How to do a Merge Request on Bitbucket? - merge

I have a Spring Boot project and I need to do the merge request for my branch. Until now I used GitLab, and it is very easy to do the merge request on GitLab, I just click the branches and then click the Merge Request button for a specific branch. But now I need to use Bitbucket and I can't find the Merge Request button. Can someone explain me how to do merge request for my branch dlp-1234 with master? Thank you!

I believe non GitLab platforms call it a pull request, including Bitbucket:


Pull request automatic rebase Bitbucket cloud

On Bitbucket cloud I would like to merge the pull requests using fast forward.
Now it happens a lot of times that the pull request is not up to date, because other features are merged into the develop branch before the PR is merged. Normally this should then be solved with a rebase.
I don't see the option on Bitbucket cloud to do a rebase automatically to solve this issue, and manually doing the rebase all the time isn't a solution.
Anyone a idea to solve this?
Image option on Bitbucket cloud PR merge
I expected a option to do an option for automatic rebase if the branch is not up to date

Close a pull request without merging it into the upstream branch in Azure DevOps

Is it possible to close a pull request without merging it into the upstream branch?
I am using gitflow and so I want the developer who started the feature branch to finish the feature branch rather than reviewer to merge the feature branch.
Looks like this facility is available in github.
You can abandon the Pull Request, it will close it without merging:
Ok, So if you want to merge but not delete the feature branch, there is an option. Just uncheck the delete check box.
Now using gitflow, you can now finish the branch. Then git flow will delete the branch locally as well as remotely. And before deleting locally, it will merge changes from the feature branch to the develop locally.

Pull request not appearing in upstream repository

A colleague of mine forked my GitHub repository, and he adds his modifications. However, when he makes a pull request, it is not reported to my repository: the list of open pull requests is still empty.
In order to apply his modifications on my work, I must go to his repository and apply the pull request myself
Unless I misunderstood the pull request concept, do you a have a solution on this? Should I recreate my repository?
I must inform you that repository was a private one before I made it public.
Your colleague should create a pull request that targets your repository. The easiest way to do this is to navigate to your repository and create the pull request from there:
Confirm that the base fork is the repository you'd like to merge changes into. Use the base branch drop-down menu to select the branch of the upstream repository you'd like to merge changes into.
If the pull request is created properly, targeting your repository, you should see it in your list of pull requests.

Github / EGit pull request workflow

Say I have a repo and someone forks it. Then they do work and submit a pull request. But the code contains a large number of lines and/or it creates a GUI. I'd like to fetch it so I can actually see it run from Eclipse before merging it into my master. The options I've come up with are:
Create a second repo in EGit and clone directly from their fork.
Create a new branch just for them. Then leave a comment for the request asking them to re-submit the pull request using the new branch and that I'll be closing the current request (without merging)
Always keep around a branch for them to use in their pull requests.
Besides setting up an organization on Github what else could I do?
Then leave a comment for the request asking them to re-submit the pull request using the new branch and that I'll be closing the current request
They don't have to re-submit, it you test and merge first locally, as described in the "Merging a pull request" GitHub page.
git checkout master
git pull branchname
If the local merge works, then you can go ahead and merge the pull request through the GitHub web interface.
GitHub has documented how to checkout a pull request.
As I have illustrated before in "What support for git namespaces exists in git hosting services", you can use refs/pull/<PRNumber>/head as remote pull reference, in command line or in Egit when, for instance, creating a new branch.
If the PR number is 123, you can simply use the EGit Pull action, and use pulls/123/head as reference.

in github, can I clone/merge branch online?

I want to clone/merge branch for my git repository inside github, for example merge updates in draft branch to gh-pages for publish.
And in some cases, I don't have access to command line for git command.
Is it possible to achieve this online ?
You can merge branches in GitHub using a Pull Request as long as the merge doesn't create any conflicts.
To merge a pull request on GitHub:
Create a Pull Request to merge the draft branch into the
gh-pages branch.
If it can be merged online, you'll see This pull request can be automatically merged. and a Merge pull
request button.
Click the button and you'll have a chance to Cancel the merge or add a commit message and Confirm Merge.
If you choose to Confirm Merge, the Pull Request will automatically close.
For more information, visit Github's Merging a Pull Request Help page.