MapBox Snap Map Cities boundaries update for SnapChat - mapbox

I would like to know how we can contact Mapbox team to correct cities boundaries that are not correctly defined. We tried in Snap Map settings MapBox option but that redirects to their main website. Also we found its using openstreetmap and we updated the boundaries there but those data are not synchronized with Snap Map.
Also raised a question to technical support team but not receiving any update and in their auto reply its mentioned to use "mapbox" tag in StackOverflow to get response.. Hence I am requesting here for help .. I would appreciate if we have direct way of communication to fix this boundaries issue and we will use proper communication channel for such requests. Thanks


POI not found with geocoding API

I am trying to use the MapBox Geocoding API and for it I tried to translate "Centre Hospitalier Régional d'Orléans" (that is an Hospital in France, Orléans) into Lng/Lat coordinates.
When I display a MapBox Map, I can see the POI:
And when I click it in MapBox Studio, it is well recognized as a Point Of Interest (POI) (poi-label):
But when I try to find it using the Geocoding API, I don't find it.
Here is the request I run:
Is it normal ? Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug ?
The data behind the maps and the geocoder aren't necessarily the same, so it's likely this Hospital is showing up on the map from OpenStreetMap, but isn't in the data being used for the geocoder.
Some information about data sources is at
You can report feedback about this at mentioning its a geocoding issue.

Bing Maps AJAX Control v7 Directions module fails randomly

I have implemented the Bing Maps AJAX Control v7 in a website that has 4 predefined walking routes that the user can choose. The chosen route will then be displayed on the map via the Directions module (directionsManager.calculateDirections()) and also the textual description will show up in a div container next to the map.
It all works fine, except that sometimes the directions are not returned by the API and I get the following error returned in the error callback:
Object {
responseCode: 17,
message: "Fußwege sind derzeit nicht verfügba…", // This is german for: "walking directions are currently not available"
eventName: "directionsError"
The routes are given in a JSON as simple array of waypoints. Because it does work sometimes, I would conclude the problem does have nothing to do with the waypoints itself.
Note that it does not matter whether the directions are fetched for walking or driving (same error code).
So my questions are:
Do I just have to live with it? If so, what would be best practice to handle the situation regarding user experience?
If not, what could be the cause for this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I suspect that your account is being rate limited. This occurs to trial and basic Bing Maps keys when either your account is consuming transactions at a rate that will exceed the free terms of use, or when the service is under a lot of load from others who are using Bing Maps under the free terms of use. The only way to limit the possibility of being rate limited is to upgrade to an Enterprise key. If you are using an enterprise key and are seeing this issue, then contact the Bing Maps Enterprise support team and they will investigate.

openstreetmap - closest way-object to user location

I am playing around a bit with openstreetmap data.
What I want to get is the closest "road" (i.e. way with tag 'highway' set to certain values) to the users position.
At the moment I use the API to query all Objects in a square around the user and then parse all the way elements, check their tags, check their distance to the user and so on
But that doesn't sound to elegant to me.
Is there a better solution ? maybe through the API or by installing the openstreetmap data in a local DB somehow to be able to query that directly ?
would be great if someone could point me to the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
please use "Read-Only Data APIs" for getting Data.
You must not use the "editing API" for read-only purposes or projects.
(see Terms of use)
For your purposes I would use OSM Server Side Script

Bing Map implementation

I am not familiar the bing Map
I need to display the us map for a given zip code,in a page
How can i do this
Can anyone help me please
Have a look at their API reference...
AJAX Control Version 7
AJAX Control Version 6.3
You will need to geocode the zip code first; if you only need to do this once to display a static map, then you can use this site, although there are lots of other free sites online that do the same thing. Once you have your lat/lon it's pretty straightforward to use them to center your map object.
// assume that lat, lon, and map are js variables you have already declared and set
var oLatLon = new VELatLong(lat, lon);
If the map needs to be dynamic and you'll have to geocode addresses on the fly, then I'm not sure what the best approach is. I think there are databases that contain all zipcodes & their corresponding lat/lon coordinates available for download. It might also be worth checking out the Bing MapPoints SDK.
It's easy using REST services which ship with Bing Api. Here you can find a blog post with thorough description.

Displaying nearby businesses in mapkit

Is it possible to display nearby businesses in mapkit? If not, how else can that be done?
Is there a way to display by category - restaurant, retail, museums?
Also, I don't think displaying traffic flow is available. Can anyone confirm?
The current version of MapKit does not support such features.
It's main capabilities currently are:
a scrollable/zoomable map
reverse geocoding (get the address for some given lat/long coordinates)
add annotations (pins) at a given lat/long
show phone's current location
show Standard, Satellite, or Hybrid view
To display nearby businesses, you would have to:
query a third-party for that information which would ideally return lat/long coordinates
add annotations to the map using the returned coordinates
This is an interesting and emerging business idea!
I live in Nordic region and there is an open Mashups especially for sweden.
By open i mean, any one can request and get access to the content to find nearby Cafe / WiFi / Sushi restaurants etc..
Check my iphone application which fetches content from the mashups and display using MapKit!
And there is a commercial content provider called Info24 for nordic countries at the moment.
Like DyingCactus said, it's not currently possible without using your own calls to one of the mapping service providers. There are options available, though.
One of them is CloudMade. They have a good iPhone library and support almost all of your requirements.
Check out the API at
I know this thread is kind of old, but i figured out a free alternative to do what you are looking for, more or less. You just nee to tap into a service and get a kml or JSON output. I used KML (XML) becuase i found the filesize to be consistently smaller. I wrote a 3 part series on my blog about how to do this for anyone that is interested.