writing unsorted mf4 file using asammdf - asammdf

Does asammdf offer the possibility to write unsorted mf4 files? I have seen that it can read both unsorted and sorted mf4 files
If it is possible do you know where I can find a short example?

The asammdf library always writes sorted files


Sorting file contents idiomatically with spring-batch

I have a CSV file with a number of fields. What is an idiomatic way to read the file, sort the file using a subset of fields, and then write another CSV as output.
Should I even attempt to do this in spring-batch? I understand that *nix-based OSes have the sort utility to do this, but I'd like to contain all my work within spring batch if possible.
The Batch Processing Strategies section of the documentation seems to suggest that might be standard utility steps to accomplish this:
In addition to the main building blocks, each application may use one or more of standard utility steps, such as:
Sort: A program that reads an input file and produces an output file where records have been re-sequenced according to a sort key field in the records. Sorts are usually performed by standard system utilities.
But I am not able to locate this. Any pointers most welcome!
Thanks very much!
Unless you really should do it inside Spring Batch I would suggest you do it with OS based commands.
But your point is correct, adding intermediary Steps to your Jobs to Sort/Filter or even clean DATA is a mainstream pattern used in Batch Processing or ETL Jobs.
Hope this helps.
I found out that there is a SystemCommandTasklet that is meant to run OS commands. This can be used to do things like sorting, finding unique items, etc.

How to filter Wikidata dump for a language?

I've downloaded the Wikidata truthy dump in RDF format (.nt.bz2 file). I want to limit the language of the dump to English only and generate this new filtered dump as a new .nt file.
I've tried using parallel grep to filter lines with '#en' text, but it consumes a lot of processing time.
Is there some much faster way to generate filtered dumps? Something like using Spark?
Maybe it is a bit late for you, but meanwhile a tool was generated to create custom dumps: https://tools.wmflabs.org/wdumps/
With this tool you can online define a language filter and then download an .nt file with only the relevant triples.

Better way to read multiple CSV files

I have 200 csv files based on dates. Of which, I require data from 50 files only. Should I read all 200 files and then filter them based on dates or should I read only those 50 needed files? which would be a better option performance wise?
the csv method of DataFrameReader accepts a list of path to create the dataframe.
If you know exactly the path you want, just generate a list and use it.

how to decompress and read a file containing multiple compressed file in spark

I have a file AA.zip which again contains multiple files for ex aa.tar.gz, bb.tar.gz , etc
I need to read this files in spark scala , how can i achieve that??
the only problem here is to extract the contents of zip file.
so ZIPs on HDFS are going to be a bit tricky because they don't split well so you'll have to process 1 or more zip file per executor. This is also one of the few cases were you probably have to fall back to SparkContext because for some reason binary file support in Spark is not that good.
there's a readBinaryFiles there which gives you access to the zip binary data which you can then utilize with the usual ZIP-handling from java or scala.

Which is the fastest way to read a few lines out of a large hdfs dir using spark?

My goal is to read a few lines out of a large hdfs dir, I'm using spark2.2.
This dir is generated by previous spark job and each task generated a single little file in the dir, so the whole dir is like 1GB size and have thousands of little files.
When I use collect() or head() or limit(), spark will load all the files, and creates thousands of tasks(monitoring in sparkUI), which costs a lot of time, even I just want to show the first few lines of the files in this dir.
So which is the fastest way to read this dir? I hope the best solution is only load only a few lines of data so it would save time.
Following is my code:
sparkSession.sql(s"select * from $file").head(100).toString
sparkSession.sql(s"select * from $file").limit(100).toString
If you directly want to use spark then it will anyways load the files and then it does taking records. So first even before spark logic you have to get one file name from the directory using ur technology like java or scala or python and pass that file name to text File method that won't load all files.