Replicating MongoDB $bucket with conditional sum in Postgres - mongodb

I have a database with hundreds of thousands of rows with this schema:
| id | duration | type |
| 1 | 41 | cycling |
| 2 | 15 | walking |
| 3 | 6 | walking |
| 4 | 26 | running |
| 5 | 30 | cycling |
| 6 | 13 | running |
| 7 | 10 | running |
I was previously using a MongoDB aggregation to do this and get a distribution of activities by type and total count:
$bucket: {
groupBy: '$duration',
boundaries: [0, 16, 31, 61, 91, 121],
default: 121,
output: {
total: { $sum: 1 },
walking: {
$sum: { $cond: [{ $eq: ['$type', 'walking'] }, 1, 0] },
running: {
$sum: { $cond: [{ $eq: ['$type', 'running'] }, 1, 0] },
cycling: {
$sum: { $cond: [{ $eq: ['$type', 'cycling'] }, 1, 0] },
I have just transitioned to using Postgres and can't figure out how to do the conditional sums there. What would the query be to get a result table like this?
| duration_band | walking | running | cycling | total |
| 0-15 | 41 | 21 | 12 | 74 |
| 15-30 | 15 | 1 | 44 | 60 |
| 30-60 | 6 | 56 | 7 | 69 |
| 60-90 | 26 | 89 | 32 | 150 |
| 90-120 | 30 | 0 | 6 | 36 |
| 120+ | 13 | 90 | 0 | 103 |
| Total | 131 | 257 | 101 | 492 |

SQL is very good at retrieving and making calculations on data, and delivering it so getting the values you want is an easy task. It is not so good at formatting results, that why that task is typically left to the presentation layer. That said, however, does not mean it cannot be done - it can and in a single query. The difficulty is the pivot process - transforming rows into columns. But first some setup. You should put the duration data on a its own table (if not already). With the addition of a identifier which then allows multiple criteria sets (more on that later). I will proceed that way.
create table bands( name text, period int4range, title text );
insert into bands(name, period, title)
values ('Standard', '[ 0, 15)'::int4range , '0 - 15')
, ('Standard', '[ 15, 30)'::int4range , '15 - 30')
, ('Standard', '[ 30, 60)'::int4range , '30 - 60')
, ('Standard', '[ 60, 90)'::int4range , '60 - 00')
, ('Standard', '[ 90,120)'::int4range , '90 - 120')
, ('Standard', '[120,)'::int4range , '120+');
This sets up the your current criteria. The name column is the prior mentioned identifier where the title column becomes the duration band on the output. The interesting column is the period; defined as an integer range. In this case a [closed,open) range that includes the 1st number but not the 2nd - yea the brackets have meaning. That definition becomes the heart of resulting query. The query builds as follows:
Retrieve the desired interval set ( [0-5) ... ) set and append to it
a "totals" entry.
Define the list of activities (cycling, ...).
Combine these sets to create a list of interval set with each
The above gives the activity intervals which becomes the matrix generated when pivoted.
Combine the "test" table values into the above list calculating the
total time for each activity within each interval. This is the work
horse of the query. It does ALL of the calculations.
The above now contains intervals plus total activity for each cell in the matrix. However it still exists in row orientation.
With the results calculated pivot them from row orientation to
column orientation.
Finally compress the pivoted results into a single row for each interval and set the final interval ordering.
And the result is:
with buckets ( period , title, ord) as
( select period , title, row_number() over (order by lower(b.period)) ord ---- 1
from bands b
where name = 'Standard'
union all
select '[0,)','Total',count(*) + 1
from bands b
where name = 'Standard'
, activities (activity) as ( values ('running'),('walking'),('cycling'), ('Total')) ---- 2
, activity_buckets (period, title, ord, activity) as
(select * from buckets cross join activities) ---- 3
select s2.title "Duration Band" ---- 6
, max(cycling) "Cycling"
, max(running) "Running"
, max(walking) "Walking"
, max(Total) "Total "
from ( select s1.title, s1.ord
, case when s1.activity = 'cycling' then duration else null end cycling ---- 5
, case when s1.activity = 'running' then duration else null end running
, case when s1.activity = 'walking' then duration else null end walking
, case when s1.activity = 'Total' then duration else null end total
from ( select ab.ord, ab.title, ab.activity
, sum(coalesce(t.duration,0)) duration ---- 4
from activity_buckets ab
left join test t
on ( (t.type = ab.activity or ab.activity = 'Total')
and t.duration <# ab.period --** determines which time interval(s) the value belongs
group by ab.ord, ab.title, ab.activity
) s1
) s2
group by s2.ord,s2.title
order by s2.ord;
See demo. It contains each of the major steps along the way. Additionally it shows how creating a table for the intervals can be put to use. Since I dislike long queries I generally hide them behind a SQL function and then just use the function. Demo also contains this.


PostgresQL for each row, generate new rows and merge

I have a table called example that looks as follows:
ID | MIN | MAX |
1 | 1 | 5 |
2 | 34 | 38 |
I need to take each ID and loop from it's min to max, incrementing by 2 and thus get the following WITHOUT using INSERT statements, thus in a SELECT:
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 3
1 | 3 | 5
2 | 1 | 34
2 | 2 | 36
2 | 3 | 38
Any ideas of how to do this?
The set-returning function generate_series does exactly that:
generate_series(1, (max-min)/2+1) AS index,
generate_series(min, max, 2) AS value
(online demo)
The index can alternatively be generated with RANK() (example, see also #a_horse_­with_­no_­name's answer) if you don't want to rely on the parallel sets.
Use generate_series() to generate the numbers and a window function to calculate the index:
row_number() over (partition by order by g.value) as index,
from example e
cross join generate_series(e.min, e.max, 2) as g(value);

Take new columns as output table - KDB

I have a query which returns results of data, which runs on a frequent basis. The new table will contain results of the old table as well but I only want to take whatever is in new in the most recent run of the new table and send that as an email. I already have the line for the email and trade data but just need a way to be able to:
display the results of the new table to be emailed
save the complete results of the new table to be used in the next run of the query
Old results: tbl
| idx | name | age |
| 0 | Tom | 30 |
| 1 | Jerry | 25 |
| 2 | Bob | 30 |
| 3 | Ken | 45 |
New results: tbl
| idx | name | age |
| 0 | Tom | 30 |
| 1 | Jerry | 25 |
| 2 | Bob | 30 |
| 3 | Ken | 45 |
| 4 | Sam | 40 |
output required:
| 4 | Sam | 40 |
and then save the New results to be used in the next run
Thanks! :)
If the only changes between runs is that records are being appended onto the new table, you could just keep a variable denoting the last index seen and then select only those rows where idx is larger than that.
If the indexes are always increasing, this could be achieved using a query like
lastidx:exec last idx from tbl
select from tbl where idx>lastidx
If the idx values don't always increase monotonically, you could keep a count of the number of rows instead and only
lasti:count tbl
select from tbl where i>=lasti
This doesn't require saving the whole table in memory for use in the next iteration.
E.g to start with the old table had 4 rows so lasti = 4
idx name age
0 Tom 30
1 Jerry 25
2 Bob 30
3 Ken 45
The new table comes in and running the command selects the new row
idx name age
0 Tom 30
1 Jerry 25
2 Bob 30
3 Ken 45
4 Sam 40
q)select from tbl where i>lasti
idx name age
4 Sam 40
lasti can then be updated to reflect the new count
q)lasti:count tbl
One way you can get this done, assuming the idx is the unique key :
q)old:([] idx:0 1 2 3; name:`T`J`B`K; age: 30 25 30 45)
q)new:old,enlist `idx`name`age!(4; `S;40) //new output from your query
q)if[0<count i:new[`idx] except old[`idx] ; out:new i ; old:new]
idx name age
4 S 40
Another way, if your new records are always added to the last of old records:
q)old:([] idx:0 1 2 3; name:`T`J`B`K; age: 30 25 30 45)
q)i:count old
q)new:old,enlist `idx`name`age!(4; `S;40) //new output from your query
q)if[i<c:count new ; out:(i-c)#new ; old:new; i:c]
idx name age
4 S 40

How to count rows using a variable date range provided by a table in PostgreSQL

I suspect I require some sort of windowing function to do this. I have the following item data as an example:
count | date
3 | 2017-09-15
9 | 2017-09-18
2 | 2017-09-19
6 | 2017-09-20
3 | 2017-09-21
So there are gaps in my data first off, and I have another query here:
select until_date, until_date - (lag(until_date) over ()) as delta_days from ranges
Which I have generated the following data:
until_date | delta_days
2017-09-08 |
2017-09-11 | 3
2017-09-13 | 2
2017-09-18 | 5
2017-09-21 | 3
2017-09-22 | 1
So I'd like my final query to produce this result:
start_date | ending_date | total_items
2017-09-08 | 2017-09-10 | 0
2017-09-11 | 2017-09-12 | 0
2017-09-13 | 2017-09-17 | 3
2017-09-18 | 2017-09-20 | 15
2017-09-21 | 2017-09-22 | 3
Which tells me the total count of items from the first table, per day, based on the custom ranges from the second table.
In this particular example, I would be summing up total_items BETWEEN start AND end (since there would be overlap on the dates, I'd subtract 1 from the end date to not count duplicates)
Anyone know how to do this?
Use the daterange type. Note that you do not have to calculate delta_days, just convert ranges to dataranges and use the operator <# - element is contained by.
with counts(count, date) as (
(3, '2017-09-15'::date),
(9, '2017-09-18'),
(2, '2017-09-19'),
(6, '2017-09-20'),
(3, '2017-09-21')
ranges (until_date) as (
select daterange, coalesce(sum(count), 0) as total_items
from (
select daterange(lag(until_date) over (order by until_date), until_date)
from ranges
) s
left join counts on date <# daterange
where not lower_inf(daterange)
group by 1
order by 1;
daterange | total_items
[2017-09-08,2017-09-11) | 0
[2017-09-11,2017-09-13) | 0
[2017-09-13,2017-09-18) | 3
[2017-09-18,2017-09-21) | 17
[2017-09-21,2017-09-22) | 3
(5 rows)
Note, that in the dateranges above lower bounds are inclusive while upper bound are exclusive.
If you want to calculate items per day in the dateranges:
daterange, total_items,
round(total_items::dec/(upper(daterange)- lower(daterange)), 2) as items_per_day
from (
select daterange, coalesce(sum(count), 0) as total_items
from (
select daterange(lag(until_date) over (order by until_date), until_date)
from ranges
) s
left join counts on date <# daterange
where not lower_inf(daterange)
group by 1
) s
order by 1
daterange | total_items | items_per_day
[2017-09-08,2017-09-11) | 0 | 0.00
[2017-09-11,2017-09-13) | 0 | 0.00
[2017-09-13,2017-09-18) | 3 | 0.60
[2017-09-18,2017-09-21) | 17 | 5.67
[2017-09-21,2017-09-22) | 3 | 3.00
(5 rows)

Postgresql Time Series for each Record

I'm having issues trying to wrap my head around how to extract some time series stats from my Postgres DB.
For example, I have several stores. I record how many sales each store made each day in a table that looks like:
| Date | Store ID | Count |
| 2017-02-01 | 1 | 10 |
| 2017-02-01 | 2 | 20 |
| 2017-02-03 | 1 | 11 |
| 2017-02-03 | 2 | 21 |
| 2017-02-04 | 3 | 30 |
I'm trying to display this data on a bar/line graph with different lines per Store and the blank dates filled in with 0.
I have been successful getting it to show the sum per day (combining all the stores into one sum) using generate_series, but I can't figure out how to separate it out so each store has a value for each day... the result being something like:
["Store ID 1", 10, 0, 11, 0]
["Store ID 2", 20, 0, 21, 0]
["Store ID 3", 0, 0, 0, 30]
It is necessary to build a cross join dates X stores:
select store_id, array_agg(total order by date) as total
from (
select store_id, date, coalesce(sum(total), 0) as total
right join (
(select min(date) from t),
(select max(date) from t),
'1 day'
) gs (date)
cross join
(select distinct store_id from t) s
) using (date, store_id)
group by 1,2
) s
group by 1
order by 1
store_id | total
1 | {10,0,11,0}
2 | {20,0,21,0}
3 | {0,0,0,30}
Sample data:
create table t (date date, store_id int, total int);
insert into t (date, store_id, total) values

How to get back aggregate values across 2 dimensions using Python Cubes?

Using Python 3, Django 1.9, Cubes 1.1, and Postgres 9.5.
These are my datatables in pictorial form:
The same in text format:
Store table
| id | code | address |
| 1 | S1 | Kings Row |
| 2 | S2 | Queens Street |
| 3 | S3 | Jacks Place |
| 4 | S4 | Diamonds Alley|
| 5 | S5 | Hearts Road |
Product table
| id | code | name |
| 1 | P1 | Saucer 12 |
| 2 | P2 | Plate 15 |
| 3 | P3 | Saucer 13 |
| 4 | P4 | Saucer 14 |
| 5 | P5 | Plate 16 |
| and many more .... |
|1000 |P1000 | Bowl 25 |
Sales table
| id | product_id | store_id | amount |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |7.05 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |9.00 |
| 3 | 2 | 3 |1.00 |
| 4 | 2 | 3 |1.00 |
| 5 | 2 | 5 |1.00 |
| and many more .... |
| 1000| 20 | 4 |1.00 |
The relationships are:
Sales belongs to Store
Sales belongs to Product
Store has many Sales
Product has many Sales
What I want to achieve
I want to use cubes to be able to do a display by pagination in the following manner:
Given the stores S1-S3:
| product | S1 | S2 | S3 |
|Saucer 12|7.05|9 | 0 |
|Plate 15 |0 |0 | 2 |
| and many more .... |
Note the following:
Even though there were no records in sales for Saucer 12 under Store S3, I displayed 0 instead of null or none.
I want to be able to do sort by store, say descending order for, S3.
The cells indicate the SUM total of that particular product spent in that particular store.
I also want to have pagination.
What I tried
This is the configuration I used:
"cubes": [
"name": "sales",
"dimensions": ["product", "store"],
"joins": [
{"master":"product_id", "detail":""},
{"master":"store_id", "detail":""}
"dimensions": [
{ "name": "product", "attributes": ["code", "name"] },
{ "name": "store", "attributes": ["code", "address"] }
This is the code I used:
result = browser.aggregate(drilldown=['Store','Product'],
order=[("","asc"), ("","desc"), ("total_products_sale", "desc")])
I didn't get what I want.
I got it like this:
| product_id | store_id | total_products_sale |
| 1 | 1 | 7.05 |
| 1 | 2 | 9 |
| 2 | 3 | 2.00 |
| and many more .... |
which is the whole table with no pagination and if the products not sold in that store it won't show up as zero.
My question
How do I get what I want?
Do I need to create another data table that aggregates everything by store and product before I use cubes to run the query?
I have read more. I realised that what I want is called dicing as I needed to go across 2 dimensions. See:
Cross-posted at Cubes GitHub issues to get more attention.
This is a pure SQL solution using crosstab() from the additional tablefunc module to pivot the aggregated data. It typically performs better than any client-side alternative. If you are not familiar with crosstab(), read this first:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
And this about the "extra" column in the crosstab() output:
Pivot on Multiple Columns using Tablefunc
SELECT product_id, product
, COALESCE(s1, 0) AS s1 -- 1. ... displayed 0 instead of null
, COALESCE(s2, 0) AS s2
, COALESCE(s3, 0) AS s3
, COALESCE(s4, 0) AS s4
, COALESCE(s5, 0) AS s5
FROM crosstab(
'SELECT s.product_id,, s.store_id, s.sum_amount
FROM product p
SELECT product_id, store_id
, sum(amount) AS sum_amount -- 3. SUM total of product spent in store
FROM sales
GROUP BY product_id, store_id
) s ON = s.product_id
ORDER BY s.product_id, s.store_id;'
, 'VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5)' -- desired store_id's
) AS ct (product_id int, product text -- "extra" column
, s1 numeric, s2 numeric, s3 numeric, s4 numeric, s5 numeric)
ORDER BY s3 DESC; -- 2. ... descending order for S3
Produces your desired result exactly (plus product_id).
To include products that have never been sold replace [INNER] JOIN with LEFT [OUTER] JOIN.
SQL Fiddle with base query.
The tablefunc module is not installed on sqlfiddle.
Major points
Read the basic explanation in the reference answer for crosstab().
I am including with product_id because is hardly unique. This might otherwise lead to sneaky errors conflating two different products.
You don't need the store table in the query if referential integrity is guaranteed.
ORDER BY s3 DESC works, because s3 references the output column where NULL values have been replaced with COALESCE. Else we would need DESC NULLS LAST to sort NULL values last:
PostgreSQL sort by datetime asc, null first?
For building crosstab() queries dynamically consider:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
I also want to have pagination.
That last item is fuzzy. Simple pagination can be had with LIMIT and OFFSET:
Displaying data in grid view page by page
I would consider a MATERIALIZED VIEW to materialize results before pagination. If you have a stable page size I would add page numbers to the MV for easy and fast results.
To optimize performance for big result sets, consider:
SQL syntax term for 'WHERE (col1, col2) < (val1, val2)'
Optimize query with OFFSET on large table