seems inefficient.
Is there a better way to delete documents of a collection using another collection in Mongo?
If record_id is a unique field in both user_records and to_delete_records, you can build a unique index for the field for each collection if you have not done so.
db.user_records.createIndex({record_id: 1}, {unique:true});
db.to_delete_records.createIndex({record_id: 1}, {unique:true});
Afterwards, you can use a $merge statement to add an auxiliary field toDelete to the collection user_records, based on the content in to_delete_records
"$merge": {
"into": "user_records",
"on": "record_id",
"whenMatched": [
$set: {
"toDelete": true
Finally run a deleteMany on user_records
db.user_records.deleteMany({toDelete: true});

Mongodb LookUp Poor Performance

var product = db.GetCollection<Product>("Product");
var lookup1 = new BsonDocument(
new BsonDocument {
{ "from", "Variant" },
{ "localField", "Maincode" },
{ "foreignField", "Maincode" },
{ "as", "variants" }
var pipeline = new[] { lookup1};
var result = product.Aggregate<Product>(pipeline).ToList();
The data of collection a is very large so it takes me 30 seconds to put the data in the list.
What should I do to make a faster lookup?
What that query is doing is retrieving every document from the Product collection, and then for each document found, perform a find query in the Variant collection. If there is no index on the Maincode field in the Variant collection, it will be reading the entire collection for each document.
This means that if there are, say, 1000 total products, with 3000 total variants (3 per product, on average), this query will be reading all 1000 documents from Product, and if that index isn't there, it would read all 3000 documents from Variant 1000 times, i.e. it will be examining 3 million documents.
Some ways to possibly speed this up:
create an index on {Maincode:1} in the Variant collection
This will reduce the number of documents that must be read in order to complete the lookup
change the schema
If the variants are stored in the same document with the product, there is no need for a lookup
filter the products prior to lookup
Again, reducing the documents read during the lookup
use a cursor to retrieve the documents in batches
If you perform any necessary sorting first, and the lookup last, you can return the documents to the application in batches, which would allow the application to display or begin processing the first batch before the second batch is available. This doen't make the query itself faster, but it can reduced the perceived wait in the application.

Mongo Query Optimization for collection over 10 Million records

I have a collection with over 10 Million records, I need to match with a particular field and get
the distinct _ids of the records set.
after the $match pipeline the result set becomes less than 5 Million.
if i group with id to get the unique ids, the execution time on my local environment is over 20 seconds.
$match: {
$group: {
_id: '$ITEM_ID',
], { allowDiskUse: true })
If I get rid of either $match or $group and have only 1 pipeline, the execution time is less than 0.1 seconds.
I'm okay with limiting the _ids, but they should be unique.
Can anyone suggest a better way to get the results faster?
You have already implemented the best Aggregation pipelines possible for the query to get your desired output.
The reason why your query results are faster when using only one of the aggregation pipelines is that the query result returns partial output instead of the entire 5 million records. where when you add both the stages, the entire output of the $match stage has to be processed by $group stage resulting in more time.
The only way to optimize your aggregation query is to apply indexes on MODULE_ID and ITEM_ID keys
db.viewscounts.createIndex({MODULE_ID: 1}, { sparse: true })
db.viewscounts.createIndex({ITEM_ID: 1})
It should be faster after you perform the above two indexes on your viewscounts collection.
Additionally, you can also get your desired output from MongoDB distinct command. Give the below query a try and see if it helps.
db.getCollection('viewscounts').distinct("ITEM_ID", {"MODULE_ID": 4})
Note: The above query returns an array of unique key-values instead of objects like in the aggregation query
Hope this helps

Mongo range query slow on objects inside array

I have a collection
"_id": "abcd",
"last_modified": ISODate("2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
"suborders": [
"suborder_id": "1",
"last_modified: ISODate("2016-01-02T00: 00: 00Z")
}, {
"last_modified: ISODate("2016-01-03T00:00:00Z")
I have two indexes on this collection:
{"suborders.last_modified": 1}
when I use range queries on last_modified, indexes are properly used, and results are returned instantly. eg query: db.orders.find({"last_modified":{$gt:ISODate("2016-09-15"), $lt:ISODate("2016-09-16")}});
However, when I am querying on suborders.last_modified, the query takes too long to execute. eq query:db.orders.find({"suborders.last_modified":{$gt:ISODate("2016-09-15"), $lt:ISODate("2016-09-16")}});
Please help debug this.
The short answer is to use min and max to set the index bounds correctly. For how to approach debugging, read on.
A good place to start for query performance issues is to attach .explain() at the end of your queries. I made a script to generate documents like yours and execute the queries you provided.
I used mongo 3.2.9 and both queries do use the created indices with this setup. However, the second query was returning many more documents (approximately 6% of all the documents in the collection). I suspect that is not your intention.
To see what is happening lets consider a small example in the mongo shell:
> db.arrayFun.insert({
orders: [
{ last_modified: ISODate("2015-01-01T00:00:00Z") },
{ last_modified: ISODate("2016-01-01T00:00:00Z") }
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
then query between May and July of 2015:
> db.arrayFun.find({"orders.last_modified": {
$gt: ISODate("2015-05-01T00:00:00Z"),
$lt: ISODate("2015-07-01T00:00:00Z")
}}, {_id: 0})
{ "orders" : [ { "last_modified" : ISODate("2015-01-01T00:00:00Z") }, { "last_modified" : ISODate("2016-01-01T00:00:00Z") } ] }
Although neither object in the array has last_modified between May and July, it found the document. This is because it is looking for one object in the array with last_modified greater than May and one object with last_modified less than July. These queries cannot intersect multikey index bounds, which happens in your case. You can see this in the indexBounds field of explain("allPlansExecution") output, in particular one of the lower bound or upper bound Date will not be what you specified. This means that a large number of documents may need to be scanned to complete the query depending on your data.
To find objects in the array that have last_modified between two bounds, I tried using $elemMatch.
db.orders.find({"suborders": {
In my test this returned about 0.5% of all documents. However, it was still running slow. The explain output showed it was still not setting the index bounds correctly (only using one bound).
What ended up working best was to manually set the index bounds with min and max.
Which returned the same documents as $elemMatch but used both bounds on the index. It ran in 0.021s versus 2-4s for elemMatch and the original find.

How to delete documents by query efficiently in mongo?

I have a query, which selects documents to be removed. Right now, I remove them manually, like this (using python):
for id in mycoll.find(query, fields={}):
This does not seem to be very efficient. Is there a better way?
OK, I owe an apology for forgetting to mention the query details, because it matters. Here is the complete python code:
def reduce_duplicates(mydb, max_group_size):
# 1. Count the group sizes
res = mydb.static.map_reduce(jstrMeasureGroupMap, jstrMeasureGroupReduce, 'filter_scratch', full_response = True)
# 2. For each entry from the filter scratch collection having count > max_group_size
deleteFindArgs = {'fields': {}, 'sort': [('test_date', ASCENDING)]}
for entry in mydb.filter_scratch.find({'value': {'$gt': max_group_size}}):
key = entry['_id']
group_size = int(entry['value'])
# 2b. query the original collection by the entry key, order it by test_date ascending, limit to the group size minus max_group_size.
for id in mydb.static.find(key, limit = group_size - max_group_size, **deleteFindArgs):
return res['counts']['input']
So, what does it do? It reduces the number of duplicate keys to at most max_group_size per key value, leaving only the newest records. It works like this:
MR the data to (key, count) pairs.
Iterate over all the pairs with count > max_group_size
Query the data by key, while sorting it ascending by the timestamp (the oldest first) and limiting the result to the count - max_group_size oldest records
Delete each and every found record.
As you can see, this accomplishes the task of reducing the duplicates to at most N newest records. So, the last two steps are foreach-found-remove and this is the important detail of my question, that changes everything and I had to be more specific about it - sorry.
Now, about the collection remove command. It does accept query, but mine include sorting and limiting. Can I do it with remove? Well, I have tried:
mydb.static.find(key, limit = group_size - max_group_size, sort=[('test_date', ASCENDING)])
This attempt fails miserably. Moreover, it seems to screw mongo.Observe:
bad offset:0 accessing file: /data/db/ookla.0 - consider repairing database
Needless to say, that the foreach-found-remove approach works and yields the expected results.
Now, I hope I have provided enough context and (hopefully) have restored my lost honour.
You can use a query to remove all matching documents
var query = {name: 'John'};
Be wary, though, if number of matching documents is high, your database might get less responsive. It is often advised to delete documents in smaller chunks.
Let's say, you have 100k documents to delete from a collection. It is better to execute 100 queries that delete 1k documents each than 1 query that deletes all 100k documents.
You can remove it directly using MongoDB scripting language:
Would deleteMany() be more efficient? I've recently found that remove() is quite slow for 6m documents in a 100m doc collection. Documentation at (
writeConcern: <document>,
collation: <document>
I would recommend paging if large number of records.
First: Get the count of data you want to delete:
-------------------------- COUNT --------------------------
var query= {"FEILD":"XYZ", 'DATE': {$lt:new ISODate("2019-11-10")}};
{$count: "all"}
Second: Start deleting chunk by chunk:
-------------------------- DELETE --------------------------
var query= {"FEILD":"XYZ", 'date': {$lt:new ISODate("2019-11-10")}};
var cursor = db.COL.aggregate([
{ $limit : 5 }
cursor.forEach(function (doc){
db.COL.remove({"_id": doc._id});
and this should be faster:
var query={"FEILD":"XYZ", 'date': {$lt:new ISODate("2019-11-10")}};
var ids = db.COL.find(query, {_id: 1}).limit(5);
db.tags.deleteMany({"_id": { "$in": => r._id)}});
Run this query in cmd
db.users.remove( {"_id": ObjectId("5a5f1c472ce1070e11fde4af")});
If you are using node.js write this code
User.remove({ _id: },, function(err){...});