Microk8s Hostpath FS Usage of PVC - kubernetes

I am trying to monitor filesystem usage for pods in k8s. I am using Kubernetes (microk8s) and hostpath persistent volumes. I am running Kafka along with a number of producers to see what happens when I go past the PVC size limit among other things. I have tried getting information from the API server but it is not reported there. Since it is only using hostpath, that kind of makes sense. It is not a dynamic volume system. Doing df on the host just shows all of the volumes with the same utilization as the root filesystem. This is the same result using exec -- df within the container. There are no pvcRefs on the containers using api server, which kind of explains why the dashboard doesn't have this information. Is this a dead end or does someone have a way around this limitation? I am now wondering if the PVC limits will be enforced.

Since with hostPath your data is stored directly on the worker you won't be able to monitor the usage. Using hostPath has many drawbacks and while its good for testing it should not be used for some prod system. Keeping the data directly on the node is dangerous and in the case of node failure/replacement you will loose it. Other disadvantages are:
Pods created from the same pod template may behave differently on different nodes because of different hostPath file/dir contents on those nodes
Files or directories created with HostPath on the host are only writable by root. Which means, you either need to run your container process as root or modify the file permissions on the host to be writable by non-root user, which may lead to security issues
hostPath volumes should not be used with Statefulsets.
As you already found out it would be good idea to move on from hostPath towards something else.


Problems with using volumes in kubernetes production environments

I'm a beginner in kubernetes, and when I was reading the book, I found that it is not recommended to use hostpath as the volume type for production environment, because it will lead to binding between pod and node, but if you don't use hostpath, then if you use other volume types, when reading and writing files, will it lead to extra network IO, and will this performance suffer? Will this have an additional performance impact?
hostpath is, as the name suggests, reading and writing from a place on the host where the pod is running. If the host goes down, or the pod gets evicted or otherwise removed from the node, that data is (normally) lost. This is why the "binding" is mentioned -- the pod must stay on that same node otherwise it will lose that data.
Using a volume type and having volumes provisioned is better as the disk and the pod can be reattached together on another node and you will not lose the data.
In terms of I/O, there would indeed be a miniscule difference, since you're no longer talking to the node's local disk but a mounted disk.
hostPath volumes are generally used for temporary files or storage that can be lost without impact to the pod, in much the same way you would use /tmp on a desktop machine/
To get a local volume you can use the volume type Local volume, but you need a local volume provisioner that can allocate and recycle volumes for you.
Since local volumes are disks on the host, there are no performance trade-offs. But it is more common to use network located volumes provided by a cloud provider, and they do have a latency trade-off.

Shared file system among pods

We are running a cluster of x nodes.
Every node in the cluster pulls some files from remote storage. Unfortunately, the remote server is getting overloaded. So we are exploring a solution in which only a subset of the nodes pulls the files and are served to the remaining nodes (read-only - the other nodes do not need to write). Some subset of nodes can undergo maintenance often and can be taken offline.
I was experimenting with running NFS as a pod in a replica set with a service (fixed IP) for each of the NFS pods. If one node with the NFS-pod goes down, k8 will take care of bringing up an NFS-pod in another node with the same sticky IP.
But this new NFS would still need to remounted on the other nodes.
Any better solution for this storage problem?
Note that we would ideally not like to use remote storage since this adds extra latency.
Try Expanding Persistent Volume Claims. It's overhead for you to maintain, I recommend you to go with some locally managed the same. After that your choice.
There 2 options also recommended like : hostPath & GlusterFS volume, Please refer to this SO for more information.
#scenox suggested that's also a good option.

Why should I use Kubernetes Persistent Volumes instead of Volumes

To use storage inside Kubernetes PODs I can use volumes and persistent volumes. While the volumes like emptyDir are ephemeral, I could use hostPath and many other cloud based volume plugins which would provide a persistent solution in volumes itself.
In that case why should I be using Persistent Volume then?
It is very important to understand the main differences between Volumes and PersistentVolumes. Both Volumes and PersistentVolumes are Kubernetes resources which provides an abstraction of a data storage facility.
Volumes: let your pod write to a filesystem that exists as long as the pod exists. They also let you share data between containers in the same pod but data in that volume will be destroyed when the pod is restarted. Volume decouples the storage from the Container. Its lifecycle is coupled to a pod.
PersistentVolumes: serves as a long-term storage in your Kubernetes cluster. They exist beyond containers, pods, and nodes. A pod uses a persistent volume claim to to get read and write access to the persistent volume. PersistentVolume decouples the storage from the Pod. Its lifecycle is independent. It enables safe pod restarts and sharing data between pods.
When it comes to hostPath:
A hostPath volume mounts a file or directory from the host node's
filesystem into your Pod.
hostPath has its usage scenarios but in general it might not recommended due to several reasons:
Pods with identical configuration (such as created from a PodTemplate) may behave differently on different nodes due to different files on the nodes
The files or directories created on the underlying hosts are only writable by root. You either need to run your process as root in a privileged Container or modify the file permissions on the host to be able to write to a hostPath volume
You don't always directly control which node your pods will run on, so you're not guaranteed that the pod will actually be scheduled on the node that has the data volume.
If a node goes down you need the pod to be scheduled on other node where your locally provisioned volume will not be available.
The hostPath would be good if for example you would like to use it for log collector running in a DaemonSet.
I recommend the Kubernetes Volumes Guide as a nice supplement to this topic.
PersistentVoluemes is cluster-wide storage and allows you to manage the storage more centrally.
When you configure a volume (either using hostPath or any of the cloud-based volume plugins) then you need to do this configuration within the POD definition file. Every configuration information, required to configure storage for the volume, goes within the POD definition file.
When you have a large environment with a lot of users and a large number of PODs then users will have to configure storage every time for each POD they deploy. Whatever storage solution is used, the user who deploys the POD will have to configure that storage on all of his/her POD definition files. If a change needs to be made then the user will have to make this change on all of his/her PODs. After a certain scale, this is not the most optimal way to manage storage.
Instead, you would like to manage this centrally. You would like to manage the storage in such a way that an Administrator can create a large pool of storage and users can carve out a part of this storage as required, and this is exactly what you can do using PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims.
Use PersistentVolumes when you need to set up a database like MongoDB, Redis, Postgres & MySQL. Because it's long-term storage and not deeply coupled with your pods! Perfect for database applications. Because they will not die with the pods.
Avoid Volumes when you need long-term storage. Because they will die with the pods!
In my case, when I have to store something, I will always go for persistent volumes!

Is Kubernetes local/csi PV content synced into a new node?

According to the documentation:
A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned ... It is a resource in the cluster just like a node is a cluster resource...
So I was reading about all currently available plugins for PVs and I understand that for 3rd-party / out-of-cluster storage this doesn't matter (e.g. storing data in EBS, Azure or GCE disks) because there are no or very little implications when adding or removing nodes from a cluster. However, there are different ones such as (ignoring hostPath as that works only for single-node clusters):
which (at least from what I've read in the docs) don't require 3rd-party vendors/software.
But also:
... local volumes are subject to the availability of the underlying node and are not suitable for all applications. If a node becomes unhealthy, then the local volume becomes inaccessible by the pod. The pod using this volume is unable to run. Applications using local volumes must be able to tolerate this reduced availability, as well as potential data loss, depending on the durability characteristics of the underlying disk.
The local PersistentVolume requires manual cleanup and deletion by the user if the external static provisioner is not used to manage the volume lifecycle.
Let's say I have a single-node cluster with a single local PV and I want to add a new node to the cluster, so I have 2-node cluster (small numbers for simplicity).
Will the data from an already existing local PV be 1:1 replicated into the new node as in having one PV with 2 nodes of redundancy or is it strictly bound to the existing node only?
If the already existing PV can't be adjusted from 1 to 2 nodes, can a new PV (created from scratch) be created so it's 1:1 replicated between 2+ nodes on the cluster?
Alternatively if not, what would be the correct approach without using a 3rd-party out-of-cluster solution? Will using csi cause any change to the overall approach or is it the same with redundancy, just different "engine" under the hood?
Can a new PV be created so it's 1:1 replicated between 2+ nodes on the cluster?
None of the standard volume types are replicated at all. If you can use a volume type that supports ReadWriteMany access (most readily NFS) then multiple pods can use it simultaneously, but you would have to run the matching NFS server.
Of the volume types you reference:
hostPath is a directory on the node the pod happens to be running on. It's not a directory on any specific node, so if the pod gets recreated on a different node, it will refer to the same directory but on the new node, presumably with different content. Aside from basic test scenarios I'm not sure when a hostPath PersistentVolume would be useful.
local is a directory on a specific node, or at least following a node-affinity constraint. Kubernetes knows that not all storage can be mounted on every node, so this automatically constrains the pod to run on the node that has the directory (assuming the node still exists).
csi is an extremely generic extension mechanism, so that you can run storage drivers that aren't on the list you link to. There are some features that might be better supported by the CSI version of a storage backend than the in-tree version. (I'm familiar with AWS: the EBS CSI driver supports snapshots and resizing; the EFS CSI driver can dynamically provision NFS directories.)
In the specific case of a local test cluster (say, using kind) using a local volume will constrain pods to run on the node that has the data, which is more robust than using a hostPath volume. It won't replicate the data, though, so if the node with the data is deleted, the data goes away with it.

How do I mount data into persisted storage on Kubernetes and share the storage amongst multiple pods?

I am new at Kubernetes and am trying to understand the most efficient and secure way to handle sensitive persisted data that interacts with a k8 pod. I have the following requirements when I start a pod in a k8s cluster:
The pod should have persisted storage.
Data inside the pod should be persistent even if the pod crashes or restarts.
I should be able to easily add or remove data from hostPath into the pod. (Not sure if this is feasible since I do not know how the data will behave if the pod starts on a new node in a multi node environment. Do all nodes have access to the data on the same hostPath?)
Currently, I have been using StatefulSets with a persistent volume claim on GKE. The image that I am using has a couple of constraints as follows:
I have to mount a configuration file into the pod before it starts. (I am currently using configmaps to pass the configuration file)
The pod that comes up, creates its own TLS certificates which I need to pass to other pods. (Currently I do not have a process in place to do this and thus have been manually copy pasting these certificates into other pods)
So, how do I maintain a common persisted storage that handles sensitive data between multiple pods and how do I add pre-configured data to this storage? Any guidance or suggestions are appreciated.
I believe this documentation on creating a persistent disk with multiple readers [1] is what you are looking for. you will however only be able to have the pods read from the disk since GCP does not support "WRITEMANY".
Regarding hostpaths, the mount point is on the pod the volume is a directory on the node. I believe the hostpath is confined to individual nodes.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/persistent-volumes/readonlymany-disks
[2] https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#access-modes