Swift: Play a local video and apply CIFilter in realtime - swift

I'm trying to play a local video and apply a CIFilter in realtime with no lag. How can I do that? I already know how to apply a CIFilter to a video in AVPlayer but the performance it's not as fast as I want.
This is my current code:
#objc func exposure(slider: UISlider, event: UIEvent) {
if let touchEvent = event.allTouches?.first {
switch touchEvent.phase {
case .moved:
player.currentItem?.videoComposition = AVVideoComposition(asset: player.currentItem!.asset, applyingCIFiltersWithHandler: { request in
let exposureFilter = CIFilter.exposureAdjust()
exposureFilter.inputImage = request.sourceImage.clampedToExtent()
exposureFilter.ev = slider.value
let output = self.exposureFilter.outputImage!.cropped(to: request.sourceImage.extent)
// Provide the filter output to the composition
request.finish(with: output, context: nil)

The problem is that you re-create and re-assign the video composition to the player item every time the slider value changes. This is very costly and unnecessary. You can do the following instead:
Create the filter somewhere outside the composition block and keep a reference to it, for instance in a property.
Also, create the composition only once and let it apply the referenced filter (instead of creating a new one with every frame).
When the slider value changes, only set the corresponding parameter value of the filter. The next time the composition will render a frame, it will automatically use the new parameter value because it uses a reference to the just-changed filter.
Something like this:
let exposureFilter = CIFilter.exposureAdjust()
init() {
// set initial composition
func updateComposition() {
player.currentItem?.videoComposition = AVVideoComposition(asset: player.currentItem!.asset, applyingCIFiltersWithHandler: { request in
self.exposureFilter.inputImage = request.sourceImage.clampedToExtent()
let output = self.exposureFilter.outputImage!.cropped(to: request.sourceImage.extent)
request.finish(with: output, context: nil)
#objc func exposureChanged(slider: UISlider) {
self.exposureFilter.ev = slider.value
// we need to re-set the composition if the player is paused to cause an update (see remark below)
if player.rate == 0.0 {
(By the way, you can just do slider.addTarget(self, action:#selector(exposureChanged(slider:)), for: .valueChanged) to get notified when the slider value changes. No need to evaluate events.)
One final note: There actually is a use case when you want to re-assign the composition, which is when the player is currently paused but you still want to show a preview of the current frame with the filter values change. Please refer to this technical note from Apple on how to do that.


What is the best way to utilize memory inside of "session(_:didUpdate:)" method?

My use case is I want to calculate various gestures of a hand (the first hand) seen by the camera. I am able to find body anchors and hand anchors and poses. See my video here.
I am trying to utilize previous position SIMD3 information to calculate what kind of gesture was demonstrated. I did see the example posted by Apple which shows pinching to write virtually, I am not sure that a buffer is the right solution for something like this.
A specific example of what I am trying to do is detect a swipe, long-press, tap as if the user is wearing a pair of AR glasses (made by Apple one day). For clarification I want to raycast from my hand and perform a gesture on an Entity or Anchor.
Here is a snippet for those of you that want to know how to get body anchors:
public func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) {
let capturedImage = frame.capturedImage
let imageRequestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer: capturedImage,
orientation: .right,
options: [:])
let handPoseRequest = VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest()
//let bodyPoseRequest = VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest()
do {
try imageRequestHandler.perform([handPoseRequest])
guard let observation = handPoseRequest.results?.first else {
// Get points for thumb and index finger.
let thumbPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(.thumb)
let indexFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(.indexFinger)
let pinkyFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(.littleFinger)
let ringFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(.ringFinger)
let middleFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(.middleFinger)
self.detectHandPose(handObservations: observation)
} catch {
print("Failed to perform image request.")

swift SpriteNode and SceneKit multiple touch gestures

I am making a word game. For this I am using SceneKit and adding a SpriteNodes to represent letter tiles.
The idea is that when a user clicks on a letter tile, some extra tiles appear around it with different letter options. My issue is regarding the touch gestures for various interactions.
When a user taps on a letter tile, additional tiles are shown. I have achieved this using the following method in my tile SpriteNode class:
override func touchesBegan(_ touches:Set<UITouch> , with event: UIEvent?) {
guard let touch = touches.first else {
delegate?.updateLetter(row: row, column: column, x:xcoord, y:ycoord, useCase: 1)
This triggers the delegate correctly which shows another sprite node.
What I would like to achieve is for a long press to remove the sprite node from parent. I have found the .removeFromParent() method, however I cannot get this to detect a long press gesture.
My understanding is that this type of gesture must be added using UIGestureRecognizer. I can add the following method to my Scene class:
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
let longPress = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self,
action: #selector(GameScene.longPress(sender:)))
#objc func longPress(sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
print("Long Press")
This will detect a long press anywhere on the scene. However I need to be able to handle the pressed nodes properties before removing it. I have tried adding the below to the longPress function:
let location = sender.location(in: self)
let touchedNodes = nodes(at: location)
let firstTouchedNode = atPoint(location).name
but I get the following error: Cannot convert value of type 'GameScene' to expected argument type 'UIView?'
This seems a little bit of a messy way of doing things, as I have touch methods in different places.
So my question is, how can I keep the current touchesBegan method that is in the tile class, and add a long press gesture to be able to reference and delete the spriteNode?
Long press gestures are continuous gestures that may be called multiple times as you are seeing. Have you tried Recognizer.State.began, .changed, .ended? I solved a similar problem doing things this way.
EDIT - I think one way to get there is to get your object on handleTap and hang on to the object. Then when LongPress happens, you already have your node. If something changes before longPress, obviously you need to reset. Sorry, this is some extra code on here, but look at hitTest.
#objc func handleTap(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer)
let location: CGPoint = recognizer.location(in: gameScene)
if(data.isAirStrikeModeOn == true)
let projectedPoint = gameScene.projectPoint(SCNVector3(0, 0, 0))
let scenePoint = gameScene.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(location.x, location.y, CGFloat(projectedPoint.z)))
gameControl.airStrike(position: scenePoint)
let hitResults = gameScene.hitTest(location, options: hitTestOptions)
for vHit in hitResults
if(vHit.node.name?.prefix(5) == "Panel")
// May have selected an invalid panel or auto upgrade was on
if(gameControl.selectPanel(vPanel: vHit.node.name!) == false) { return }
So I am not completely satisfied with this answer, however it is a work around for what I need.
What I have done is added two variables ‘touchesStart’ and ‘touchesEnd’ to my tiles class.
Then in touchesBegan() I add a call to update touchesStart with CACurrentMediaTime() and update touchesEnd via the touchesEnded() function.
Then in the touchesEnded() I subtract touchesStart from touchesEnd. If the difference is more than 1.0 I call the function for long press. If less than 1.0 I call the function for tap.

How to animate NSSlider value change in Cocoa application using Swift

How do I animate NSSlider value change so it looks continuous?
I tried using NSAnimation context
private func moveSlider(videoTime: VLCTime) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 1
self?.playerControls.seekSlider.animator().intValue = videoTime.intValue
My NSSlider still does not move smoothly.
To put you into the picture, I am trying to make a video player which uses NSSlider for scrubbing through the movie. That slider should also move as the video goes on. As I said, it does move but I can not get it to move smoothly.
There is an Apple sample code in objective-C for exactly what you are looking for. Below how it would look like in Swift.
Basically you need an extension on NSSlider
extension NSSlider {
override open class func defaultAnimation(forKey key: NSAnimatablePropertyKey) -> Any?{
if key == "floatValue"{
return CABasicAnimation()
}else {
return super.defaultAnimation(forKey: key)
Then you can simply use something like this in your move slider function.
private func moveSlider(videoTime: Float) {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 0.5
slider.animator().floatValue = videoTime

Remove SKAction and restore node state

Desired behavior is: when an action is removed from a node (with removeAction(forKey:) for instance) it stops to animate and all the changes caused by action are discarded, so the node returns back to pervious state. In other words, I want to achieve behavior similar to CAAnimation.
But when a SKAction is removed, the node remains changed. It's not good, because to restore it's state I need to know exactly what action was removed. And if I then change the action, I also will need to update the node state restoration.
The particular purpose is to show possible move in a match-3 game. When I show a move, pieces start pulsating (scale action, repeating forever). And when the user moves I want to stop showing the move, so I remove the action. As the result, pieces may remain downscaled. Later I would like to add more fancy and complicated animations, so I want to be able to edit it easily.
Thanks to the helpful comment and answer I came to my own solution. I think the state machine would be bit too heavy here. Instead I created a wrapper node, which main purpose is run the animation. It also has a state: isAimating property. But, first of all, it allows to keep startAnimating() and stopAnimating() methods close to each other, incapsulated, so it's more difficult to mess up.
class ShowMoveAnimNode: SKNode {
let animKey = "showMove"
var isAnimating: Bool = false {
didSet {
guard oldValue != isAnimating else { return }
if isAnimating {
} else {
private func startAnimating() {
let shortPeriod = 0.2
let scaleDown = SKAction.scale(by: 0.75, duration: shortPeriod)
let seq = SKAction.sequence([scaleDown,
SKAction.wait(forDuration: shortPeriod * 6)])
let repeated = SKAction.repeatForever(seq)
run(repeated, withKey: animKey)
private func stopAnimating() {
removeAction(forKey: animKey)
xScale = 1
yScale = 1
Usage: just add everything that should be animated to this node. Works well with simple animations, like: fade, scale and move.
As #Knight0fDragon suggested, you would be better off using the GKStateMachine functionality, I will give you an example.
First declare the states of your player/character in your scene
lazy var playerState: GKStateMachine = GKStateMachine(states: [
Idle(scene: self),
Run(scene: self)
Then you need to create a class for each of these states, in this example I will show you only the Idle class
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
class Idle: GKState {
weak var scene: GameScene?
init(scene: SKScene) {
self.scene = scene as? GameScene
override func didEnter(from previousState: GKState?) {
//Here you can make changes to your character when it enters this state, for example, change his texture.
override func isValidNextState(_ stateClass: AnyClass) -> Bool {
return stateClass is Run.Type //This is pretty obvious by the method name, which states can the character go to from this state.
override func update(deltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) {
//Here is the update method for this state, lets say you have a button which controls your character velocity, then you can check if the player go over a certain velocity you make it go to the Run state.
if playerVelocity > 500 { //playerVelocity is just an example of a variable to check the player velocity.
Now of course in your scene you need to do two things, first is initialize the character to a certain state or else it will remain stateless, so you can to this in the didMove method.
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
And last but no least is make sure the scene update method calls the state update method.
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
playerState.update(deltaTime: currentTime)

GKMinmaxStrategist doesn't return any moves

I have the following code in my main.swift:
let strategist = GKMinmaxStrategist()
strategist.gameModel = position
strategist.maxLookAheadDepth = 1
strategist.randomSource = nil
let move = strategist.bestMoveForActivePlayer()
...where position is an instance of my GKGameModel subclass Position. After this code is run, move is nil. bestMoveForPlayer(position.activePlayer!) also results in nil (but position.activePlayer! results in a Player object).
let moves = position.gameModelUpdatesForPlayer(position.activePlayer!)!
results in a non-empty array of possible moves. From Apple's documentation (about bestMoveForPlayer(_:)):
Returns nil if the player is invalid, the player is not a part of the game model, or the player has no valid moves available.
As far as I know, none of this is the case, but the function still returns nil. What could be going on here?
If it can be of any help, here's my implementation of the GKGameModel protocol:
var players: [GKGameModelPlayer]? = [Player.whitePlayer, Player.blackPlayer]
var activePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer? {
return playerToMove
func setGameModel(gameModel: GKGameModel) {
let position = gameModel as! Position
pieces = position.pieces
ply = position.ply
func gameModelUpdatesForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> [GKGameModelUpdate]? {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
let moves = legalMoves(ofPlayer: player)
return moves.count > 0 ? moves : nil
func applyGameModelUpdate(gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
let move = gameModelUpdate as! Move
func unapplyGameModelUpdate(gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
let move = gameModelUpdate as! Move
func scoreForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> Int {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
var score = 0
for (_, piece) in pieces {
score += piece.player == player ? 1 : -1
return score
func isLossForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> Bool {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
return legalMoves(ofPlayer: player).count == 0
func isWinForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> Bool {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
return isLossForPlayer(player.opponent)
func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject {
let copy = Position(withPieces: pieces.map({ $0.1 }), playerToMove: playerToMove)
return copy
If there's any other code I should show, let me know.
You need to change the activePlayer after apply or unapply a move.
In your case that would be playerToMove.
The player whose turn it is to perform an update to the game model. GKMinmaxStrategist assumes that the next call to the applyGameModelUpdate: method will perform a move on behalf of this player.
and, of course:
Function applyGameModelUpdate Applies a GKGameModelUpdate to the game model, potentially resulting in a new activePlayer. GKMinmaxStrategist will call this method on a copy of the primary game model to speculate about possible future moves and their effects. It is assumed that calling this method performs a move on behalf of the player identified by the activePlayer property.
func applyGameModelUpdate(gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
let move = gameModelUpdate as! Move
//Here change the current Player
let player = playerToMove as! Player
playerToMove = player.opponent
The same goes for your unapplyGameModelUpdate implementation.
Also, keep special attention to your setGameModelimplementation as it should copy All data in your model. This includes activePlayer
Sets the data of another game model. All data should be copied over, and should not maintain any pointers to the copied game state. This is used by the GKMinmaxStrategist to process permutations of the game without needing to apply potentially destructive updates to the primary game model.
I had the same problem. Turns out, .activePlayer has to return one of the instances returned by .players. It's not enough to return a new instance with matching .playerId.
simple checklist:
GKMinmaxStrategist's .bestMove(for:) is called
GKMinmaxStrategist's .gameModel is set
GKGameModel's isWin(for:) does not return true before move
GKGameModel's isLoss(for:) does not return true before move
GKGameModel's gameModelUpdates(for:) does not return nil all the time
GKGameModel's score(for:) is implemented