Crystal Reports issue with Dynamic images from a web service - crystal-reports

I have a report with two dynamic images defined by database fields.
One is a location on our intranet :
ex: \<folder>\image.JPG
the second is being pulled from a web service :
I followed this excellent walkthrough :
which suggests "set the formula’s text to the name of the formula or parameter field that will contain the image’s URL"
during design time both images display perfectly. When running the report or when changing parameters, the first one from the hard drive works perfectly, but the second one from the web service does not update. The only way to update it is to delete the image, and start over. I have put a hyperlink on the one from the webservice, and it correctly links to the image I want to display.
I am needing this to stay as a native .rpt and not embedded with VS.
I appreciate any suggestions, or comments.

Crystal dynamic image paths don't support https. Don't blame me; I'm just the messenger.
But you can solve this by using one of the 3rd-party UFLs listed here.
One of these UFLs allows you to use the graphic location expression for the image in Crystal to on-the-fly download an image from a given url, save it to a local file, and return the path to that file.
As added advantage, it can also resize the image to avoid a known memory consumption issue when Crystal is forced to resize images.

Is the path http or https?
If https you can use a UFL to solve this.


cannot find image of webite header in joomla

Am just beginning with joomla on a site that is already existing and was previously managed by someone else who is not available at the moment. I am trying to troubleshoot a problem why the website is displaying the header differently in different PCs but I am not being able to find the image of that header file. I tried to look for it under "site > media" but cannot find the image among the images in that area. I also tried to look for the path to the image through the template css and found this path ../images/logo.png which I believe must be the path to the header image but I honestly don't really know which path ../images/logo.png is but assuming it is the one under "media" then I still cannot find the image. Could you give me a clue on where the header image files could be found cause I've actually still failed? Or, could you make me understand this path ../images/logo.png or how to find an image on a joomla admin interface like say "logo.png". In fact I discover that on looking at the CSS for the template, the image paths found in it are not found in "Media"? Is there another path for the images in the template and how do I access them? I cannot FTP my host at the moment to view the physical files due to the long procedure needed so am hoping that there is a way to find it. I only have joomla admin access and nothing like Cpanel as yet. The joomla version of the site is 1.5.22 which I know is an old one but I plan to do first things first. Hope I've given enough infor.
Try using FireBug, or Chrome debugger - (press F12) and check "Click an element in the page to inspect" to see where the specific image is located exactly.

Adding a hit counter to Desktop Intelligence/Xi 3/Business Objects webpage?

for my company I am making a report in Xi3/Desktop Intelligence that pulls data via free hand SQL and makes a html file displaying the data, updating every 20mins. We want to incorporate a hit counter that will show us the number of times this report is being viewed.
I found a couple basic templates online. I tried copying and pasting them into a cell, but the output HTML page just displayed the full HTML (unrendered by my browser). I am decent at writing my own HTML, but I just do not understand how to stick my own HTML code in a dynamically updating report in Xi3.
Moreover, I doubt (for legality reasons) my company will be okay with me using a free hit counter template I find online, especially considering they all seem to reference a third party website to do the actual "counting." Any ideas of the best way to implement/learn how to create a visitor counter?
You can include HTML in a DeskI report. In the cell that contains the HTML, click Format Cell; on the "Number" tab, there is a checkbox for "Read as HTML". Make sure that's checked off. Note that you won't see the rendered HTML within DeskI, but it will display when viewed in Infoview.

Using image resizer in crystal reports

Anyone know how or why the ImageResizer will not work in crystal reports?
If you paste the URL
xxxx.jpg.ashx?width=50 into a browser, works great.
The exact same path shows nothing when used as a image location in crystal reports (Remove the .ashx?width=50 and it immediately works again). So it's as if the image resizer is unable to execute when called from the crystal reports viewer? (I do not understand why since we have verified that any user, even without being authenticated, can reach the path through a browser)
Crystal Reports 2008, Version
In terms of diagnosing the issue, in short involving the image resizer process (by including the .ashx?width=50 on the end of the URL) is the only thing that prevents the image from showing. And this only occurs in crystal. Browsers handle the URL just fine.
UPDATE : Testing without the .ashx also proved to not work. The ?width=50 after .jpg is enough for crystal to just display a blank. (No errors, just no image)
UPDATE : Testing using &format=png or &format=jpg also did not work (Blank in crystal, works perfect in browser)
FINAL UPDATE : We ended up placing the image re-sizer software on a stand alone (what used to be a file manager box) away from our web.config, permissions, and web server and then crystal started rendering the images just fine. So we never really figured out WHY crystal could not render the images when the re-sizer software was loaded on our IIS web server\intranet.....(possibly due to integrated windows authentication turned on even though we granted access to the folder the images were in) ......but it did start working just fine when we bypassed all of that stuff.
I suggest trying an alternate URL syntax to determine if Crystal Reports is simply allergic to query strings.
Try the FolderResizeSyntax plugin "folder/resize(50,50)/image.jpg
Try the CloudFront plugin: "folder/image.jpg;width=50"
FINAL UPDATE : We ended up placing the image re-sizer software on a stand alone (what used to be a file manager box) away from our web.config, permissions, and web server and then crystal started rendering the images just fine. So we never really figured out WHY crystal could not render the images when the re-sizer software was loaded on our IIS web server\intranet.....(possibly due to integrated windows authentication turned on even though we granted access to the folder the images were in) ......but it did start working just fine when we bypassed all of that stuff.

How to turn off JasperReports generated image file names for HTML reports?

I have a Jasper report that gets sent out at a scheduled time via Quartz. After JasperReports generates the markup I shove it into an email that goes out to the customer. There are several sub-reports inside this main report with footer images at the bottom of the main report. The images src values point back to the generated image file name (the one's Jasper makes, ie: blah/img_0_0_13). I setup a web server to hold the report's generated HTML files, so they can be accessed anywhere, ie:
So my question is how do I turn off this crazy file name generation and just use something simple ie:
I am setting JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI to point to web server with the images.
Another big problem with this is if any of the sub-reports are missing due to lack of data, then the generated files for the images change. I have 4 sub-reports...
"Lazy loaded images are not given a name, because they are supposed to be loaded by the browser from a public URL available at HTML-rendering time."
There is a "Is Lazy" setting in iReport for images, which does what I want.

iReport: Uploading Image to JasperServer (fail)

I am currently using a JasperServer repository to hold reports. I would like to include an image of a logo in the upper-right hand corner of the report. However, every time I attempt to add an image to the resources I get an error that says:
Error:1 - 0
Any guesses?
This is how I did it:
Create a report on Ireport with a picture on it (e.g. logo.jpg)
Edit the .jrxml file using a text editor.
Search for the image file name. You will find the file name (with full path) in a cdata tag
Change it to <![CDATA["repo:logo.jpg"]]>
Save and Upload the report to the JasperServer
Edit the report and choose Controls & Resources.
Add a resource, select the image file (e.g. logo.jpg) and name it exactly as logo.jpg.
Submit and... run... the report :)
When you open the file again on iReport, it will only show an image generic icon...
The most likely reason for the error that you are seeing is that there's a problem with the web services configuration. The most likely problem is that the image is greater than 16Kb, so Axis needs to save the attachment to a temporary directory. A useful test is to make sure that images smaller than 16Kb work with no problems.
Your quickest workaround is to upload the picture via the JasperServer web UI. Then your report should work as expected. If so, it's also validation that the problem is with web services (not with the repository database or some other component).
The most likely permanent solution is to recursively change ownership of the directory .../webapps/jasperserver/. Or you might prefer to only chown .../webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/attachments. Or you could change the attachments directory by editing this line in server-config.wsdd:
<parameter name="attachments.Directory" value="attachments"/>